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  1. Gibson


    If I buy the expansion...does it come with a free month?? I thought I read that somewhere but can't find the details or if it expired.
  2. Gibson

    Hello?'s nice to see some old players still playing!!! I'm generally on in the mornings so if anyone wants to team up give a shout...same global as always @gibson.
  3. Gibson


    So who is still playing? :-)
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    hiber is a death sentence in zones gibs. if you can't kill someone coming out of hiber, you really don't deserve the kill (how hard is it to kb a target with 0 kb protection for like 3 seconds coming out of hiber). the only toon that can consistently get ouf of hiber without dying are grav doms/trollers with the cage or dual phasing idiots (pretty horrible build idea).

    phase isn't really an issue. just take phase and kill the person. not that hard. once more, if you can't kill a quick phaser, you don't deserve the kill.

    heal decay in zones i can deal with, movement suppression is what gets people killed by subpar opponents though :-\

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I dunno if it's a death sentence...I use it on my storm & it works fine unless I jump into a mob of players. Generally my cloud is up, tornado is moving around & my imps slashing away. Hurricane is nice if it's running while in Hib too.

    I love hib on my storm only because it's a great endo recovery. I use it all the time because yeah...NO BUFFERS AROUND ANYMORE. LOL

    [/ QUOTE ]It's death, Really!! all it takes is a competent stalker or two i druel when i see a low hp hyber, you can almost anticipate the break out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Like I's fine a stormy IMO. A lot of things that can interrupt an A strike.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    hiber is a death sentence in zones gibs. if you can't kill someone coming out of hiber, you really don't deserve the kill (how hard is it to kb a target with 0 kb protection for like 3 seconds coming out of hiber). the only toon that can consistently get ouf of hiber without dying are grav doms/trollers with the cage or dual phasing idiots (pretty horrible build idea).

    phase isn't really an issue. just take phase and kill the person. not that hard. once more, if you can't kill a quick phaser, you don't deserve the kill.

    heal decay in zones i can deal with, movement suppression is what gets people killed by subpar opponents though :-\

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I dunno if it's a death sentence...I use it on my storm & it works fine unless I jump into a mob of players. Generally my cloud is up, tornado is moving around & my imps slashing away. Hurricane is nice if it's running while in Hib too.

    I love hib on my storm only because it's a great endo recovery. I use it all the time because yeah...NO BUFFERS AROUND ANYMORE. LOL
  6. Was wondering if there's any updates on changing some PvP things around for zone play like:

    1. Will my support toons still be punished for doing their job? Suppression on buffs removed, heals a target suppression can stay but self heal suppression be removed. This will allow support toons back into play.
    2. Heal decay <still never understood that one, it's Bizarro>
    3. Hibernate & Phase.
    a. How about bumping up recharge times <minus the Ice sets for Hibernate> & Phase?
    b. Since you allow other players to attack another player in phase while in phase may I suggest you do the same with Hibernate? Make Hibernate an object with HPs <2,000 or some random number> Once the Ice of block <Hibernate> is destroyed the player in Hibernate may be attacked.
    c. IF the changes above occur or something like it, get rid of the gray out when one or the other is used.

    I strongly feel that if things aren't changed before Rogue Expansion zone pvp will be mostly stalker vs. stalker.

  7. Gibson

    Dear Devs,

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    you have to say GG gibson are such a noob. lol

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    +1 = OLD SCHOOL. Newb.
  8. Gibson

    Dear Devs,

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    BTW...Rogue Expansion is um a bit late. This expansion should've been in place way before COV came out. Why would I want to take a hero & make him into a villain when I already have villains or vice versa?

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    While most people only think CoH/CoV is a game designed so people could make whiny posts about PvP, there is a little known aspect to the game called "content." This is little used by most people as it requires the player to be able to read and be entertained by another little known aspect of MMOs called "story."

    See, back in the day these were called MMORPGs and the last 3 letters meant the first 3 letters would have more to do that treat the game like an elaborate chat system.

