Dev Response - Burn Changes




I tested Burn last night on the test server.

The first villain group was lvl50 CoT, nearly the second Burn was laid, the group ran, and did not reenter near it's damage.
The next group was lvl51 Nemesis, this group had the same results as the first.
The last villain group I tested was Monsters, (Quarries) they seemed to stay in the Burn patch and take damage,
of course, that does not matter.

Overall, in it's present form on test, Burn is more a novelty then a useful power.

The recharge time I think is fine, as is the decrease in damage points
(from 17.00 points of damage back in the day, to 10.00 at present on test).

The Fear Factor IMHO is too high at present, it's level at first release on test, I thought, was reasonable.

I do understand that with the somewhat, deep changes to the Ivul set,
the fire tank would have to receive some type of "balancing".

Yes, it does not make sense that anything would stand in a patch of fire, lol
(something, I might add, you designed and let stand for sixteen months :] )

If burn is intended to free your char. if immobilized, it's present form will fit.

It will no longer be offensive, and it's use would be equivalent to Temperature Protection,
and Rise of the Phoenix, in the fire set, in other words, all but useless.

For me, I would rather see longer recharge times, and a lower damage scale.

But then again, I think the other AT's would prefer to see their sets unchanged completely.




I dont have a fire tank, but I have seen burn get nerfed more times than I can count. I use to want to make one...

You know, the Spartans werent allowed to own anything different from each other. Every house contained EXACTLY the same items and were EXACTLY the same size and shape. Now thats balance huh? Fun Fun Fun...

No one wants a pee shooter in a Super Hero game!!!

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Post deleted by The_EMpaler



I... wow...

*boggles* *starts again*

As constructively as I can: The reduction in damage combined with the increase in recharge and also combined with the previous addition of Fear. Wow. My Fire Tank was still playable after the Fear change, but these additional changes are just ouch.

I enjoyed playing my Fire/* Tank because it was a bit of a different flavor (less def / more off) vs other Tanker powersets. It seems like the current trend is for everything to be reset to banal similarity. I really hope that "balance" does not mean that we all end up simply identical.

I do understand the need for one powerset to not vastly out perform other powersets & I do understand the need for there to be risk associated with reward (I had plenty a dirt nap while playing my Tank), but such a huge change to a power that was just recently changed and to a power that is seen as "the" power in a particliar set is a extremely painful to those of us who were having fun while playing the current version of the game.

I don’t herd and I don’t PL so I am feeling a bit like I’m caught in the cross-fire. I see most of the changes that are being made as being made to address herding / PLing and I think that it’s extremely unfortunate that the game has to go this route (power adjustments) instead of fixing of the root cause (AI, mob stacking). I understand that per Positron the game engine can’t be fixed to prevent mob stacking… and that is really a shame.

It would be a lot nicer if those root issues could be fixed and if other powersets that are seen as weaker could be *increased* to the level of powersets that are seen as strong. Feeling super is fun.

As long as the root causes are left unfixed, herders and PLers will always find some powerset combination that lets them do what they want. And that will result in a never ending cycle of “adjustments” to players powers.



I'm unable to test these changes properly. The intense fear effect from Burn makes the changes pretty much irrelevant. I can't use the power as it is on test.

If the increased fear stays, then it's simply a power to counter immobilization, but one that is counterproductive to a tanker as it makes enemies run off. Just carrying a break free incentive is more useful, since immobilization is only a problem when enemies avoid melee range.



WOOHOO, Just dinged 49 last night on my fire/nrg melee tank. Think I can make it to 50 and retire her before I5? The race is on!

BTW, we know you don't care about your current customer base. Over a year ago, when I first started playing, this game had like 200K+ subscribers if I remember correctly. Something I read the other day on the forums said you now have 140K? Is this even after opening the euro servers? Anywhoo, I'm sure you're banking on COV coming out and getting a whole load of new people to buy both COH and COV who have no idea of what this game was like before you *cough* revamped it. So good luck with the new subscribers, I have a feeling you're going to need it. It's just really sad to see this MMO go down to the egoism of the developers who feel their vision is more important than the enjoyment of their players. Especially when that vision hasn't been consistent and seems more of a knee jerk reaction to the fact that people might be *gasp* "beating" your game.

I just heard DAOC opened TOA free servers, 2 years after they released that debacle. Maybe we'll be lucky enough to get an I5 Free server when we come back to this ghost town in a few years.




WOW, what's the point in taking burn now????

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well if your one of those tankers that don't like defense burn seems like a great way to get the mobs to go after your sqishy blaster friends.

