Dev Response - Burn Changes




My main has been a fire tank since release, and I figured I might as well post my ideas on this

Burn is not useless, its simply become a grouping power rather then a solo power. All you need are a few players with immobilize to make burn just as good as it was.

Sure, you can't solo herd anymore. So what? I've seen this coming for a long time. Fire Tanks can still tank, with only two toggles giving us resistance against anything from psionics and protection from almost all effects. Honestly, it was too easy before.



My worry is not for the early game. That should be fine. There were times on Bastion and Sister psyche that I would run into a mob and do nothing but hit burn. My other powers really didn't come into play all that often.

Now that I'm level 40 however, things change. I can drop one, two, sometimes 3 burn patches on an enemy, while using fire sword circle, fire sword, greater fire sword, even scortch to take them down. People talk about how destructive burn is, and from levels 18-30, they are right. At higher levels, it accentuates my collection of attack powers and helps, but it does not destroy enemies like it used to. Couldn't we just make it a higher level power? Switch it with rise of the pheonix, I use that almost never.



Preface: I have played a Flame/Flame tanker, 35 levels total prior to deleting him. Yes, deleting. Why? I like a challenge.

There are a few AT combinations out there that are the equivalent of "cheat codes" in the game. That is to say that playing them is SO freaking easy that the leveling ability of that character's track to 50 is vastly easier and quicker than most others. Other "uber-templates" include Illusion/Rad, Fire/Rad, the old /Regen scrappers, etc. How do I know this? Because I've played them myself. I currently have 16 "active" characters on two servers and a handfull of others scattered about, not to mention 190+ deleted levels. I mention this only because I want to emphasize I am speaking from an informed perspective.

Back to topic, "Burn" changes.

Welcome to reaping what you've sewn. Well, what a handfull of "PL meeee d00d" kiddies have sewn. The Flame / [Flame or Ice] tanks are undoubtedly the FotM template for the last couple of months. Why? Because of their unquestionable ability to PL by herding. Those players who want the most "power" for the least effort are gravitating to the Flame Tank AT for it's proven prowess at raking in the XP.

What I am not saying is that ALL players who have this AT are interested in the easy route. Many players have had their Flame Tanks since retail and some even since beta. But what I am saying is that in the last two months the number of little ones begging for "l33t PLz" on PI has gone through the roof, and in my observation, then vast majority of them have been Flame/ tank cookie cutter copies.

IMO Flame tanks are (and have been) more like scrappers than tanks anyway, based on damage output when you factor in AoE. Not entirely bad, considering (again IMO) they have to go outside their primary and secondary pools to get a full "tanker-like" defense (talking Tough/Weave).

But to stick one's head in the sand and complain that this nerf was unexpected is silly. Burn and poorly designed AI have been manipulated to turn PL-ing into an artform. Without going into the details of why I think PL-ing is a plague, I will say that I can effectively debate that point, and that this change was overdue.

What I would like to see is the Flame tank compensated for this loss of offensive power with a compensation in the Flame primary for defense. Herding 80 mobs into a small circle/stack and whacking them in short order is, IMO, not "heroic" or good gameplay. "Pf4t XP" yes, but good gameplay? no.

The fault is an oversight in both AI design and AT playtesting. As it stands, the "most XP for the least effort" cookie is too tempting for more immature players to ignore. The fix needs to happen, but there should be compensation to bring them back into the realm of a true tank.

I'd even support a change that kept the damage as-is w/ Burn, and simply changed the AI so that it was less easy to manipulate.

When I'm overpowered, I'll admit it (did it with my /Invuln scrapper, but still winced when the axe fell). I hope the Flame tank population can do the same and concentrate on suggesting an equitable fix.

If you deny Flame tank leveling is currently too easy (and I made it to 18 soloing with only Scorch and Combustion), try leveling a FF defender, a Mind controller, or an Electrical blaster on your own.

