Archery is the weakest set among blasters.




I played Archer/Ice blaster to lvl 16 on the test. currently Im playing Archer/Energy blaster on live, lvl 21 now. The worst part of this set that i could think of is the animation is fairly long, plus there are a few buggy animation of this set. for example, sometimes when you use Aim, the animation shows that you are shotting, in fact i have nothing in targetted. that really kills Aim's active time. if you want to use build-up+aim, it could barely get you 2 attacks within the time limit.

whats the secondary effect for archery attacks? i heard that the set only provides higher accuracy? am i correct about this. need confirmation. thank you.

thank you for reading this, i will update more information as i lvl up. BTW, Defiance really sux. i couldnt have chance to use it most of the time. my healers usually heal me up to full health in just 1 try. what can i do? tell them to not heal me, because i want to use my almighty defiance? that aint working. low hp blasters just die the way to fast.



Man I saw this when I first Picked up a bow in COH.

It is agreat for defenders with TA though. This is why my Archer is a Fender!



I played Archer/Ice blaster to lvl 16 on the test. currently Im playing Archer/Energy blaster on live, lvl 21 now. The worst part of this set that i could think of is the animation is fairly long, plus there are a few buggy animation of this set. for example, sometimes when you use Aim, the animation shows that you are shotting, in fact i have nothing in targetted. that really kills Aim's active time. if you want to use build-up+aim, it could barely get you 2 attacks within the time limit.

whats the secondary effect for archery attacks? i heard that the set only provides higher accuracy? am i correct about this. need confirmation. thank you.

thank you for reading this, i will update more information as i lvl up. BTW, Defiance really sux. i couldnt have chance to use it most of the time. my healers usually heal me up to full health in just 1 try. what can i do? tell them to not heal me, because i want to use my almighty defiance? that aint working. low hp blasters just die the way to fast.

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something has to be weakest in a AT...i personally see no real problem with archery as it does just fine damage imo.



It is some what funny but it looks like Archery is the worst set at setting off Oil Patch for defenders.

It is very funny to watch an AoE heal set it off though.



21 Archery/Device
I would be higher I have a 14 Rad/Sonic.

The main probrel is that I don't think that anyone has really figure out a good way to play an archer yet. The only guide that I have seen did not give good advice.

Solo, I can go thru a mission as fast as any of my blaster/scrapper alts. I don't see archer being weaking in this manner. This was using Flame arrow/aimed shot to pick off minions.

Did the Snapse TF and have grouped using mostly my AOE. The other players in my group were happy with my DPS ouput.

I do not see archery being weaker than the other sets.



Man I'm having a blast with my natural arch/dev blaster. Throw down some caltrops and stand n em or pick a nice tight corridor and make a caltrop barrier and twang away. A web grenade here and a taser there to help things out and I can stand fairly well against a group of baddies.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



I don't have a prolem taking on groups.

I did find it to be more endurance effiecent to pick them off and I went thru mission faster taking less damage.

I am on the last bub for 21. I am going to respec at 22. Get snap shot instead of aimed shot. I will be runing snap,fist,snap,flame or snap,flame,snap,fist. I may have flame as 1 end, 1 rech, 4 damg and I may have to do the same to fist. Save explosive for groups or the omg situtaitons.



Man I'm having a blast with my natural arch/dev blaster. Throw down some caltrops and stand n em or pick a nice tight corridor and make a caltrop barrier and twang away. A web grenade here and a taser there to help things out and I can stand fairly well against a group of baddies.

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lol. what lvl is that? lvl 7s? 5s? or 42s? 46s?



I played one to 18 and put it down. Doesn't shine at all next to the other sets.

Yes, there has to be a "weakest" blaster set... but I thought Elec had that in hand nicely and made up for it with style: I didn't forsee adding a "weaker" set.

