29 -
I call 'em toons because we're supposed to be superheroes and ... well superheroes live in comic books and cartoons on tv ... very toony in my opinion.
ps ... it's Looney TUNES, not toons... -
Unlike Rise of the Phoenix it does not affect its target(s) in any way
[/ QUOTE ]
I beg to differ. The last time I used the power, it did damage to everything around me. The very description says: "...can drain the life force of all foes around you..."
Damage: Moderate
Recharge: Very Long
The power can be slotted for damage too. -
/respecs are a dangling-carrot that keeps long-time Players playing their old-borked characters which are messed up from improper builds.
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I don't get it. How do people burn through three earned Respecs and all their free ones?
I've never done a Respec on most of my characters.
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree!
Most of my characters still have all the Earned respec's and the free ones ... the only time I'll burn a free respec? When I hit a crucial "upgrade" level ... I'll burn the freespec to build the exact same build but sell all the SO's to fund the new SO's.
Personally, I hope they don't give another free respec. I've got way too many sitting on all my toons as it is :-p -
"They'll give respecs when there are major changes." OK, define the difference between 'major' changes and 'minor'.
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Just a guess, but ...
Minor? A change to team teleport would only affect the FEW who've ever taken it.
Major? something that affects thousands of toons (i.e. the defense changes) -
So in other words, short version, Cryptic "owns" every single character name on *every* single server now created by players?
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And we all knew this when we created our characters in their game. -
Actually, he paid for the privledge, as did anyone that preordered.
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Technically, you didn't pay for the pre-order. If you put down, say, 15 bucks at EB games, then you got the Pre-Order box. However, you also had 15 bucks deducted from the cost of the game at the time of purchase. So, your still paying the exact same amount of money you would have if you DIDN'T get the pre-order box, you just give them some of the money as a guarantee that you will actually be coming back to buy the product later.
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Now I've never pre-ordered, so if he doesnt buy the game when it ships, does he get that pre-order fee back? My guess would be no, because he's actually paying to have a guaranteed copy waiting for him at the store. There's no guarantee he'll buy it.
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When I pre-ordered CoV, I was told that if I chose not to buy the game, that I would get my fee back. Now, I don't know if that's common or uncommon, because that was the first time I've ever pre-ordered a game. -
My suggestion is about as assanine as asking the devs to hand it over
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No, don't sink to his level! I know you can spell "assanine" correctly!
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Awww but do I have to?? hehe -
Thanks for all the support from the Pro-Isolators! I guess I should thank the Anti-Isolators as well for making it such a big issue, and keeping the thread alive...
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After my very first post here, stating my position of disagreement, I've only posted here to maintain the ruckus to see how many pages we can drag this out into...I'm quite impressed that we've made it as far as the 20's! -
Agreed, and not just because of the time sink. It's not even a plausible solution. Anyone who re-rolls their toon now would lose event badges (e.g., Cold Warrior, Toy Collector, Celebrant, and [soon] all the Valentine's Day event badges).
[/ QUOTE ]
And that is why I specifically said that those who at the time Issue 2 introduced badges ... not everyone who has a 50 today ... just those people out there who were pre-badge who really really wanted the badges. If they had rerolled their toons for the sole purpose of making sure they got every badge, from the time badges became active, then this entire thread would not even be needed.
If I had had a level 50 by the time badges were introduced .... YES, i would have remade my toon in a heartbeat to ensure that I had every single possible badge. Oh wait ... I was level 29 when badges were introduced and I did remake my toon...
My suggestion is about as asinine as asking the devs to hand it over -
Well this is just a hunch, but i would be willing to bet that most of the people who are against putting isolator in the later game already have this badge.
Its just the reason to say no, leave it alone, is because you have this badge already and you at any given point can say "Ha I have it and you don't!"
[/ QUOTE ]
First, I do NOT have the Isolator on most of my toons because it's a pain in the behind badge to bother with at level 1 or 2.
I do have the intention of getting as many badges as are possible on all my toons, with enough time. So ... no, just because I disagree with the suggestion that Isolator badges should be given out does NOT mean that I have it or would stand over someone and say, "Ha I have it and you don't. So shut up and get over it".
Because any avid badge collector who does not have this badge would love to get this badge as it was something they missed when badges were implimented into the game.
