53 -
Hi everyone! I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to post an update for this week, I've been super busy lately but I'm not gone! I'll be working on updates here and on the wiki next Tuesday and Wednesday.
As for the sorting stuff, I kinda wish I'd done this as a database, but as it stands it's a spreadsheet. Unless someone knows a way of treating the information in a single cell as a data structure (like an array) to run a sort function on, I don't know how I can sort the listed reviews in a meaningful way. The list on the wiki does show the breakdown of reviews with the reviewer's name, which is useful.
As it stands the reviews are listed in the order the Reviewers appear in my spreadsheet, which is somewhat random. For what it's worth, the Reviewers are listed roughly in the order I found their threads on the forums.
Thanks and check back here on 9/9 for updates!
Tahlana -
Update: 8-18: This week's updates are in!
There are now 98 arcs in the Main LIST and 521 arcs in the Complete LIST! Also, all the reviews listed now have links to their original post!
I have updated the first 5 posts with all the new reviews that have been posted this week. Unfortunately the Complete List is now too large for a single post and has been split into 2 sections.
I am currently working on creating a sortable wikitable ( Rotten CoHmatoes page). Eventually I plan on creating a sequence of pages on the Ouroboros Portal wiki to enhance the usefulness of this Project! I'll post an update here when I've worked out the formatting better and created the pages!
-Tahlana -
Just a quick update, links have been added for about half of the reviews! Airhead help record all the post-ids for the reviews and now after each arc ID there is a list of the ratings with a link to the original post! Check it out, its cool
More to come soon...
Quote:Wow thank you so much Bubbawheat for finding that info that's awesome! I'll update that section right now!fixed all the ones that showed up on the MA search, the others are likely unpublished.
And the updated stats have shown me a couple things:
I am an absolute review [censored] with a tie for the most reviews @11, and my second arc up there with 6 - and a new review today bringing it to 7, and I'm consistent. Both of my arcs are averaging 4.1 stars. And I'm a little surprised that I've got the third most reviews to my name @70, under PoliceWoman and Venture.
And keep up the good (and prolific!) review work -
Here it is! The first big update to the list! Thanks again to everyone who has taken an interest in this Project! The lists, numbers, corrections and feedback have been very helpful!
This is a pretty major update as it now includes all of the reviewers on this forum (34 in all!) Here is a breakdown of all the updates:- Main LIST and Complete LIST updated: 96 and 527 arcs listed.
- Reviewer Section: I have updated the reviewer thread list and summary to reflect the current post #'s and also removed and added a couple of reviewers.
- Lost Arcs updated (some have been found, yay!)
- The LIST Stats have been updated as well to reflect the current list figures.
The Main LIST has been updated and now has 54 more arcs listed!
The Complete LIST has been updated and has 137 more arcs listed!
356 new reviews have been added from 1081 new posts and 16 new threads!
This list now comprises 947 separate reviews of 527 arcs by 34 reviewers!!!
As I have completed the compilation of the reviewer's threads I can begin looking at my to-do list of improvements! I am currently working on a way to display a breakdown of the ratings for each arc and hopefully add links to the original post! Also I'll be trying to find the missing info for the Lost Arcs so they can be reincorporated into the list on the next update.
-Tahlana -
airhead: I saw your summarized ratings and they will be included in the next update! I really like these ideas, unfortunately reviewers have no set formatting for their posts and thus I can't think of a way to automate anything.
This has all been done by hand, literally copy and pasting into a spreadsheet where I record the numbers by reviewer name, do the calculations and when I need to post it here I go through another sequences of copy-paste and add in the text to make it readable. I didn't know about the Post code, that's very handy, though as far as I can tell I'd still have to copy the link from the post # and then recopy that number from the link generated.
It might be more practical and useful for the sortable wiki table I want to make. That table would list each reviewer (and be sortable by reviewer!) and so it might be more feasible there. I'll add it to my list of future plans! (and I'd happily take you up on your offer to help)
Geek_Boy: Coulomb2's "Pro Payne" project is in my list of future threads to incorporate as it is a bit more complicated than other reviewer threads. Basically he did reviews untill he got greifed badly for them at which point he cut back on the public reviews. Later however he posted a complete list of the arcs he played with-for the most part-the ratings he gave. I have to decide whether to use only the public reviews or use the complete list he made. I'll probably end up using the complete list but I'm still weighing the choices, thus it is in my "future plans"
Clave_Dark_5: an average rating of 3.5 most likely means an arc received a 3 star and a 4 star rating, both very good ratings from forum reviewers. Currently on the master list it is shown as 3.7 with 3 ratings! (2 4's and a 3) The stars in game rounds the average rating to whole numbers and that would mean (in both cases) a 4 star.
Again I'd like to reiterate to everyone that these numbers are based on the forum reviewers most of whom give 3 and 4 stars to arcs they thought were good. Thus any arc in these lists which receives higher than 3.0 star could be considered "critically acclaimed!"
These star ratings follow reviewer opinions, some of which can be seen here! -
Quote:Captain Dynamic, the Great, Faces The Great Face is currently (in the master list which is more complete that these) rated at 3.8 with 5 reviews (3,5,5,2,4). While I appreciate that the arc underwent changes after the 2, I cannot remove the 2 rating unless it receives a re-review from that reviewer.I have one of my arcs listed, rated 2, 3, 5, and 5 by the subset of reviewers you've decided are worthy of doing reviews. A lot of editing took place since the "2".
It is my experience that there are very few arcs that actually have significant enough changes after a negative review to receive consistently higher reviews. This is purely subjective on my part, but after compiling this list I've seen a lot(I have a type of photographic memory so if an arc is on this list I recognize it) There are also several cases of arcs receiving the same rating after a re-review.
Quote:...the subset of reviewers you've decided are worthy of doing reviews...
Quote:This list makes no progress beyond the rating system already online. I do appreciate it was a lot of work. But a more practical summary would provide breakdown, links and dates of the actual reviews, so people can see:
1. Who the reviewer was (personal preferences etc)
2. Distribution of reviews (who loved/hated it, was it griefed)links to reviews beyond what I've already supplied are not practical (it is very difficult to get a link to a specific post). Including dates was considered but as this is set up as a spreadsheet (not a database) and the dates generally do not hold much significance, I opted not to record them.
One of my future plans is to upload my data into a sortable wiki table on the wiki for CoH player info. That list would show all the reviewers and their ratings. That information unfortunately is simply not practical to display on these forums (there is no way to generate a table or even use nbsp's). My spreadsheet is massive! Nearly 600 rows of arcs and 90 columns! That's 54,000 cells of data! I've done my best to filter that and make it readable in this format -
Thanks to everyone who has sent in numbers and corrections. I appreciate it very much! I'm updating my master list and I hope to push out an update to this (which will also include all the missing review threads) tomorrow or Wednesday!
GlaziusF: I've updated the list to include your newest reviews. "The Day I Tried To Live" was listed under 2 different IDs and this has been corrected.
Venture: The information for you is about a week old, the last post I used was #156 and you are up to #190. I glanced at it and it looked like you had 10 new reviews. These will be included in the update! Also with re-reviews I only count them once, using the latest rating. That brings my total to 125 and yours to 131, those missing 6 are either ones I accidentally skipped (very possible!) or reviews without a rating given which are not included here. -
Thanks so much PW! I'll add the info to the master spreadsheet right now
And ya, it's been a lot of work, but a lot of fun too. I hope to update the lists once a week to keep the info a current as possible. -
The LIST Stats
The LIST Stats Post Date: 08/18/09
Arcs in Main LIST: 98
Arcs in Complete LIST: 521
Lost Arcs: 52
Reviewers: 35
Number of Reviews: 951
Posts searched: 4844
Threads searched: 40
Information About the Project!
This Project has been broken up into multiple posts for ease of reading, referencing and updating.
I've done my best to record your ratings accurately. If you are one of the reviewers I was unable to use and would like to be included please PM me and so we can discuss options! Also, having the arc id, arc name and final rating listed in close proximity in you review makes this easierIf you notice a reviewer thread missing let me know.
If you feel the combined score is wrong, or that reviews are missing send me a PM. Also if the arc id or name are wrong or have been changed please send me the corrections!
If there is information you desperately want to see or some new means of sorting the list, PM me! I'm open to all suggestions to help make this list even more useful!!!
One of the goals of this project is to encourage more people to become reviewers and more people to submit their arcs for reviews! My hope is that this list will help players find really good quality arcs to play!
Current Project Status:
I have completed 'Phase 1': all reviewer threads are now included as indicated above. I am currently working on creating a sortable wikitable (beta version of the table here). Eventually I plan on creating a sequence of pages on the Ouroboros Portal wiki to enhance the usefulness of this Project!
Here are some of the ideas I have to expand and improve the list! If you have a suggestion feel free to post it here or PM me!
Plans for the Future:
-Include the in-game rating of arcs
-Include ratings from CoH Mission Review for arcs already in the list
-Include ratings from "random" reviews posted in Arc specific threads
-Include indicator of "recommendation" status as indicated by "favorite arcs" type posts
-Non-reviewer threads of future interest:
These are the threads with information I hope to incorporate into the list at some point in the future:
Neighborhood Chronicles – Open Reviews
Pro Payne: From 1 to 50 in M.A. (suggest arcs!)