    But look on the bright side, now you can pimp your Corruptor, make him a hero, and make even more threads about how much Hero Corruptors suck in PvP! Win win!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I started playing the game when it came out...I actually leveled toons the old fashion way by playing the content. After a few 50's I grew a bit tired of doing the same thing over & over so I turned to PvP.

    I don't get any challenges in killing NPCs anymore, I did in the beginning when roles of ATs were more defined. Before Epics actually...that's when PVE PVE PVE was challenging. Team work was actually needed to PvE.


  9. I guess I'll stick to my stalker storm or blaster...everything else gets too aggravating.
  10. Gibson

    Dear Devs,

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    Castle at home reading the forum

    Castle: Wow light house quit, yet another thread about how we should bring i12 back somehow, let me call babs.
    Babs: Sup castle?
    Castle: It's been months since i13 closed beta and ppl are still hating this new pvp and we actually lost ppl instead of attracting them.
    Babs: I told you this would happen, just give them back their pvp man, you know I'll hook you up on the animations it's nothing.
    Castle: Your right, but giving in is like admitting a mistake was made and heaven forbid i do that i'll just continue to pretend all these threads don't exist and just tell everyone it's a success and i think we'll pull through this :P
    Babs: That's just wrong I'm getting off the phone with you man I'm a throw up listening to this.
    Castle: Thats cool later Babs I'm a ignore these threads anyway, but i feel the need to respond to this thread i see about jello :P

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That conversation never happened.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Still, I laughed.

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  11. How is fly?? Can you just sit up in the sky & pick things off or does hover counter the anti-fly powers?
  12. Gibson

    Dear Devs,

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    I came back after a long absence and found a broken train wreck of pvp. What's up with all these changes?

    Just saying, but it was entirely possible to kill someone fully buffed with max resistance and defense pre pvp nerf.

    I can understand some of the changes. Like heal decay, I could conceivably see decay at a rate of like 5 percent per heal, up to a cap. The resist on mezzes I can also see, but to this degree is... well, from what I've seen, it's like... Dominators and Controllers have been removed from the game. And buffing? Seriously?

    But yeah, I'm not satisfied with all these changes. I wasn't a top level PvPer by any means, but like, these changes are pretty much ridiculous. Not going into PvP zones.

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    I would be fine with heal decay but not the suppression for using it. Like I've said...some of the changes I can deal with but travel suppression really hurts buffing toons.
  13. It really is weird playing my therm. Now when I get attacked I just run until phase is up. If I use my heal I'll be dead... does teleport work in the zones?
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Hai Gibby....yea support is really gimp now. Just don't heal on your therm and you will be fine...GG Devs...GG.

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    You said it...don't heal & you will be fine.

    HOW SAD!
  15. Zone pvp is dead for a lot of my ATs <support toons> so I'm done with zone PvP.

    GG Team!
  16. Gibson

    Dear Devs,

    I think I would be fine with travel suppression if they removed all of the other stuff like: decaying heals, suppression buffs/heals & the hibernate/phase shift.
  17. Gibson

    Dear Devs,

    The two things that travel suppression creates is more kills for the melee toons & quicker deaths for support toons.
  18. 4. didn't like that their Superman clone could die in half a second. (Answer for that: Slow down the game, as the devs are trying to) slowing the game down, death is much faster. IMO gamers wanted suppression because they didn't like how people would run away when they were in trouble. Hmmm...that makes a lot of sense?
  19. Gibson

    Dear Devs,

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    So you admit that PvP is more broken now than it was before and the majority of people don't like the changes. Good to see we're finally on the same page.

    [/ QUOTE ]Lets put it this way: The car still wont start but there have been some repairs made.

    And if by majority you mean majority of those that liked PvP the way it was, then the answer is certainly yes.

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    So what was broken before?? Besides people exploiting bugs in the game the only thing that I can think of is a stun. Stuns were the only thing IMO that needed looking @, not travel!
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    7th, could you please explain why you disliked the old PvP so much? Just wondering. Using the whole 'old PvP was crap and you know it' argument just makes you look ignorant.