Many heroes who went through Outbreak were already level 50 by the time badges were implimented into the game, so these player have no chance in getting this badge...
[/ QUOTE ]
Second, it is my sincerest opinion that if people were truly as obsessive/compulsive about the badges as they are claiming to be, they would have/should have rerolled their toons as soon as the badges were implemented to ensure that they got them all. That ... and that alone would qualify you as a true badge-ho.
"Oh but I was already 50 by the time they were implement!"
and the point is ...??? There was nothing to stop them from rerolling a toon. Being as badges all started at the same time, it's not like anyone can say there were 'special' badges out yet to prevent them from rerolling a toon for fear of losing the 'special' ones.
then if it is ever implimented in the later game
[/ QUOTE ] to which Cuppa has already said it's not likely...
But something is telling me that if it si you too will be getting it as well as the rest.
[/ QUOTE ]
Care to make a wager on that hunch?
If they make the exception and hand out Isolator badges to people who chose not to remake toons when badges first got added to the game, then they'd have to hand out the all the other badges that people are missing simply because the badges are available, but they don't have them. -
Has anyone else noticed that the people who are pro-Isolator are posting their reasonings, trying to make comparisons and generally being nice, tactful, civil and well-reasoned about it? "I think the Isolator should be accessible under this and that circumstances...."
And the people who are anti-Isolator are pretty much being a pack of hostile, unreasoning, bullying, dismissive jackholes? "Just shut your mouth and suck it the hell up, n00b. Because I said so. Shut up! SHUT UP!"
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As stated earlier, I am against it. Now, just out of curiousity ... Where in my previous post was I being a "hostile, unreasoning, bullying and dismissive jackhole"??
Not to mention the fact that throughout the course of this joke-of-a-thread, there have been a few pro-Isolator posts that were worded as attacks or name-calling... yours being a prime example. The pro-isolators haven't been all sugar and spice either... -
Wow ... quite the thread.
On a whim, I went through every page (up to the point where CuppaJo came in) to see how many LESS pages this thread could have been if people had merely agreed or disagreed with the OP and moved on...
Total opinions expressed prior to CuppaJo post? 24
Total "Definite Yay" opinions? 11
Total "Uncertain Yay" opinions? 3
Total "Definite Nay" opinions? 5
Total "Uncertain Nay" opinions? 2
Total "no opinion" opinions? 3
With that said, if /signed means you're agreeing with a post, then the "Definite Yay" goes to 12 with only 2 "uncertain yay" opinions.
So, in summary, I think this entire thread could have been a much quicker read if people had stuck with the intent of anything placed under the Suggestion category, and merely responded with their respective 'yay or nay' answer.
Instead of pages of pointless blather, we'd have 2.5 pages of concise opinions relating to the original suggestion. This is just a guess, but I'm guessing that a concise response that's quick and easy to read is much more appealing to the devs who read the suggestions ... saving them from having to wade through the bog to find the public's opinion.
For the record, my vote on the OP is Nay. I do not agree.
The macdonald's 'example' was a good one, as to why this just is not a reasonable demand.
I.e. You are loyal to a MacDonalds store from the day it opened! For the longest time you could NOT get cheese on your hamburger. One day, you go in to get your usual cheese-less burger to find that TA-DA!! they now have cheese to offer! But the problem is that now all you can think about is all the cheese-less burgers you had to consume prior to this point, so when you get to the counter you say, "I want you to give me free cheeseburgers simply because I was your most loyal customer before you even had cheese for the burgers."
Kind of an unreasonable request, when you think about it. -
ZOMG! Statesman actually posted in the Blaster forum! He did it! I guess they are reading our posts! *faints*
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Posts like this make me wish I had the resources to develop Keyboard TASERS. I'd sell it to the devs so they could just zorch the hell out of you as a reward. -
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Who knows why it didn't work for you in this 'test', but I do know it works. My blaster gets increased damage, and my husband was practically dancing for joy the other day when he died because just before biting the dust, he hit with full defiance bar and did over 1400 damage to his target. It was hilarious to hear him go on about it -
Another month?I guess what they said about spacing Issues out more after CoV launches was true. It'll be nearly 4 months since our last Issue by that time. Hopefully this means it'll be a lot bigger though.
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Man, if we gotta wait til Mid/end March til I7 goes live, that will be a huge stink bomb.