Must Play/Fun Arcs
AE Story Arc Recommendations
(unofficial) NOMINATIONS for Dev's Choice
Mission Arc Critiquing Thread
Ratings from these other sources would likely be weighted less than the reviewer's ratings but could still be a valuable addition to improve the accuracy of the averages. If there are other sources you feel could be taken into account or you have suggestions or reasons for appropriate statistical weights, please PM me.
Special Thanks
I want to say thanks to PW, Wrong_Number, MrCaptianMan, Armsman, airhead, Bubbawheat, GlaziusF and Zamuel for sending in numbers, corrections and summaries of their review threads. It has been tremendously helpful! Thanks to Bubbawheat for "finding" all the previously Lost Arcs in-game and giving me the data
And Super Thanks to airhead for working with me to set up and record the links to all the individual review posts! It was no small task and he did a fantastic job!I think it has really enhanced the usefulness of the Project!
Thanks for taking the time to peruse this project, I hope you found it interesting and useful!
Update 8/18/09: This list is current as of 11:11 am PDT. See post # for exact cut off. Reviews posted after this will be included in next week's update. See post below for further details. Thank you! -
3.0 stars (6 reviews) -- The Horsemen Chronicles (Part 1) (#195149) by @Citizen Razor 2 -- reviews: 3, 3, 1, 4, 3, 4
3.0 stars (4 reviews) -- Simple Times (#70801) by @Justice Blues -- reviews: 3, 3, 3, 3
3.0 stars (4 reviews) -- Halloween Night (#227436) by @BinkDeBook -- reviews: 3, 3, 2, 4
3.0 stars (3 reviews) -- The Oblivion Lens (#91897) by @Mr Beatdown -- reviews: 2, 3, 4
3.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Every Rose... (#17702) by @Kitsune9tails -- reviews: 3, x, 3, 3
3.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Dark Dreams (#3615) by @Dumok -- reviews: 4, 2, 3
3.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Zero Entertainment (#44824) by @BungeeBall -- reviews: 2, 4
3.0 stars (2 reviews) -- The Trifecta Task Force (#164681) by @Ashcraft -- reviews: 2, 4
3.0 stars (2 reviews) -- The Stream of Time (#40738) by @Silent Spy -- reviews: 2, 4
3.0 stars (2 reviews) -- The Saga of Uuralur the Mirror (#36492) by @Dr. G -- reviews: 3, 3
3.0 stars (2 reviews) -- The Perfect Drug (#244209) by @Zikar -- reviews: 2, 4
3.0 stars (2 reviews) -- The New Freaks in Town (#72852) by @Initiator -- reviews: 4, 2
3.0 stars (2 reviews) -- The Mystery of the MAGI vaults (#2409) by @Madcat 88 -- reviews: 3, 3
3.0 stars (2 reviews) -- The Ideality - Part 1: A New Foe (#42436) by @parhaius -- reviews: 3, 3
3.0 stars (2 reviews) -- The Galaxy Girl Maneuver (#132673) by @SlickRiptide -- reviews: 3, 3
3.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Sings like an Angel while the Devil Plays along (#53641) by @Taxibot Sara2.0 -- reviews: 2, 4
3.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Shadowlight: Part I (#60484) by @Phoebe Pondera -- reviews: 2, 4
3.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Shades of Betrayal, Acts of Salvation (#59147) by @Dr. Spoon -- reviews: 3, 3
3.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Seekers of the Grail (#6999) by @Nova Mauler -- reviews: 3, 3
3.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Savage War (#59152) by @Aracade -- reviews: 4, 2
3.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Rapp'Mas'Ta's War (#8121) by @El Spark -- reviews: 3, 3
3.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Mecha Mutiny: Quatrexin’s Quandary (#246604) by @Feizel -- reviews: 3, x, 3
3.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Hearts on Fire (#1472) by @Chyron HR -- reviews: 1, 5
3.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Bugs and Robots, ma'am, bugs and robots (#53433) by @Nod -- reviews: 3, 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Who is the Master? (#31599) by @Servercat -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Welcome to Donut World (#1233) by @Ridiculous Girl -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Waves of Chaos (#181244) by @Darch Angel -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Vicarious Vision (#1702) by @DRadium -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Vectors of Infection (#141338) by @Binary10 -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- To Hell and Back (#1026) by @pohsyb -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- To Catch a Firebird (#105889) by @Anastasiya -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Time and Time again. Act 1. (#25314) by @Ethan Black -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- This Costume Contest Sponsored By Tubbius! (#101933) by @Tubbius -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Wolfpack Chronicles (Part 1) (#242869) by @Citizen Razor -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Strange Tale of Silent Witness (#114250) by @Flagrant Fowl -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Secret Origin of: Lil' Red Hood (#183480) by @Crasical -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Revenge of Fred Wonka (#40522) by @Ridgid -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Phoenix Orb (#26898) by @GoliathBK -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Magic of Longbow (#128646) by @SkitchNM -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Mage with the Golden Wand (#1036) by @Peregrine Falcon -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Madness and the Minotaur (#90124) by @Creegin -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Legacy of Joe, the Longbow Eagle (#1009) by @Fearghas -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Internet is for Crime (#53385) by @DK242-B -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Infernian Invasion (#98299) by @Magmus Rules -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Ideality - Part 2: An Ideal Plan (#103737) by @parhaius -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Hero Simulator Chapter 2, The Robot Mystery (#243591) by @Graeve -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Fuhrer's Fury (#18145) by @Kidou -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Four Treasures of the Tuatha de Danaan (#164100) by @Perceptor II -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Existence of a Gnome (#154205) by @Pencilguy -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Delilah Pact (#9584) by @SoulTrain -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Balance of Power Part I (#26931) by @Xer'tul -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Ambitions of Small Men (#24926) by @goldwalker -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Amazing Rat Race (#1144) by @Aehaed -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Aegis Affair (#16376) by @Lycanus -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Terrors of Old (#124746) by @Dark Aspect -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Temporal Anomalies - The Jamie Salladon Task Force, Part 1/2 (#3962) by @Dyne -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Tale of the Creatures from Another Forbidden Planet! (#97983) by @Train Wreck -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Suffer the Children (#4983) by @SiShong OR @Carbon Copy -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Spanks For The Memories (#21144) by @Spatch -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Shift Awesome! (#97358) by @Marhus V8.0 -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Saving the Haven Children (#4102) by @IneffableBob -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Ruinous Destiny (#258133) by @Dreamlord Kuzuji -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Romulo and Juliette (#45146) by @Mikali Rhino -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Roleplayer Renegades (#110733) by @Clorius -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Relativity Be Damned (#177370) by @Tragic Eight Ball -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Reflection of Spirit (#66477) by @Radionuclide -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Red Scare (#77395) by @Brightmantle -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Pawn Promotion (#113954) by @Duchess Frost -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Parts Unknown (#78964) by @Captain Meson -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Paragon Heresy (#57462) by @Midrealm Dragon -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Out of Time (#94443) by @Frightfall -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Ouroboros Chronicles: Evolution of a Hero, Part one. (#23284) by @Neon Flash -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Origin 5th Element - Part I "Get Max" (#41646) by @Cain Lightning -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- One Shot Wonders: Wreckless Jo (#128214) by @RedKnight -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Nothing Left to Lose (#83170) by @JasonBrass -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- No Honour Among Thieves (#4336) by @Lili -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Mystic Fridge (#290569) by @Vr2lRose -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Letterman and the Debbies (#32158) by @Psiclops -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Legacy Chain Task Force (#4824) by @Alyiah -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Just Say No! (#120475) by @Mr. Mud -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- I Will Dance On Your Grave (#92630) by @dugfromthearth -- reviews: 3, x