Long animations, "meh" damage... and a secondary that is a bonus to acc yet does not allow you to slot all damage and hit with any reasonable consistency. Plus, if you take /devices, the secondary might as well be "wonder where you pull the arrows from", since the last thing you need with Drone is any more acc.

I've seen defenders pulling it off, but for blasting: thumbs down. It doesn't feel super, it doesn't stand up even next to Elec, and it requires a "draw" animation which comes into playn no matter what secondary you pick.

That said, some seem to be having fun with it. *shrug*

I'd have rather seen a gravity blast set or a toxic blast set.




A.) Looks pretty cool
B.) I dont know bought ya'll but I DEFINATLY see the accuracy boost, I hit everything with ease, no need for accuracy enhancments for me is a definate plus.
C.) The end usage isnt actually that bad, spam to much of the big attacks and ya it does drop a lil but consider none of you have stamina yet, find one blaster who doesnt eat up end, its just how it is. My ice eats it even WITH stamina.
D.) It just looks crazy cool, who doesnt want a bow? =P
E.) It takes a lil bit of time to pull out the bow but after that its pretty dam quick animation about the same as maybe energy maybe a lil quicker.
F.) The damage isnt to bad, everyone says it is but really it isnt, not if you count the fact that later you wont need accuracy enhancments (a unslotted targetting drone would probably give you perfect accuracy if you ask me) which leaves you able to 6 slot with damage, thats pretty nice right there.
Yep thats all I got, I could be wrong, but Im liken it ^_^. Although I must agree, it is a great secondary for trick arrow better than it would be as a blaster primary, but it is still a good primary, better damage wise than elec if you ask me.



I agree it could use a bit of love. About the only thing I see it really having going for it is that it is one of the sets that has less need for hasten. Mostly, the readying the bow bit has to go, just way too annoying with the various secondaries.



I agree it could use a bit of love. About the only thing I see it really having going for it is that it is one of the sets that has less need for hasten. Mostly, the readying the bow bit has to go, just way too annoying with the various secondaries.

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What, like pulling out an Assault Rifle?



I really think the Devs had this in mind for Corrupters in CoV: Archer/Trick Arrows. Of course, I don't know if you can do it or not in CoV--I'm not in beta.



I really think the Devs had this in mind for Corrupters in CoV: Archer/Trick Arrows. Of course, I don't know if you can do it or not in CoV--I'm not in beta.

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I so hope so... its destroyer by the way



The bow speed is considerable. Use it properly and you're all set. The biggest downside is that, unlike all other Blaster sets, there is no point-of-attack mitigation. Which bites the big one.



I really think the Devs had this in mind for Corrupters in CoV: Archer/Trick Arrows. Of course, I don't know if you can do it or not in CoV--I'm not in beta.

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I so hope so... its destroyer by the way

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According to these screenshots there is no Archery. And Thor, no, it's Corruptor. The name used to be Destroyer but was changed some time ago.



I did respec. I am able to arrest very well.

I do think that Archery need some skill to play.

I am arresting villians faster than I could my Ice/Nrg. I am arresting faster than most of the blaster I have tried.

I do think the archery does need a bit of tweaking. Nothing major.



Some things that are bothering me about Archery (at lvl 26)-

- If you fire at a fresh mob from a distance and miss, the mob(s) react before the arrow is even released.

- There is some serious downtime between Ranged Shot and your next attack.

- Quirky graphics bugs - sometimes your character will hold their bow off to the side when they are in fact shooting.

- Fistful of Arrows feels kinda wimpy.

- I've heard this but am too impatient to test it - supposedly Aimed Shot costs a disproportionate amount of endurance.

- The accuracy bonus. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this almost feels like a shortcoming since sacrificing an acc enhancement would leave you with less accuracy than other blasters (75% base + 75*(.33) vs. 85% base) or taking one would leave you with less dmg.

Curious - does anyone know how Archer dmg stacks up against other blasters with 6 dmg enhancements vs. 1 acc & 5 dmg? I know the latter "feels" weak compared to my fire blaster, but I've never done any number crunching.



level 31 Bow/Devices Blaster ....

