Silly N00b Stories
Maybe he was just a newbie. Not everyone has a billion alts. I hope you took the time to politely explain why you dont pull with AOE's instead of just yelling at the guy.
We were all newbies at one point. You just need to have patience with them. Giving out constructive criticism can really help someone out.
I do remember one time I was sking a newbie vg member and he flew right into a mob twice and escaped alive. I was nearly in tears cause it was so funny. The team was full of experienced players and no one got on his case which was nice.
Having a corrupter that uses fire isn't a wise choice for the puller, maybe you should of asked for one one the other corrupters or even a Mastermind with a ranged attack to do it.
Maybe he was just a newbie. Not everyone has a billion alts. I hope you took the time to politely explain why you dont pull with AOE's instead of just yelling at the guy.
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I agree, if he's pulling with an AOE, he obviously just doesn't understand all the game dynamics yet. I'm sure he's not actually stupid (theres a possibility, but I wouldn't jump to that conclusion), he just needs time to learn what works and what doesn't. I sometimes forget that a lot of players are new, and it is easy to be critical when they do frustrating things on teams. Just try to stay polite and be patient, which it sounds like you probably were since you stuck with the team and managed to make it work well.
When I'm playing my Kin and I see a nice juicy pile of baddies set up perfectly for Fulcrum Shift and a idiot Tanker uses taunt to pull them to him and scatters them. That applise to my Trollers aswell with their AoE contol. I find myself silently yelling, "DOLT!"
Way to many alts.
lol, I have a similiar story.
We were going to pull, and I was pulling with ice bolt and every time it worked, then this corrupter would place down rain of fire...not only did it aggro everything it did like 2 damage total, and also split the group up so I couldn't rad debuff them, and this was in the 20's...
When one partakes of PUGs, one loses the ability to complain. After all, one asked for it.
The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
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WARNING: I bold names.

My favorite was a long time ago, in I3 I think. Was on a pug, ~level 15-18 in the hollows, on one of the missions of kill all critters in the cave (igneous, I think). Well, this one blaster has over agro'd stuff and died inspite of my tank taunting and attempting to agro control throughout the mission. Celarly, he lacked any idea of tactics or pulling for limited agro.
Anyway, this blaster almost caused a team wipe, and tempers were climbing. We got to a large round room with tons of critters. This blaster said "watch this" and went flying into the area, triggered the alpha, and ate an obscene amount of boulders and ranged damage. It was enough damage to likely wipe the whole team 3 or 4 times over, as he agro'd like 4 separate spawns.
Over team channel I asked "wow, was that on purpose?". The reply was "no."
I have a great n00b story for you ... mind you it is in the appropriate n00b setting ... a bank farm. So we go into the bank, full 8 person team. As soon as I zone into the area there is one of my team mates ... a lvl 8 corruptor. Instead of waiting for the entire team, he throws a fireball into a +2 mob. He dies of course, I run out of the door cause I am not stupid. Then I tell the rest of the team to get out. I tried to politely explain to him that fireball draws too much aggro for a corruptor to handle solo. He says, " whats aggro? " LMAO
Now that is n00b, no matter how you look at it ... that is n00b.
Edit- I don no how to spell
The ideal way of pulling is to send in a MasterMind's disposable heroes (villains?) to deal with the mobs. That way they can take the hit for the team rather than a player.
As a MM player myself, I almost always send the bots somewhere a little far from the team and then have them attack from a different angle, to limit AoE splash and accidental aggro -- with Group Fly I'm really appreciative of the skies for that purpose. But that's just me.
I pulled with nova. Twice. Didnt die either time. Was funny and i didnt kill anything.....or even really hurt the antimatter bots........+4 or more to me.
Good times.
1st Stormie: You know what this room needs?
2nd Stormie: More aggro?
1st Stormie: More aggro.
Both Stormies: PULL WITH TORNADO!!!
Gawd, I wish I could find the post that this was an excerpt from.
A guide to the deranged, degraded inhabitants of the forums.