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Hunters of Beasts: It starts with a riot... (#110465) by @Lycanus -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Horus Heresy part 2: The Emperor's Shield (#207710) by @Asha Kaye -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Horus Heresy part 1: Enemy at the Gates (#203670) by @Asha Kaye -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Grim and the Green (#61156) by @Quinch -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Go Go Chromatic Rangers! (#40686) by @Kong Fuu -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Getting to Know Crey Financial: the Teaser (#1034) by @NiteLash -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Gamble for Oakes (#103878) by @Jinken -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Frank Sinatra escaped from hell and has kidnapped TV star Kelly Ripa (#45878) by @redjoe -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Fallen Angel-Risen Pariah (#154022) by @Diamond Devilis -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Enter, the Darkened (#107230) by @Steeple -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- End the Deadstorm (#4066) by @Reska -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Dimensional Rift Detected! (#232910) by @Killo -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Destined Champion of the Multiverse (#128476) by @Purple Badger -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Death by Candlelight (#31817) by @HalcyonHaze -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Deal with The Devil’s Pawn (#207266) by @Alari Azure -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Council Empire: Rise of the Maquis (#15988) by @Lord NightBlade -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- City of Ho Ho Help: A Prequel (#267125) by @Tubbius -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Carebears Kidnap PvP (#11548) by @Ignicity -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Cadence (#66137) by @Para Omni -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Brokering the Brickers (#37724) by @Zereck Goldmoon -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Bob's Crazy Car Dealership (#139668) by @Garrott -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Blood For Roses (#161399) by @Tobacconist -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Blight (#140423) by @Witch Engine -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Big Trouble King's Row Style (#259924) by @Thom -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Axis and Allies (#1379) by @PW -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Assault on Aru Prime (#174586) by @Aisynia -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Ant Attack (#1665) by @Rose -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- An Army of One (#204987) by @Stormherald -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Stitch in Time.... (#59925) by @Remnar -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Jaunt Into Dataspace (#1438) by @Meagen -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A helping hand can lead to broken fingers (#171149) by @jawbreaker -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Glimpse Into Eternity (#38604) by @Lord Regulus -- reviews: 3
2.8 stars (5 reviews) -- In Pursuit of Liberty (#221702) by @Gypsy Rose -- reviews: 2, 2, 3, x, 3, 4
2.8 stars (4 reviews) -- The Empire - One Alliance (#1044) by @StratoNexus -- reviews: 3, 4, 2, 2
2.8 stars (4 reviews) -- Facing Chaos (#105163) by @Aracade -- reviews: 1, 2, 4, 4
2.8 stars (4 reviews) -- Brass Reaver: Part 1 (#244755) by @Turbo-Ski -- reviews: 2, 2, 4, 3
2.8 stars (2 reviews) -- Temporal Anomaly (#134013) by @Crazyman UXB -- reviews: 2.5, 3
2.8 stars (2 reviews) -- Fallen Angel: Crossing Over (#111352) by @twiig -- reviews: 4.5, 1
2.7 stars (3 reviews) -- Illpracticed Malpractice (#246459) by @Zamuel -- reviews: 2, 3, 3
2.7 stars (3 reviews) -- Coming Unglued (#6015) by @Linarra -- reviews: 2, 3, 3
2.6 stars (7 reviews) -- Hunting the Dark Dragon (#2922) by @Acid Zero -- reviews: 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2.5, 3
2.5 stars (2 reviews) -- Save the Spiderlings (#13986) by @Jetpack -- reviews: 3, 2
2.5 stars (2 reviews) -- Kung Fu On The Loose (#77533) by @BlackSun 17 -- reviews: 1, 4
2.5 stars (2 reviews) -- Kiss Hello Goodbye (#156389) by @Kitsune9tails -- reviews: 1, 4
2.5 stars (2 reviews) -- It Does a Body Good? (#12798) by @Benchpresser -- reviews: 2, 3
2.5 stars (2 reviews) -- End Game - Final Moves (#17006) by @Calash -- reviews: 2, 3
2.5 stars (1 reviews) -- A Temporal Disaster: Part One (#97135) by @Stordarth -- reviews: 2.5
2.3 stars (3 reviews) -- The Wool Over One's Eyes (#1033) by @Cap'tain Amazing -- reviews: 1, 2, 4
2.0 stars (4 reviews) -- The Day I Tried To Live (#214195) by @Mr. Crowley -- reviews: 1, 1, 3, 3
2.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Heaven's Not Enough (#15381) by @Rikis -- reviews: 4, 1, 1
2.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Effrego Quartus Parietis (#45525) by @Wintermutant -- reviews: 1, 3, 2
2.0 stars (2 reviews) -- This is War, Part I - the Revenge of Hro'Dtohz (#1356) by @Acid Zero -- reviews: 1, 3
2.0 stars (2 reviews) -- The Environmentalist Encounter (#47796) by @Squeakersman -- reviews: 2, 2
2.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Neutrality and Brutality (#16338) by @Benchpresser -- reviews: 1, 3
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- When Trouble Blows In (#26095) by @SilverAgeFan -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Warrior's Three (#64855) by @Noght -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Time's Arrow (#2567) by @Escalus -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Unborn Conspiracy: The Council of Thorns (#5381) by @Puhma -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Shadowy Way of Light (#221466) by @Kemli -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Search for Time (#100185) by @Unstoppable Mr B -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Power from Out of Space (#64800) by @Dr. Spoon -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Nemesis Theory (#171203) by @Red Zero -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Luxury of Time (#89989) by @Novanaut -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Crey Conundrum, Act I - Project: Sleeper (#149765) by -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Calling of the Cult (#64859) by @Misho -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Super Science Invasion (#9691) by @Device -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Spectre of the Gun's Search (#173659) by @Leaf Cutter Ant -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Shenanigans on Striga (#91644) by @Beanstalk1 -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Seldom Told Tales - Statesman and the Atomic Soldier (#8993) by @Fyst -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Regalists declare war on Project Vigilance (#125388) by @Tilt -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Red Typhoon (#4912) by @MM3 Squints -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Poaching the Lion (#1841) by @Detective Big -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- MirrorsirroM (#251306) by @Dot Communist -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Midnight Bells Toll (#12217) by @Mylia Stenetch -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Less Mew Mew, More Pew Pew (#16108) by @kidengineer -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- In Her Own Image (#2085) by @Cap'tain Amazing -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Heroes at War - 1944 (#77928) by @Shrikefire -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Foundation 2.0: The First Op (#1462) by @Pheonyx -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Crawling From The Wreckage (#108375) by @cristelmoon -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- City of Oz pt 1 (#19226) by @D'Shan Steelclaw -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Catching Lightning in a Bottle (#60639) by @Hertz -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Brass Reaver: Part 2 (#244759) by @Turbo-Ski -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Beyond the Door (#73207) by @Gabriel Wolf -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Battle for Mercy Island (#185895) by @Ponytail -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Attack of the Cliches (#99836) by @Leatherneck CoV -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Arachnos Research and Development: A Security Breach (#28817) by @Master Zaprobo -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A tale of Past Victory PvPers (1st Draft) (#80830) by @r-x -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Spider Weaves His Web (#100306) by @Kalen -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Monumental Occasion (#249003) by @Eminent Domain -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Midnight Almost Tragedy (#170506) by @Cobalt -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Grave Undertaking (#120646) by @Micro-Burst -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Father's Iron Will (#198952) by @KemLi -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Crusher Crimewave #1: Crisis at The Citadel (#179354) by @CaptHitGuy -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- 5th Column Barnyard Beatdown (#175440) by @Eternal Arcanist -- reviews: 2
1.5 stars (2 reviews) -- Second Generation Hero (#99865) by @Rampager -- reviews: 2, 1
1.5 stars (2 reviews) -- Passing Notes (#72475) by @Aracade -- reviews: 1, 2
1.5 stars (2 reviews) -- Arch Enemy of the Imperialist (#67098) by @IMPERIALIST -- reviews: 2, 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Vienna Rising (#286563) by @Escalus -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Uniocracy of Gray TaskForce Pt.1 (#106017) by @Thunder Cat HOooo -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Secret of Area 51 (#158678) by @Cold Bob -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Rise of Evil Part 1 (#9028) by @ScooterTwo -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Perfect Brew (#2007) by @Green Dwarf -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Maltese Bird of Prey (#207827) by @Zafft -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Hero Who Loved Me (#268965) by @Jade-Star -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Hero Simulator, Chapter 1, the Beta Testers (#243590) by @Graeve -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Heresy (#208459) by @Abscission -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- New Flame Rising (#161066) by @MutaJenn -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Meet the Icerya (#276103) by @knightcri -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Longbow Gauntlet (#8067) by @Onyx Weaver -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Lights, Camera, Scream! (#177826) by @DeadGods -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Guns, Girls and Gills (#150854) by @Sightless Sally -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Future Foretold (#34452) by @Ohana o Pele -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Find Jack's Hair (#43636) by @Clouded -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting (#2517) by @drfantasy -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Embers of the Thorn (#174368) by @Soul Fane -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Princess of Mars (#175675) by @Iron -- reviews: 1
The Lost Arcs
These are arcs which have been reviews but which could not be verified in-game. They have likely been deleted or renamed. If your arc is in this list or you have updated information please send me a PM so I can correct it!
