An idea for Isolator!




Wow ... quite the thread.

On a whim, I went through every page (up to the point where CuppaJo came in) to see how many LESS pages this thread could have been if people had merely agreed or disagreed with the OP and moved on...

Total opinions expressed prior to CuppaJo post? 24
Total "Definite Yay" opinions? 11
Total "Uncertain Yay" opinions? 3
Total "Definite Nay" opinions? 5
Total "Uncertain Nay" opinions? 2
Total "no opinion" opinions? 3

With that said, if /signed means you're agreeing with a post, then the "Definite Yay" goes to 12 with only 2 "uncertain yay" opinions.

So, in summary, I think this entire thread could have been a much quicker read if people had stuck with the intent of anything placed under the Suggestion category, and merely responded with their respective 'yay or nay' answer.

Instead of pages of pointless blather, we'd have 2.5 pages of concise opinions relating to the original suggestion. This is just a guess, but I'm guessing that a concise response that's quick and easy to read is much more appealing to the devs who read the suggestions ... saving them from having to wade through the bog to find the public's opinion.

For the record, my vote on the OP is Nay. I do not agree.

The macdonald's 'example' was a good one, as to why this just is not a reasonable demand.

I.e. You are loyal to a MacDonalds store from the day it opened! For the longest time you could NOT get cheese on your hamburger. One day, you go in to get your usual cheese-less burger to find that TA-DA!! they now have cheese to offer! But the problem is that now all you can think about is all the cheese-less burgers you had to consume prior to this point, so when you get to the counter you say, "I want you to give me free cheeseburgers simply because I was your most loyal customer before you even had cheese for the burgers."

Kind of an unreasonable request, when you think about it.



As far as I know - the devs have no plans for including an alternate method to get isolator if you did not get it in outbreak.

[/ QUOTE ]

In other words:

If you were with us from the beginning and put your faith in us at launch this is our way of saying you're SOL. For those of you that didn't have faith in us and hesitated til badges were created, you're in luck.

Thanks guys...



Instead of pages of pointless blather, we'd have 2.5 pages of concise opinions relating to the original suggestion. This is just a guess, but I'm guessing that a concise response that's quick and easy to read is much more appealing to the devs who read the suggestions ... saving them from having to wade through the bog to find the public's opinion.

For the record, my vote on the OP is Nay. I do not agree.

[/ QUOTE ]

For the record, the thread was doomed from the moment it started. This was just alot more fun than letting it die.

<evil grin>



Of course you can there's always the variouss transport bugs with the new zones. there have even been people ending up back in Outbreak as high as level 50! And my hero ended up on the CoV side briefly! So don't give up hope!



As far as I know - the devs have no plans for including an alternate method to get isolator if you did not get it in outbreak.

[/ QUOTE ]

In other words:

If you were with us from the beginning and put your faith in us at launch this is our way of saying you're SOL. For those of you that didn't have faith in us and hesitated til badges were created, you're in luck.

Thanks guys...

[/ QUOTE ]

You know what? They should take the damn badge out of the game and just be done with it.



As far as I know - the devs have no plans for including an alternate method to get isolator if you did not get it in outbreak.

[/ QUOTE ]

In other words:

If you were with us from the beginning and put your faith in us at launch this is our way of saying you're SOL. For those of you that didn't have faith in us and hesitated til badges were created, you're in luck.

Thanks guys...

[/ QUOTE ]

You know what? They should take the damn badge out of the game and just be done with it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now THIS is an idea I can get behind!



As far as I know - the devs have no plans for including an alternate method to get isolator if you did not get it in outbreak.

[/ QUOTE ]

In other words:

If you were with us from the beginning and put your faith in us at launch this is our way of saying you're SOL. For those of you that didn't have faith in us and hesitated til badges were created, you're in luck.

Thanks guys...

[/ QUOTE ]

*offers cheese*

Here, this will go great with that whine.

Put me down in the "Too damn bad, suck it up" column.



Let me throw my hat into the arena. ^_^

Different Folks...

First of all, I see the playerbase divided into various groups with differing levels of interest in the badge system, scaling from the utterly indifferent to the self-proclaimed 'badge prostitutes'. Furthermore, the badge system was - as I understand it - introduced as a form of time sink within the game. Go out, sweep the streets of a hundred bad guys, get a badge.

Now to this end, I think we can fairly assume that it is in the interest of Cryptic to keep people playing as long as possible; furthermore, having them collect as many badges as possible will extend their time within Paragon. Additionally, whilst not knowing an awful lot about the engine mechanics involved, I would certainly hypothosize that constructing and rolling out badge content is somewhat less demanding than creating other methods of sustaining interest in the game (for instance, the Arena, or the SSOCS.)