Seriously though, with the fear still intacted its really not useful except for killing off blue minions. Everything else seems to run off and surprise surprise it takes a good amount of time before you can actually fire up burn patch and kill it.

Its good to see that I5 is runing all power sets instead of just controllers

Server: protector
()".."() ~Lau Qi: lvl 50 emp/rad def
( (T) ) ~ Ms Spooky: lvl 50 fire/dev blaster
(,,)_()() ~ Infernal-1: lvl 50 fire/fire tanker



You guys did absolutely NOTHING about the over-the-top fear effect burn now has thus making it a useless power. When ever I would attemp to use this power ALL villains would immediately scatter to the four winds. If I want to use the attacks in my secondary powerset I now have to CHASE them down. I tried taunting until I was blue in the face and it didn't matter one iota. BTW, did you guys forget the burn is the only power we have to break free from holds and by increasing the recharge rate you have hindered our ability to proctect our team to a greater degree?

You are the one that said that all ATs should be able to solo and teaming should be encouraged. The changes to burn now make it impossible to solo for any tank that 6 slotted his defenses first, followed by fiery aura, burn, and hasten. Why those first? Because that build afforded the most flexibility to solo and effectively play a teams meat shield until one could properly slot secondary attacks.

The changes to burn now makes is now the lastest in the list of powers you have nerfed thus making the game less enjoyable for the majority of your paying customers. Do you think so little of us that you have let your vision to achieve balance blind you to our valid concerns and ideas?

I (and apparently a whole bunch of other fire tanks on this forum) want an explanation - YOU OWE US AN EXPLANATION. Part of being a leader is ensuring the morale and welfare of those you are supposed to lead is protected. You may be the lead developer but this is OUR game. You have a responsibility to your customers and providing sarcastic replies to our valid concerns is totally unnacceptable.

The ball is in your court, Jack.



Changes -
Increased the recharge time of Burn. Decreased its damage.

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so let me get this straight...[*] - Burn can now only hit 5 baddies at a time [*] - Burn was a patient-man's offence before, with reduced Dmg it's more of a man-with-nothing-better-to-do's offensive power [*] - Burn is the sole immob/knockback protection for the set, but with a 40sec recharge it now drops before burn can be used again [*] - Baddies Feared by Burn immediatly run out of it and attack your teamates due to the absurd amount of panic it causes[*] - Baddies Feared by burn run in all directions and taunt will now only hit 1 plus the next closest 4 who are usually not the ones running to attack the team [*] - the Fire primary was weaker to most types of Dmg because of the trade-off for having a useful offensive power in it, yet without burn, the resistances have not been upped to balance it

...sooo tired of set-destroying changes . why put all this effort into stripping all the ATs of their individuality and making the game less fun?!?! WAKE-UP! you're quickly running a good game into the ground!
the time to make sweeping changes and gut powers/sets/ATs was back in beta. now all you're doing is chasing away your customers. at this point there is no last straw, they all hit the camel at the same time.

i just got GTA:San Andreas... there's more content in it to complete than 2 L50 chars, and it's paid for.



A better Burn:

1. Give it the ability, when it hits, to Immobilize the target. This will not stop mobs from running away due to fear effect if they are not hit. Also, it will still allow them to attack you. I don't believe Burn is always an auto-hit - it can appear to be with lower-level mobs, but try going up against some +3's and see how many ticks land.
2. Remove the "burn patch". Replace it with individual "patches of fire" around the mobs that are hit.
3. Reduce Damage.
4. Tune the recharge and duration so that a tank with 6-slotted Hasten with +3 SO's can *almost*, but not quite perma it (maybe 10 second downtime?)
5. Increase End slightly to discourage chain use of it - bring end usage inline with the damage of similar powers.

What purpose is Burn supposed to perform?
You can ignite the ground beneath you, freeing yourself from Immobilization effects. Foes that enter the flames you leave behind will take damage. You must be near the ground to activate this power.

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So, is it an Immobilization breaker that just happens to do damage? Is it an attack that also breaks immobilization? Is it a fun party trick to put on the ground and dance in the middle of? I think a clarification of what this power was intended to do is in order. But, bear in mind most tanks that take it use it to defeat enemies standing around them, not primarly to break immobilization.