Many of the less mature players will flame me like I've just taken away their X-box and grounded them for a week, but hopefully we'll also see more constructive/effective balancing ideas too.

Kudos to the fellow above who pointed out that you can still be effective when teaming (imagine a controller just locking them in the Burn patch for you).




I'm not sure exactly where to start here.

My initial feeling is that this might be a good change...but we need some new defense to offset our lack of offense, please.

As a fire/energy tank, there was always something about Burn that bothered me. Sure, it was easy, but I always felt that I wasn't doing my job if I couldn't get all the mobs clustered around me and set them on fire..for whatever reason.

I think I'm going to enjoy being able to dump Burn (And Devs, please, but the immob protection someplace else so that we can indeed dump it if it doesn't have new abilities added) as an offensive power and go back to beefing up my secondary attacks (Which was my plan before being introduced to Burn anyway.)

We need some defense or buffs to balance though, please. Please. Even if it's something as paltry as rewriting Burn to be the Hoarfrost/Dull Pain equivalent for Fire....which, come to think of it, would be pretty kickin'...if it came with a defense buff and some knockback resistance....



As for the universal I5 complaints, does anyone remember the Winter Lord? (There is some relevance here, I'll get to it) Remember how for weeks, people did nothing but lvl up sometimes even multiple times in no time? Once the Winter Lord left, the city was vacant of most heroes. Know why? People were dissapointed that they couldn't level that fast anymore and had to go back to *gasps* playing the game normally. Many got bored and left... but you know what? The only ones left were the ones you really wanted to team with. They actually knew what they were doing, they weren't being PLd, they weren't complaining. They were having fun and adapting to the situation. Those are the people that are worth playing with, and if you hate or don't understand I5 enough to leave, the people that are worth playing with and make the game fun will still be here.

I've heard mention that the people who love I5 are PLing now while they still can. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, you were serious? Well, I'll have you know that I have never known anyone on my 3 servers with any of my 17 characters on any of my friends lists, global or otherwise, who has helped someone or has been helped by someone with a PL, and the ones that I see are terrible at the game because they never played with their characters to learn their moves, strategies, other characters' moves, or anything else about the game really. They are TERRIBLE on teams and with the new nerfs that make teams desirable instead constant soloing, they are kind of out of luck, and I say good ridance. That statement I heard about I5 lovers PLing while they still can is baseless and is just some kid trying to find someone else to point the finger at to say the update is making everyone mad, when it is not. The PLers are most likely people who have PLd before and now want to finish all their characters before it's too late.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dude, dude, which servers do you play on? I'm on Justice and Freedom and people are herding/PL'ing/farming like I5 is the end of the world. And this notion that the departure of the winter lord killed off all the wanna-be's is....problematic. I'm not arguing you with you, the amercian buffalo wasn't hunted with so much zeal as the winter lord, but I remember a heck of allot of other PL'ing going on. Remember all the kraken farms? That door in the abandoned sewer entrance used to be more heavily populated then a night club. Now it might just as well have tumbleweeds blowing through it. I just recently started a warshade, and as I muddle through my pre-teens and twenties, I find an astonishing number of freaks still around. There was that fellow in hollows who broadcast that he was looking for a mission team, then I invited him, he disconnected before I could say, hi, mission is set, and re-broadcast that he was looking for FROSTFIRE OR ATTA. OH, well, excuse me There was the character in her low 20's "dancing for influence" in atlas park, because she "couldn't afford her enhancements". I would very much love to play on this server where I am graded on my skills and teamwork and there is no herding/lame tactics/griefing since the winter lord left. If I had a buck for every time I see one loser looking for farms at under level 5 in PI for cripes sake. It's not that hard, when you're under five you can fall off a log and level for it! Way back in the day, it was kracken farms, then they nerfed those, then it was PI farms....etc....etc....

It actually wasn't my intention to highjack the thread. Honestly, my main concern about nerfing Burn isn't so much about the magical developer enhanted place of perfect play balance. I've played fire tanks, I've played with fire tanks. Mixed feelings.