Now, here's an important point: if you are in the indifferent camp, or the "I only collect badges to get the Accolades" camp, then chances are you aren't going to care about the Isolator badge. It doesn't do anything, and if you created your character after I2 then you had a shot at getting it anyway.

But if you are part of the League of Extraordinary Badge Whores - the LEBW - you'll want it. Reflecting on my own habits as a collector, I surmise that we are a group of obsessive perfectionists. This is not a bad trait to - quite frankly - exploit for purposes of said time-sink.

Don't Bite the Damn Hand:

My point here is, if you want to make use of these people, then you have to do so in a way that isn't conjuring imagery of hands and feeding and the biting thereof. To the posessed badge collector, perfection of the collection is everything - you don't tell someone that slaughtered 10,000 Rikti Monkeys, that camped out the same Halloween door, that scoured the skies every day for two weeks looking for the few Frostlings that weren't being farmed - you don't tell that person that they can't have a badge because they were around for too long!

Who says it's got to be a big effort?

Now, to address a few points: firstly, someone made a fine suggestion some time ago about a second mission in which to achieve the Isolator badge - a Portal Corps. foray into an alternate dimension infested with Contaiminated. Very simple, no giant monsters, no time-machine, just a mission filled with Contaminated in dire need of a population cull. Non-repeatable, mission objective is to score (unsurprisingly) one hundred Contaminated.

The important thing here is, a second chance at the Isolator badge does not have to be a big and expensive endevour. But it *is* a way of actually saying "Hey, thanks for being a long and loyal customer!" as opposed to "Hey, look, I am sorry but..." And that's before we take into account the second group of players, those that love their badges but started collecting them *after* they left Outbreak.

Now, some people might say... "Okay, so we let them pick up Isolator. But what about the other 'special' badges?" You know what? Make those available too. I'm not saying all the time... but if you didn't get the Winter Lord badge, then let's put together a Portal Corps. mission to the "Winter Lord Dimension" or what have you. Didn't get the Calvin Scott TF badge in time? I don't blame you, I didn't even KNOW that it was going to be available for a limited time. That's the kind of thing that frustrates me as a badge collector and makes me say to myself "Well if I can't get that one... what's the point in trying to get any of the others?"

I know, it's melodramatic. But I ask you to understand; we are COMPLETISTS. That is what drives us to participate in the badge content of the game, it appeals to us. To deny us the complete set is to deny the most vociferous champions of the badge system their very interest in that there system.

As an aside, based on what LiquidX had to say - I have worked in numerous customer service positions, and continue to do so. I understand only too well how there are many customers out there who are more than willing to kick up a fuss based on their incorrect expectations, misassumptions, or just plain belief in their own entitlement. Having said that, the request for a new Isolator mission seems very, very reasonable; especially compared to some of the more outrageous demands thrown around in these forums. ("ED SUKS I;M GOING TO WOWS").

Put yourself in their shoes...

As a matter of comparison; think to yourself, "What if instead of a badge, Isolator unlocked a power?" Players would be up in arms then; primarily because this would directly affect a much greater percentage of the playerbase. Now, to be fair, the situation with the Isolator badge does not affect nearly that great a number; but the problem *is* multiplied by the catagory of people it affects (both hardcore proponents of the badge system, and also more veteran players.)

And as for myself? The moment I found out about the situation, I rerolled all of my characters (one of which was already half-way through the game) and picked up Isolator for each. Like I said... completist. ^_^



As far as I know - the devs have no plans for including an alternate method to get isolator if you did not get it in outbreak.

[/ QUOTE ]

In other words:

If you were with us from the beginning and put your faith in us at launch this is our way of saying you're SOL. For those of you that didn't have faith in us and hesitated til badges were created, you're in luck.

Thanks guys...

[/ QUOTE ]

*offers cheese*

Here, this will go great with that whine.

Put me down in the "Too damn bad, suck it up" column.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wasn't here for the Halloween event - I will never get the chance for any of my characters to sport those badges. I wasn't here for the Winterlord XP-Pinatas, so I won't get the badge for popping one of THEM, either. Oh yeah, I wasn't here for the 1-year Anniversary, so I'll never get the Celebrant badge.

Meanwhile, Isolator can be earned right now - on a new character. Anyone, even those who started with the head-start, can make a new character, anytime they want to. Thus, Isolator is MUCH more achievable and acquirable today, than many other badges, which a large portion of the "old guard" does have.

