Two things...




So what are some of your ideas, oh great and wise LivingHellfire?

[/ QUOTE ]

How about just reducing the cost of the attacks of the certain mobs that were running out of endurance so fast, hmm? After all, they did say that they made the change to fix certain bosses and EB's, right? So why not fix just those by giving them and end discount?

Nope, couldn't do that. See, if they did that then it would only fix the strawman problem and wouldn't actually accomplish what they're after.

I'll make you a wager, right now. This minute. I'll bet you that when they do "fix" this issue it will be to increase the end drain capability, but that when they do it won't be back to where it was. They'll bring it back just slightly so that it's better, but nowhere near as good as it was. Know what that means? It means it was nerfed. The game is exactly the way it was only a powerset is now less effective, is basically the balance.

I'm betting that they wanted to nerf it, and this kills two birds with one stone by solving the end problems on the bosses, as well as nerfing the powerset, with the added benefit of being the heroes at the end of the day for "owning up" and "fixing the problem". It's classic spin-doctoring, man.

Brother of Markus

The Lord of Fire and Pain

The Legendary Living Hellfire

Fight my brute!



i figured the one shot code would have kicked in at 95% and above. either way the same people who complained about 1 shotting will continue to complain about 2 shotting.

[/ QUOTE ]




1. We're looking into the tweak to Endurance for mobs that's affected Endurance Drain abilities. Sorry about that!

2. We'll be putting in a check that prevents "one shotting"; if anything occurs within a fraction of second that brings a player from 100% Hit Points down to 0, we instead give the player 1% Hit Points.

That's all for now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Tweak says the Statesman??? Regen Scrappers know this really spells DOOOOOOOM. Please tell me you're not going to make Stamina a click or something...



Pretty much something like that will be the work around for Stalkers. Maybe the other way around... Assassin's Strike->Placate->Brawl->Maniacal Laughter.

Not that I think this is a bad thing at all. Now people have that "chance to react" that has been so vocally requested. And mind you, that's 1% hitpoints, not 1 hitpoint.



He didn't say he didn't see it. He said they're looking into it. And he even apologized.

[/ QUOTE ]

They went live with a known bug that eliminated a strategy that some power sets depend on. I think Statesman would agree that he has every right to be angry.




2. We'll be putting in a check that prevents "one shotting"; if anything occurs within a fraction of second that brings a player from 100% Hit Points down to 0, we instead give the player 1% Hit Points.

[/ QUOTE ]

So then anything that has DOT damage can take that 1% away and you still die.



[...]it'd be like loading bullfrogs into a pickup.

[/ QUOTE ]
Now I can't get this image out of my head.

This post brought to you by the Thunderfire Campaign to Out-Weird the Internet.
Score so far: Thunderfire-0, Internet-157893678



Perhaps you haven't noticed just how often this type of thing happens. What you witnessed is forum-goer frusration at how even obvious side effects, side effects that are noticed and commented on, mind you, aren't even considered until after the fact.

Oh, and it's been said before, in different words, yet is worth repeating:
We live and breathe the tiniest details in your creation for hours on end.
We rejoice in every new experience added.
When you cut off our legs, we will not celebrate when you later sell us a wheelchair.
We are your dedicated players.



1. We're looking into the tweak to Endurance for mobs that's affected Endurance Drain abilities. Sorry about that!

[/ QUOTE ]

Uh huh... Something that reduces Endurance Drain effectiveness by 30-50 percent is a "Tweak" as usual.

2. We'll be putting in a check that prevents "one shotting"; if anything occurs within a fraction of second that brings a player from 100% Hit Points down to 0, we instead give the player 1% Hit Points.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yay! We'll have a whole split second to pop 2 or 3 Respites or just die anyway. ...way to "fix 1 shotting"... now we'll call it One-shotting + Brawl, or 1-shotting + Slug, or 1-shotting + Boxing ... well you get the picture.