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- 2nd Generation Hero (#41429) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 2
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Career of Evil (#8928) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Dinosaur Dilemma (#62774) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 1
4.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Flame That Burns Bright (#112548) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 4
3.3 stars (4 reviews) -- A Hero's Halo (#1992) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 4, 5, 1, 3
x stars (0 reviews) -- A Heroes Final Stand (#53131) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: x
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Warrior's Friend (#>>NO ID<<) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 5
2.5 stars (2 reviews) -- A Week in the Life of a Villain (#153720) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 2, 3
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Alliance: Alien (#77277) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 1
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Architect Error: 0001 - A Bug in the System (#23458) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 5
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Black Sunrise (#2693) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Blondes Revenge (#150638) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 2
4.0 stars (1 reviews) -- BluDeth (#126908) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 4
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Do your part: Clean up the park (#84741) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 3
4.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Exploring the Architect (#2711) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 4
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Furry Menace (#>>NO ID<<) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 1
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Hero of Twilight (#>>NO ID<<) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 2
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Hero of Twilight (#>>NO ID<<) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 2
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Heroic Rescue (Extended Version) (#1501) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Hooray for Hamster Hell! (#246464) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 3
4.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Inversion Point (#>>NO ID<<) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 4
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Merulina Awakens! (#11102) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Nemesis Plot? (#73479) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 3
4.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Ninja Crimewave (#2142) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 4
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Now Hiring (#26420) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 2
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Origin of Mezzolith (#77406) by Is it @Lazer Light? -- reviews: 3
4.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Over the Rainbow (#66042) by Is it @Chaintinker? -- reviews: 4
4.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Point and Counterpoint – Part One (#>>NO ID<<) by @Spazztic -- reviews: 4
1.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Rescue The Cabana Bois (#163005) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 1, 1
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Rise of the Hellions (#>>NO ID<<) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 1
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Romio and J'Let (#3291) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 3
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Somewhere to Belong (#118009) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 2
4.0 stars (1 reviews) -- THE BOMBER (#16607) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 4
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Broken Chain (#81378) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 3
3.0 stars (3 reviews) -- The Devs must die! (#113956) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 2, 3, 4
2.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The End of All things (#85556) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 2
3.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Endless Battle (#87248) by Is it @Rock Crag? -- reviews: 3
1.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Final Nemesis (#14826) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews: 1
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Invasion of the Bikini-Clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space! (#61013) by >>NOT FOUND<< -- reviews:- REPLY-COUNT replies
The Complete LIST
5.0 stars (4 reviews) -- Two Households Alike (#126582) by @Venture -- reviews: 5, 5, 5, 5
5.0 stars (4 reviews) -- The Amulet of J'gara (#1709) by @Lazarus -- reviews: 5, 5, 5, 5
5.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Becky's Revenge (#60197) by @New Age Ronin -- reviews: 5, 5, 5
5.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Pandas vs. Rikti (#68930) by @Shadow-Rush -- reviews: 5, 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys? (#63910) by @KillDozer -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Wholesale Soul Sale (#4178) by @Wonderslug -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Unusual Alliance (#145387) by @Runic Skye -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Un Braquage Or-Normes (#177513) by @Kupun -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Two Chicks at Once (#83920) by @Interface -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- To Serve Crey (#210267) by @SDragon -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Tidebringer (#12590) by @Midnight Guard -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Unmaking, Part 1: Entropic Ascension (#46405) by @Ocyron -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Twisted Tongue (#1444) by @Days -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Storyteller: Sabrina's Tale (#1237) by @Redbone1 -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Shadow Rune of the Warlocks (#124319) by @RedWarlock -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Shadow of Eibhon (#292449) by @Photonstorm -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Self-Improvement of Sophia Schwartz (#179648) by @Malimar -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Scavenger Hunt (#187076) by @StrykerX -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Return of the Tremon (#148625) by @Boomerang -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Night Has a Thousand Eyes (#121455) by @Doctor Minerva -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Next War on Drugs (#245042) by @anachrodragon -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Love Talker: a City of Heroes Faerie Tale (#30242) by @Djinniman -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Horrible Mr. Caractacus (#10721) by @Lady Sadako -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Galactic Protectorate - 04 (#269714) by @Unknown Hero -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Fireside Poet (#189439) by @MutaJenn -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Dead and the Damned (#87912) by @Found Boy -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Bestest Radio Mission Ever (#1526) by @Leese -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- The Art of Villainy (#43405) by @Alika-Awesome -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Splintered Shields (#253991) by @Venture -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Speedy's Low lvl Hero Training Service (#64275) by @Kituno -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Something comes to Yarmouth (#58812) by @Oliin -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Seeking Men (#169114) by @Fatare -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Saving Grace (#124477) by @Spry -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Release the Dragon (#229358) by @Nebs -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Pagkagising ng Kaluluwa (#230100) by @Bayani -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Of Sound Body and Mind (#13107) by @Mr. Mud -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Of mentors and Legacy (#1589) by @Aliana Blue -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Lockdown (#250142) by @Mandu -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Last Caress pt.1 (#69088) by @Fukushu -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Karmic Exchange (#47550) by @Braxzana -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Just Say "No" to Dihydrogen Monoxide! (#176460) by @Mukinsanus -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Jerk Hackers! (#162482) by @Heraclea -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Idol Hands (#141376) by @Adoniel -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Forget the Rose, Send Me the Thorns (#8925) by @Hydrophidian -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- For Love or Monkeys (#175803) by @Wonderslug -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Fireside Poet (#189439) by -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Females for Hire (#110723) by @suedenim -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Fate & Destiny (#140129) by @Cap'tain Amazing -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Fatale Attraction (#181264) by @Major Paragon -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Equal Representation (#143912) by @Flamemaiden -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Enter Sandman (#113839) by @Oren Shinju -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Don't Play With The Dead (#260107) by @Obscene -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Do Onto Others (#120452) by @Kthu1 -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Digital Love (#3571) by @Matres -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Defeat the String thief (#15726) by @Stitch Whitewolf -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Crimes of Fashion (featuring the Facemaker) (#79822) by @New Age Ronin -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Chris Jenkins: Attorney at Law (#204942) by @Liberal Conspiracy -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Avgrunden Oppnas (#188971) by @TerminusEst13 -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Astoria in D Minor (#41565) by @The Cheshire Cat -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings (#61866) by @TheDeepBlue -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Hero is Made, Not Born (#20863) by @OverlordIndigo -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Death in the Gish (#168760) by @Neuronia -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Day in the Life of...Dr. Aeon (#1296) by @Fuzun -- reviews: 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- A Bad Hand from a Worse Dechs (#195202) by @DechsKaison -- reviews: x, 5
5.0 stars (1 reviews) -- :: 24 hours :: (#171693) by @Silver Sentinel -- reviews: 5
4.9 stars (7 reviews) -- Teen Phalanx Forever! (#67335) by @PW -- reviews: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5
4.8 stars (5 reviews) -- Soldiers of Fortune (#4431) by @Mekkanos -- reviews: 5, 5, 5, 4, 5
4.8 stars (4 reviews) -- A Warrior's Journey - The Flower Knight Task Force (#260284) by @PW -- reviews: 4, 5, 5, 5
4.8 stars (3 reviews) -- The Revenge of Dr. Marcovici (#161797) by @Sneekers -- reviews: 5, 5, 4.5
