An idea for Isolator!




Ok. Can we officially declare this thread so i can get back to playing the game. I'd really rather have the dev's work on the Invisi Foes bug before even thinking about this.

{For those of you who have not experienced it, the invisi foes problem is when the first couple of mobs generated in a mission are invisible and un-targettable by one or more mission participants.}



Isolator is the only badge that you can not get no matter what you do, if you didn't get it before leaving the tutorial.

EVERY other non-Event badge can be picked up - it might just entail malefactoring down and teaming with someone much lower than you are, in order to get some of the story-based badges.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fine. The from now on the Isolator badge is hereby considered an event badge and the Tutorial is considered an event. If you missed the event, you don't get the badge.

See? Wasn't that simple?

[/ QUOTE ]

No its not that simple, because unlkike the events that happen in thie game, any and "ALL" heros can go do it at any level.

If a level 1 for that matter misses this so called "event" they can not go back without deleting that hero and doing it over again, and no other event in this game requires you to do it.

And unlike events, this so called 'event" is still in the game.

Events last a short period of time and then leaves the game.

I can understand if someone missed any of the holiday events as they should not get these badges unless the dev team brings them back. But Isolator is a badge that is a ingame permanent badge and should be able to be obtained for those who missed it as you can do with every other badge in this game.

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Isolator is the only badge that you can not get no matter what you do, if you didn't get it before leaving the tutorial.

EVERY other non-Event badge can be picked up - it might just entail malefactoring down and teaming with someone much lower than you are, in order to get some of the story-based badges.

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And thats exactly everyone's point, what makes Isolator more special then any f the other 300+ badges out there?

Nothing, so we all should have the chance to go back and get this badge as all of the other badges in this game.

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So now convince us why it is so important that the devs should stop working on all of the other things that they are working on so that they can add in this new mission.

Because I want it (and, FYI, I don't have it and don't plan on getting it) is not a valid reason BTW.

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See now you are putting words in my mouth, I never said the Devs should stop everything and put this badge in for everyone to get, it is something that would be nice to have eventually.

I agree there are other things more important, so don't twist words around that was never used.

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I love the ideas. I for one have OCD and NEED*twitch* the badge for my badge [censored]. I would like my two pre-I2 lvl 50s to get it.



Oh oh oh oh OH!

And time travel missions for the Halloween badges.

And for the celebrant badge.

And for the winterlord badges.

And for the christmas badge.

And for the V-Day badges.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
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I agree there are other things more important, so don't twist words around that was never used.

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Says the person who claimed that [ QUOTE ]

Its just the reason to say no, leave it alone, is because you have this badge already and you at any given point can say "Ha I have it and you don't!"

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So it is all right for you to use gross exaggerations to make a point in a discussion, but not for others to use the same tactic.



Please, if you disagree with someone - state your opinion and leave it at that. No need to bash people for their thoughts/ideas. Some people want X - others don't. Agree to disagree. Thanks.

Now, Isolator. I have made the suggestion a few times to somehow work another chance at Isolator into an event or something. As you have seen, it has not been a successful suggestion so far. It may never be.

As far as I know - the devs have no plans for including an alternate method to get isolator if you did not get it in outbreak.

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Say it isn't so Cuppa!!



So it is all right for you to use gross exaggerations to make a point in a discussion, but not for others to use the same tactic.

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Because Ive read this entire thread and no one has come up with a ligitimate answer as to why the Isolator should not be avaialble to all heroes in the later game eventually.

Other then delete your toon and start all over again like someone else

But either way, regardless if they do eventually put it in the later game or not, players will get it from a bugged mission sooner or later, I already got one mission like this, so its bound to happen again.

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So it is all right for you to use gross exaggerations to make a point in a discussion, but not for others to use the same tactic.

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Because Ive read this entire thread and no one has come up with a ligitimate answer as to why the Isolator should not be avaialble to all heroes in the later game eventually.

