the "where has Statesman been" explanation




first of all... godspeed and a safe tour for your brave brother. i do not post much but i follow the boards closely. I have never felt any loyalty to a game ever. I get bored i move on. this kind of communication between devs and players is all new to me. at first i was suspicious. then i was just leery of being played the fool. now, i want this game to perpetuate itself and grow. potential is written all over this already great example of a massive multiplayer online. expansion and growth should be the norm and coh/cov should set the mark. i've read the doomers posts and the cheerleaders posts and all have good points. through healthy discussion and rants and diatribes all will fall into place. this is my 2 cents and all i have to say ... for now. gripes and cudos to everyone. enjoy this game for what it is and what it can be.



It warms my heart to see all the best wishes to your brother, and there are plenty more from me I assure you. He is a helluva guy to be doing what he is doing, and the best thing is that soon he will be surrounded by people just as amazing as he is.

3 cheers for the selfless!

Having served in that theater back in beta (GW1), I can honestly say I don't envy his deployment but i do envy his spirit. Even tho he is Army, a big fat Semper Fi from me!



Frankly, many players are "crying" out for MORE snark. PR-speak is just more tea leaves to divine actual meaning from.

"...Rikti Crash Site is meant for groups [with] 5+ members - what were your other teammates doing?"
Nice. Tasteful and to the point. Wish I could use that level of restraint. More.



I have a cousin going to Iraq. Here's hoping no more of our boys (or girls) get hurt over there. Still,it's a warzone,so the likelihood of that is slim. But we can hope,right?

As for your comments,well,they're more ill-informed than snarky. I mean really,asking a Blaster to go in first and take the alpha hit? With no defense? In the 40+ game? Hell,even the 25+ game would likely lead to an instant faceplant under those circumstances. It just flies in the face of everything we know from game experience.

I'm not saying you shouldn't speak your mind,but do put a little more thought into what you're saying. It can really help stop some of the "the devs have gone stupid" theroys flying around.



First off, God bless StatesBrother! Father is 20-year-retired Army Major, I am familiar with the lifestyle. I hope your bro is an FF defender!

Does NCSoft or Cryptic do anything for the troops like give them free accounts when they have time for R&R? If not, maybe that would be an idea. It would be a nice escape for our heroes to play heroes on our favorite game!

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Last year, NCSoft gave the Navy something like 5,000 free copies and subs to CoH. Check the old press releases.



Jack, you remain a class act in my eyes.

I disagree with some of your (staff's) design decisions from time to time, but I'm continually impressed by your social skills.

And to think, I was one of those who openly wondered about the "crying" semantics. I'm glad to have worried about that for nothing.

Virtual hugs complete, I now go back to my nailbiting over I5 and the potential hero-neutering horrors that await within.



Jack, there's a big difference between being brutally honest and being a snake oil salesman.

You are an EMPLOYEE and a REPRESENTATIVE of the company you work for. You have an OBLIGATION to be professional. As much as you'd like to spout your "aw shucks, I'm just a gamer like you" excuse, you're a freakin' professional that should know to temper his "gamer-ness" with some damn common sense. I know your intentions behind what you said may have been innocuous, but you make your bosses look bad. I'm pretty sure they don't appreciate it.

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I believe he IS the boss....

I dont think he makes his bosses look bad if he IS the boss, even if he's telling the truth at least its not some PR B.S.

By not spinning, I believe he is making better PR.

I cant believe some people actually dislike Statesman's honesty.

Professionals who tell you how it is, is the best professional out there. They dont spin B.S. and try to make you throw money at them. Now they want the money, granted. ( Who doesnt? Lets not B.S. ourselves ) but at least they make you feel like someone gives a damn.

Statesman, I respect you most as a developer, I keep telling my online buddies about Cryptic from how you handle things. They're frankly sick of me harping praises of Cryptic.

Dont ever change the way you do these things, its what makes you guys the best devs out there.

I hope Cryptic is up to other video games in the future, I will definately be buying them.

and last but not least: I hope your brother makes it home.

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Boss of what? I'm sure States has to answer to someone. Unless he owns Cryptic. And I don't know, perhaps he does. Good for him. If he is the boss (and hell, even if he isn't), he should be concerned about the customers and how he interacts with them. The "well, I'm only a gamer, just like YOU" doesn't wash with me. I may be a "gamer," but I also know how to talk to clients.'s not like he's some wet behind the ears kid out of college at his first "real" job.

And there's honesty vs. raw honesty. I'm not asking for PR spin. I'm asking for professionalism. I'm asking for some thought as to how to say things before a random clicking of the submit button. I'm shocked that I even have to point out that there is a middle ground between "whatever comes to mind right here, right now" and "smooth marketing/pr blah blah."



Best wishes to your brother! I also have friends in Iraq or deploying soon.

Your communications are just fine by me - I appreciate a straight forward approach to speaking what's on one's mind.

Hey, CoH like a stage script - there are going to be differences of opinion between the creators and the actors. But in the end, a fine show can be performed by all. Keep up the good work!



I hereby recant my "Statesman is a seven headed ogre who eats babies while hiding behind his desk" posts of last week. Hope the brother stays safe and comes home safe, and you had a good week off.

"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato

Playing Gods (51106) - Heroic Lvl 5-20
What Rough Beast (255143) - Villainous Lvl 40-50



Good luck to your brother.

And there's honesty vs. raw honesty. I'm not asking for PR spin. I'm asking for professionalism.

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I'd rather have honesty vs. spin.