4.8 stars (3 reviews) -- MacGuffin Delivery Service (#1567) by @Lazarus -- reviews: 5, 5, 4.5
4.7 stars (5 reviews) -- The Audition 1-3 (#221240) by @MrCaptainMan -- reviews: 4, 5, 5, 5, 4.5
4.7 stars (3 reviews) -- A Show of Hands (#296884) by @Lazarus -- reviews: 4, 5, 5
4.6 stars (5 reviews) -- Dream Paper (#1874) by @GlaziusF -- reviews: 4, 5, 5, 5, 4
4.6 stars (4 reviews) -- The History of Statesman (#219484) by @jjac -- reviews: 4, 5, 5, 4.5
4.5 stars (8 reviews) -- Bricked Electronics (#2180) by @GlaziusF -- reviews: 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5
4.5 stars (7 reviews) -- Celebrity Kidnapping (#1388) by @PW -- reviews: 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4.5
4.5 stars (4 reviews) -- The Audition 4-6 (#221242) by @MrCaptainMan -- reviews: 3, 5, 5, 5
4.5 stars (4 reviews) -- Poi, Demonology, and Everything I Learned From Hellions (#164235) by @londerwost -- reviews: 4, 5, 4.5, 4.5
4.5 stars (4 reviews) -- Escalation (#6143) by @FemFury -- reviews: 5, 4, 5, 4
4.5 stars (4 reviews) -- Eclipse Over Paragon (#64609) by @jjac -- reviews: 4, 5, 5, 4
4.5 stars (2 reviews) -- The Sleeping Star (#53951) by @Leese -- reviews: 4, 5
4.5 stars (2 reviews) -- The Portal Bandits (#3326) by @Lazarus -- reviews: 5, 4
4.5 stars (2 reviews) -- The Fan Club (#5898) by @Rush Bolt -- reviews: 5, 4
4.5 stars (2 reviews) -- The Extadine Lab (#2595) by @Vanden -- reviews: 5, 4
4.5 stars (2 reviews) -- The All-Seeing Eye (#57352) by @Steele Magnolia -- reviews: 4, 5
4.5 stars (2 reviews) -- Pirate's Quest: A Tale of Sound and Fury (#217930) by @Silvers1 -- reviews: 4, 5
4.5 stars (2 reviews) -- Of Futures Past (#254599) by @Lazarus -- reviews: 4, 5
4.5 stars (2 reviews) -- Heroes No More? (#36861) by @EmperorSteele -- reviews: 5, 4
4.5 stars (2 reviews) -- Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls. (#158876) by @Tahlana -- reviews: 5, 4
4.5 stars (2 reviews) -- Freaks, Geeks and Men In Black (#161629) by @Archdemon -- reviews: 4, 5
4.5 stars (2 reviews) -- Forever Lost (#135563) by @Starsman -- reviews: 4, 5
4.5 stars (2 reviews) -- Et In Arcadia Ego (#281575) by @FredrikSvanberg -- reviews: 4, 5
4.5 stars (2 reviews) -- Cutthroat Competition (#10171) by @Frozen Northman -- reviews: 5, 4
4.5 stars (2 reviews) -- Can You Win The Internet? (#85544) by @twelfth -- reviews: 4, 5
4.5 stars (2 reviews) -- Blowback (#4643) by @Venture -- reviews: 5, 4
4.5 stars (2 reviews) -- All in the Family (#128109) by @Zerek Goldmoon -- reviews: 5, 4
4.5 stars (2 reviews) -- Aeon's Nemesis (#161865) by @Darkonne -- reviews: 5, 4
4.5 stars (2 reviews) -- A Clean Break (#30821) by @Crimson Racer -- reviews: 4, 5
4.5 stars (1 reviews) -- Why We Fight (#253990) by @Venture -- reviews: 4.5
4.5 stars (1 reviews) -- The Rise and Fall of the Radioactive Bikini Squad (#1928) by @Wyrm -- reviews: 4.5
4.5 stars (1 reviews) -- The Paragon Caper (#65246) by @Pippy -- reviews: 4.5
4.5 stars (1 reviews) -- The Golden Scepter (#9852) by @Mystic Fortune -- reviews: 4.5
4.5 stars (1 reviews) -- Silver Aged (#280017) by @Lazorman -- reviews: 4.5
4.5 stars (1 reviews) -- It's just a Jump to the Left... (#83476) by @Aphrodite -- reviews: 4.5
4.5 stars (1 reviews) -- Destroy Bad Grammar (#235007) by @Ashcraft -- reviews: 4.5
4.4 stars (5 reviews) -- The Missing (#37636) by @Shadow-Rush -- reviews: 3, 5, 4, 5, 5
4.4 stars (5 reviews) -- The Knights of Rularuu (#225318) by @Vanden -- reviews: 4, 5, 4, 5, 4
4.3 stars (6 reviews) -- The Fracturing of Time (#171031) by @Tahlana -- reviews: 5, 3, 5, 4, 5, 4
4.3 stars (6 reviews) -- In Poor Taste (#259920) by @Wrong Number -- reviews: 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4
4.3 stars (3 reviews) -- Time's Maelstrom (#182874) by @Armory1 -- reviews: 3, 5, 5
4.3 stars (3 reviews) -- The Galactic Protectorate - 02 (#117281) by @Unknown Hero -- reviews: 3, 5, 5
4.3 stars (3 reviews) -- Light of the Sun (#89545) by @Skydance -- reviews: 4, 5, 4
4.3 stars (2 reviews) -- Whack a Mole (#2711) by @Bubbawheat -- reviews: 5, 3.5
4.3 stars (2 reviews) -- Tailor Made (#258291) by @anarchodragon -- reviews: 4, 4.5
4.3 stars (1 reviews) -- Samurai’s Destiny (#47492) by @Uzzi -- reviews: 4.25
4.3 stars (1 reviews) -- Pest Control (#271731) by @JadKin -- reviews: 4.25
4.2 stars (9 reviews) -- The Consequences of War - Part I (#227331) by @Dalghryn -- reviews: 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 2, 5, 5
4.2 stars (5 reviews) -- Trademark Infringement (#2220) by @Wrong Number -- reviews: 4, 4, 4, 5, 4
4.2 stars (5 reviews) -- Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name (#178774) by @Silvers1 -- reviews: 5, 5, 2, 4, 5
4.2 stars (5 reviews) -- Dr. Dave and the Copper Legion (#60280) by @theHedoren -- reviews: 4, 4, 5, 3, 5
4.2 stars (5 reviews) -- [ZQ] Power Play (#187269) by @Sumerian -- reviews: 4, 4, 4, 4, 5
4.2 stars (3 reviews) -- Chocolatier Wars! (#1153) by @Electroanagesia -- reviews: 3, 5, 4.5
4.1 stars (9 reviews) -- Matchstick Women (#3369) by @Bubbawheat -- reviews: 4, 5, 4, 4.5, 4, 3, 5, 3, 4.75
4.1 stars (7 reviews) -- Captain Dynamic, the Great, Faces The Great Face (#190069) by @Aehaed -- reviews: 3, 5, 5, 2, 4, 5, 5
4.1 stars (11 reviews) -- Ctrl + Alt + Reset! (formerly Time Loop) (#137561) by @Bubbawheat -- reviews: 3, 5, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 3, 2.5, 5
4.0 stars (7 reviews) -- A Tangle in Time (#2622) by @jjac -- reviews: 5, 1, 5, 5, 4, 3, 5
4.0 stars (5 reviews) -- The Consequences of War - Part II (#241496) by @Dalghryn -- reviews: 3, 4, 5, 5, 3
4.0 stars (4 reviews) -- The Galactic Protectorate - 01 (#47143) by @Unknown Hero -- reviews: 3, 3, 5, 5
4.0 stars (4 reviews) -- The Bravuran Jobs (#5073) by @GlaziusF -- reviews: 4, 3, 4, 5
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Through Rose-Tinted Glasses (#101681) by @Leese -- reviews: 3, 5, 4
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- The Lost Choir: Chapter Three: Apocrypha (#141011) by @MrSquid -- reviews: 3, 4, 5
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Saints and Sinners Part Two: Blood is Thicker than Wire (#123721) by @Arashi -- reviews: 4, 4, 4
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Rise of the Drakule (#51357) by @LaserJesus -- reviews: 4, 4, 4
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Quoth the Raven (#74617) by @Sroxah -- reviews: 4, 4, 4
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- How To Survive a Robot Uprising (#12669) by @Wall of Knight -- reviews: 4, 3, 5
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Enter the Father Hat Gang (#21391) by @Backfire -- reviews: 3, 4, 5
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Digital Transition (#143017) by @Heroic -- reviews: 2, 5, 5
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Council's Long Con (#1579) by @HolyEvilAoD -- reviews: 4, 4, 4
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Blitzkrieg (#3416) by @Mekkanos -- reviews: 3, 5, 4
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Amazon-Avatars (#5909) by @FemFury -- reviews: 5, 4, 3
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- A.E.'s Premium Quality Mission: "guaranteed qualityyyyLOADING ERROR 0.000459" (#148476) by @Dave Clark 5 -- reviews: 4, 5, 3
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- To Slay Sleeping Dragons (#111486) by @DLancer -- reviews: 5, 3
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- The Rikti Accession (#278757) by @Mekkanos -- reviews: 3, 5
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- The Outcast Outcasts (#2050) by @Xaphan -- reviews: 4, 4
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Standing Within the Mists (#209473) by @Liberal Conspiracy -- reviews: 3, 5
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force (#58363) by @Cavatina -- reviews: 5, 3
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Nobody of Consequence (#7780) by @JasonBrass -- reviews: 4, 4
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Marked Man (#3463) by @Zikar -- reviews: 3, 5
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem (#5299) by @Travlr -- reviews: 3, 5
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- In The Shadow of the Towers (#1402) by @TheDeepBlue -- reviews: 4, 4
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Impossible Kung Fu Mission! (#111367) by @Spiral Architect -- reviews: 4, 4
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Future's End (#255895) by @Justice Blues -- reviews: 3, 5
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Freaks and Geeks (#55715) by @El Condor -- reviews: 5, 3
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Fine Literature (#136522) by @Elisenda -- reviews: 4, 4
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Fighting Freedom (#177930) by @LaserJesus -- reviews: 4, 4
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Defying Fate (#110866) by @tensionfade -- reviews: 3, 5
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Ashley Porter and the Gorilla War (#130809) by @suedenim -- reviews: 4, 4
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- All Consuming (#261148) by @Lazarus -- reviews: 4, 4
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- Accidents and Emergencies (#105110) by @Peacemoon -- reviews: 4, 4
4.0 stars (2 reviews) -- A Lame Joke (#22982) by @Elisenda -- reviews: 3, 5
4.0 stars (1 reviews) -- Who is Leonard Grubbenberry? (#1896Reviewer Information
Reviewer Stats
The following is an alphabetical list of all the reviewers used to make the list and some basic stats:
5th Elemental -- 10 arcs reviewed -- 4.18 stars average rating
airhead -- 57 arcs reviewed -- 4.56 stars average rating
anachrodragon -- 15 arcs reviewed -- 4.00 stars average rating
Beach Lifeguard -- 61 arcs reviewed -- 3.86 stars average rating
Bubbawheat -- 74 arcs reviewed -- 3.76 stars average rating
Cheriour -- 2 arcs reviewed -- 4.00 stars average rating
Citizen Razor -- 19 arcs reviewed -- 3.37 stars average rating
DeviousMe -- 11 arcs reviewed -- 4.00 stars average rating
dragonslay -- 40 arcs reviewed -- 3.40 stars average rating
GahLakTus -- 5 arcs reviewed -- 3.50 stars average rating
Glazius -- 72 arcs reviewed -- 3.53 stars average rating
Hell_O_Ween -- 7 arcs reviewed -- 3.86 stars average rating
HolyEvilAoD -- 24 arcs reviewed -- 3.08 stars average rating
Interface -- 1 arcs reviewed -- 4.00 stars average rating
JadKni -- 5 arcs reviewed -- 4.25 stars average rating
Jophiel -- 9 arcs reviewed -- 4.33 stars average rating
LaserJesus -- 35 arcs reviewed -- 2.91 stars average rating
Lazarus -- 63 arcs reviewed -- 4.10 stars average rating
londerwost -- 13 arcs reviewed -- 3.92 stars average rating
Mind4EverBurning -- 7 arcs reviewed -- 3.43 stars average rating
Mirror Man -- 9 arcs reviewed -- 3.89 stars average rating
Misho -- 5 arcs reviewed -- 4.00 stars average rating
MrCaptainMan -- 39 arcs reviewed -- 3.81 stars average rating
Ozzie Arcane -- 6 arcs reviewed -- 4.67 stars average rating
parkin -- 38 arcs reviewed -- 3.42 stars average rating
Peacemoon -- 6 arcs reviewed -- 4.25 stars average rating
PoliceWoman -- 92 arcs reviewed -- 3.64 stars average rating
ridiculous_girl -- 3 arcs reviewed -- 4.00 stars average rating
Spell Blade -- 5 arcs reviewed -- 3.60 stars average rating
SteelSky -- 20 arcs reviewed -- 4.25 stars average rating
Stomphoof -- 2 arcs reviewed -- 4.00 stars average rating
Talen Lee -- 31 arcs reviewed -- 3.10 stars average rating
theHedoren -- 8 arcs reviewed -- 4.00 stars average rating
Venture -- 118 arcs reviewed -- 3.00 stars average rating
Wrong Number -- 38 arcs reviewed -- 4.22 stars average rating
Reviewer Threads
This is an alphabetical list of all the reviewer threads on this forum that have been use to compile the LIST. The most recent post # recorded is also listed.
