the "where has Statesman been" explanation




I'm very proud of your brother, and all the troops who are the REAL HEROES. I recently saw my brother off on deployment to Iraq. I appreciate the fact that you would share what is a personal, family situation with the CoH community. I play with several people who just got back or are about to be re-deployed.
Personally all the proposed changes have little real importance in the greater scheme of things, but CoH has been my de-stress pastime. The changes un-nerve me because it seems too much and I'm not excited about this becoming something other than the game i've played for a year. It also put out the fire out of my anticipation of CoV.

With all the worry about our brothers and their comrades in harm's way, it seems rather shallow that the last thing I want is more chaos in my sanctuary called Paragon City. I guess in the past year thats what "the City" has meant to me.



Best of Luck to your brother


May he return home safely with the rest, someday.

and keep posting the way you do. don't let anyone change it. As a few have already said, those are some of the best posts.

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



Jack, there's a big difference between being brutally honest and being a snake oil salesman.

You are an EMPLOYEE and a REPRESENTATIVE of the company you work for. You have an OBLIGATION to be professional. As much as you'd like to spout your "aw shucks, I'm just a gamer like you" excuse, you're a freakin' professional that should know to temper his "gamer-ness" with some damn common sense. I know your intentions behind what you said may have been innocuous, but you make your bosses look bad. I'm pretty sure they don't appreciate it.



The issues with the game are nickle-dime compared to that States.
When it comes down to it - we're all really just getting our panties jacked up over what we all think is or isnt entertaining and fun.

My brother is a cop in a tough area of FL.
Its not easy knowing that our loved ones are literally putting thier lives on the line for others every day.

May God keep them and watch over them all.

Megaton Max 50 INV/SS Science Tanker on Virtue



I'm sure that it's apparent that I'm fairly new to the boards :P

States, you're a very respectable person, and always have been. Not having read much from the other devs, I'll say that they're as honorable, if not in the same function. From what I'm getting from others on the boards here, you pretty much balance out the rest of the devs over there.

As for your brother, he, and the other soldiers over there, are in my prayers. It is truly a brave and honorable thing for him to do, even more so to have support from friends and family. (My father and a close friend of his are former military, so I know how the military lifestyle is...somewhat.) Give him a "Good Luck, and Duck!" from me the next chance you get, if he's still over there when you do. Not really quite sure if this quote fits given the situation, but I'll give it anyways (as close as I can recall it, anyways. :P)

General Patton: "The goal of war is not for our poor damn son-of-a-[censored] to die for our country, it's to make those poor damn son-of-a-[censored] die for their's."

Edit: Something I just remembered that I know is appropriate for this. A plaque of mine has this phrase on it: "FREEDOM: Freedom is for those alone who have the courage to defend it."

P.S. Which post(s) are you referring to?



First, God bless America and God bless our troops and allies.


I certainly didn't intend either...but here's the reality. I do NOT pass my posts through PR, community relations or anyone. I post, well, exactly as I think.

[/ QUOTE ]

And don't you ever consider doing so. PLEASE. If I wanted to hear the standard and approved company "good speak" I'd go to work. This game, for me, is pure enjoyment. I appreciate your candor and your posts.



Good luck to your brother Statesman, and here's to praying for a safe return.

Lvl 50 Fire/fire tank
Lvl 50 Fire/kin controller
Lvl 50 En/En blaster
Lvl 50 Ar/dev blaster
Lvl 50 Emp/el defender
Lvl 25 Sonic/Sonic defender



Jack, there's a big difference between being brutally honest and being a snake oil salesman.

You are an EMPLOYEE and a REPRESENTATIVE of the company you work for. You have an OBLIGATION to be professional. As much as you'd like to spout your "aw shucks, I'm just a gamer like you" excuse, you're a freakin' professional that should know to temper his "gamer-ness" with some damn common sense. I know your intentions behind what you said may have been innocuous, but you make your bosses look bad. I'm pretty sure they don't appreciate it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I believe he IS the boss....

I dont think he makes his bosses look bad if he IS the boss, even if he's telling the truth at least its not some PR B.S.

By not spinning, I believe he is making better PR.

I cant believe some people actually dislike Statesman's honesty.

Professionals who tell you how it is, is the best professional out there. They dont spin B.S. and try to make you throw money at them. Now they want the money, granted. ( Who doesnt? Lets not B.S. ourselves ) but at least they make you feel like someone gives a damn.

Statesman, I respect you most as a developer, I keep telling my online buddies about Cryptic from how you handle things. They're frankly sick of me harping praises of Cryptic.

Dont ever change the way you do these things, its what makes you guys the best devs out there.

I hope Cryptic is up to other video games in the future, I will definately be buying them.

and last but not least: I hope your brother makes it home.



Thanks very much, States. Thanks for keeping your priorities straight (family, then work), and thanks for getting back to us as soon as you could.

Here's hoping all our servicemen and servicewomen come back safe and sane. Their sacrifices are neither forgotten, nor taken for granted.



Tell your brother to keep safe in Iraq.

Best wishes from us all.