I mean, jeeze guys. All the things that could be improved in COH / COV, and you gotta pick such a non-issue as this?


Here's fifty cents. Go call someone who cares - 'cause I certainly don't!



Well this is just a hunch, but i would be willing to bet that most of the people who are against putting isolator in the later game already have this badge.

Its just the reason to say no, leave it alone, is because you have this badge already and you at any given point can say "Ha I have it and you don't!"

Because any avid badge collector who does not have this badge would love to get this badge as it was something they missed when badges were implimented into the game.

Many heroes who went through Outbreak were already level 50 by the time badges were implimented into the game, so these player have no chance in getting this badge on there heroes who have done everything a new hero did but even more with less to show for it.

I do think heroes who never had the chance to get this badge be given a fair shot at doing so.

If you are so dead set against this , then if it is ever implimented in the later game, I suggest you not get this badge. But something is telling me that if it si you too will be getting it as well as the rest.

[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
Owner & Operator of...
[URL=""][/URL] & [URL=""][/URL]

[URL=""][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorange]Challenge My Brute[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/URL]



Well this is just a hunch, but i would be willing to bet that most of the people who are against putting isolator in the later game already have this badge.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, I really love the logic behind that. "Oh my god, these people don't want this badge obtainable again! They must already have it and want to punish others to make themselves feel much more important!".

For the record, I don't have Isolator on my main, who I created back during the three day head start.



Don't Bite the Damn Hand:

My point here is, if you want to make use of these people, then you have to do so in a way that isn't conjuring imagery of hands and feeding and the biting thereof. To the posessed badge collector, perfection of the collection is everything - you don't tell someone that slaughtered 10,000 Rikti Monkeys, that camped out the same Halloween door, that scoured the skies every day for two weeks looking for the few Frostlings that weren't being farmed - you don't tell that person that they can't have a badge because they were around for too long!

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay, I'll take you up on this one. First point:

I am a badge-[censored]. I'm addicted, top to bottom, front to back, left to right, inside and out, to getting more badges. I'll have at LEAT one of my excessively-numerous alts cross sides, to collect as many badges from "the other side of the fence" as possible.

So. Why should I be unable to get the Halloween badges ...? Or the badge for killing a Winterlord (or fifty) ...?

If you're going to say "devoted badge-hunters should always have a chance at every badge", well, it cuts both ways. Late joiners should have every bit of a chance at earlier badges, as early-joiners should have at LATER badges.

Now, some people might say... "Okay, so we let them pick up Isolator. But what about the other 'special' badges?" You know what? Make those available too. I'm not saying all the time... but if you didn't get the Winter Lord badge, then let's put together a Portal Corps. mission to the "Winter Lord Dimension" or what have you. Didn't get the Calvin Scott TF badge in time? I don't blame you, I didn't even KNOW that it was going to be available for a limited time. That's the kind of thing that frustrates me as a badge collector and makes me say to myself "Well if I can't get that one... what's the point in trying to get any of the others?"

[/ QUOTE ]
And Celebrant? What about that? Besides, I think that wuld seriously cheapen the badge for folks that DID earn them.

That goes for current stuff, too; I didn't feel up to getting the badge for killing Snaptooth five times (ugh, FIVE times on EACH character, BLECCH). But it's certainly a point of pride for those that DID stick it out and off him the requisite quintet of times.



That goes for current stuff, too; I didn't feel up to getting the badge for killing Snaptooth five times (ugh, FIVE times on EACH character, BLECCH). But it's certainly a point of pride for those that DID stick it out and off him the requisite quintet of times.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hell, look at those who earned the Zookeeper badge when they lowered how many Monkeys it would take to earn it. They were ready to start a lynching party.



How about this instead, they turn faultline into a +40 zone and have those contaminated guys running around in there. That zone is basically going to waste anyways and usually by then everyone will have 2 travel powers or they will have help to get around in there.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



How about this instead, they turn faultline into a +40 zone and have those contaminated guys running around in there. That zone is basically going to waste anyways and usually by then everyone will have 2 travel powers or they will have help to get around in there.

[/ QUOTE ]




How about this instead, they turn faultline into a +40 zone and have those contaminated guys running around in there. That zone is basically going to waste anyways and usually by then everyone will have 2 travel powers or they will have help to get around in there.