5th_Elemental: Canon Fodder post #36
airhead: Airheaded Editorials post #46*
anachrodragon & londerwost: Lowbie Arc Reviews by an Altaholic Couple post #121
Beach_Lifeguard: I'll review and rate post #287**
Beach_Lifeguard: I'll Review and Rate, Part II post #25*
Bubbawheat: Reviews for Short arcs. post #127**
Bubbawheat: Shifting through time! In-character reviews! post #52*
Bubbawheat: Bubbawheat's weekly reviews! post #91*
Cheriour: Arc Reviews post #11**
Citizen_Razor: Citizen Razor's Attempt at a Review Thread post #115
DeviousMe: I Am Critic, Hear Me Roar post #76**
dragonslay: Arc Reviews 3: Three times a charm post #146**
GahLakTus: Fly-by-Night Arc Reviews post #39**
GlaziusF: CoHMR Aggregator post #207*
HolyEvilAoD: Arc Reviews 3: The Final Dimension post #111**
JadKni: Giving this a try post #19
Jophiel: Lowbie Missions Needed post #48**
LaserJesus: LaserJesus' Crucible of Unforgiving Criticism post #109
Lazarus_NA: Honest Lazarus's Discount Reviews! post #67
Lazarus_NA: Arc Reviews 4: The Resurrection! post #175**
Mirror_Man: Mirror_Man's Review Thread! post #42
Misho: I'll review arcs. post #41**
MrCaptainMan_NA: MCMs 5-Star Reviews! post #79
MrCaptainMan_NA: MCMs 'Written As I Go' reviews. post #144**
OzzieArcane: Ozzie's Arcane Asylum (Review Thread) post #31*
parkin: In your thread - stealing your reviews. post #52**
Peacemoon: You play mine, I'll play yours post #53**
PoliceWoman: Who Reviews the Reviewers? post #43**
PoliceWoman: I'll try yours if you'll try mine post #376
ridiculous_girl: The Ridiculous Girl Arc Review-O-Rama post #153**
Spell_Blade: Just Another Arc Review Thread - Spell Blade post #17**
SteelSky: The Unofficial Official Lowbie MA Review Thread! post #59**
Stomphoof: You Play Mine and I Play Yours! REVISED EDITION post #31**
Talen_Lee: Arc Reviews 2: The Knockoff post #354
theHedoren: theHedoren's Friendly QPQ Review Corner post #39**
Venture_NA: Venture's Reviews IV: The Search for Part III post #204*
Venture_NA: Arc Reviews post #755**
Venture_NA: Venture's Reviews II: The Nightmare Continues post #338**
Wrong_Number: Wrong Number’s Short and Sweet (1-3 Mission Arc Reviews) post #5*
Wrong_Number: Wrong Number's Ha Ha Hut (humor arc reviews) post #120*
* Active Thread: These threads have had new reviews posted within 1 week. May have more current content than reflected here.
** Inactive Thread: These threads have not had new reviews posted in over 1 month.
Reviewers Not Used
These are the threads with reviews I was unable to incorporate into the list for the reasons given:
Altoholic_Monkey: The Epics, The Sequels, The Independents Reason: No public reviews listed
Interface: Purple Lovin's highly sarcastic review pit Reason: Arcs not given numerical rating
Stomphoof: I will Review Your Arc - VIDEO STYLE! Reason: Ratings in videos only not posted in thread
TerminusEst13: ZERO STARS: The Worst of the Worst of MA Reason: MST3K style with "negative" ratings
GlaziusF: Only overall score counted
anachrodragon & londerwost: ratings recorded separately
ridiculous_girl: most reviews not included due to no rating given
Hell_O_Ween: no individual thread found, reviews in Arc Reviews threadNEW TODAY: Update: 8-18: All reviews now have links to the original posts!
Introduction to The Rotten CoHmatoes Project
With the advent of the new forums and the ability to edit posts, an idea I've had for a while now can finally come to fruition! (bad puns and all!)
Rotten CoHmatoes (as the name obviously implies!) is a list of all the arcs that have been reviewed on these forums with a score reflecting the overall average rating given by the reviewers. Some arcs have had a lot of reviews (the most is over 10!), and some have only had 1. Currently the main shows only those arcs which have had more than 3 reviews. The complete list show all arcs (over 500 arcs!). The Lists are both sorted by the overall average rating (see below for more details).
There have been a lot of really great review threads that have been buried by time. Many are now defunct, the reviewers having ceased to post, but the arcs they reviewed are still out there and many are still getting reviews! Now you can see the results of all their past works without digging through over 350 threads to find them!
This list is continually being updated. Check back often for the latest list!
The posts following this have additional information about this project:
I.... The Main LIST (3+ reviews)
II... Information about the LIST
III.. Reviewer Information
IV.. The Complete List
V... The Lost Arcs
VI.. The LIST Stats
VII. About the Project
VIII. Special Thanks
The Main LIST (3+ reviews)
Note: Each rating an arc has received from reviewers is listed after the arc id with a link to the original post.
5.0 stars (4 reviews) -- Two Households Alike (#126582) by @Venture -- review: 5, 5, 5, 5
5.0 stars (4 reviews) -- The Amulet of J'gara (#1709) by @Lazarus -- review: 5, 5, 5, 5
5.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Becky's Revenge (#60197) by @New Age Ronin -- review: 5, 5, 5
4.9 stars (7 reviews) -- Teen Phalanx Forever! (#67335) by @PW -- review: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5
4.8 stars (5 reviews) -- Soldiers of Fortune (#4431) by @Mekkanos -- review: 5, 5, 5, 4, 5
4.8 stars (4 reviews) -- A Warrior's Journey - The Flower Knight Task Force (#260284) by @PW -- review: 4, 5, 5, 5
4.8 stars (3 reviews) -- The Revenge of Dr. Marcovici (#161797) by @Sneekers -- review: 5, 5, 4.5
4.8 stars (3 reviews) -- MacGuffin Delivery Service (#1567) by @Lazarus -- review: 5, 5, 4.5
4.7 stars (5 reviews) -- The Audition 1-3 (#221240) by @MrCaptainMan -- review: 4, 5, 5, 5, 4.5
4.7 stars (3 reviews) -- A Show of Hands (#296884) by @Lazarus -- review: 4, 5, 5
4.6 stars (5 reviews) -- Dream Paper (#1874) by @GlaziusF -- review: 4, 5, 5, 5, 4
4.6 stars (4 reviews) -- The History of Statesman (#219484) by @jjac -- review: 4, 5, 5, 4.5
4.5 stars (8 reviews) -- Bricked Electronics (#2180) by @GlaziusF -- review: 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5
4.5 stars (7 reviews) -- Celebrity Kidnapping (#1388) by @PW -- review: 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4.5
4.5 stars (4 reviews) -- The Audition 4-6 (#221242) by @MrCaptainMan -- review: 3, 5, 5, 5
4.5 stars (4 reviews) -- Poi, Demonology, and Everything I Learned From Hellions (#164235) by @londerwost -- review: 4, 5, 4.5, 4.5
4.5 stars (4 reviews) -- Escalation (#6143) by @FemFury -- review: 5, 4, 5, 4
4.5 stars (4 reviews) -- Eclipse Over Paragon (#64609) by @jjac -- review: 4, 5, 5, 4
4.4 stars (5 reviews) -- The Missing (#37636) by @Shadow-Rush -- review: 3, 5, 4, 5, 5
4.4 stars (5 reviews) -- The Knights of Rularuu (#225318) by @Vanden -- review: 4, 5, 4, 5, 4
4.3 stars (6 reviews) -- The Fracturing of Time (#171031) by @Tahlana -- review: 5, 3, 5, 4, 5, 4
4.3 stars (6 reviews) -- In Poor Taste (#259920) by @Wrong Number -- review: 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4
4.3 stars (3 reviews) -- Time's Maelstrom (#182874) by @Armory1 -- review: 3, 5, 5
4.3 stars (3 reviews) -- The Galactic Protectorate - 02 (#117281) by @Unknown Hero -- review: 3, 5, 5
4.3 stars (3 reviews) -- Light of the Sun (#89545) by @Skydance -- review: 4, 5, 4
4.2 stars (9 reviews) -- The Consequences of War - Part I (#227331) by @Dalghryn -- review: 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 2, 5, 5
4.2 stars (5 reviews) -- Trademark Infringement (#2220) by @Wrong Number -- review: 4, 4, 4, 5, 4
4.2 stars (5 reviews) -- Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name (#178774) by @Silvers1 -- review: 5, 5, 2, 4, 5
4.2 stars (5 reviews) -- Dr. Dave and the Copper Legion (#60280) by @theHedoren -- review: 4, 4, 5, 3, 5
4.2 stars (5 reviews) -- [ZQ] Power Play (#187269) by @Sumerian -- review: 4, 4, 4, 4, 5
4.2 stars (3 reviews) -- Chocolatier Wars! (#1153) by @Electroanagesia -- review: 3, 5, 4.5
4.1 stars (9 reviews) -- Matchstick Women (#3369) by @Bubbawheat -- review: 4, 5, 4, 4.5, 4, 3, 5, 3, 4.75