.... you guys are all on crack.

Bow is fast. bow does comparable single target.

I personally left fist of arrows at the door. i went with snap, aim, and blaze. i later got snipe and was more than fine. with devices i kind of held off since my buddy startd way late and i took poools that would help him come along when he wanted to bring his defender.

besides , i got a free respec ... why not just get to a level when i think i know what i really want to do and respec my Bowslinger then.

hasten .. not needed with a bowman ... nice to see anothr build that scoffs at it. but when devices i your secondary ........

stamina ... ok, i admit i am a endurance hog with my snap on auto attack. and stamina coms in really really good by the time i got it. bt i won't flaw the set for that ... there or too many builds where it is even more needed.

as for the acc .... i'm just not impressed by this "bonus". I still tookdrone and will be slotting it ... becuae with a blaster I DO NOT MISS. period.

more disappointing by far than archery ... is defiance ... what's that ... I get hurt to get the bonus??? didn't we go thorugh this with vengence??? I thought we went over this with the devs???

I ena to a blaster, getting a bonus at that point after certain levelsis hanging around to get killed on the next shot ... it's not gutsy ... it's just stupid to do it.




- If you fire at a fresh mob from a distance and miss, the mob(s) react before the arrow is even released.

- There is some serious downtime between Ranged Shot and your next attack.

- Quirky graphics bugs - sometimes your character will hold their bow off to the side when they are in fact shooting.

- Fistful of Arrows feels kinda wimpy.

- I've heard this but am too impatient to test it - supposedly Aimed Shot costs a disproportionate amount of endurance.

- The accuracy bonus. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this almost feels like a shortcoming since sacrificing an acc enhancement would leave you with less accuracy than other blasters (75% base + 75*(.33) vs. 85% base) or taking one would leave you with less dmg.

[/ QUOTE ]

totally agree according to my experience. mobs attack you before you even fire the arrow is one of the animation buggy. and it sux because you can move while you are in the animation of attacks. my style of soloing is "Hit n Run n Hit n Run" but now i cant even keep safe distance from mobs. thats really bad.



Not much xp yet, just lvl 8, but I seem to have departed radically in my power picks from everyone else.

Allow me to elaborate:

First, i'm archery/electric. Character concept. actually seems to work fairly well: electric fence keeps my targets out of range, and stacks for fairly quick rolling damage. Skipped Charged Brawl, or whatever it is, and sipped Snap shot.

So...I have Aimed, Fistful and Flaming Arrow, plus EF and LF from the secondary. Took swift from the fitness pool. And I have to say, I ROCK!!

Today, all by my lonesome, at level 7, I took out MULTIPLE large spawns in the hollows of even-con thru +1's (at least 10 per spawn.) Blue-cons? Puh-LEEZE...don't even waste my time. Flaming arrow one-shots them.

And that's basically how I play it...Flaming->Aimed->EF is my chain, and I hold lightning field and Fistfull in reserve in case a group of baddies gets a little too close (or WAY too close).

BTW, don't know how many of you have tried this, BUT....if you have a "hard target", like a Brick or some such at low levels, and you hit them with the following chain: EF->Flaming->EF, then run in and toggle LF just outside their melee range, then one more Flaming arrow, the damage numbers just FLY by. kick off an AIMED at them just for kicks when everything else is down, and you can take down BIG enemies even at low levels. I took out a pair of +3's (Volts) at lvl 6 with this guy, using the same basic tactics.

I run sprint when I'm in combat, and while it's an end sucker for now, it also allows me to maintain range when combined with EF from all but the largest groups of enemies.

Now, this is only my second blaster, and my first I only took to lvl 13 (AR/Dev), but I have a lvl 50 tank and a lvl 50 troller (inv/ss and ill/emp, if it matters), and I can honestly say, this blaster is every bit as powerful solo as they are, at least at this low level.