As it stands, you've taken the power that many Fire tanks look forward to after dealing with the previous 17 levels of near-death experiences and forced them to rethink their concepts. I don't think the Dev's understand that every person playing the game is a "min/max" player. Some of us actually *do* pick a power for concept reasons. However, those folks are not going to take a power that is completely useless, even if it is in the "concept" of their character. This *almost* makes the useless Temperature Protection power look good - now, if only you'd add the

Burn needs to be tweaked now that all Tanks are effectively getting chopped off at the knees. But, one person's "that's too powerful and needs to be reduced" is another's "that is powerful and we should be as good as that". We all have heard enough that the Dev's want parity amongst the types of Tanks, and then some parity amongst all the AT's. I'm concerned that, after a year of playing this game and enjoying it that I am seeing the fun slipping away as I have to number-crunch more and more just to be able to see if the build I come up with can be viable in a wide range of circumstances. I have to now use respecs to decide if I want to be a solo player, a team player, a hybrid... where before as long as I was in a group that knew their character's limitations, we could have a fighting chance.

If you're trying to make the game feel "fresh" and "fun" after a lot of us have enjoyed it for the past year or more, you are going in the wrong direction. Please don't try to kid us and say that "well, this is really what we wanted when the game was released", because that was well over a year ago. You've had ample time to balance-test Burn since April 2004.



Here's an idea from a non-fire tanker, but one who has teamed with many from low levels through 50 (via SK). Burn was overpowered at it's height. A tanker needed no attack powers to defeat mobs. Whether quickly or slowly, the fire tanker could rely entirely on his primary to defeat enemies. This was a problem since that same set ALSO provided substanital defense (though certainly less than fire and stone). This was a good trade off. Between blazing aura and burn, the fire tank could cause continuing damage to his foes, at the cost of less defense than other tanks (leaving ice out because I'm completely ignorant of that set).

The AI burn changes were painful, but were consistent with similar types of powers, such as rain. They were, however, inconsistent with aura powers.

Perhaps the best solution is to change burn from a 'patch' power, to another aura. It would be a click aura, with a recharge similar to the new version, requiring a trade off of damage for availibility. It would do some respectable amount of damage, specifics of which I'd leave to more experienced fire tankers, as a continuing PBAOE (until the duration ended of course). However, as a trade off consistent with the set, when active, it would reduce the power of any fire shields running (fire and plasma shield) by a noticeable percentage (10-20). This of course would be 10-20% of the value of the field, not a base 10-20% reduction in resistance.

As an example, Burning Bevil is running fire and plasma shield. He has fire shield slotted to provide 50% S/L resistance, and Plasma Shield slotted to provide 50% F/C/E/N resistance (yes, I know it provides different resistances to fire, cold and energy, but this is an example). He steps into a group of 4 minions and 2 LTs and activates his Burn Aura. He begins inflicting substantial damage on those in melee range. However, his shield effectiveness is reduced by 20% (arbitrary number) and he now only has 40% damage resistance to S/L from his fire shield, and 40% to other damage types from Plasma shield. He is now doing what we expect a fire tank to do.. sacrificing defense for offense.

The in game explanation is simple. To emenate fires hot enough to so greatly damage his foes, the fire tank transfers some of his energy resources from defense.

Because it is an aura power, mobs seek to defeat the tank to prevent being damaged rather than running. It does not cause fear. However, this is even more reasonable because the tank just got easier to hit. Burn remains a singular offensive power, but no requires tactics to hit, especially considering the tank's defense is reduced for the duration of the power. Due to the resistance reduction, this change would also help in deterring herding, if that's part of the intent of the changes.

I picked 20% in the above example because I believe that's the maximum sensible resistance reduction. 10-15% might be more reasonable.

I'm not suggesting this as a way to weaken fire tankers, but to enable them to retain the feeling of being FIRE tanks without keeping burn as overpowered as it was at it's height.

The best suggestion I saw in here that I like almost as much was Plasma's idea to treat burn as an accelerant, making those in the AOE when it goes off unable to escape the damage. Others might wander in, take a bit and run away in fear. It greatly decreases the uberness of the power without making it worth less than the slots required to take and use it.



Just some random thoughts...

-= Regarding the recast timer... Joke's on you. After the initial patch the mobs would just scatter all over the field and didnt return
-= Why not just scrap Burn and redo the power? Turn it into a PBAoE that does all the damage up front, keep the timer and BI.
-= After I5 changes CoH can we have an AT respec? I am suggesting this purely for selfish reasons as my Fire/Ice Tanker is a joke w/o Burn. I mean how far can the Ice Swords carry me?
-= Hey, do you Devs know how many mobs it takes to level past 35? More than any game I've ever played, that's for sure. You guys NEED to 5x the XP IMO. Arresting groups one at a time with lower DPS after I5 is going to be a bore, sorry.
-= I know you guys have your visions but we did as well. CoH did something no other game out there did, and that was to make us feel super human. That vision is slowly disapearing and CoH is turning into just another MMOG.