I'd rather have the unpolished developers who know and love the game answer our questions than some obseqious, butt-kissing and *completely useless* PR flak who knows nothing about the game, doesn't even play it and thinks gamers in general are whiny geeks who collect Babylon 5 plates and live in their mom's basements.

If you want polished prose from a form-letter-bot, and not a single ounce of honesty (or helpfulness, or even admission that something hasn't worked for the last 16 months...), play SWG or EQ2. Sony makes no pretense of having human interaction with their customers.

Adding a PR flak just puts one more level between us, the players, and them, the developers. One more chance for our input and observations and requests to be distorted or mislaid.

Telling Jack that he needs to go to some sort of sensitivity training to post on the message boards for his own damn game is telling him to go away from fixing this game, maintaining this game and working to make this the best game he can, just to appease a few oversensitive yobs whose mommies should have said 'No' to them a few more times instead of convincing them that they are somehow precious flowers in need of a gentle touch because they are so speshul.

I'd rather he continue working on the game, than attend some sort of sensitivity training to deal with people who are going to be very, very sad when they go out into the real world and learn that 99.9% of the people out there don't realize how unique and precious they are and start treating them like any of the other 6 billion faceless strangers out there...

Respect is earned, if it came free to everyone simply for figuring out how to mash the Submit key, then it wouldn't mean anything, would it? Jack doesn't seem to be 'snarking' on people who submit pages of Herostat data on how Force Fields are working in Issue 5, or provide similar in-depth and well-reasoned analyses on their powerset. Perhaps he finds that more useful than, 'I'm gonna convince all my friends to quit because I can't herd an entire island of Dreck by myself anymore!' posts.



Best of luck to your brother, hope it's a smooth trip!



Best of luck to your bro States, now about that IH duration........



Glad you said all that, yup have to aggree with this whole heartedly.



As a former army brat whos father served in Saudi back in 92-93? Or anyone for that matter, I gotta salute your brother and all the armed forces who are currently serving in Afgahn, Iraq, etc.

Now, pleasantries aside, these I5 changes just arent working man. I could reiterate what I have already, but it'd be redundant and you already got ALOT of reading to do. I.E. a good 99% of us all are PISSED. As for the PR vs honesty issue. I'm very honest and blunt, so I can appreciate that, BUT I also know when to use careful wordplay and tactfulness. Your explanation for I5 was anything but that. I'm pretty sure I'll a dapt for the sake of friends who play, but these changes really are neutering to the hero aspect of our heroes.



Jack, as an U.S. Army engineer with many friends currently serving in the Sandbox, I wish your brother the Lord's protection for his safe return. (PM sent with more.)

On CoH, I'll hold off on my own "snarky"comments, for now. (Hint: BURN)



Best wishes on your brother!!



If he is the boss (and hell, even if he isn't), he should be concerned about the customers and how he interacts with them.

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Seems to me that the majority who answered here seems to like how he interacts with them. I for one do. I'd rather have brutal honesty such as States has delievered than to have him blow smoke up my [censored]. To do otherwise is very insulting.

The "well, I'm only a gamer, just like YOU" doesn't wash with me. I may be a "gamer," but I also know how to talk to clients.'s not like he's some wet behind the ears kid out of college at his first "real" job.

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LOL. Maybe Jack can get you a job then. Would love to see how you handle us.



I stand by my Tanker Post stating that States is a True Tanker.

As for you Brother all we can do is hope for his safe return from his tour of Duty. I have the upmost respect for anyone who defends our country.

Cuca 50th Inv/axe



Best wishes to your brother I'm proud of all those that serve

And as for your comments even if i don't agree or understand I will always prefer honesty even brutal honesty to deception or outright lies.



Best of luck to your brother, you have my wishes for his safe return.

Keep being honest, Jack. Passing your thoughts through PR people for editing is exaclty like how the human body processes nutrients. No matter how tastey the topic, it all comes out like crap in the end.

Welcome back! Now about this hold duration thing...



God Speed for your Brother.




Now, I'll wax philosophic for a moment. Before I left, I posted a couple of things that a few posters thought were "flippant" or "snarky." I certainly didn't intend either...but here's the reality. I do NOT pass my posts through PR, community relations or anyone. I post, well, exactly as I think. So sometimes I won't sound polished like a snake oil salesman. Sometimes, I'll sound just like any other gamer out there. I could have someone edit everything I post - but that would inevitably delay responses and cut back on communication. I think, though I could be wrong, that the majority of you would prefer my honest thoughts, rather than sales talk. It's probably pretty different than the game developer norm, but it's what feels right for me to say. I'm not going to always write the best responses, but you'll at least have truthful ones.

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Being honest and sounding like a--hole are two different things. One can be done without the other.



I wish your brother well Statesman and that he may come back home safely after his tour of duty. He is truly one of the greatest hero out there along with the other men and woman who serve our country.

As far as the snarky remark or truthful keep them coming. Better a truthful remark than one that has been Politically rectified. We have too much of that already and who needs more....



Best wishes to your brother. We have a lot of great men and women over there accomplishing a lot of good.

As to your honest responses, keep them up. They are definitely one of the things I like best about this team. I deal with too much spin in real life, some honesty on these boards is refreshing. For all the people that take offense I'm sure there are many more of us that appreciate it.

Zapping, 50 storm/elec
Rain King, 50 ice/storm
Ard, 50 NB/SR

The rest of my lineup
Justice, Freedom and Virtue Servers
Avatar by Altoholic_Monkey!




Thanks for the update. God bless the Statesbrother and all the heroes in the fight against Islamofascism!