On the pro side, let's face it. Fire tanks main appeal was that they were a non squishable AE/DOT master. Burn was a big part of that. You didn't see a whole lot of fire tanks intentionally seeking out big teams. Two reasons, knockback and inconsiderate teammates. Not saying that all fire tanks were afraid of groups. Sometimes people would play fire tanks for their increased damage output/easier soloing time when they can't find a group. Hey, that's cool.

Intellectually, I think I understand the need to nerf burn, it's being abused more times then peer to peer file sharing. But I can't help but wonder if in our enthusiasm in the war on PL'ing, we're forgetting about a little thing called FUN

Burn was FUN. 20 guys trying to punch your head in until they die was just plain cool. Back in the day, I met a fire tanker who took it open himself to teach me "a better way". (He thought I wasn't playing my fire tank well.) He then demonstrated by racing around a freak populated area of terra volta, picking up like five or six freak mobs of 7 or 8 so each, and jumping into the nearest dumpster. I'll admit it, the "burning dumpster of doom"; was hysterical. I laughed my butt into tears at 30 or 40 plus freakshow actually jockeying for position to try and cram themselves into a burning dumpster. It was an enormous-freaky popcorn popper.

Granted, in the end, as funny as they are, stunts like that should not be allowed long term. But it seems to me that the real solution to something like that, wouldn't be to nerf burn. Would be to fix the enemy AI. Imagine how quickly that gag would have ended if the freaks had been smart enough to toss a belt of grenades into the dumpster with him.



BURN... why does it exist? Would a dev please go over what this power is really used for? If it's meant for Immoblization protection, please make it do ONLY that and no damage or fleeing effects. If it is meant for damage, please remove the FLEE effect from it. This excuse that it's the AI programing is unbeleivable. There is most likely an effect assigned to this power that makes the AI realize it's similar to Rain of Fire. And the excuse that villians should flee when they are in the burn patch is very lame. I use any one of my other fire powers and they burn... and don't flee. Fleeing is a very undesired effect in this game. Since the release of the game, I have yet to meet anyone who uses the Challenge Pool Power / Invoke Panic. I have tested BURN many times before this change. I liked it when blasters had some status protection from it. I respec'd out of it as soon as I tested the changes in issue 3. When the flee effect was added, as a blaster, I died more often. Villians yo-yo'd out of the fire and used both their range attacks and melee attacks... which was twice as many attacks as if they had stayed in melee or had stayed at range. So this power actually kills solo fire blasters faster.

Devs, would you please look at changing this power completely. Or possibly giving the tanks one version, and the blasters a USEFUL version? Why on earth the devs gave fire blasters and fire tanks the same powers is beyond me. Tanks are the defensive archtype, blasters are the offensive archtype. They should have opposite powers, not the same powers. This is another power set problem, similar to the balance problems the devs are having between invun tanks and invun scrappers.

Oh, and while your at it, can you replace Hot Feet in the fire manipulation set with something useful?? The villians flee from this power just like they do from BURN. Tanks can't keep them inside my Hot Feet power. They all scatter and make my AoE and cone fire powers pointless.

On another note, I'm tired of beta testing for a game that should have been finished over a year ago. Although I'm okay with most of the changes, I'm not happy that you keep revisiting powers that have been "fixed, and working as intended" every time a new issue is ready to be released. Everytime a new issue is released, the devs destroy a powerset and ask for constructive feedback. Constructive feedback? How can you expect so many people to be constructive when the devs are so destructive to the gaming community? Please consider that all the gaming community has seen in the last few updates is nothing but negative changes in powers. So, as you would expect, the majority of feedback will be negative. That frustrates a lot of people. Many people become stressed over the changes. Yes, it's only a game, but many people come to the game to RELAX and ENJOY it--not to show up to work and expect to jump thru hoops.

Please stop with the negative changes that are hurting so many innocent players just because a handful of people abuse the powers that the devs poorly designed.