Jack - Godspeed to your brother; may he have an uneventful tour and come home safely.

That said -- As a marketing professional who spent 7+ years in the tech industry, I'd note that your views about "polish" are very common among technically-inclined people. Like it or not, though, you're not just another developer anymore, and you need to hold yourself to a higher standard.

I'd like to submit to you that there's a middle ground between just firing off your unfiltered thoughts and having someone edit everything you say. Looking over what you say before you hit the Submit button and thinking about how people might take it is not "sales talk". It's being a good communicator.

Also, consider how much time it costs you (and the rest of the staff) in reading and responding to extra PMs and posts when you make a comment people take the wrong way. The extra minute or two it will cost you before you make a post is a small fraction of the time you have to waste in dealing with the fallout of some poorly chosen words.



Welcome back, and as everyone has said, best wishes to your family in these troubled times. As a Army Vet myself I applaud your brothers commitment to honor and country!

Plainness beats snake oil every day! Keep up the great posts and the great game!



Here positives thoughts for your brother while he is in Iraq.. As to your posting.. I for one am glad we get the real feelings. Since with typed text it is near impossible to read the intent behind the words anyone who does not allow for missing the feelings behind the words is jsut plain silly..

I have not always liked the respoce as to why something has gone down a path I did not like in CoH.. But I have never felt I was bieng lied to and chuckle every time some one does..
Honesty is not always painless but at least its an open expression of vision, goals, and thoughts.. So for my part no need to apoligise.. Just next time do it the way I want (heh heh)



Maybe my brother will see yours over there; he's airborne infantry and he'll be there shortly. Good luck to them both; they'll come back just fine. I stand little chance of getting stationed in a War Zone, personally. As for responses, I really don't have any room to talk. I rarely meter my tongue when I see something as wrong ... so I can't reasonably expect anyone else to. Just try to keep us informed; for better or worse.

50 Tankers: Ice/EM, Stone/WM, Fire/Stone, Dark/Ice, Inv/SS, Inv/Dark, Elec/Elec
50 Brutes: ElecMelee/EA, WM/Elec



IF I may make a suggetion, Make a museum where a hero is put for every COH player ho is currently stationed in a war zone and a perminant place for any who dont come back-- a tribute to the REAL heroes of the world

SFC America Assault/Dev Blaster LVL 50
Cpt Patriot Inv/SS Tanker LVL 40+
Entropy MA/Inv Scrapper LVL 30+
Warbot En/En Blaster LVL 40 +



Thanks for the honesty states, Good luck to your brother man!



Wow, now I don't know who to respect more... you or your brother.

All I can say is keep on keeping on. We might not always agree with what you do, but it's sure as hell admirable.



If he comes by Riyadh, Saudi Arabia tell him to come on over, its a party over here! Well, compared to Iraq it is.



Best of luck to your bro, and I'll keep him and your family in mind in my prayers tonight.

...gee, now I feel like a real jerk pounding you in the forums for not being around this last week...

...sorry bout that..




Our best wishes for your brother from our family here in Columbus Ohio (Go Bucks!).

I perfer honesty and blatant honesty over anything else actually, so please don't hire a PR guy and politicize your responses (I like making up words :O))



Good luck and best wishes to your brother. One of my best friends is doing her AIT now, and will probably be in Iraq by the end of the year.

You and I disagree about the feel and direction of the game. It happens, but I'm glad that you're back and talking to us again.

119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.



Does NCSoft or Cryptic do anything for the troops like give them free accounts when they have time for R&R? If not, maybe that would be an idea. It would be a nice escape for our heroes to play heroes on our favorite game!

Proud member of the LEGION, and Sisterhood



Best wishes to your Brother and your family.

The only thing most of us have been worried about, besides all the bugs, non bugs, we don't know if its a bug, is it working as intended, is the complete lack of any communication with us for over a week. This is not directed at you, just Devs in general. We have been doing alot of testing, and just want some feedback.



Haven't read the thread, don't care about 'snarky' responses.

Just wanted to say that I'm glad you've got your priorities straight. I've got one brother-in-law fresh back from Iraq and another who's slated to go to Afghanistan (YET again, even as a proud new papa). Thank the heavens for those who are willing to fight in defense of our country, and I hope your brother and everyone else in the military comes back hale, hearty, and ready to give constructive feedback about this game of yours.

Now, regarding Hasten...



Jack you don't have to justify your absense to anybody. People forget that there's a real person with a life behind the persona (i.e. Statesman). Point black, honest remarks is the only way to go. You can never go wrong with the truth.

On another note, you got thicker skin than me with all the mud-slinging going on with I5. But ppl fail to realise, there is new content in the works, new issues, CoV, et cetera. You and your design team see a big part of the picture in the overall balance of the game. We don't see all the factors, since we dont know what's in the works. You made a radical decision with the wide overhaul to the system. It was brave and neccessary. I have faith in your decisions and so should everyone else. Don't sway in your vision. This game is more of your "baby" then it is ours. It obvious with the dedication that you show to the community.

BTW....Godspeed to your Bro, in fighting for our Country. I'll keep the devil off his tail.