Interrupting Duels!?!?!??!?
What can I say? It was my first pvp IO, and it seemed appropriate that it came as a result of an interrupted duel. I got a good laugh out of the (still living) duelists broadcast response to the interruption. The guy who was defeated seemed genuinely happy that I got a reward.
I have a general dislike for zone duelists, as they are often some of the loudest and most idiotic voices in broadcast chat.
Call me a noob all you want. I'll take my pvp IO and be on my way. Thanks.
Keep on duelin'!
GratZ - Did u tell him ?
Playing protector over the weekend I got in to a lot of pvp in Recluse Victory. One of those fights I spotted were two going at it under Atlas. Though that area is the usually spot for duels this wasn't one of them. I tend to ask first before I jump in. However I saw these two going at it earlier so I jumped in to aid the hero.
I know that is the usual duel spot but I like dueling on top of the globe and the train station.
Suriel- Scrapper MA/SR
Star Centurion- Peacebringer
War Forger- Blaster EB/Devices
Dedjinn- Stalker CL/DA
Cycnus- Mastermind Mercs/Traps
If you are in a PvP zone, suck it up.
You can duel in safety in the Arena if you don't want to interact with others.
Is this really a post about selective courtesy to PvP'rs in the PvP zones?
Certainly PvP'rs generally don't have this kind of courtesy for what PvP'rs would call non-PvP'rs in the PvP zones looking to fight the enemies and get badges and such.
Seems kind of what PvP'rs call "whiny" to me.
I personally hate it when these said duels happen in say Sirens Call where you have a target that you get a bounty on. I found it often times that my bounty was one of those dueling or standing around watching. Often times if you attack your bounty all of the opposite side swarms to attack you, and your side just lets it happen because - you are disrupting their fun ?!
Nah. It's a PvP zone. I for one am going to treat it as one. The enemy is the enemy regardless of what they are up to. I know I get treated that way.
I should clarify one thing though. If I'm a villain to hell with courtesy. What's the point of being a villain if you are polite.
Hero I'm honorable.
Villain I'm a scum bag.
Suriel- Scrapper MA/SR
Star Centurion- Peacebringer
War Forger- Blaster EB/Devices
Dedjinn- Stalker CL/DA
Cycnus- Mastermind Mercs/Traps
Needs more "KS" and "noob"
Well, if somebody interrupts my duel, or if they 'wronged' me in some way, I'm gonna hound them for the rest of the time I'm in the zone. That includes attacking them, healing their target, debuffing them, etc. No smack talk. Action speaks louder than words.
Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit
I should clarify one thing though. If I'm a villain to hell with courtesy. What's the point of being a villain if you are polite.
Hero I'm honorable.
Villain I'm a scum bag.
[/ QUOTE ]
I love RP PvP on Virtue...
"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-
Well, if somebody interrupts my duel, or if they 'wronged' me in some way, I'm gonna hound them for the rest of the time I'm in the zone. That includes attacking them, healing their target, debuffing them, etc. No smack talk. Action speaks louder than words.
[/ QUOTE ]
It is zone play but sometimes it gets boring when the #s die down and it's cool to instead of doing absolutely nothing...duel a lil or watch til the #s pick back up.
Im just like Necro...I know it's zone...but when 2-3 Stalkers AS my toon when I'm "watching" (yeah, b/c theres 5 total ppl in zone) and I know that they usually can't kill me, then I lol and hunt them down like dogs. Usually 15mins later Im getting cursed out and called immature b/c the same ppl are now mad that they cant watch duels b/c theyre signing release paperwork at the hospital every few minutes.
It is what it is.
"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-
If you are in a PvP zone, suck it up.
You can duel in safety in the Arena if you don't want to interact with others.
[/ QUOTE ]This.
If you want an uninterrupted duel, go to the Arena. There's even one in Pocket D if you want to duel someone on the other side.
PvP zones are for.... *gasp* Zone PvP! Who woulda thunk it?
Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
No, i'll tell you the funny when i run melee toons i'll duel from time to time and i just happened to be on my wp/ss tank dueling a brute. A stalker and a corr interrupted my duel (not knowing i had passive heavy around the corner) i activated it, he made them earl with that ridiculously huge hold. And i took my time and killed them both as i talked trash and i got a io off one of them, told the brute, since now they'll be mad and will keep coming, lets go to the arena, so we warped to pd to finish haha..The end
But dueling is always at your own risk, on my stalkers i'll usually kill spectators i'm just not into ks'n fight klubers.
The funny thing is, even though you seem like one of the whiners that got the changes made in the first place, you're probably still bad..------Macskull on Crop_of_shaolin
I just log in 5 MM''s and spawn all their pets...lag out the duels
Lol roflecopter ROTFL MOHAHAHHA KS hahahha *drinks more beer*
Mature role play PvP on Virtue.
I barfed.
The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