My Controllers and my Invul tank already took one in the shorts with this upcoming issue, now my Fire/Ice Tanker does too.

My Fire/Ice Tanker, now level 35, is built entirely around the Burn power. Just as a poster above stated, I picked my secondary to compliment the power. The fire primary was more offensively geared, so I picked a secondary that was more defensively geared.

With this change, my offense has been effectively neutered. Though I know you won't give one, I too would like a full AT respec for my Fire/Ice. I feel like I have wasted a few hundred hours with this alt. I could live with the decreased damage, since I could just take longer to kill stuff, but the increased recharge time (from 8 seconds to 26 seconds?!?!) is crazy. Since I fight my solo missions one group at a time, and don't herd, I already have to chase the stragglers around to kill em. With this change, I will almost have to herd up a group and make em stack to be effective.

I am waiting for a nerf to Ice Patch now, so I can't perma stack that. That's about the only thing that could make this even worse.

Forget this point, I am seriously considering leaving. I see that statement so often on these boards that I know it must ring hollow, especially to any Devs reading. I guess I wait to see what actually makes it to Live, and decide then.

By the way guys, I have a Assault Rifle/Devices Blaster that hasn't been castrated with this issue, you need to get on the ball with that. Wait....did I read somewhere that Full Auto had been nerfed?

Primacy - 50 Illusion Rad - Justice Server

ALT's - many to be retired soon

Udder Kaoz - 35 Fire/Ice Tank - I5 casualty
Cryohawk - 24 Ice/Empathy Controller - I5 casualty
Dev-Null - 18 Invul/Ice - I5 casualty
Udder Kaos - 16 Warshade
High Command - 12 AR/Dev Blaster
Mercurius - 10 Grav/Kin Controller - I5 Casualty
Tasty Cake - 4 Dark/Elec Defender - at level 4, not really a casualty



So yet another ding on the Fire/Fire Tanks.........

Blazing Aura, Combustion, FSC and Burn can only hit mobs, of which, only 5 will be punch-voked from each attack and then scared away by burns intense fear.

Burn now 75% less effective over time (math shown by another poster in the official change thread). I have some ideas to overcome the fear which should work, but at the cost of sacrificing some attacks.

Tough will now require at least one more slot, two more if you want to reduce its end cost. Granted it is a power pool, but one widely used by fire tanks. CJ and Weaves defense lowered and weaves end cost increase. Weave probably now not worth the end cost for such minimal return in defense.

Fire tanks are still pigeon-holed into the leaping pool for immobilization and knock back protection.

We now have really only 6 useful powers in our primary, temperature protection is not worth taking since you vary rarely run into cold damage, and the extra fire isn't needed since cap is already exceeded with FS and PS. Soloing and trying to use burn will pretty much be pointless with only getting 3 ticks of damage at its lowered rate and non-permanent immob protection. I've always considered Rise of the Phoenix a power that any hero can get for 250 influence, or if you are not in a hazard zone, a short 2 min trip back from the hospital. Its more of a convenience than a 32nd level power. Fiery embrace is still a worthy power, especially if you have buildup as well, you can alternate between the two.

So now with only 6 useful powers in our primary, no defense, no knockback protection, 10 mob limit on aoe's, the fear of god power, toxic resistance in our heal, no psionic, I wouldn't say we are at the top of the peak of tankers.

My suggestion to counter some of the changes on test.....

Make Temperature Protection a wanted power, add knock back, immobilization and fear protection, maybe even move toxic resistance to it from healing flames as well.

Remove or reduce the Fear effect from burn, it is only hitting 10 mobs at a reduced damage and not as often with the changes to its recharge time.

Give Rise of the Phoenix a long Unstoppable or MoG type effect. Increase its recharge. If we die and use the power we either are 90% resistant to all damage types or high defense against all damage types for about the same time as Unstoppable or MoG. With this comes the same crash associated with those powers.



The thing that makes me laugh till I have tears on my face, is that you are nerfing Burn to keep people from PLing with it.

Well, you know what? They don't use Burn Patch for PLing anymore.. The Newbs to PLing do, but those that you are trying to stop?? You know. The ones who PL all week? They don't use burn.

They use Trip Mines. And it goes 10 Times faster. I've sat in on a few and watched. It's TERRIFYING.