Why not use the idea Several posters have already suggested:
Make Health Bars drop more gradually instead of instantly... You might get shot for 99% of your health, but it would take 3 seconds for you to actually die. Think of it as changing all Hits over 500 Damage into DoT's... or Something... Anything damn thing but THIS 1% idea



1. We're looking into the tweak to Endurance for mobs that's affected Endurance Drain abilities. Sorry about that!

2. We'll be putting in a check that prevents "one shotting"; if anything occurs within a fraction of second that brings a player from 100% Hit Points down to 0, we instead give the player 1% Hit Points.

That's all for now.

[/ QUOTE ]



That is all.



This is really doom.



No, it was a move that had to be made for other reasons that unfortunately affected endurance draining heroes and villains.

But, carry on. How would you like Statesman to rectify this situation? What would be better for you than a verbal apologize? 40 lashes?

[/ QUOTE ]
I believe, for example, setting Bosses and LTs back to 100 endurance would be a good starter, until the 'proper' fix came down. The immediate problem was with EBs, not the Bosses and LTs that had been fine for two years up til this point.

But, hey, 40 lashes would be good too. By this point, Geko deserves it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, putting Minions/Underlings at less Endurance may be appropriate actually. Perhaps 75END for Minions, 50END for Underlings.

Still here, even after all this time!



2. We'll be putting in a check that prevents "one shotting"; if anything occurs within a fraction of second that brings a player from 100% Hit Points down to 0, we instead give the player 1% Hit Points.

[/ QUOTE ]

So then anything that has DOT damage can take that 1% away and you still die.

[/ QUOTE ]

Where is there a DOT that does 100% damage on its first tick?

And unless those DOTs are incredibly fast you *still* have time to click some GREENs as your health is dropping.

Ie. *NOT* being one-shotted.

Still here, even after all this time!



2. We'll be putting in a check that prevents "one shotting"; if anything occurs within a fraction of second that brings a player from 100% Hit Points down to 0, we instead give the player 1% Hit Points.

[/ QUOTE ]

We need a little clarification.
Let's say that PlayerA has 1000 hit points.

1.) If PlayerA gets hit by PlayerB for 1001 points of damage, PlayerA will end up with 10 hit points and still be alive, right?

2.) If PlayerA gets hit by the Psychic Clockwork King for 2600 points of damage, PlayerA will end up with 10 hit points and still be alive, right?

3.) If PlayerA is damaged & has 800 hit points left, then something (PlayerB or a mob) does 1001 points of damage, will the player be at 10 hit points & still be alive?

4.) If PlayerA is damaged & has 800 hit points left, then something (PlayerB or a mob) does 801 points of damage, will the player be at 10 hit points?

5.) If PlayerA is in a damage field (multiple Caltrops for example) and something does 1000 points of damage, will it even waste the time to do the calculation? Having 10 hit points in a persistant damage field is meaningless.

6.) Does this mean that people will survive exploding buildings in Steel Canyon?

7.) Also, will this niffty new one-shot code introduce lag?

8.) What is being done to compensate (if anything) the Stalkers that could one-shot? How about the Brutes that can one-shot?

In my opinion, the one-shot code should apply to pve only (unless someone can come up with a good reason to have it impact pvp).



Perhaps you haven't noticed just how often this type of thing happens. What you witnessed is forum-goer frusration at how even obvious side effects, side effects that are noticed and commented on, mind you, aren't even considered until after the fact.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh boo freakin hoo. I've been playing defective sets since I bought the game, and I never once came on to tell the devs how they better fix it or I'm gonna be mad.

Most of the time, forum goer frustration is due to lack of response on part of the devs, and in the case of I5-6, feelings of mistreatement. So States takes the time to let everyone know that they're aware of the problem, looking into it, and even apologizes, and he still get's flamed for it.

Guess what. It's software. There's a complicated pipeline, and you can't just pull something because there's a balance problem. It's not a bug, it was an intentional change with side effects that negatively affected some players. They never said they wouldn't fix it, they never said they wouldn't look into it, the never even said it was going to take a long time.