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Why?? Why on earth is it a 'stink bomb'? I mean, really I'd like to hear your reasoning on this. -
I'm not entirely sure that 50+ content is really worth it. I mean, at level 50, we'd blow threw anything new and then be demanding more within a few weeks.
I just don't see progressing beyond 50 as that important. Too many other toon options to have me concerned about 50+ content! -
Of course you already know I7 includes 40-50 content for CoV, and as with every update more art updates, missions, and quality of life features. The other items in I7 will be revealed when we get the Feature Update.
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What about bug fixes with costumes and looping sounds? I'd much prefer these FIRST before adding more content with new bugs. Also, what about the nerfs?
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I'm more curious to see the new contentBugs will get fixed as the team gets to them - those can happen at any time. Issues with new content are only every few months (new content generally brings a new horde of bugs).
Of course, this means I have about a month to get my villain to level 40!
As for the speculation on the after 50 class option - Nictus, Coralax, etc ... I can't wait to see what they come up with. I am almost hoping it's something entirely new and unheard of. -
This is moderator power-abuse in it's most ugliest form if I've ever seen it.
Don't think I'm overreacting, because I'm not.
[/ QUOTE ]
Perhaps you're not 'overreacting' but you are putting way more drama into this than is necessary. First of all - how in all of God's green earth do you come to the conclusion that Cuppa is powertripping??????
I mean, that's a pretty aggressive accusation to make. I'll bet money that Cuppa is simply passing along the message - as this is probably a decision that has come from the higher-ups. And if that's the case, there is absolutely no need for people like you to be accusing CuppaJo of powertripping and being close-minded. They are simply doing their job and protecting their rights.
As for any one else not understanding how any of the mods can cause problems ... the simple fact is that if anything goes wrong with your game, who do you run to?? You run to the developers and expect them to help you ASAP in fixing your game. Now if your game is riddled with modifications you've been adding to your game ... do you still think it's their responsibility to fix your game?? In my opinion, they can't help you fix something that you've been secretly modifying from the beginning... -
I do hope that if a technical change is planned to block usage of it, someone lets us know about it beforehand.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm thinking this might be that warning.
[/ QUOTE ]
Naw, because if they announce it beforehand, I'll just cancel my account that much sooner. Modding is the only thing that has really been keeping my interest in the game the last couple of weeks.
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Then you really need to be playing another game, bud. The client modification restriction is not new to the TOS ... so if the very fact that they are finally enforcing an element of their TOS by removing threads discussing client modifications - then, as I said, you need to be playing something else more satisfying.
I've been playing the game over a year and don't see what mods (other than the one surpassing the game's primitive map) are really needed to make the game more enjoyable. -
Very nicely done! The best base I've seen thus far!
So you're saying that its the retail industry's fault that they launched the game early
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, sure. It's been advertised as being released October 31st. So when a retailer shelves the product prematurely, they have a responsiblity to the customer to inform them that the game does not open up for play til October 31st ... the official launch day.
Just sit back and imagine right now how many kids got this game on Friday from their local EB or GameStop or (fill in here) and got it home, only to find themselves locked out because they weren't a Super Special member? Think of the customers PlayNC is losing!
[/ QUOTE ]
I seriously doubt that PlayNC will be losing many people over this contrived wrong-doing. The cool thing about 'kids' is that they bounce back fairly quickly. Oh, I'm quite sure there were a few kids out there who were vastly disappointed to discover that they couldn't get into the game til Monday, but I'm also pretty sure that those same kids have found a way to get over the shock and are already bouncing with excitement for Monday to roll around.
Oh, by the way, being a person smart enough to research the material before making the decision to pre-order the game because it would mean being able to play it two days early ... makes me a super special member??? COOOOL!! *does a happy dance* I'm super special, I'm super special... -
I cannot fathom how many casual customers CoV is losing because of this monumentally stupid marketing desicion. WHAT GAMING COMPANY ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH HAS FORBIDDEN THEIR GAME TO BE USED ON LAUNCH DAY UNTIL THE MONDAY FOLLOWING THE LAUNCH WEEKEND?
[/ QUOTE ]
Um. and to address this very obviously confused statement directly...
CoV launch day is Monday, October 31, 2005. So, I'm not sure where you're getting the impression that you are getting in AFTER launch day.