4.1 stars (7 reviews) -- Captain Dynamic, the Great, Faces The Great Face (#190069) by @Aehaed -- review: 3, 5, 5, 2, 4, 5, 5
4.1 stars (11 reviews) -- Ctrl + Alt + Reset! (formerly Time Loop) (#137561) by @Bubbawheat -- review: 3, 5, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 3, 2.5, 5
4.0 stars (7 reviews) -- A Tangle in Time (#2622) by @jjac -- review: 5, 1, 5, 5, 4, 3, 5
4.0 stars (5 reviews) -- The Consequences of War - Part II (#241496) by @Dalghryn -- review: 3, 4, 5, 5, 3
4.0 stars (4 reviews) -- The Galactic Protectorate - 01 (#47143) by @Unknown Hero -- review: 3, 3, 5, 5
4.0 stars (4 reviews) -- The Bravuran Jobs (#5073) by @GlaziusF -- review: 4, 3, 4, 5
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Through Rose-Tinted Glasses (#101681) by @Leese -- review: 3, 5, 4
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- The Lost Choir: Chapter Three: Apocrypha (#141011) by @MrSquid -- review: 3, 4, 5
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Saints and Sinners Part Two: Blood is Thicker than Wire (#123721) by @Arashi -- review: 4, 4, 4
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Rise of the Drakule (#51357) by @LaserJesus -- review: 4, 4, 4
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Quoth the Raven (#74617) by @Sroxah -- review: 4, 4, 4
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- How To Survive a Robot Uprising (#12669) by @Wall of Knight -- review: 4, 3, 5
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Enter the Father Hat Gang (#21391) by @Backfire -- review: 3, 4, 5
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Digital Transition (#143017) by @Heroic -- review: 2, 5, 5
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Council's Long Con (#1579) by @HolyEvilAoD -- review: 4, 4, 4
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Blitzkrieg (#3416) by @Mekkanos -- review: 3, 5, 4
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Amazon-Avatars (#5909) by @FemFury -- review: 5, 4, 3
4.0 stars (3 reviews) -- A.E.'s Premium Quality Mission: "guaranteed qualityyyyLOADING ERROR 0.000459" (#148476) by @Dave Clark 5 -- review: 4, 5, 3
3.9 stars (7 reviews) -- Hero Therapy! (TM) (#119228) by @Ridiculous Girl -- review: 3, 5, 4, 4, 3, 5, 3.5
3.9 stars (7 reviews) -- Future Skulls (#4727) by @Justice Blues -- review: 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 5
3.9 stars (11 reviews) -- Death to Disco! (#84420) by @Wrong Number -- review: 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4.25, 4, 4
3.8 stars (5 reviews) -- Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend (#114284) by @FredrikSvanberg -- review: 4, 3, 5, 3, 4
3.8 stars (4 reviews) -- Too Many Bunnygirls! (#101165) by @Clave Dark 5 -- review: 4, 4, 3, 4
3.7 stars (7 reviews) -- The Doctor Returns (#1152) by @FredrikSvanberg -- review: 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 5, 3
3.7 stars (3 reviews) -- Trollbane (#106553) by @Wall of Knight -- review: 3, 4, 4
3.7 stars (3 reviews) -- The Superadine Revolution (#262739) by @SpaceNut -- review: 3, 4, 4
3.7 stars (3 reviews) -- The Galactic Protectorate - 03 (#174352) by @Unknown Hero -- review: 3, 4, 4
3.7 stars (3 reviews) -- The Double-Edged Sword (#4384) by @theHedoren -- review: 5, 4, 2
3.7 stars (3 reviews) -- The Case of the Late Richard Faraday (#181165) by @Awesomus Prime -- review: 3, 4, 4
3.7 stars (3 reviews) -- Secret Origins (Tech): The Snake Women of Epsilon V (#42221) by @DK242-B -- review: 3, 4, 4
3.7 stars (3 reviews) -- Saints and Sinners Part One: The Order of Steel (#118104) by @Arashi -- review: 3, 4, 4
3.7 stars (3 reviews) -- City of Ho Ho Ho, or A Claus in Paragon (#18775) by @Tubbius -- review: 4, 4, 3
3.7 stars (3 reviews) -- Chains of Blood (#4829) by @Venture -- review: 3, 4, 4
3.6 stars (7 reviews) -- Small Fears (#12285) by @Wall of Knight -- review: 5, x, 3, 3, 4.5, 3, 5, 2
3.6 stars (5 reviews) -- If you teach a man to make a fish (#244484) by @Heronator -- review: 2, 5, 4, 4, 3
3.6 stars (5 reviews) -- A Close Encounter (#233720) by @Baler -- review: 3, 4, 4, 3, 4
3.6 stars (4 reviews) -- Rider's Ribs Restaurant Rescue (#163967) by @Zamuel -- review: 4, 3, 4, 3.5
3.5 stars (4 reviews) -- Childhood Horrors (#5349) by @Xenite Blackthread -- review: 4, 3, 2, 5
3.5 stars (3 reviews) -- A Voyage Fantastic (#81829) by @Stalemate -- review: 3, 4, 3.5
3.4 stars (7 reviews) -- Is it Live or is it Memory-X? (#70210) by @Armsman -- review: 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4
3.3 stars (6 reviews) -- BE Prologue: Gangs United (#250480) by @Ozzie Arcane -- review: 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3
3.3 stars (4 reviews) -- The Descender (#261925) by @Mr Squid -- review: 3, 4, 4, 2
3.3 stars (4 reviews) -- Have a Blap, Blap, Blappy Day Kids! (#2019) by @Wrong Number -- review: 4, 3, 3, 3
3.3 stars (4 reviews) -- Entrusted with the Other Secret (#120462) by @ObsidianDevil -- review: 3, 3, 4, 3
3.3 stars (3 reviews) -- The Lost Choir: Chapter Two: The New Testament (#136959) by @MrSquid -- review: 4, 4, 2
3.3 stars (3 reviews) -- Return of the Three Fold King (#163274) by @Stomphoof -- review: 3, 2, 5
3.3 stars (3 reviews) -- Operation Pitcher Plant (#4370) by @MechaGM -- review: 3, 3, 4
3.3 stars (3 reviews) -- Jenkins's Guide to Super-Villainy (#84008) by @Circuit Boy -- review: 4, 5, 1
3.1 stars (6 reviews) -- The Lost Choir: Chapter One: The Old Testament (#123675) by @MrSquid -- review: 1, 4, 4, 4, 2, 3.5
3.0 stars (6 reviews) -- The Horsemen Chronicles (Part 1) (#195149) by @Citizen Razor 2 -- review: 3, 3, 1, 4, 3, 4
3.0 stars (4 reviews) -- Simple Times (#70801) by @Justice Blues -- review: 3, 3, 3, 3
3.0 stars (4 reviews) -- Halloween Night (#227436) by @BinkDeBook -- review: 3, 3, 2, 4
3.0 stars (3 reviews) -- The Oblivion Lens (#91897) by @Mr Beatdown -- review: 2, 3, 4
3.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Every Rose... (#17702) by @Kitsune9tails -- review: 3, x, 3, 3
3.0 stars (3 reviews) -- Dark Dreams (#3615) by @Dumok -- review: 4, 2, 3
2.8 stars (5 reviews) -- In Pursuit of Liberty (#221702) by @Gypsy Rose -- review: 2, 2, 3, x, 3, 4
2.8 stars (4 reviews) -- The Empire - One Alliance (#1044) by @StratoNexus -- review: 3, 4, 2, 2
2.8 stars (4 reviews) -- Facing Chaos (#105163) by @Aracade -- review: 1, 2, 4, 4
2.8 stars (4 reviews) -- Brass Reaver: Part 1 (#244755) by @Turbo-Ski -- review: 2,- REPLY-COUNT replies
Thank you for playing the arc, I'm glad you enjoyed it. You're right in guessing that there was a lot more I wanted to have that the AE just couldn't do, it's hard to get the otherwordly and alien looks throughout. I've also considered writing a prequel that would give more background on the Kyrdosi and Raigaus (first mission's aliens) but for this arc I've squeezed in all that I could manage!Quote:Thank you for playing and reviewing the arc and I'm glad you enjoyed it. As for the ending, since ultimately I felt I couldn't really make it any more dark without violating the player's character, this was as close to a full sacrifice as I could get.Arc Name: The Fracturing of Time
Author: @Tahlana
ID#: 171031
(I really liked this arc's story as something different than normal. It has a real sense of self-sacrifice which is the ultimate heroic act. Unfortunately it can't be a true sacrifice as nothing really changes after the arc to your character. So that means that it has to come back to normal at the very end, which felt a little off compared to the rest of the arc. Also, the echoes which you fight the most often, seem to have a small group, as I only saw 1 of each minion, lieut, and boss. I understand this is probably due to size, with the live aliens (1 mob), the enemy aliens (3? mobs), the essences (1 mob), and the echoes (3? mobs) If you do have room I would suggest one more minion and lieut of the echoes. If you do happen to have more than one live alien, you only need one.)