Oh, and it's been said before, in different words, yet is worth repeating:
We live and breathe the tiniest details in your creation for hours on end.
We rejoice in every new experience added.
When you cut off our legs, we will not celebrate when you later sell us a wheelchair.
We are your dedicated players.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just because you're a dedicated player doesn't mean they should stop to consult you every time a change is made. With the responses that they get, regardless of how open or cryptic (no pun intended...maybe) they are being, I don't know why they should bother being open at all. It's not like the amount of flaming that goes on is lessened by it.



2. We'll be putting in a check that prevents "one shotting"; if anything occurs within a fraction of second that brings a player from 100% Hit Points down to 0, we instead give the player 1% Hit Points.

[/ QUOTE ]

So then anything that has DOT damage can take that 1% away and you still die.

[/ QUOTE ]

Where is there a DOT that does 100% damage on its first tick?

And unless those DOTs are incredibly fast you *still* have time to click some GREENs as your health is dropping.

Ie. *NOT* being one-shotted.

[/ QUOTE ]

Already brought up once in this post but Infernal does have that flaming axe you know.



1. We're looking into the tweak to Endurance for mobs that's affected Endurance Drain abilities. Sorry about that!

2. We'll be putting in a check that prevents "one shotting"; if anything occurs within a fraction of second that brings a player from 100% Hit Points down to 0, we instead give the player 1% Hit Points.

That's all for now.

[/ QUOTE ]


How about doing something really useful, like a tweak that gets rid of Travel Power Suppression?

Dasher (MY "archetype" is SUPER SPEEDSTER)

If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."



1. We're looking into the tweak to Endurance for mobs that's affected Endurance Drain abilities. Sorry about that!

[/ QUOTE ]

Uh huh... Something that reduces Endurance Drain effectiveness by 30-50 percent is a "Tweak" as usual.

2. We'll be putting in a check that prevents "one shotting"; if anything occurs within a fraction of second that brings a player from 100% Hit Points down to 0, we instead give the player 1% Hit Points.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yay! We'll have a whole split second to pop 2 or 3 Respites or just die anyway. ...way to "fix 1 shotting"... now we'll call it One-shotting + Brawl, or 1-shotting + Slug, or 1-shotting + Boxing ... well you get the picture.

Why not use the idea Several posters have already suggested:
Make Health Bars drop more gradually instead of instantly... You might get shot for 99% of your health, but it would take 3 seconds for you to actually die.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's a horrible idea for team play. A single empath controller or defender's healing is already horribly difficult to overcome - removing all possibilty of even a team spiking out a squishy would make it impossible. Same applies (to a lesser degree) for thermal corruptors.



Let's not forget that it was on test for like, 6 minutes before it was jammed through to live.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know being an irrational ranter is your schtick, but the patch that included the changes to endurance for bosses and LTs was on test for over a week, actually longer than most patches have been on test that have included far more than that patch did.

[/ QUOTE ]

And for the duration of that week, it was thoroughly documented how it gutted endurance drain strategies unnecessarily, several alternatives were offered -- all within the span of the first 36 hours, I might add -- and yet nothing could be done about it before it went live. You can leave buggy or over-nerfing code on test for a month or a minute, if it goes live in the same state, it's still buggy/over-nerfing and wasn't on test long enough to get it fixed/adjusted to a level that's worth pushing live.



Oh boo freakin hoo. I've been playing defective sets since I bought the game, and I never once came on to tell the devs how they better fix it or I'm gonna be mad.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nobody said any of this.

Most of the time, forum goer frustration is due to lack of response on part of the devs, and in the case of I5-6, feelings of mistreatement. So States takes the time to let everyone know that they're aware of the problem, looking into it, and even apologizes, and he still get's flamed for it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have a friend whose late all the time. He always has a good reason and always apologizes, but y'know what? After a while it stopped mattering to me how good the reason was or if he apologized, he's always frackin' late and I got sick of it. Period. Same logic applies here.

Guess what. It's software. There's a complicated pipeline, and you can't just pull something because there's a balance problem. It's not a bug, it was an intentional change with side effects that negatively affected some players. They never said they wouldn't fix it, they never said they wouldn't look into it, the never even said it was going to take a long time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey, how ya doin'? Welcome to the topic.