Other then delete your toon and start all over again like someone else

[/ QUOTE ]

Other people have come up with valid reasons. The fact that you think that they are not valid does not make them so. Of course, by the same point, the fact that we don't think that your reasons why it should (which boils down to "Because I want it") are valid doesn't make them less valid to you.



Ok I agree to disagree...


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Fine. The from now on the Isolator badge is hereby considered an event badge and the Tutorial is considered an event. If you missed the event, you don't get the badge.

See? Wasn't that simple?

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No its not that simple, because unlkike the events that happen in thie game, any and "ALL" heros can go do it at any level.

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Except this one. It's a special Event, that only newly created heroes can access.

If a level 1 for that matter misses this so called "event" they can not go back without deleting that hero and doing it over again, and no other event in this game requires you to do it.

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And you lose nothing by missing this badge other than the chance to have it. Big deal. It's a poor arguement.

And unlike events, this so called 'event" is still in the game.

Events last a short period of time and then leaves the game.

I can understand if someone missed any of the holiday events as they should not get these badges unless the dev team brings them back. But Isolator is a badge that is a ingame permanent badge and should be able to be obtained for those who missed it as you can do with every other badge in this game.

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The Tutorial is an ongoing Event. No one said Events had to end or go away. Think outside of the box. That said, you only get a certain opportunity to do that event. You've missed it, you ain't getting it. Move on, you'll live.



And with all due respect, no one knew when these badges were implimented in the game that isolator would only be avaialble in the Tutitorial of the game.

If many would have known I bet this conversation would not even be happening.

So if you ask me it was a poor choice of the dev team to keep things so discrete with this game.

Not the lack od choice of the customer.

And Yes, I went through Tutitorial, but back then as many never knew you had to kill (x) amount of contaminated to earn a badge.

But you are right, I will live with it, but I can express my opinion as I choose to. Just as everyone else here on these forums. So live with it and move on.

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Isolator is the only badge that you can not get no matter what you do, if you didn't get it before leaving the tutorial.

EVERY other non-Event badge can be picked up - it might just entail malefactoring down and teaming with someone much lower than you are, in order to get some of the story-based badges.

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And thats exactly everyone's point, what makes Isolator more special then any f the other 300+ badges out there?

Nothing, so we all should have the chance to go back and get this badge as all of the other badges in this game.

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Then, what's so special about, say .... Hallow Spirit, compared to "the other 300+ badges" ...? Why can't I get THAT badge any time I want, hmm?



Oh oh oh oh OH!

And time travel missions for the Halloween badges.

And for the celebrant badge.

And for the winterlord badges.

And for the christmas badge.

And for the V-Day badges.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. PLEASE! My main missed the Winterlord (Frozen Fury). He does have Isolator, but that was due to my deletion at level 18 or so because I was unhappy with the build. Then on the other hand my SG Main doesn't have Isolator and I'm not really freakin' out if he never gets it.

Bottom Line: If the devs allow 'time-travel' or whatever to get Isolator then the other 'event' badges better be made available in the same fashion or I'll start a thread complaining about not having Frozen Fury.

And yes, I understand the 'supposed' difference between the two badges in question. One is still attainable and the other was an event badge. A previous poster mentioned that he/she was away when the Celebrant badge was available and was unable to get it. Such is life (and such is life if an alt didn't get Isolator). Create another character for heaven's sake! The devs have stated that it is NOT their intention for one character to be able to obtain EVERY badge in game, hence replayability.

Bloody Axe Inv/Axe - Champion
Dying Cooper Spi/Reg - Champion
Power Rock Stone/EM - Justice
Mistress Magma Fire/Kin - Freedom



I'm with you Emerald....the badge should be avaible elsewhere...why because 99% of new people don't know about the badge and by the time they do it's too late. As for the logic it's just another badge....well the same would hold logic to a coin collector because to people who couldn't care less about coins it's just another coin. To the collector on the other may only be worth a penny, but to them it's their most prized possesion.