Give us some POSITIVE changes. Can't the devs be the constructive ones for once???

Oh, and another note... does defiance work with this power? Does defiance actually boost this power??? If not, please correct it before it goes live, otherwise, you're gimping the fire blasters EVEN more. I'd go test it, but i'm out of respecs... from all the changes the devs keep doing to my powers. STOP WITH THE ABSURD AMOUNT OF CHANGES !!!

Thank you and have a nice day. . . . unless the devs nerfed that too.

*** Edited to add the following ***

Please remember... THIS EFFECTS BLASTERS TOO !!!!
Those popular fire tanks aren't the only ones who can use this power! The devs forgot that a long time ago, when blasters got useful status resists from Burn.

50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Solarblaze
50 Fire/Emp Con, Kitty Phoenix
32 Ice/Axe Tank, Trinithia
22 FF/Rad Def, Oceanna
22 PB, Stellarblaze
22 WS, Lunarblaze
22 MA/Reg Scrap, Dragonblaze
22 Ice/Eng Blaster, Icicles

20 FF/Dark, Bubblydark
14 Kat/Reg, Ninja Kitsune



Well.... with these changes it appears that I'll soon have an empty toon slot available. Thanks for making me waste 22 levels on a fire tanker devs. The last thing I want to do is create a new tanker now.

Good thing I bought World of Warcraft last night. You guys have seriously screwed up a once enjoyable game. I can tell you that I know handfuls of people that are making a mass exodus to other MMOs because of your nerfs and careless afterthoughts.

You better start focusing on new content, new powersets and new features instead of nerfs or you're going to see a once popular MMO slowly fade away.



In it's present state, you have completely destroyed Burn as a power. If your (the Dev's) issue is with AOE powers, then why don't you cut to the chase and just remove them from the game already? It can't be because you are afraid of mass nerfage. You've proven that.

If this isn't the case and if you are thinking Burn is too powerful, why not switch Rise of the Phoenix with Burn in relation to when you can take them? Make Burn your lvl 32 power and RotP your lvl 18 power. That'd be more in line, and people would learn to use their secondary attacks before Burn becomes a crutch.

Whatever you do, this has got to be it. You have beat on this power enough. Get your "vision" straight and get this power in line with whatever that means once and for all. Nerfing the same power every single update since release is really making me question if you even know what your vision is.

Thank you.



want suitable replacement for burn ? anyone hitting a fire tank takes fire damage. make it a toggle, end of the whining. your changes to burn sicken me.



OK, people. To everybody complaining about how this ruins Fire Tankers. . . what are you smoking?

Have you even *LOOKED* at what they did to Invuln and Ice Armor? The changes so far seem more like "Whew, dodged the bullet for another issue," than "DooOOooOOmMmm!" to me.

Burn is, to me, a dead power now. I agree with that assessment, and it sucks. Too slow, to hard to use, just not worth the hassle. However, with the new and "improved" I5 Tankers, Fiery Aura as a set is not dead - at least, it is alive to whatever extent City of Heroes survives the I5 Nerfapalooza. It's still a set that compares quite well to other personal defensive sets, it just shines in a completely different area than it used to.

No, Fire Tankers won't be able to do what they used to - but neither will anybody else. If you can't deal with that, quit the game now, because characters *WILL* be reined in from what they can do in I4 - Statesman's vision demands it. However, Fire Tankers will be operating at a high comparative level in I5, much as they are in I4 - they'll just be above average in a different way.

Considering how bad things *COULD* have been, the proposed changes are pretty minor, and extremely livable.

I feel like a fanboy for posting this. Don't get me wrong, I like I4 Fiery Aura much more than I5 Fiery Aura. But the current test build Fiery Aura is *SO* much better than what I was actually expecting to see that the complaints seem overdone.