THAT'S Wrong. Something the PL's 5x Faster????

ohhhhhh I get it.. we're useing another AT to help us. So as long as one AT does the herding, and the other does the killing, it's working as intended. Teams needed.

But, burn isn't being used to PL anymore. So for those of us who solo, can we have it back please.

If you MUST leave it as is, could you at LEAST make the patch bigger?

If each mob is only going to stay in the patch for 2 seconds then run, can you PLEASE make the patch the size of our other AOE's Make it BIG, eg the size of Controller Ice patch. The mobs will still scatter, but they'll have a larger burn patch to run through before they're safely away.

Then they'll run back to attack you, and you can wait till the next burn comes up, then use it again.

BOOM. leveling is slowed down, but we're still useful.

And we can still solo.

You know, that thing people do when they're NOT on a team...



A simple request, how about simply telling us the reason you made this change and how you see the power being used in the future?

I think a lot of the frustrations that people are feeling are related to a lack of information. Simply posting a generic Vision Statement does not do enough to get your playerbase to understand your thought process on specific changes.

So say it like it is. What happenned? I5 went into test and the Burn tankers were still herding too much for the Dev's liking?

Also what kind of consideration is the dev team giving to the fact that nerfs like this one can essentially render a power very undesirable? What is it you expect players to use this power for exactly? If you don't want them to use it for offensive damage, and you kill the recycle so that it can't effectively be used for status protection, and it causes fear which defeats the purpose of taunting, then what is it you see a Fire tanker using this thing for?

Simple answers would go a long way in not only addressing immediate anxieties, it would also go a long way in regaining some confidence from your player base.

Finally, I don't think it is unfair for your customers to expect a certain amount of stability in their gameplay. While these changes may be for valid reasons, they are so severe (I5 in general) that you alter the gameplay drastically. I think we are justified in expecting a little more meat on the notes we get about changes.

Let's face it, MMO customers and the devs have an ongiong relationship with each other.

Just talk to us... some might say that the forum player-base is only a small percentage of the players, but we are the percentage that cares enough about the game to speak freely about our experiences in the game.



I'm done testing.....

Please remove the immobilization protection from burn and add it to plasma shield as well as knock back protection.

I have no interest with Burn in my build as it is not a fun power to use any more and not worth the headache. A Fear effect that scatters totally contradicts what Tankers are supposed to do.

Do not force us to take a useless power because it provides some immobilization protection. Simply move it to one of our shields and I’ll be a happy camper. One thing is certain, is that Burn will not be in my build in its current form and I’ll just keep some break frees with me at all times.



Seems like alot of the tanker changes, burn in particular, are geared towards preventing mass herding and PLing. Instead of decreasing the effectiveness of certain tanker powers, why not concentrate on improving villian AI to prevent mass herding and fixing all known PLing missions like Chimera and Dreck.

I think most of your paying customers will agree with me that we would like you stop with all these nerfs to balance the game to be working "as intended". Further, I think people will agree with me that instead of nerfing strong powers, bring up the weaker (less used) powers to balance the ATs. If you want to make this game more challenging and fun (ie required to team and with a defender) then improve villian AI and make them more challenging. Here's an idea, make minions=Lts, Lts=Bosses, Bosses=AVs, I bet that will make it more challenging without nerfing powers plus people will want to team, espcially with a defender.

Devs, try to remember why people bought this game and have been loyal for the past year. What has made this game the MMOG of the year? Don't lose sight of what made this game popular with gamers, even it it was not "working as intended".



Wow, if City of Heroes cost me $50 for the beta version with a $15 monthly charge, I wonder how much the game will cost when the real version is released!

/em Wipes the sarcasm oozing out of the corners of his frothing mouth.

Seriously, I understand that there are game balance issues, but if you had told me that the game I bought a year ago would be nearly completely different than the game I played a year later, I probably wouldn't be playing it right now (and probably won't be after August). I suppose it all boils down to economics at this point, if the projected profit from the number of new and retained people from a balanced CoH and CoV is greater than the projected profit of the number of new and retained people from an unbalanced CoH and CoV, then the decision is obvious. I hope the mystics and seers you consult are playing with the right tarot cards this time.

Yep, I realize this post is unrelated to Burn, but this is the thread that shattered my psyche.



Although I could never bring myself to make a Fire Tank (the FotM'ness reaks soo much that I cant do it), I feel the Fear still in effect with Burn on Test is too much. Granted, it messes up the "real" factor of "Mobs are supposed to run, not stand there and get burned to death". Maybe attach a slight chance to disorient random enemies so that some get "lost in the fire" while others may run but if they try to hit you, if they are near the patch a chance to disorient comes into effect.

