the "where has Statesman been" explanation




Welcome Back States! And my thoughts and prayers go out to your brother, your family, everybody else deployed around the world, and their families.

I gotta say, looking at the posts you've made today, that it is good to have you back. Though your vision of what a tanker should be, and mine differ, your candid explinations make this a truely great gaming comunity.

Help make America #1 in Broadband:

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Of course, when you have dozens of posters who overread into anything Statesman posts and takes it as an insult, it gets kind of hard to respect those posters, too.

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Yes, people do take things too seriously.




Is that a snarky response itself? Or did you only read a few of our complaints that addressed your commentary as flippant, snide, or downright rude?

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A few, a dozen, one hundred... Thankfully it wasn't all that many. Reading the forums sometimes makes me wonder if I'm playing City of Uncle Arthurs. With all due respect, sir, you are an 'Uncle Arthur'.



Hope your brother comes back OK, Jack. I'm glad you went over to see him off right.



Now, I'll wax philosophic for a moment. Before I left, I posted a couple of things that a few posters thought were "flippant" or "snarky." I certainly didn't intend either...but here's the reality. I do NOT pass my posts through PR, community relations or anyone. I post, well, exactly as I think. So sometimes I won't sound polished like a snake oil salesman. Sometimes, I'll sound just like any other gamer out there. I could have someone edit everything I post - but that would inevitably delay responses and cut back on communication. I think, though I could be wrong, that the majority of you would prefer my honest thoughts, rather than sales talk. It's probably pretty different than the game developer norm, but it's what feels right for me to say. I'm not going to always write the best responses, but you'll at least have truthful ones

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I would rather get communication unfiltered, even if it means you will be raked over the coals by archivist posters who save everything you write. I personally don't treat anything you say as a promise or as being written in stone.

If anything, I'd rather more communication, even if it ends up being changed daily: I would have loved to have know you guys were working on pets not stacking, etc. Since we last got buffs to some of the recharge tomes on pets, I naturally assumed they were fine (save for two sets).

Knowing that major chnages like that are on the way help cushion the blow when they arrive... reading the I5 test notes was like having an atom bomb set off in my inner ear canal.

Welcome back, and best wishes to your brother.




Welcome back jack,

Iraq? Been there, Done that, Don't wanna go back!

Bro watch out for those Land mines, Had a couple of them blow off my tank's tracks, more annoying than dangerous when ya roll around in a 70 ton tank tho....

and remember Camel spiders are running for your shadow to hide from the heat, not to you! Don't bother running from them they run faster than you!



Update your signature, Flaw. Vormico is 50 now



Before I left, I posted a couple of things that a few posters thought were "flippant" or "snarky." I certainly didn't intend either...but here's the reality. I do NOT pass my posts through PR, community relations or anyone. I post, well, exactly as I think. So sometimes I won't sound polished like a snake oil salesman. Sometimes, I'll sound just like any other gamer out there. I could have someone edit everything I post - but that would inevitably delay responses and cut back on communication. I think, though I could be wrong, that the majority of you would prefer my honest thoughts, rather than sales talk. It's probably pretty different than the game developer norm, but it's what feels right for me to say. I'm not going to always write the best responses, but you'll at least have truthful ones.

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I really respect this. I caught on to it in the don't-call-me-a-liar thread you made on the controller boards. It's appreciated.

Edit: That came out kinda vague. What I mean to say is that posting without putting things past someone to be cleaned up is a laudable action.



Update your signature, Flaw. Vormico is 50 now

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LoL, I was updating it while you where typing that



...and remember Camel spiders are running for your shadow to hide from the heat, not to you! Don't bother running from them they run faster than you!

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Really? That's crazy_creepy, but good to know.

Do they teach you things like that when you get over there or is it just something you pick up on your own?



Greetings Sir!

I wish luck to your brother and your family! It is quite nice to have you speak your mind. I never got the chance to serve in Iraq, but I did go to Tikrit for a small part right after 9/11. Once a Marine, always a Marine here...

Semper Fi!



Even if you didnt keep posting for another few weeks I wouldnt be mad. After playing Coh for a while I left and played WoW, that was a mighty big mistake.

Their devs dont even reply, they have correspondents who dont know whats going on because they dont do their job and just fool around. The work you put into so that we can get any information at all is appreciated by the majority of the costomers playing this game.

While I am greatful you have given an explanation, their was no reason to apologise, if I was in your position and was seeing my bro leave for war I would have done the same as you. So good luck to your brother, I wish him luck, and thanks for the reply. Props for the effort States.



Good to know you're back. I found it interesting and that you respond directly. That is pretty "darn nifty". Hope to hear some more from you regarding the past week or so in the near future. Now if i can just find where in the Dev response Forum to post my question concerning Combat jump......

Luck and well being to your brother. My him and all of our friends and family come back well, and soon.



I thought Lord Recluse was torturing Statesman in CoV somewhere.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.