To be blunt, I am a Fire/Mace tank who utilizes his mace more than his Burn. I have most of my Mace attacks, and use them with great frequency. My standard attack sequence is my leaping in, Whirling Mace, Crowd Control, Burn, then start mopping up.

On Test?

Leap in, Whirling Mace, Crowd Control, Burn...start chasing down everything and drain the majority of my endurance trying to club to pieces my enemies.

I'm not a sterotypical Fire tank: I don't hit Burn and wait. That's boring, lame and just bad game mechanics: on your part. You gave us that, and the players used it. That's our fault for over-using it.

I've got NO problem with decreased damage, or increased recharge: I've maintained time and again that my tank is far too powerful, and he was. But, with the reduction in our defenses, by way of Power Pool effectiveness, -and- Fire tanks being unable to use a potentially powerful attack is just silly. Keep two of the three changes, not many people are arguing that. But, if you do not want cookie cutter builds, then you have GOT to remove the Fear from Burn. Otherwise, the only new tanks you'll be seeing are Fire/Ice.

I'm -seriously- thinking of doing some tinkering with my tank as he is. I think that my Whirlwind idea, while not the most useful, or even endurance friendly idea, is just about the only viable way to work with the excessive changes to Burn.

I do not have hard numbers because I do not dissect a game like that. I apologize for that lack: all I can offer is my opinion, biased or not. Take it for face value. I -want- this game to succeed. Look over what others have posted:these are your subscribers. You -are- alienating us with each such change. Please, do heavy thinking on this issue.

"I see your words..." ~The most menacing thing a forumite could say



Simple question for the devs:

What purpose/role do YOU see burn fulfilling in your "vision"? (or maybe, what role do you WANT it to fill)

It does not deal damage reliably. It does not help manage aggro (not for a tanker anyway... uber-fear is perfect aggro management for a blaster) It also no longer provides reliable status protection of any kind.



Are you friggin kidding me. As if bending over controllers wasnt bad enough. (thanks for makin me shelf 2 of my controllers) You nerfed burn. (thanks for bending over my 3 tanks). You took a crow bar and hit invuln. (thanks for nerfing my PvP toon). Now you give blasters a power thats gonna force them to fly high and fall to near death in order to do damage. NO blaster is gonna wanna run with a healer for fear if they get back to atleast half life, they wont be able to take out or even stand a chance to even con baddies. This nerf to burn is completely uncalled for. I think that a COMPLETE respec (Primary/Secondary) is in order for this nerf to even be REMOTELY acceptable. But then again.. [censored] am I talkin about.. Not like the devs are gonna read anyone of this or give a flying frig as long as they get their fat check every 2 weeks. GRatz States.. You took an awesome game and buried it so far in crap that Diablo 2 is lookin like a gold mine. HAts off to you n00b



YES!!!! Another Nerf on something useful. Outstanding! Devs are working overtime to achieve their goals. More nerfs =more time spent playing= more money for NC Soft and the geeky devs. What kind of car does Statesman have? I bet it's an import. I hope someone nerfs his tires.

Keep nerfing will nerf the customers right out of this game.






I took my lvl 50 fire/ice tank to test today to try things out ..... the really sad part about it is, I did better without burn (even with an ICE secondary) than I did with it ..... even with 4 SO recharge in it I still had a 3-4 second downtime between burns, and the dmg it was dealing (due to only 2 SO dmg in it now) was pathetic. It took me 6 burns (including using freezing touch and the ice block from ice mastery) to take down a SINGLE +2 LT from the Banished Pantheon. Fighting BP with fire was always a good thing, who would have thought that dried out undead would be good for burning .... now they just shrug it off. To make matters even worse, I got 8 mobs on my ice patch, let it rip, did my burn, and only 5 of them fell down .... the others were not slowed, did not pause, in fact the acted like it wasn't even there, even while I dropped ice storm.

All I have to say now is I am glad I got him to 50 before this went into effect at least I will be able to play a warshade (god I hate that archetype), peacebringer, or blaster .... none of which appeal to me but they are the "least nerfed" out of everything.