This space is intentionally left blank.



What if Burn was actually a large ring of fire that kept enemies close to him?
They can run away from the fire all they want but if they are surrounded by it at least the tank can tank a little.

I'm sure this has been suggested but if not I could see it being useful yet needing to have more strategy to get full use of it.
It could be used defensively as a squishy buffer zone or offensively as a containment tool.
I don't play tanks much but that would sound like a decent compromise to me.



Short version:
Like most who actually play a fire tanker, I think the panic and scatter effect has got to go. Scattering mobs is the complete opposite of what a tank needs to be doing. However, I do agree with the damage change, it's a spot on adjustment. I have mixed feelings about the recharge increase. Overall I felt it was at least ten seconds too long (I don't have hasten on this character).

Longer Version:
My test results last night found this power almost completely unusuable and not at all needed in its current form. Most of this was due to the panic & scatter effect. Mobs would take a couple of ticks of damage at most, and no amount of taunt or punchvoke would bring them back in. Even mobs with primarily melee attacks would use their ranged attacks rather than come back. As I said in the short version, this is completely contrary to what a tank wants to happen. Let's be clear, this is the number one issue with Burn and it must be fixed or this power will be passed over.*

Again I felt the damage was scaled well. This was about the drop in damage I expected to see after reading the patch notes. No real complaints here.

The recharge, however, needs some work for a couple of reasons. First, combined with the increased panic & scatter the mobs aren't in it long enough to justify the recharge.I don't see another six-slotted power in the game with this kind of recharge doing this little damage to an even con minion. Six slotted brawl has better DPS. Again my perception is probably skewed from the fear effect, but this is the reality of the power as of the current test build.

Second, as I mentioned this character does not have hasten. However, it seems that you have now balanced the recharge based on characters that do. This change basically forces hasten into my build. It is a disturbing trend lately to see 'balance' changes always occuring with hasten as a given, basically making builds without hasten obsolete. If this is the new balance standard, it may be time to seriously consider making hasten an inherent power.

Overall I didn't mind the recharge increase, I just felt it went to far. Drop the base down by about 10 seconds and I think you will have this one nailed.

Ditch the panic & scatter and lower the recharge 10 seconds or so and I like the change. Leave the panic & scatter and you might as well ditch the power. Leave the recharge and you are forcing hasten. I will adjust to that much, but I don't like it and I think you need to seriously consider what effect this is having on the game (basically forcing players into cookie cutter builds to remain effective).

*On the off chance that getting people to skip this power IS the goal, please move immobilization protection to another power and get rid of burn altogether. Add another blazing aura type power or perhaps a PBAoE 'Choke' effect. Personaly I prefer the flavor of fire tanks having a damage component, but that may just be me..



A simple request, how about simply telling us the reason you made this change and how you see the power being used in the future?

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I second this. I've read TONS of posts around this issue and the summary of practially all of them is "why?" I see no response from the devs so I feel as if our comments are falling on deaf ears.

Just give us some reasons; we're paying for this game, so it's the least you can do.



Burn Now = only 10 targets? + longer recharge? + less damage?

Wow you are completely changing this power!

Ok how is this:

Massive Nerfs = Lazy Game Design, Rude to Player Base

Adding some "Unfarmable," New, Exciting level 50-60 Content = Much More Respectable Game Design, Very Nice to Player Base

There are many ways to stop farming, (out level all farm missions, add sappers or detogglers to every mob in 50-60 game) and many ways kill the "uber-ness" of powers (one out of the three nerfs not all three). The ways you have chosen Devs = Lame.

Just make every power and every mob we fight suck and then you know what you will have a game that sucks.

Coming from a pissed-off Force Fielder and a Fire Tank!



COH is the first MMORPG that I ever played. I bought it as soon high-speed internet connections becam available in my area. I had so much fun playing that I setup a 2nd account so that I could play this game with my son. We have been playing together several times a week for the last year. We have a number of characters becuase I tend to get bored in high 20's and want to try a new AT.

For the most part the changes in previous release have not bothered me too much. But the changes that have been anounced for I5 to tankers and the other ATs just seem to severe.

What is the point of being a tank if everything runs away. What is the point of being a tank if you can not hold the agro.

If and when these changes go live I will probably give them a try. Bu then again maybe it is time for me to try one of the other MMORPGs.