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Good point.

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Yes, I'd like to have Isolator. For me, it has nothing to do with being loyal customer, etc. For me, it's a matter of fairness. It strikes me as unfair to take a brand new player, lead him through the tutorial, teach him how to play his toon, kick him into Atlas Park, and then have him learn days/weeks later that there's this whole system of earning badges--and oh, btw, there was a badge you could have gotten during the tutorial, but of course you had no idea that such things existed at the time, but oh well, too bad.

With other badges, you can go back and get them. Didn't learn that Spelunker was part of an accolade until you were level 30? No problem, just tag along on someone else's mission. Didn't know you could hunt enemy types for a badge? No problem, go back and hunt them now. For Isolator, there is no way back.

[/ QUOTE ]

Amen... Brother, I have been working hard to get all the badges I did not pick up along the way. Including Exemploring to low lvl for mission badges, But to know there is one my 50 Ill / Emp controller will never get is anoying and disheartening. All of my high end toons were created pre I2... I can't change history so little help would be nice.

[color=yellow]Great Mephesto - 50 - Ill/Emp Controller - Liberty Badges 342
Cremospecter - 50 - Fire/Fire Tanker - Liberty Badges 158

[color=orange]All Hollows Eve -50 Dark Mastermind - Freedom Badges 352
[color=orange]Mad Houdini - 39 - Eng/Regen Stalker - Liberty Badges 156



The argument against things like making Halloween badges available all the time is that they're special event badges. People knew about badges when these were around and had known for months.

Now if they pull a deal like they did with Toy Collector then I'd be for offering another chance to get them. With Toy Collector it was a pain to get and then they announce it was supposed to have a gladiator with it. Sticking badges on things after the fact is a crooked way to go about adding badges and anytime it's done then I say give everyone another chance at it.

If I'd known X was worth a badge I'd have done it while it was an option.

The key difference is that it was impossible for anyone that actually got the game at launch or within like a month of launch, to get the isolator badge, which is STILL available, and always will be. When badges went live anyone created prior to the Isolator should have been given it. Hell they should have just made it a badge for completeing the Tutorial. Since the tutorial isn't mandatory...

That's what I say make isolator a tutorial completion badge. There. Problem solved. Award it to anyone that went through the tutorial and to every character created before the Tutorial was made optional.

I'd have spent the time had it existed so it'd be nice to not miss out on the badge because I came in too soon.

And someone made a McDonalds cheeseburger analogy a while back. The Difference between getting burgers and suddenly getting cheeseburgers and getting or not getting Isolator is this:

Even after I leave McDonalds I can come back anytime an get those Cheeseburgers. I can't go back anytime an get isolator. Not like once they started serving Cheeseburgers McDonalds started blocking people who came in before that from returning...

And the tutoiral should also mention there is a badge for doing it.

Like I say though give Isolator for completeing tutorial and you solve a ton of problems. I mean in CoV the badge is a freakin Explore badge...thats insanely easy to get...but you also can't skip the tutorial for CoV...



And someone made a McDonalds cheeseburger analogy a while back. The Difference between getting burgers and suddenly getting cheeseburgers and getting or not getting Isolator is this:

Even after I leave McDonalds I can come back anytime an get those Cheeseburgers. I can't go back anytime an get isolator. Not like once they started serving Cheeseburgers McDonalds started blocking people who came in before that from returning...

[/ QUOTE ]

Right analogy, but you are using it wrong. In the analogy, you are the peson buying the burger/cheeseburger just as you are the one playing your hero. However, for the analogy to be correct, your hero is the burger you buy. You have the opprtunity upon purchasing the burger, to decide what you want on it. Once you start eating it, you can't go back to the counter and ask for a different burger.



The argument against things like making Halloween badges available all the time is that they're special event badges. People knew about badges when these were around and had known for months.