So let me ask you this! If you hate a Warshade why would you bother playing it. From what you sound like in your post, you sound bitter and liek you want to quit.

I can't see how ppl are surprised that this change came to be. I mean each server well at least Justice has to be at least 80% fire tank which is sickening and I for one am glad it finally got changed because ppl only made fire tanks to pl ppl or to use burn, a power which is the only really ppl take Fiery Aura.

..anyways back to my original thought, Warshades are really fun and I would advise that you give them a chance.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Tested the changes to Burn with my Fire/Fire tank.

Honestly, I can live with the recharge/reduced damage rate.

The fear component to Burn needs to be removed. It's almost unusable as it is, as the mobs consistently scatter. I find it can be quite the hazard to the team, that I'm spending my time chasing them around, and it's honestly easier to NOT use Burn.

For example, soloing, I took on a Death Mage and 2 lts (all level 50). Taunted, threw down Burn. Boss and minions scatter and don't come back. Run back to Boss. Taunt. Burn. Boss runs. I run up to Boss again. Fire breath, Taunt, Burn. Boss runs. Minions stay and fling ranged attacks (apparently out of taunt range from the boss.) I think I got about 6 burns down before I gave up chasing the boss and just cycled through his normal attacks + taunt until he was down, then turned and took out the remaining two without trying to use Burn anymore.

It's... pretty worthless. If you really want to reduce it to 'immobilize only' for usefulness, give us that in one of our other powers and get it over with and give us something 'tanky' in burns place and be done with it.

Oh yeah. And don't forget we already have a crappy situational power in the Rise of the Phoenix. Don't make Burn another crappy situational power.

When I created my fire tank, I built him to have Burn as the cornerstone of his attacks. He doesn't have many attacks (fire sword circle, fire breath, scorch) as I've tried to make him a 'tanky' fire tank rather than a scrappy one. He draws them in, holds them as best he can, and does some damage while the squishies take them out.

I'm perfectly happy to accept less damage in burn, but NOT the loss of control. I risk losing my squishy teammates when I so EASILY lose control. Thus I've found - I just don't use burn.

If the Devs truly believe Burn is overpowered, I STRONGLY suggest they look at other ways to tweak it besides the fear element. Baddies running willy nilly is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what a tank wants.

What other tank powers in other sets cause the mobs to run away?

What other FIRE powers/damaging powers cause fear as a side effect?? Shouldn't my Fire Aura then? A Fireball? Flares? Firebreath? Nova? If it's an AoE power, it only effects X number within its area, you limit its damage output and recharge to what you think is reasonable, then WHY do I have to deal with the fear element?? Why are you forcing that upon the fire tank and not others? Just because you expect that he does damage AND has lots of HP?

The point of the fire tank USE to be - less tough than most of the tanks, but could do some serious damage. What do YOU, the DEVS, think the point of a fire tank is now (in relation to the other tanks?) What is his purpose? PLEASE enlighten me.

I think its a poor 'quick' choice in an attempt to stop people from 'herd and burn'. If it stays at its current level of usefulness (NON), I suspect I will dump it.

By the way, getting REALLY tired about how much time I'm having to spend on test to check out what's been done to so many of my toons in I5.



Burn has been overpowered since the game was released. Every time I run with friends that play fire tanks I feel as if the only reason I'm around is to pad the mission. The vast majority of the burn tanks on my server A) level faster than ANY other power set/AT in the game due to burn and B) use that ability to power level characters.

I know that there are some fire tanks out there that do prefer teams over solo play, don't power level, and spend more time while teamed doing what tankers are designed to do--Tank. You know what? most of THOSE fire tanks aren't overly concerned with the burn changes. Most of them now consider controllers as indispensable additions to their team which I feel is a good thing.

So for all of the one trick ponies out there that keep whining because devs are taking away solo god mode-- please delete your toons before you cancel your accounts and free up some of the good names that you might be sitting on.