[/ QUOTE ]

*Calm down...calm down...don't smack anyone for being can do it, Celtic....ah Hell*




Has anyone else noticed that the people who are pro-Isolator are posting their reasonings, trying to make comparisons and generally being nice, tactful, civil and well-reasoned about it? "I think the Isolator should be accessible under this and that circumstances...."

And the people who are anti-Isolator are pretty much being a pack of hostile, unreasoning, bullying, dismissive jackholes? "Just shut your mouth and suck it the hell up, n00b. Because I said so. Shut up! SHUT UP!"

I'm sure there's a comparison to be made here, too. But I'll leave that open to interpretation.

Yeah. Pretty peculiar, huh? It makes you think.



Has anyone else noticed that the people who are pro-Isolator are posting their reasonings, trying to make comparisons and generally being nice, tactful and civil about it? "I think the Isolator should be accessible under this and that circumstances...."

And the people who are anti-Isolator are pretty much being a pack of hostile, unreasoning, bullying, dismissive jackholes? "Just shut your mouth and suck it the hell up, n00b. Because I said so."

I'm sure there's a comparison to be made here, too. But I'll leave that open to interpretation.

Yeah. Pretty peculiar, huh? It makes you think.

[/ QUOTE ] also makes you think how many people actually read my post pretty close to the beginning of this thread of why it shouldn't be in the game.

Oh...did you happen to miss it? Here you go:

asking for something that takes resources, money, and time away from things that need it more (eg: bugs, powers, content)

[/ QUOTE ]

It was only on the second page, too...

I'm not being a beligerant [censored] who doesn't want something in the game, I'm being a person who knows the value of a dollar, and knows that Cryptic's money can be put to better use elsewhere.



Has anyone else noticed that the people who are pro-Isolator are posting their reasonings, trying to make comparisons and generally being nice, tactful and civil about it? "I think the Isolator should be accessible under this and that circumstances...."

And the people who are anti-Isolator are pretty much being a pack of hostile, unreasoning, bullying, dismissive jackholes? "Just shut your mouth and suck it the hell up, n00b. Because I said so."

I'm sure there's a comparison to be made here, too. But I'll leave that open to interpretation.

Yeah. Pretty peculiar, huh? It makes you think.

[/ QUOTE ] also makes you think how many people actually read my post pretty close to the beginning of this thread of why it shouldn't be in the game.

Oh...did you happen to miss it? Here you go:

asking for something that takes resources, money, and time away from things that need it more (eg: bugs, powers, content)

[/ QUOTE ]

It was only on the second page, too...

I'm not being a beligerant [censored] who doesn't want something in the game, I'm being a person who knows the value of a dollar, and knows that Cryptic's money can be put to better use elsewhere.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with the sentiment that the resources would be better allocated in other endeavors. However, it doesn't hurt to let people think and/or dream out loud.

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



Has anyone else noticed that the people who are pro-Isolator are posting their reasonings, trying to make comparisons and generally being nice, tactful and civil about it? "I think the Isolator should be accessible under this and that circumstances...."

And the people who are anti-Isolator are pretty much being a pack of hostile, unreasoning, bullying, dismissive jackholes? "Just shut your mouth and suck it the hell up, n00b. Because I said so."

I'm sure there's a comparison to be made here, too. But I'll leave that open to interpretation.

Yeah. Pretty peculiar, huh? It makes you think.

[/ QUOTE ] also makes you think how many people actually read my post pretty close to the beginning of this thread of why it shouldn't be in the game.

Oh...did you happen to miss it? Here you go:

asking for something that takes resources, money, and time away from things that need it more (eg: bugs, powers, content)

[/ QUOTE ]

It was only on the second page, too...

I'm not being a beligerant [censored] who doesn't want something in the game, I'm being a person who knows the value of a dollar, and knows that Cryptic's money can be put to better use elsewhere.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with the sentiment that the resources would be better allocated in other endeavors. However, it doesn't hurt to let people think and/or dream out loud.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh...that I know...just check out the link in my sig. I'm REALLY dreaming out loud there.



I look at it this way, it would add more content to the game for many players, yeah its not the most important thing that could be done, but it does add to the game.

And when I see Isolator I also look at the Risk Taker badge for the majority of level 50 heroes out there, what if this badge was never available to the 27+ heroes out there because once you outlevel bloody bay you have no chance in getting this badge.

I feel its the same thing with isolator, if they can put the Risk taker in for higher level heroes who never got the chance to get it then I feel they could do the same thing for isolator.

Both badges are equal, its a art graphic with a description. Both of which you can pass up but have no way to go back and get it. But Risk taker will be available in the later game and so should Isolator.

