Son of the Regen Lounge: Sit a spell!




Hey Fanboy,

I'm working on a guide as we speak as well. I am focusing on defense and resistance powers throughout the game. Just finished tankers and I am about to go into scrappers.
I say we join forces here. Send me a link of what you have compiled and I'll send you mine

EvilGeko, you are the best at regen by far. Let's get you started on the regen side if you are up for it.

[/ QUOTE ]

My BS/Regen guide will be updated the day this hits the live servers. I always wait to see if there are any last minute changes.

In general Regens will do OK. You won't notice that much of a change in Regen, although the slotting will be wonky and counterintuitive. Other min-maxxers on the boards have stumbled upon things close to what I'm going to suggest, so it won't be much of a surprise.

I'll tell you though, the Stalker loss of QR makes perfect sense now. I don't want to get into trouble by saying more, but I'm even considering picking up CoV just so I can complain on the boards about how they gimped a whole AT pre launch!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Thanks Geko, I love your guides and are always fun.
I also have my accounts paid through January. I will give the new system 2 months of my time. If it doesn't stick, I'm gone.



I'm afraid I'll have to drop the Sitting power, as I can no longer six-slot it for Endurance Recovery. It doesn't provide enough under the new system to justify having it.

I'm thinking Lounging might have to go next.



*Sits down in the lounge*

Well.... <censored>.

And that about sums up ED.



And that is why we need to do testing, gather data and present arguments in a calm manner.

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I think we need to start a new campaign to remove the unenhanceable portion from our powers. That little gem makes no [censored] sense anymore with the new enhancements.

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And that is why we need to do testing, gather data and present arguments in a calm manner.

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I think we need to start a new campaign to remove the unenhanceable portion from our powers. That little gem makes no [censored] sense anymore with the new enhancements.

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When my healing rate is decreased yet again, and his ability to heal is decreased, where does that leave us?

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Unfortunately, it goes further than just healing. I also regularly team with an Empath buddy and we were discussing it the other night. Fortitude takes a hit, Recovery & Regen Auras and Adrenaline boost will all be available less often too.

Due to the defence and resistance nerfs you will take more damage. Due the damage output nerfs, the mobs will take longer to kill. So we take more damage and the mobs give that damage over a longer period. Which means more healing is required... except healing got nerfed too so even more heals will be needed. Which will eat more endurance. Except Stamina got hit too.

Oh my, doesn't this sound like it will really make the game much, much more fun to play



It may not be much fun but sure will slow the game down which is a good thing because the longer you play the more you pay.

Atleast thats how I think the devs see it.



And that is why we need to do testing, gather data and present arguments in a calm manner.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think we need to start a new campaign to remove the unenhanceable portion from our powers. That little gem makes no [censored] sense anymore with the new enhancements.

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And that is why we need to do testing, gather data and present arguments in a calm manner.

[/ QUOTE ] I think we need to start a new campaign to remove the unenhanceable portion from our powers. That little gem makes no [censored] sense anymore with the new enhancements.

[/ QUOTE ] /signed

[/ QUOTE ] /signed

[/ QUOTE ] /signed

[/ QUOTE ]
/signed - We also need all Loungers to PM States, Posi, and Gecko on this fact so they are sure to hear it. The unenhancable portio MUST go in light of this new code.



And that is why we need to do testing, gather data and present arguments in a calm manner.

[/ QUOTE ] I think we need to start a new campaign to remove the unenhanceable portion from our powers. That little gem makes no [censored] sense anymore with the new enhancements.

[/ QUOTE ] /signed

[/ QUOTE ] /signed

[/ QUOTE ] /signed

[/ QUOTE ]
/signed - We also need all Loungers to PM States, Posi, and Gecko on this fact so they are sure to hear it. The unenhancable portio MUST go in light of this new code.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, my last PM to states was me calling him an effing liar (with more words), and he hasn't even read that one yet. So I'll wait until he reads that before I scald his inbox again.

Kung Ru - 50++ MA/Regen Scrapper
Kalleesta - 50 Necro/Dark MM
Hidden Justice - 44 Kin/Psy Defender



Just sent this to Statesman and Positron (Gecko has Private Messages turned off - how lame is that?)

Regen Enhanceable/Unenhancable Percentages

In light of the upcoming change to enhancements, it is very important that you review the Regen powers that are the only powers in the game that have a retriction put on them on how enhancements work. Getting double-quadruple diminishing returns on enhancements on these powers is unbalanced and unfair.
Please drop the enhance/unenhance features on Fast Healing, Integration, and Instant Heal so when ED goes live. There is no reason to have this effect in place on top of the Enhancement Diversification programming.

Thank you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Once again, I think we all need to get their attention on this as soon as possible.



And that is why we need to do testing, gather data and present arguments in a calm manner.

[/ QUOTE ] I think we need to start a new campaign to remove the unenhanceable portion from our powers. That little gem makes no [censored] sense anymore with the new enhancements.

[/ QUOTE ] /signed

[/ QUOTE ] /signed

[/ QUOTE ] /signed

[/ QUOTE ]
/signed - We also need all Loungers to PM States, Posi, and Gecko on this fact so they are sure to hear it. The unenhancable portio MUST go in light of this new code.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, my last PM to states was me calling him an effing liar (with more words), and he hasn't even read that one yet. So I'll wait until he reads that before I scald his inbox again.

[/ QUOTE ]




When my healing rate is decreased yet again, and his ability to heal is decreased, where does that leave us?