Just because you're a dedicated player doesn't mean they should stop to consult you every time a change is made. With the responses that they get, regardless of how open or cryptic (no pun intended...maybe) they are being, I don't know why they should bother being open at all. It's not like the amount of flaming that goes on is lessened by it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope, but it woudl be nice if there was some damn follow through once in a while, or if they actaully said something now and then, instead all we get are equivocations and half-statements like "maybe" and "soon" and "we're looking into it" to shut us up and occupy us with the naive as they insist that we "Wait until they've looked into it" and then when, inevitably, they do nothing about it those same naive people scream about how they "never promised to fix anything" (which is an... interesting choice of words).

Either say it or don't say it or just have the balls to tell us "Hey, this is our game, we're gonna do what we want with it. Period". If they said that I'd shut up. The thing that irks me is the feigned concern about our opinions.

Brother of Markus

The Lord of Fire and Pain

The Legendary Living Hellfire

Fight my brute!



So then anything that has DOT damage can take that 1% away and you still die.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not if you're out of enemy range by the time the first attack's animation completes.

If I understand correctly, this does fix (or at least mitigate somewhat) the "sniper hits you with AS while you're moving quickly, and you die 200 yards away when the animation completes" broken-reality problem. If they (or one of their friends) aren't legitimately in range when the AS completes, they're unable to finish you off and the assassination attempt fails. Instant reduction in "cheap" drive-by one-shots.

Seems like a pretty significant improvement to me.



Allow me to bring you back to reality. I don't want them to consult me. I'm an IT professional. We don't release jack diddly squat from developers without developer AND End User Testing. This piece, as were many others, got released live without consideration of known side effects. If the side effects WERE considered, then they were thought without merit for restarting the development cycle, or tuning and re-testing. That, or it actually WAS a diversion tactic to get us accepting a new nerf with smiles.

What I WANT is proper testing, and no spin doctoring. Those of you following along the nerf trail like lemmings must not work at jobs with any level of responsibility. We are paying customers. Hundreds of thousands of us. We pay for testing. We pay for careful analysis. I don't give a rat's [censored] about lying to the player base. I note ACTIONS not words, unless they contrast in such a way as to alter character of the speaker.

The ACTION taken directly relates to weakening the effects of an already hampered collection of powers. Other options WERE available. The side effects were patently obvious, and quite loudly complained about, and intelligently debated. Sounds real familiar to me.

"Every time a new issue is released, a thousand /regens faceplant. More."



What I WANT is proper testing, and no spin doctoring. Those of you following along the nerf trail like lemmings must not work at jobs with any level of responsibility. We are paying customers. Hundreds of thousands of us. We pay for testing. We pay for careful analysis.

[/ QUOTE ]

Note the use of the word "I" in the first sentence.

Note the use of the word "we" in the last four.

Speak your mind all you want, it's part of what these forums are for. But kindly don't imply that you speak for "hundreds of thousands" of paying customers, because -- to be quite frank -- quite a few of those people clearly don't share your level of annoyance on this issue.

I happen to be one of them.



Whether you share his level of annoyance or not, you are A; a paying customer B; paying for testing and C; paying for careful analysis. These are things that you ARE paying for.

Whether you think he's right or not, his statement is accurate. He is saying what HE wants and then stating, quite truthfully, what we are all paying for as we all pay the same rate.

And he's 100% correct.

Brother of Markus

The Lord of Fire and Pain

The Legendary Living Hellfire

Fight my brute!



That's a horrible idea for team play. A single empath controller or defender's healing is already horribly difficult to overcome

[/ QUOTE ]

I wasn't aware landing a single hold on a defensless squishy was "horribly difficult"...

Ever try recruiting a Dominator? Hell, get an Ice blasting corruptor, they make even shorter work of them. I mean really, how dumb do you think I am? "Oooh, big scary Empathy Defender" ...just shuttup