Now if they pull a deal like they did with Toy Collector then I'd be for offering another chance to get them. With Toy Collector it was a pain to get and then they announce it was supposed to have a gladiator with it. Sticking badges on things after the fact is a crooked way to go about adding badges and anytime it's done then I say give everyone another chance at it.

If I'd known X was worth a badge I'd have done it while it was an option.

The key difference is that it was impossible for anyone that actually got the game at launch or within like a month of launch, to get the isolator badge, which is STILL available, and always will be. When badges went live anyone created prior to the Isolator should have been given it. Hell they should have just made it a badge for completeing the Tutorial. Since the tutorial isn't mandatory...

That's what I say make isolator a tutorial completion badge. There. Problem solved. Award it to anyone that went through the tutorial and to every character created before the Tutorial was made optional.

I'd have spent the time had it existed so it'd be nice to not miss out on the badge because I came in too soon.

And someone made a McDonalds cheeseburger analogy a while back. The Difference between getting burgers and suddenly getting cheeseburgers and getting or not getting Isolator is this:

Even after I leave McDonalds I can come back anytime an get those Cheeseburgers. I can't go back anytime an get isolator. Not like once they started serving Cheeseburgers McDonalds started blocking people who came in before that from returning...

And the tutoiral should also mention there is a badge for doing it.

Like I say though give Isolator for completeing tutorial and you solve a ton of problems. I mean in CoV the badge is a freakin Explore badge...thats insanely easy to get...but you also can't skip the tutorial for CoV...

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree 1000%

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I still think us pre Issue 2 Heroes should get our own special badge. Then we can all be special in a different way.

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It always amazes me how much of a flame war this topic becomes every time it rises from the dead.

My main badge *bleep* is a lvl 50 I've had since CoH Headstart. Would I have liked the chance to get Isolator on this character? Of course, that's a given. Was the decision on the Devs part to introduce a badge in I2 that was unobtainable by any pre-I2 hero stupid, arbitrary and shortsighted? Obviously yes.

But as much as I'd like to have a way to earn Isolator for this hero, I can understand and even reluctantly agree to the reasons why it shouldn't be allowed. The 'time travel' or the 'monster' level contaminated ideas that have been suggested here are interesting, but basically what's done should be kept done so that the event badges maintain their value and significance.

Since I2 any new hero has had the opportunity to earn every badge in the game. All's fair from that point on - either you were here to get them or not. But for pre-I2 heroes, it boils down to an issue of fairness and equity. The Devs threw down the gauntlet, by design, that pre-I2 heroes could -never- have all the badges. I don't agree with that, but it is what it is. As a matter of fairness, knowing they were going to short pre-I2s a badge from the start, it would be a valid compromise to award all pre-I2 heroes a 'replacement' badge that would fill the void the lack of Isolator causes. It could be an Accolade named 'Alpha Corps' or some such. The details can be handled however the Devs want. But much like later event badges, you would've had to have been in the game at a certain point (pre-I2 in this case) to get it. This would go far in recognizing those who were dedicated/lucky enough to be around and active before the badge system even existed. Balance would be achieved - both pre and post I2 heroes would have a specific badge the other group could never get. Sound reasonable?

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



People whinge about this issue ... if it was implemented, it takes development time away from other things needed (ATs, powersets, bug fixes etc etc etc) ... blah blah blah ... And the halloween event ? and the winterlord event ? and '05 winter event ? and valentines day event ? I don't hear you complaining about those events, the fact they took valuable time away from development of other things ...

What about the people pre-I2, who DID take out 100 contaminated and received no badge ? There's no justice for those people ...

I don't have Isolator, I didn't even know it existed until a month after I left Outbreak, there was nothing in Outbreak to tell me about badges, and there might be one there for doing something extraodinary ... I would love to have it ... and I would love another oppertunity to get it ...