Devs, good job... this was a long time coming!



I'm going to post only a very quick response. I just tested my level 40 fire/fire tank in PI against level 41-43 nemesis. I did not have much trouble with mobs scattering from Burn. They seemed to but it wasn't until my patch was just about gone. I then gathered again and finished them off. I'm really not seeing the big deal at all about this. No one with any reason could argue that burn wasn't over powered before. I know it was and I certainly took advantage of it. To me the changes seem fine and much more balanced.



Burn is fundamentally the main defense for a firetank, if we cant kill our enemies fast; we die fast. With 6 toggles running, most of which have now been nerfed, this is the death blow to my firetank. I guess I dont really care that burn got nerfed, towards the end of my firetank career I wanted to tank instead of having to herd anyway, but you could have given us some sort of defense. I guess the whining on the Inv. tank forum, (yeah, thats what the "Tank Forum" really was), for more nerfing finally got us. Oh well, at least I made 50, feel bad for the guys in their 30's and 40's, big waste of time for them, cant tank, cant be offensive...



Burn as it stands now on Test is useless when soloing. In teams I rarely use it anyways in I4 because of the (significantly smaller) scatter effect and because my SG mates usually do way more quick damage than me.

With I5 there will be 3 out of 9 mostly useless powers in my primary. Temperature protection is a joke because of the current numbers of Fire & Plasma Shield. RotP I deny to use as I don't want any debt powered abilities. Just doesn't fit into my idea of a tanker. Might get it at 49 for the nice animation. And now I can add Burn to the list. On I5 it's only useful in team settings with a good hold. Add the reduced damage and much longer recharge and it's not even worth the hassle.

I'll rather use FE + FSC + Comb instead. Together with our Controller's Fulcrum Shift I easily reach damage cap, all are AoE and have a taunt component as well. Add Scorch and GFS for Boss damage and you are set.

So with I5 I will get rid of Burn and Weave, slot Tough instead and get more offense with Combustion. At lvl44 that is enuff offense to solo mission if I have to. With our Kin troller plus FE I deal some wicked AoE damage at damage cap. The lowered duration for FE is a slight nuisance but it will still help quite nicely with the alpha strike.

Bottom line is: My tanker will only be slightly less effective in I5. Due to the AoE target limit herds will be smaller but with the increase in XP lvl speed should be pretty much the same for me. But I find it rather distracting that instead of focussing on my primary abilities I have to dive deeply into power pools instead. I don't really want Boxing or Tough or Acrobatics. I'd rather have some fire based powers that achieve similar effects.



Fire Tanker on test atm is now useless!

I have to admit burn tankers WERE overpowered. Nerfs hurt... but learn to adapt.

lvl 50 fire/rad troller

[/ QUOTE ]

Well Keltic, I love when people come onto another AT's forum and say stuff like "Adapt" but whan the AT set they have is nerfed they cry like baby's.

lvl 50 fire/fire Tanker (Retired*)
lvl 50 Ice/Dev Blaster
lvl 50 ill/Rad Controller
lvl 50 Emp/Rad Defender
lvl 50 Claws/Regen Scrapper (Retired*)
lvl 50 Earth/Rad Controller



Running all 4 tanks, I will say that after Issue 5 goes live, I'll be deleting two, probably 3 of them. This change to burn is just over the top. It was crap before with the fear, and now it's just pure garbage. My Fire/Ice was built around it... he really has nothing else going for him. Damage resists are poor (except for fire) and very little defense (6 slotted weave+combat jumping). Devs, you're really doing a bang-up job. I'd say that I'm going to skip it burn and respec into something else, but what's the point? They'll be nerfing the /Ice secondary next. Hopefully with Issue 6 they'll be playable again.

50 Tankers: Ice/EM, Stone/WM, Fire/Stone, Dark/Ice, Inv/SS, Inv/Dark, Elec/Elec
50 Brutes: ElecMelee/EA, WM/Elec