I would love to add more characters to all the factions if I had room but unfortunately the arc is at 99.89% capacity. I tried to make each character significant in its appearance and description for the story.Quote:Thanks for taking the time to play and review the arc! I appreciate it but I have a few questions...The Fracturing of Time
Arc ID: 171031
Author: @Tahlana
Rating: 3 stars
Quote:First, why would they build a device that they themselves cannot use?
Quote:The second is the sudden time jump in the second mission. I understand that it's supposed to show that I've been separated from the normal flow of time by being in another plane of existence, but it didn't really end up portraying that effectively to me.
Quote:First, since the player can't really have any meaningful dialogue, suddenly being jaunted from time and having the player character's memories being somehow from before the events of the Kydrosi is entirely on the player to imagine.
Second, if I don't remember this mysterious shadow man at all, what reason do I have to enter a yawning Void of Doom at his command?
Third, the time/memory jaunting is only used at that point, meaning that it really is not necessary to the story. Considering the problems it can cause, and since I had these problems others might as well, it's probably doing more harm than good.
Quote:The contact is a fragment of myself created by my trip into the Shadow Void, and always has been. It was not a Kydrosi Scientist at the beginning like it claimed.
Quote:The contact is a fragment of myself created by my trip into the Shadow Void, and always has been. It was not a Kydrosi Scientist at the beginning like it claimed. The story says as much, and the souvenir confirmed it. Considering that I activated the device which caused the Kydrosi to become fragmented and attempt to destroy all of reality, and that this is what caused me to enter the Shadow Void, and that me entering the Shadow Void is what caused this fragment to exist outside of space/time, and the fragment is what initially brought me there to activate the device in the first place, then none of the events of the arc should have happened.
Even if we throw out the intrinsic paradox of having to cause the near apocalypse before the near apocalypse can begin, the problem still exists that the fragment of myself knows exactly what caused the near apocalypse, and yet brings me to the Kydrosi homeworld specifically to cause it.
Considering that using the device causes them to become mere fragments of themselves that seek only destruction that cannot be saved, and in the end will be destroyed when I save reality, then the best possible thing to do is nothing. Let them be destroyed by the conquering aliens. The Kydrosi are doomed, no matter what. The contact knows all of this, as he experienced it first hand. Yet he still brings me to the planet to cause this whole mess, for no reason other than to cause it. Thanks to this flaw, the entire arc is rendered nonsensical.
Quote:The boss in the third mission said $Name and $Heshe instead of my name and the proper gender.
This is a style choice. System text only shows up for one person, is often missed or ignored and it can scroll past before the encounter is over. This way it's more likely to be seen and more than one player can see it!Quote:This just needs to be quoted and requoted and requoted until the Devs hear it and give us a means of making 'favorites' lists and 'authors' lists and sorting by something other than ratings and dates.I mean does anyone really care that some disgruntled high school kids gave the Grapes of Wrath 1-star reviews on Amazon.com? Or that those same kids gave some terrible anime series glowing 5-star reviews? Not really, and I would say part of the reason for that is that Amazon's star rating system is not the primary metric for discovering content on the site. Discovery is based on a robust search engine, browse categorization, and detailed product attributes. The addition of keywords to MA was a start, but it's still not enough.
The ratings are meaningless anyway because many arcs still have 0 stars from the pre-i15 (I know of at least 5 that do) while some arcs got them removed. Its a bug that probably will never get fixed. The 0 stars were mindless griefs and now there are lots of arcs with mindless 1 star griefs. I think the idea of mindful 5 star kudos is a nice way to counter the rampant griefing.
"Kindness is not weakness, nor cruelty strength. Rather, kindness flows from the inner strength of those sure in themselves."That was a wonderful review, great to read! The in-character walkthru was really fun, it made me feel like someone experiencing the story. And great in-character description of everything, made it very real.
[Are they on hard or higher?]
[/ QUOTE ]
Nothing is set fully to hard, most are a custom setting between easy and hard based on the power set I needed. However, for the most part they all have an attack and a defence, mostly regen since it doesn't have a special effect.
Thanks for the note on the mission title and the crystals, I'll see about rewording their bios to include a more explicit description of destroying what is causing the fracture. And those Rikti maps seem to like splitting up the spawns, so I'll make the objective just need the boss.
[Oh for a shadow shard map, eh?]
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd kill for a shadow shard map!!! YOU HEAR THAT DEVS???
[The Fractures themselves are described earlier as being larger than the ones Ive already seen, but theyre nictus crystals again. Is there maybe a larger object you could use?]
[/ QUOTE ]
It's a pity but there are precious few choices of objects that aren't "solid". Most are mundane CoH items and I wish there were more weird things. I've had to settle for using the same item but describing and naming them in a larger way. I do like the idea of adding text to the guards, I'll have to try and squeeze a line or two in (I'm sitting at 99.2%!) if I can.
[One thing I intitially had a small issue with was that I wasnt sure where exactly Scoop was supposed to be during the briefings etc; once I decided that he was asleep and in a strange otherworldly state, those issues went away.]
[/ QUOTE ]
The difficulty of this arc is to balance the surreality of it with the reality of CoH. I hesitate to describe too much of what is not seen in-game as I've gotten feedback that says the arc "requires too much imagination" as it is. The only time I describe where you are is in the "About Contact". Really tho it could be different for different characters. For me it is the Void Shadow, but for another, just a dream. As this is, in a way, a 'personal journey' I wanted to leave a bit of the setting nebulous so that people could interpret it however most apropos for their character. I think that for Scoop it may have just been a dream, for another it might have been real. What do you think? Does that approach work or do you think it too vague for most?
Thanks so much for the review and feedback. It was really useful and helpful and I really appreciate that! I'm so glad you liked it too! Really made my evening
As Scoop says, " sure, Ill drink ta that!"
Cheers!Nice work on your reviews! If you have room in your queue, feel free to take a look at "The Fracturing of Time" (id 171031). Thanks, I always appreciate the feedback!I personally have liked arcs with both cannon and custom stuff, though the ones with purely custom are very hard to find. When I first heard of AE I'd hoped it would be used to tell more original stories that didn't fit the pattern of CoH style play, but those are definitely the exception. So, this is an interesting idea for a reviews thread and I'm keen to check some of these out.
If you are taking submissions, my arc ("The Fracturing of Time" 171031) qualifies on the custom side of things but its not "challenging" as the story works best in solo play and many ATs can't handle the same stuff. It is all customs and not explicitly set in the CoH universe and it has a rather unconventional story. If that fits your criteria feel free to take a look!There has to be a balance in all these things. Giving an arc 4 or 5 stars and saying "its cool" is just as worthless as giving it 1 or 2 and saying "it sucks".
Well thought out criticism can be very helpful to improving the work overall. But when giving reasons, if it's done in a very negative "this is pure crap" sort of way it will simply invalidate any advice given. If advice and criticism are done in a constructive, respectful way (even if it points out a hundred flaws) it is far more likely to be taken seriously and to have an impact on the work in question. This is true of critiques in any media.I agree entirely, this should be a place of creativity where people can help each other in a constructive way, a community that constantly seeks to improve itself together. The AE has a bad rap amoungst the player-base, this should be the place where we undo that, where we talk about and make stuff that's fun and worthwhile. At least, that's what I came here thinking and looking to find. Overall that's not what I've found and so I content myself with the "Recommendations" thread I made and call it good. The times when I have requested a 'review' I've done so knowingly, with an idea of what is to come.With all the negativity going about I think it's time to resurrect something that is much more positive! Remember, this thread is about arcs that deserve to be played. Arcs that, even if they aren't perfect, are enjoyable and an experience you want to share with others
Here's some I've played lately that aren't already listed in this thread (I've been playing many from this list and I've yet to be disappointed!):
<ul type="square">[*]Jerk Hackers! by @Heraclea Arc ID: 162482
Don't let this arc be gone to the americans!! (funny old forum joke)[*]Avgrunden Oppnas by @TerminusEst13 Arc ID: 188971
Very good story with a cool ending.[*]Out of the gutters by @Madcat 88 Arc ID: 68054
Great alternative to the starting villain arcs! Good story, maps and ending.[*]Attack of the Discount Ninjas by @GiantMosquito Arc ID: 126725
Funny story with some fun design features.[/list][ QUOTE ]
As Lazarus points out 12 Monkeys plays games with the main character's head but plays fair with the audience. Good luck with that in a MA project.
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Since the audience is the main character, there is the paradox of this logic. You cannot both "play games with" and "play fair" at the same time. If we accept this a fundamental feature of this media, then we can entertain stories that do either one or the other. This arc is one that 'plays games', most of the other arcs out there are ones that 'play fair'. I think there is room for both in the MA and I enjoy both.
Controversy does not equate to profundity. The entire field of postmodernism brought about no end of controversy but had very little actual content. Rush Limbaugh or Michael Moore could fart into a microphone and cause two weeks of arguments.
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Perhaps not, but controversy is spawned when a particular topic strikes a chord (or discord) and incites people to talk about it thus proving its significance even if it is not inherently profound. As to postmodernism, you have just dismissed out of hand an entire branch of philosophy and I don't think Rush Limbaugh would like to be called a postmodernist. Whether or not a particular philosophy holds any value it is never wise to flippantly dismiss it.
What would we get if we included your last name, using all the letters? My guess is you couldn't make anything out of it without leaving out letters. It is much more likely that an anagram in a name found in an arc is the result of deliberate choice than mere coincidence, so it is proper for the player to assume it is going to be significant until shown not to be.
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It was a joke by example, I'll refrain from such in the future.