Lots of people have suggested many ways it could be implemented using everything that is already available in the game, things that won't require new zones, new contacts, new models or sounds ...

My suggestion ... ding 50, go see City Rep in Atlas, she sends you off to portal corp to cull the population of the contaminated world ... beef up the enemy, make'em 53 Bosses, no xp from them (to stop people attempting to PL on this mish), make it as difficult as possible to do this mission, but give us the oppertunity to get our Isolator badge ...

One suggestion I really liked was Beef_Cakes, making them a GM spawn ... Faultline would be a nice place ... seeing as you only go there for about 3-4 kill x missions ...

Those are my 2 cents worth ...




And with all due respect, no one knew when these badges were implimented in the game that isolator would only be avaialble in the Tutitorial of the game.

If many would have known I bet this conversation would not even be happening.

So if you ask me it was a poor choice of the dev team to keep things so discrete with this game.

Not the lack od choice of the customer.

And Yes, I went through Tutitorial, but back then as many never knew you had to kill (x) amount of contaminated to earn a badge.

But you are right, I will live with it, but I can express my opinion as I choose to. Just as everyone else here on these forums. So live with it and move on.

[/ QUOTE ]


You keep coming back but you really dont get it, do you?

This was/is a special Event for certain people. You didn't need to know, nor were you required to know it was coming.

Do you know about it now? Yes.

Can you get the badge? Yes. You can participate in the event.

Should your previous heroes be allowed a chance to get the badge? Well look at it this way: I play a male hero during the Valentine's event and get the Handsome badge. A female companion gets the Beautiful badge. Does that mean we should get the chance to get each other's badges too? Hardly... and the same logic applies here, whether you believe that or not.

Simply put, I refer you to the McDonald's example that you are probably ignoring.

Dude, you aren't getting all those slices of cheese.



Because I just KNOW you're all DYING to hear another random person chiming in with their opinion ...

Suppose a Hero is rolled up, say, this coming Saturday, after the Valentine's Day even is over. This character has a list of badges that s/he is able to theoretically get. It does not include Cold Warrior, Frozen Fury, Malleus, et al. It does include Isolater. As such, it seems off to me that a character who already existed by this Saturday would, if missed, be barred from getting Isolater. It's not like Celebrant, or Toy Collector, or any such thing. The badge is still in the game, and still being awarded. And as such, it should be available to whatever character feels like doing the work to get it.

It's not realistically feasible for, say, a Scrapper to get Empath. But that doesn't mean they're arbitrarily prevented from earning the badge through months and months of Heal Othering. It's a pain to get for most characters, but it's still gettable by everybody. Isolater is not gettable by everybody. This just seems unfair. If a badge is gettable, it should be gettable by everyone.

Suppose they added a badge for, say, number of Sleeping enemies. Put the number at something like 100,000, and every time you Sleep someone you get 1 point towards it. This would be complained about massively, and rightly so, because it explicitly excludes some characters and not others. That's what Isolater feels like to people who missed it, or who were already in the game proper when it was added.

Jerk 4 Life
In brightest day, in blackest night/No evil shall escape my sight/Let those who worship evil's might/Beware my power ... Green Lantern's light!/(Meowth, that's right!)

My Arcs: #4827: Earth For Humans. #6391: Young Love.



Please... all badges should be gettable by everyone?

You might as well be asking for all powersets to be available to everyone too.

Then all we'd end up with is City Of Clones. What fun would that be?



Your ignoring the part about the pre-I2 heroes that DID take out 100 contaminated ... how is it fair on those characters that put in the effort and have received no reward ? A redname (can't remember who ...) has said that it can't be datamined ... I would love for you to explain why these heroes should not get another oppertunity ...

And noone has said that ALL badges should be available ... One could say that Cold Warrior shouldn't have been given out during the '05 winter event because it was part of the Winterlord event ... it was a dev decision for that type of enemy to pop from presents ...