[/ QUOTE ]

Unfortunately, it goes further than just healing. I also regularly team with an Empath buddy and we were discussing it the other night. Fortitude takes a hit, Recovery & Regen Auras and Adrenaline boost will all be available less often too.

Due to the defence and resistance nerfs you will take more damage. Due the damage output nerfs, the mobs will take longer to kill. So we take more damage and the mobs give that damage over a longer period. Which means more healing is required... except healing got nerfed too so even more heals will be needed. Which will eat more endurance. Except Stamina got hit too.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bet my Empathy friend has already thought of these little gems; they hadn't yet occurred to me.



It's going to be harder for sure, but I see a lot of posts saying various builds will be unplayable. That's not going to happen but levelling will be slower and thus the game will be duller to play.

My problem with it isn't the scope of the reductions but the fact that any reduction is needed at all. Why on earth are we being nerfed YET AGAIN?

I didn't like the I5 changes but I could see what the devs were trying to accomplish, but this ED fiasco is lunacy. The devs are basically saying that they want to nerf the majority of useful powers in order to promote slotting diversity. Er... does that make any sense at all? Piss off 99% of the player base in order to promote some abstract slotting concept that no one really cares about? Did any of you ever actually stop and think while playing 'Gee, I wish I didn't have to slot these powers for maximum effectiveness!'?

I think they have lost the plot completely. If CoV wasn't coming out soon I'd have quit already by now and I expect the same is true for many others. So this news was very clever timing on their part. It's been running on their internal servers since March but it only just gets released? How convenient. Unfortunately the newness of CoV won't last forever and then I'll log back into CoH one day and remember what they did to my characters effectiveness for no apparent reason at all.



You could get Moses, Jesus, Buddah, Ghandi, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster to sign your little petition, and it wouldn't do any good. Until you people wise up and STOP SENDING JACK YOUR MONEY, nothing will change.



I'm asking here because this thread is getting so many views/posts...

Does anyone have that video where a spine/regen tanked a wolf mission of like 200+ minions, and took them all out on his own?


Check out my Screenshots
Suppressed 50 Spine/Regen Scrapper
Pope Jon Paul 50 Emp/Psi Defender
Jean Harlot 50 Arch/Fire Blaster
14 other 50s



You could get Moses, Jesus, Buddah, Ghandi, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster to sign your little petition, and it wouldn't do any good. Until you people wise up and STOP SENDING JACK YOUR MONEY, nothing will change.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm...I dunno about the rest of them, but The_Pope just posted above me...maybe The Pope could sign for Jesus & give us a good word for Moses.



You could get Moses, Jesus, Buddah, Ghandi, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster to sign your little petition, and it wouldn't do any good. Until you people wise up and STOP SENDING JACK YOUR MONEY, nothing will change.

[/ QUOTE ]

What petition? The Regen lounge is for silliness and bitchin' no seriousness allowed.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



i'm always serious.



Oh I love to be casual and silly as well. Some things I am serious about though. Like the fact that I have sent 2 emails to both Positron and States and no read receipts yet.
Wasn't even about complaining either. Actually made some good suggestions. I'm going to compile a post tomorrow about these suggestions and throw it in the Suggestions/Ideas area. I hope everyone comes over to read it.

As for sillyness? Just read the sig.



My regards to Col. Jessup of course for this

"Son, we live in a world that has code, and that code has to be maintained by the Dev's. Who's gonna do it? You? You, GenericHero3253?
I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for your Enhancements and you curse the Dev's.
You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that the Enhancement Diversification, while tragic, probably saves Heroes.
And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves Heroes.
You don't want the truth because, deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me maintaining that code, you need me maintaining that code.
We use words like balance, fun, changes. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent coding something. You use them as a punchline.
I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very game that I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it.
I would rather you just said "thank you" and went on your way. Otherwise I suggest you pick up a keyboard and start coding. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to"



i'm always serious.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then git'

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Well, now that ED is out in the open, we have to move on.

What will our nerfs be in I7?


I got it!

IH will be turned back into a toggle, Dull pain will be turned into a toggle, and so will resislience.

Then, they will all be made exclusive to each other.

Since IH will be a toggle again, it will loose half of its unenhancable haling rate.

DP will be reduced to a 20% hitpoint buff.

Resiliance will get a "buff" and be made 10% base resists to all -psi, but will get a minor defense debuff to balance it out.

Oh... And they will decide MoG should realy be a "moment" and reduce its duration to 30 seconds. Recharge will stay the same...



Well, now that ED is out in the open, we have to move on.

What will our nerfs be in I7?


I got it!

IH will be turned back into a toggle, Dull pain will be turned into a toggle, and so will resislience.

Then, they will all be made exclusive to each other.

Since IH will be a toggle again, it will loose half of its unenhancable haling rate.

DP will be reduced to a 20% hitpoint buff.

Resiliance will get a "buff" and be made 10% base resists to all -psi, but will get a minor defense debuff to balance it out.

Oh... And they will decide MoG should realy be a "moment" and reduce its duration to 30 seconds. Recharge will stay the same...

[/ QUOTE ]

At one time there were a lot of people on the forums that would get angry at posts like this as 'it give's devs bad ideas'
Now, however, I'm fairly certain that they don't take ideas (good or bad) from these forums but, instead, they read them and the say "that's pretty bad, I wonder how I can top that? Oh, I know.....Enhancement Diversification"

So now that you have posted these ideas, daolong, you have challenged the devs to top them and we will now see regen scrappers keeping us young and vibrant as the more damage we take, the more XP we loose so regen scrappers will all be perma-level 1 scrappers.