    Im reminded of a famous quote. "If someone forms an opinion that is not based on facts, then he is a fool"

    Here are a couple facts about i13 PvP:
    -There are less viable sets now than what existed in Prei13 PvP.
    -Teaming isn't important in i13 PvP, which goes against the mantra of all MMO's

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    Well said...

    Teaming has gone down the pooper!
  21. Gibson

    Dear Devs,

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    I rather like DR...

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    I would like it too, if they actually applied it across the board to everything, instead of just shafting support toons.

    My pain domination corruptor's aoe heal starts at around 200 and after maybe 5 heals ends up around 20 points a heal. So let's just apply that to everything. After 5 attacks your scrapper is doing twenty points of damage. Your tanker's shields start resisting 20 points of damage. That would be awesome, then everyone could experience DR for the steaming pile of crap it is regardless of what AT they were playing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I just don't get why any type of heal/buff is being punished?

    If I made a video of my dark/thermal this is what you'd see:

    1. enter zone with LFT.
    2. throw a few buffs out before the battle
    3. enter the battle but I have to stay away from the action to avoid detection. Someone's health drops, I roll in and heal.
    4. Oh boy, what's with the lag?? That's not lag, you're being punished for using a power.
    5. Oh boy, I've been targeted.
    6. RUN & JUMP AWAY!! GRRR...I can't, someone threw a web & stole my travel powers!!!
    8. Saved!!

    9. Repeat 2-6.
    11. Oh I can't, being punished for using phase shift now.
    12. Ok, use self heal. Good heal, need a 2nd one, oh boy, need a 3rd heal <why am I healing less?>, I GOT IT...POP A GREEN!! Nope, even less heal now!
    13. DEAD
    14. Repeat & be happy with these changes.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    All i see is that most people on this threads hate new pvp, same for Freedom. I don't understand WHERE IS this majority that suppose to love changes???????? LOL Liberty because 7th said so?

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    there isn't any pvp on liberty.
  23. Gibson

    Dear Devs,

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    One more thing...

    I'm considering making a toon on Virtue to do some RP PVP. That's how pathetic this new system is.

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    Don't you know if you PvP on Virtue, God kills a Kitten? :P Seriously, there's PvP in this game? No one told me, when did this happen?: P

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    Does GOD RP too?
  24. [ QUOTE ]
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    Seeing as how there's a number of PvP SG's from Liberty that used to field several 8 man teams, I'd say you're full of it.

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    Not sure to what youre referring too. PvP was dead in Liberty LOOONG before i13. Im specifically talkin abt the i12 era - and it was dead then. 8 people in RV IS unfortunately an improvement. A small one, but still.

    Now if the question is did these changes to PvP get the numbers of people PvPing that they were hoping for - then thats a definite no. In fact, Id say theyre close to breaking even with those that left. But thats not to say that the changes still arent an improvement.

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    It was?? Liberty had a ton of PvPing SGs <test> and a few VGs when COV came out. The battles in Freakburg were CRAZY!! Whirl was one them...
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    I F'n HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE INTERRUPT MY DUELS!!! Don't you noobs know how to play?!?!?!?

    IF you see two people fighting 1 v 1, you shouldn't interrupt! It's proper zone etiquette to wait around doing nothing until the duel is over.

    AND don't attack people who are standing around next to the duel, as you might accidentally hit a dueler with an AoE. Don't be SO STUPID!!!


    Just kidding of course…

    I only had a few minutes to play the other day, so I hopped in the zone and started hunting villains. I had a couple kills and only another minute to play before the end of the world (err. girlfriend aggro). The only remaining villain in sight was involved in a duel, but hey my time is prescious, so I had to send him to the pavement.

    PvP IO!!! Woot!

    The best reason to interrupt a zone duel yet!

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    Guilty but I don't care. IF you want to duel, go to the arena or hide somewhere on the map.