So, no, I don't think of him as underpowered at all, and I've been AMAZED at how fast attacks chain. My other characters could only DREAM of that kind of speed.

End is a little bit of a problem, but nothing compared to my tank, and the AR/Dev blaster was every bit as bad, if not worse.

Maybe it's the /ele secondary, I don't know, but if he were any more versatile, it'd be sick. Tomorrow, i'm upping his difficulty level to Invincible. We'll see how misisons go then.



archery is weak? I was almost thinking archery might even be a little bit overpowered, not weaker. but after thinking some more on them, they seem pretty even-keel with the rest of the blaster sets.



I upped the difficulty to invinc, and had taken out several spawns of orange and reds when I encountered a purple LT...I had just drawn back the finishing flame arrow (or the whiff that would be my butt) when "poof" down went the



I have a lvl 18 Arch/Dev blaster and have had little problems. I took some advice from Freedom Fury's AR/DEV guide and have slotted with the wisdom provided. This is my first blaster and I don't find it weak. I've slotted out Snap Shot and Aimed Shot from my primary pool and Fistful is a close second. 5 Damage and one Accuracy on both Snap and Aimed, I barely ever miss with decent enough damage. I agree that 'readying' the bow is a little overlong but once it's out you can plug 'em full of wood. On the Devices end, I went with Freedom Fury's recommendations, and have Web Grenade, Caltrops and Targeting Drone slotted for minimum slots and maximum effectiveness. On whites I hit almost every time without the drone and against oranges and higher I pull out the drone and let fly, again hitting almost every time. The travel powers and the fitness chain I find to be mutable as everyone has their own opinions on these things. Suffice it to say that I'm quite happy with my blaster. Archery might not do as much damage as some others but it beats out most in terms of accuracy IMHO. I'd rather hit 95% of the time with decent damage than with massive damage and whiff.



Just hit 18 with my Archery/Dev blaster. While I started the toon with the feeling that I was well and truely gimped, my opinion has changed. Now that I'm slotted I find the damage OK (just OK). I don't mind the long animations too much. The only non-bug complaint I have is the heavy endurance use. Bug wise there are ALOT of issues. The stange pose you strike when switching from a device to the bow, the odd arrow comes from over the shoulder bug, the wild arrows flying everywhere with fistfull o'arrows, and the Ranged Shot bug. At 18 my current verdict is that archery is SLIGHTLY gimped because of end use and animation times. However, the set can still be played and enjoyed, and when slotted perfectly and supported with a well slotted secondary, and with good pool power selections the set does hold its own.

--Secondary selection for archery is paramount. Theme-wise I stuck with /dev. While its works because of web grenade, caltops and Targeting drone. (the extra damage slot you can give your attacks, due to targeting drone, KINDA makes up for no build-up) However, I've tried all the other secondaries. The non-devices help alot in other ways. The pseudo-control of ice saved me from some damage. Electric and Energy allowed me to be more bold due do the (very real) additional damage, its these two that really make an archer feel un-gimped and as powerful as the others. Fire was just kinda there, didn't hinder but wasn't as boosting as the others. If not tied down by theme the way I am, energy would be what I would suggest. It allows you to lay off the super end-hog that Aimed shot is, sometimes using energy punch instead. ScionofSatan covered electric perfectly above so i won't go into it here.

--one big plus is the quiet nature of the set, my main is a super strength tank, the gentle "thup" is a nice change of pace over the normal (but very cool) sound effects.

--I've been an archer IRL for about 20 years now, and I'm pleased, thematicly. I DO like the look of the bow, and am fine with the Storm Giant arrow it fires. I've always dreamt of the ability to choose different weapon visuals for each weapon based set. Its a minor, minor thing, but the bow would be a nice set for this, some wanted fancy modern compounds, others like the recuve and even others out there would love to have a longbow or even asian horsebow, or Japanese Yuri.

OK...rambled a little here, sorry.