Or, gee, perhaps you could have lowered the mission difficulty to something more appropriate for TO equiped characters. And you called the Corr a NOOB! Sheesh!
@SBeaudway on Pinnacle, TaskForce Titans Supergroup.
heh.... i pull with fireball all the time!!!!! LOL, granted i do it and bolt around a corner and start spamming warmth. BUT its when i team with a /traps rupptor. I want the whole mob to get into the poison trap range and let the mortars go to work.
I used to get all juiced up slaughtering mobs on a team with my tank. i would just bounce group to group and take alphas, get healed whatever. NP right. every single mission when there was an EB I would NEVER see it just merrily bounce on in like im the stuff....then im like wow...why is my health come there are no circles spinning around my def toggles....wait. whats that window say? Go to hospital? [censored]. . Did i learn? hell no. I still do it. its all that i cant be beat adrenaline pumping in my veins... mixed with that i'm playing at 0200 and prolly drunk, virtual beer muscles. heh all i say after i die is...."uh, that sucked...anyone got a rez?
" And thats on 40+ toons... tanks and brutes hehehehehe.
However the most noobish thing i see nowadays is stalkers who insist on opening up encounters with AS. Im like dude dont do that... their like [censored] i can do it. Then if im on my ruptor... im like listen dude... my res dont recharge that fast. How do these people level? i mean the debt. 4 deaths in one mission and still same tactics? Geezus.
First, i'm guessing the group was in view of the mobs when the fireball hit. That's a total n00b mistake there, and not a pull. Fireballs are actually a very good tool to pull, if you're actually PULLING and not just "opening from range", often confused with pulling. It gets one group to seperate from the room and come to the ambush spot where they can easily be dealt with by a Dominator/Controller AOE.
Many of the noob mistakes I see involve people ignoring the contributions of other players. For instance, it was pretty ridiculous watching a tank, blaster, and two scrappers in the Hollows wipe to one third of a spawn of Trolls while the two Defenders fruitlessly kept yelling at them to come into the clouds, where they were successfully tanking the other 2/3 of the mob.
I've learned to dread Controllers with AOE immobilize powers too; far too often have we arranged a mob to march into a tight ambush, only to have fire cages sprout up locking the mob in a scattered space firing on us guarded by the extra spawns we were working so hard to seperate them from.
Empaths standing around doing exactly nothing for the stretches of a mission when we're not taking significant damage annoy the hell out of me too. Do they really think i'm stupid enough to not notice that their 'total focus to their primary' involves squirreling away power picks in minimally effective power pools and putting lots of extra slots in pointless nonsense things just so they can claim nothing was left to get any soft controls or contributory damage?
A no attack "Group-Friendly" Defender is like a "Team Friendly" basketball player who won't dribble, run, or shoot, under any circumstances. "I'm a PASSER."
Anyone else care to share some crazy noob stories?
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There was this poster, who kept saying NOOB this, NOOB that, in all of posts.
What a NOOB, eh?
Or, gee, perhaps you could have lowered the mission difficulty to something more appropriate for TO equiped characters. And you called the Corr a NOOB! Sheesh!
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Psst... Ryu wasn't the team leader. His rep wasn't jacked up.
"A good Defender is the battle hardened Corpsman who will kill a Nazi with a tongue depressor while putting a splint on your leg, then hand you a fresh clip of ammo." ~Jock_Thompson
Repeat Offenders, TNT Profile, My little hero

However the most noobish thing i see nowadays is stalkers who insist on opening up encounters with AS. Im like dude dont do that... their like [censored] i can do it. Then if im on my ruptor... im like listen dude... my res dont recharge that fast. How do these people level? i mean the debt. 4 deaths in one mission and still same tactics? Geezus.
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Well. To be fair though, that's how they'd do it solo. And it *is* how they level. A stalker who doesn't open with AS when soloing is pretty much tossing away his main advantage.