I F'n HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE INTERRUPT MY DUELS!!! Don't you noobs know how to play?!?!?!?
IF you see two people fighting 1 v 1, you shouldn't interrupt! It's proper zone etiquette to wait around doing nothing until the duel is over.
AND don't attack people who are standing around next to the duel, as you might accidentally hit a dueler with an AoE. Don't be SO STUPID!!!
Just kidding of course
I only had a few minutes to play the other day, so I hopped in the zone and started hunting villains. I had a couple kills and only another minute to play before the end of the world (err. girlfriend aggro). The only remaining villain in sight was involved in a duel, but hey my time is prescious, so I had to send him to the pavement.
PvP IO!!! Woot!
The best reason to interrupt a zone duel yet!
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Way more duels happen in the zone.
As a duelist you should know they are trying to fight 1on1.
I used to say the same thing, "arena?" but no one will duel me or I got like 1 a day. I really have fun fighting with "thier" rules, no pop. Call me a care bear if you want but I do duel in zone 10 times a day. I will duel anyone from any server on test if you want to set it up.
I understand why more duels happen in the zone than in the arena, and I certainly understand the allure of fighting 1 on 1.
The dev's effd up when they did not make arena terminals accessible from the pvp zones. Had they corrected this oversight at some point in the past few years, I'm sure your opponents would gladly join you in the arena.
If you duel in the zones and enjoy it, more power to you. I'm sure you've had duels interrupted your fair share of times, and I'd hope you don't act like an Ftard in broadcast when that happens.
Some players in this thread have said that they will hunt down and kill repeatedly anyone who interferes with their duel. Well, personally, that's exactly what I want
to FIGHT! I'd rather you try to hunt me down and kill me than for me to stand around with my thumbs up my cape while a bunch of folks stand around watching a brute and tank brawl each other into a stalemate. Go figure!
People make me laugh. The other day I logged in and attacked a couple villains and after killing both of them a couple times one of them challenged me to a duel in broadcast, and the other sent me tells complaining that I wouldn't duel his teammate. I'm attacking 1 v 2 and killing both, and he's upset that I won't duel
go figure. "I'm not here to duel" thanks.
I certainly understand why people duel in the zones, and that it can be good fun. However, I generally dislike the attitude many/most zone duelists have in the zone, and once a player "crosses the line" with me I will never respect his right to duel again. I will gladly go out of my way to interfere with a donkey hat.
Don't act like a donkey, and your duels are less likely to be interrupted.
My Zone Dueling Rules:
We fight on site. Anything goes. It starts when I enter the zone, and ends when I leave.
Why do you feel the need to kill people not interested in fighting you, unless in a duel ?
LotD - JaL - POWT/SMD - SoCo - AJs

I'd say it's much easier to assume they are interested in fighting him. They entered the zone after all.
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
I know there is a warning about being attacked in a pvp zone and he has every right to do so. It is however clear when people are only interested in zone duels, most of the time they are in a remote or hidden area of the zone. The exception being Bloody Bay where it is on a roof top and even then it is normally easy to tell who is dueling.
LotD - JaL - POWT/SMD - SoCo - AJs

Maybe they were interested in fighting, it just wasn't their turn yet.
One should do them a favor and give them their turn that much sooner.
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
Why do you feel the need to kill people not interested in fighting you, unless in a duel ?
[/ QUOTE ]
I log into the zone. How do I know who is interested in fighting me and who is not? I assume everyone is interested in fighting everyone. If someone sends me a tell and politely asks to be left alone for one reason or another, I go along with that request. If someone sends me a stream of tells that just say "Loser!" over and over again (as happened last night), I will make it a point to kill that person whenever I can, regardless of what they are trying to do. Maybe some folks react differently and say "Oh, now that you've called me a loser a bunch of times, I know my place, and see that you clearly deserve the utmost respect. Please provide me with instructions of who I'm allowed to attack and when. I'll be sitting in the corner until I receive your instructions. Anxiously awaiting your reply Master!"
My Zone Dueling Rules:
We fight on site. Anything goes. It starts when I enter the zone, and ends when I leave.
[/ QUOTE ]
I know it's silly to think that everyone in the zone should follow the rules I choose to apply to my own behavior. I wish everyone else realized how silly it is to try and impose their made-up rules on everyone else in the zone.
If two people are trying to duel, I generally choose another target (if available), but I reserve the right to attack anyone I want at any time (since my target is already dueling ME by MY rules).
If two people are trying to duel, I generally choose another target (if available), but I reserve the right to attack anyone I want at any time (since my target in already dueling ME by MY rules).
[/ QUOTE ]
I F'n HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE INTERRUPT MY DUELS!!! Don't you noobs know how to play?!?!?!?
IF you see two people fighting 1 v 1, you shouldn't interrupt! It's proper zone etiquette to wait around doing nothing until the duel is over.
AND don't attack people who are standing around next to the duel, as you might accidentally hit a dueler with an AoE. Don't be SO STUPID!!!
Just kidding of course
I only had a few minutes to play the other day, so I hopped in the zone and started hunting villains. I had a couple kills and only another minute to play before the end of the world (err. girlfriend aggro). The only remaining villain in sight was involved in a duel, but hey my time is prescious, so I had to send him to the pavement.
PvP IO!!! Woot!
The best reason to interrupt a zone duel yet!