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  1. Just wanted to add my similar experience with my 22 Fire/Fire yesterday. "Cut and Run" way too much and too early. Aggro problems with Gauntlet (no Taunt though). Thanks for looking into this Castle.

    Have Fun!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Why bother changing it for giant monsters? They already bypass aggro control by having multiple huge AoEs. Heck, I don't recall ever seeing a single-target attack from a giant monster.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Um, Lusca has a pretty mean ST attack with the tentacles. And I think that the Chronos Titan has one or two ST attacks. Still, most GMs use AoEs or PBAoEs as you stated.

    Have Fun!
  3. /sign the petition to ask the Developers why Gauntlet does not work on AVs/GMs. This is very disturbing, and might even be considered a stealth nerf. Even non-controllers know about the magic triangles.

    Have Fun (against all the non-AVs/GMs)!
  4. Circ (and others),

    27) Brute Attacks do Taunt.

    This may be correct, but I wonder why Brutes get Tanker inherent (I'm assuming that it is a version of Gauntlet that is producing the Taunt effect) as well as their own Brute inherent. How is this right? Do Brutes also get a psuedo-Gauntlet to Pool Power attacks? Auras that cause Taunt effects? This does not seem good to me. No wonder Tankers are so hard to find anymore.
  5. Master Bing (Ice/Ice Dom) made 28 last night, and I had a very tough choice between a damaging attack (Frost Bite, I think) and Artic Air. I really have stuck to keeping MB out of melee when possible, but found that in playing solo, it was very hard to do so successfully. Finally decided that I could bump the damage on my existing attacks, and went with AA.

    What a difference it made in two solo missions this morning! AA is an end hog, but really made the 3-4 mobs at a time doable without Domination.

    Of course, I should have listened to Frost and taken AA earlier. Still, I have no regrets now. I can just imagine the dynamics of AA with Jack. Wow!

    I now return you to the sage wisdom of Frost
  6. So, Master Bing, my Ice/Ice Dominator has nearly made it to 24 now. I'm generally happy with my build to date, and have found the advice/discussions useful here and on the Doms board (thanks again, Frost, for your continued insight).

    I took Shiver over AA, since I'm finding myself mostly at range. It works great with Ice Slick, but is very useful even without.

    However, the effect duration of Shiver seems to be quite short, especially given the longish recharge time. Also, the visual on the activation (the effect is a little clearer) in determining which mobs are in the cone is not very clear to me (could be my slower machine though).

    I'm too lazy to use the great planners out there, but here's a list of Ice/Ice powers at 23:

    Chillblain 4 slots
    Block of Ice 6 slots
    Ice Slick 3 slots (recharge, of course)
    Shiver 1 slot

    Ice Bolt 6 slots
    Ice Sword 2 slots (auto)
    Ice Blast 3 slots

    Thinking about taking Power Boost at 24; any advice out there?

    Thanks again to all you frosties out there!
  7. Thanks for answering my question about what creates Fury.

    Malay SMASH
  8. Thanks for the Build post, Frost.

    So far, Master Bing Xue has the same Power choices at Level 4. Will try to report more as I experience it (only about 2 hours to date).
  9. Frost,

    Love your guide, very informative.

    Got any insight on Ice/Ice Dominator?
  10. States,

    Thanks for the update. God bless the Statesbrother and all the heroes in the fight against Islamofascism!
  11. The cursed Rikti education boss has me trapped in my job! I'm coming as soon as possible to defend Founders Falls. Hold the line, my European comrades!

    Magic Tanker, Freedom
  12. Hippokrates

    Tanker Update


    Thank you for taking our problems to heart, and coming up with a creative solution. The nitpickers can question, but this sounds entirely valid to address major Tanker concerns. Big thanks to you and the entire development team.

    Magic Tanker, Freedom