And this highlights what is really the number one problem with pugs. Many players simply don't understand that when playing in a group, you want to use different tactics then those that you use (and which work) when soloing. A stalker is going to always use AS to open a fight when soloing. But in a group, he's going to want any one other then him to open up the fight, stay hidden and non-agro, then use AS during the fight to great advantage. A scrapper when soloing will typically hop into a spawn and go to town. When in a group, he'll likely splatter doing that, needing to either rely on buffs to manage, or play a clean up roll and let the tanker tank. Blasters will usually want to start a fight with a snipe and then close in with either AEs and/or melee attacks when soloing, but when in a group are much more effective holding off on the damage for a second or three until the NPCs are better arranged for maximum effectiveness.
All ATs require a reasonable degree of strategy change when grouping instead of soloing. Bad players and/or new players often just don't realize that. They continue using the same tactics that they use when soloing. Usually to disasterous effect for the group...
I once teamed with a blaster (who kept complaining he had too much debt) who jumped over three scrappers and a tank to *brawl* a +4 Freak tank.
It takes all kinds -- I hope that guy liked the taste of floor wax.
__*quick reply*__
*sighs* Who's the n00b? the new players that still don't know how the game works or the 'elite' that have 8 50 lvl toons and think they can abuse the newbies?? From this post, I see many a n00b that tries to hide by undermine players that may be learning...
the true definition of a n00b, by the way, is that of a player that does not learn, or that refuses to learn from either experience, research or advice... and I see some in the posters,not on the postee's...
When you want those ten guys over there, to seperate from the other group of ten guys over there you tell the group to get back, let loose a well placed AoE attack, and get out of LoS behind the group.
All the mobs come and the group can wipe them out, if the group is really handy, they will utilize LoS as well, Immobilize the group with only some of them in LoS while the rest use AoE ranged attacks to hit those out of LoS but around the corner. Safe, and consistent.
So, was it the corruptor or the team in this case that was the noob? Maybe the team didn't have any debuffers (although they had a rad), or enough damage mitigation but one spawn should't wipe a group out unless the team is either sub-par or incompitant and if this was the first group that the group took on, then the corruptor may not have known what kind of group he was pulling for.
I am trying to say that we have a lack of communication here.
1st Stormie: You know what this room needs?
2nd Stormie: More aggro?
1st Stormie: More aggro.
Both Stormies: PULL WITH TORNADO!!!
Gawd, I wish I could find the post that this was an excerpt from.
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That would be me and tempest_56 in action. I think he made that post.
Good stormies can afford to be crazy at times.
Who's more newbish? The newb, or the person who follows him?
Well this one time I made a fire corruptor and took fire ball and fire rain and aoe pulled all the time to piss people off.
1st Stormie: You know what this room needs?
2nd Stormie: More aggro?
1st Stormie: More aggro.
Both Stormies: PULL WITH TORNADO!!!
Gawd, I wish I could find the post that this was an excerpt from.
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Hehe, I don't know why, but this made me laugh a lot
Many of the noob mistakes I see involve people ignoring the contributions of other players. For instance, it was pretty ridiculous watching a tank, blaster, and two scrappers in the Hollows wipe to one third of a spawn of Trolls while the two Defenders fruitlessly kept yelling at them to come into the clouds, where they were successfully tanking the other 2/3 of the mob.
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This reminds me of my /rad controller tanking about 10 or so mobs while the rest of the team dealt with the others, I just stood there, /newspaper'd and asked them when they'd be done with them. Afterwards the tank said 'good healing'. Which confused me because here I was tanking the greater part of the spawn and the tank needed heals?
Ah well, makes for fun times either way.
I join a villain PUG. This was a low level team around level 10. The mission owner had their rep jacked to the max so everything was red or purple to most of us. So I made the suggestion that one of the corrupter should pull. So the fire/rad guy says ok he will pull. Guess what this guy uses to pull with? FIREBALL!!!
I am like omg why would you pull with an aoe? The team ended up wiping. When we all got back from the hospital I pulled this time. Everything went well after that. I soon left after this mission was over. Anyone else care to share some crazy noob stories?
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!