[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
Owner & Operator of...
[URL=""][/URL] & [URL=""][/URL]

[URL=""][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorange]Challenge My Brute[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/URL]



The message I was delievering wasn't aimed at anyone in particular... you just happened to mention a related point that I agreed with.

I do believe that adding missions would improve the game. My statement was mostly in response to the fact that there are several glaring insonsistencies in the mechanic and in the implementation of some badges/powers/enemies/etc. I believe that some of those (in my opinion) detrimental issues need to be addressed before implementing this idea. Neither of my higher level toons have the badge, by the way.

Personally, I enjoy seeing other people put their ideas here in the forum. I believe that it is a good place to influence the direction of the miniature/immaterial society that Cryptic has made... one that we are all an active part of.

I would sincerely hope that some of the ideas that we came up with are used as explicitly as 'Kill Skuls'.

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



Has anyone else noticed that the people who are pro-Isolator are posting their reasonings, trying to make comparisons and generally being nice, tactful, civil and well-reasoned about it? "I think the Isolator should be accessible under this and that circumstances...."

And the people who are anti-Isolator are pretty much being a pack of hostile, unreasoning, bullying, dismissive jackholes? "Just shut your mouth and suck it the hell up, n00b. Because I said so. Shut up! SHUT UP!"

I'm sure there's a comparison to be made here, too. But I'll leave that open to interpretation.

Yeah. Pretty peculiar, huh? It makes you think.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, if you look at my second post on page 3, you'll notice I DID post a civil reason as to why I'm against it.



The point is, you shoudl NOT be allowign people to get a badge that is SUPPOSED to be available as a limited opportunity.
[*] Hallow Spirit - if you weren't there for the Halloween Event, you shouldn't have this badge. That includes me; I wasn't there.[*] Hunter - if you weren't there for the Halloween Event, you shouldn't have this badge. That includes me; I wasn't there.[*] Shifter - if you weren't there for the Halloween Event, you shouldn't have this badge. That includes me; I wasn't there.[*] Dead Head - if you weren't there for the Halloween Event, you shouldn't have this badge. That includes me; I wasn't there.[*] Malleus - if you weren't there for the Halloween Event, you shouldn't have this badge. That includes me; I wasn't there.[*] Longbow Reservist / Jet-Setter - if you weren't there for this year's Winter Event, you shouldn't have this badge.[*] Holiday Spirit / Scrooge - if you weren't there for this year's Winter Event, you shouldn't have this badge.[*] Toy Collector / Jet-Setter - if you weren't there for this year's Winter Event, you shouldn't have this badge. That includes all but one of my Alts; I wasn't inclined to grind through it more than once.[*] Cold Warrior - if you weren't there for either Winter Event, you shouldn't have this badge. That includes me; none of my alts was up to fighting those suckers at that point.[*] Frozen Fury - if you weren't there last year's Winter Event, you shouldn't have this badge. That includes me; I wasn't there.[*] Celebrant - if you weren't there for the Anniversary Month, you shouldn't have this badge. That includes me; I wasn't there.[*] Handsome / Beautiful - if you weren't there for the Valentines event, you shouldn't have this badge. That includes most of my alts; I wasn't inclined to run those missions THAT often.[*] Toothbreaker - if you didn't tough it out and kill Snaptooth five times during the Valentines event, you shouldn't have this badge. That includes most of my alts; I wasn't inclined to run that mission FIVE times.[*] Heart of Light / Heart of Darkness - if you weren't there for the Valentines event, you shouldn't have this badge. That includes most of my alts; I forgot to log them all in during the event - oops!
[*] Isolator - if you didn't earn this badge during your COH Tutorial, you shouldn't have this badge.That includes most of my alts; I mostly play Villains, and for some of my heroes ... I plain FORGOT. Oops.[*] Jail Bird - if you didn't earn this badge during your COV Tutorial, you shouldn't have this badge.That includes a few of my alts; some ahre Heroes, and sometimes I just forget to grab it.

It's just that simple! And note: most of the badges I'm saying people shouldn't get second chances at, are badges I DO NOT HAVE. So it is not a matter of "well Ihave MINE, and you just have to suck it up". No, it's more a case of "we BOTH missed that boat ... too bad for us."

Flipside, I wouldn't be averse to seeing a special badge made for any character that WAS out of the tutorial before Isolator was created. Call it Old-Timer if you like - a special nod to those who've "been there, done that" since (literally) COH time began.



"Ha I have it and you don't!"

[/ QUOTE ]


Ha I have it and you don't!

/ignore Fusion Blast