Dev Response - Burn Changes




I think it suffers more from being a uniquely offensive power in what is generally a defensive primary.

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Why does fire primary suffer from being uniquely offensive?.......That's (well at least from what devs release during the many tweaks to fire) what is was meant to be in the first place......for the lack of resistance and NO DEFENSE in the set at all........devs released an explaination that fire primary is an offensive set......they're supposed to do dmg in healing flames, consume, blazing aura, BURN....... I totally get the run for your life change with burn.but the min dmg?...and the overall limited aoes in a mob?.........even the longer recharge times "ok".but the min dmg?.....and min aoe overall?

For my fire/ss build i dropped's useless and slotted up aura......hell i even dropped taunt cuz aura does the job.......all i can say is i see a few worthless powers in fire primary now......was that intended?......or is the need to stop herding to insure the game's longevity a bit more the overall most important thing here?

Honor Before Glory!




I read the last few pages of this thread, because I recently started a fire/ice tank.

A recurring theme is that
A: NO ONE likes the changes to tankers in general
B: NO ONE likes the changes to burn.

Well, sorry folks, but I'm here to tell you that you're wrong. I've been hanging out on the test server. I've been running around on live since I-5 hit.

A lot of people ARE happy. And I'm one of them. The time of letting the tank herd the map while everyone else sits at the door with their thumb up their posteriors is over...

And for that, thanks, Devs.

As for burn, I took ice for ice patch. Burn is a PBAoE, so it will burn 10 baddies. Good enough for me, and with ice patch bouncing them, they can't run. Done deal.

For all those that say "MY SECONDARY CAN'T DO THAT!!!" I respond the only way I can...

My secondary on my main can't do ANYTHING that the other scrapper secondaries can pull off.

My primary on my main can't buff the defense of my inferior secondary like 3 of the other scrapper primaries.

Claws/SR is arguably the most gimped scrapper set.

Yet I can STILL solo on invincible. Takes a bit longer and it's a little riskier, but it's do-able. Looks like States and company did exactly what they were trying to do, so be it.

Edited for content.

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I'm sorry Bill... I don't agree with you. Not all tanks herded all levels...[Actually I don't know any that could... not whole levels I mean]

As for all the people that are happy... Yes some are happy some are not. As for the ratio... we can't know for sure. As for the people that I play with.. it is about 50/50.

Also...not everyone took ice as a secondary... I did not because that combo was a herd/PLing combo and I did not want to be considered such. [stone is my secondary]





Well, its quite apparent the devolopers or statesman is not listening to us. After all, what do we know? We are just the people who pay their bills. As for me, I think this will be my last day. I am so angry at the lack of responce from the devolopers. Its like they are saying, "wow, look at all these angry posts. They will calm down if we give them a free respec and a free shopping spree at Icon. Give them a few weeks to get acclamated with the changes."

Well, for me, the game will never be the same so I am out. What once was a very fun game has gone out the window because some developer likes his gameboy.

At least I will be able to finish up the NASCAR season and get into football season so I will still have some entertainment. Good luck and I encourage all fire tanks to scrap Burn since it was nerfed to oblivion.



Alright, I think this is somewhat related as a consumer issue with developer decisions. I suspect that my girlfriend is Britney spears.

Seriously, I've been seeing this woman for years on years. Back when I used to sit in Harvard Square with all the punk rockers and such when it was a hangout for punk rockers, I would dress all in black and smoke imported clove "sigarets" from Indonesia. One factory there burnt down in an accident, but that has little to do with the subject at hand, besides certain associative similarities with the topic.

Anyway, I met this woman a few years later at a live roleplaying event. She didn't have blonde hair then, nor did she have blonde hair later. However, her (uh) chest keeps changing size. This is characteristic of Britney Spears. Also, her facial features shift, so that the cheekbones are sharper or wider at any given time. I am concerned about this, and want the developers to do something.

You know, you guys have power. Please, help me. At least let her know that I accept her as Britney Spears, and that I still love her no matter what.



ive made a rant under the tank section of the board, so im going to go simple and lite here....
it seems wether purposefully or not, theyve changed the feel of the game from a super heroes (marvel dc) type of game, to a survival game.
too much has changed at once instead of little tweaks here and there.
was anyone complaining against the nature of tanks? or burn?

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Actually, I have seen a number of complaints, against both Invulnerability and Fire Tankers, mostly as a complaint against play style -- that as a hero on a team with one of those Tankers, they felt useless, because "the Tank told us to stay out of the way because he could handle it himself" or something similar, after which the Tanker would herd up and defeat the whole map. As I see it, that's a) a play style issue, and b) a mob AI issue.

As a play style, herding an entire map is mostly boring. After I got Taunt on my Fire/Ice Tanker, I took her into Perez Park and herded a street's worth of (grey) Hellions into a dumpster, just to establish that I understood the procedure for keeping aggro on a large mass of mobs. Since then, I've herded two or three spawns together in solo missions, just to get more usage out of the circle of Burn, using Greater Ice Sword, Boxing, and Frozen Fists to speed the lieutenants and occasional boss in the Burn patch on their way to defeat. Three spawns seems to be about the point where they all fit within the Burn patch without needing to try to get the mob-stacking bug to trigger, and it seems to be a good tradeoff between the time it takes to gather the groups into a reasonably-tight pack and defeat them all together, and defeating them one group at a time.

As a mob AI issue, it seems a little stupid on the face of it that any group of mobs would be willing to chase a Tanker around an entire map, particularly when a group is in an area for a purpose (i.e., guarding a hostage). Giving mobs a competing 'need' to stay near their spawn point that makes it harder to keep them following a Taunting hero the further they move from their spawn point would change missions so that a few close spawns could be herded together, but an entire floor/map would hemorrhage mobs rapidly as the Tanker tried to pull them around like a train.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



You know, I always thought the point of Fiery Aura was "The best defense is a good offense." As many have said, it traded off defensive ability, by its lower resists, for the ability to cause more damage with Blazing Aura and Burn, thus defeating the mobs before they could hurt you too badly.

I could take the nerfs to Burn's damage and recharge (though I'd prefer a slightly less drastic recharge increase)... if they had been coupled with Issue 4 levels of Fear. As it is? Burn is now useless to me. The only time I have ever gotten any actual use out of it since I5 hit was when fighting an AV, specifically the Envoy of Shadows. And I think he only stayed in it because he's fire-resistant and knew it wouldn't kill him. :P And even he kept running away to ANOTHER LEVEL of the map.

I took my Fire/Axe tank, Necril, Paragon Protector hunting in Eden with her SG-mate Back Yard Boom, who is an Invuln/Energy Melee tank, one level higher than her: she's 36, he was 37 at the time. We only ever took on a single Crey spawn (along with any Nemesis or Devouring Earth they may have been fighting) at a time. Logically, since Fiery Aura is supposed to be an offensive set, I should have been defeating enemies faster, but getting pounded on more.

Boomer tended to take out two to three enemies in the time it took me to finish a single one off. And I'm not talking about Mob Specialists and Vigilants, I'm talking about Paragon Protectors, Juggernauts, Tanks, and Eliminators. Lieuts and bosses. Why? Because any time I laid down a Burn patch, everything would run away from me and stay out. They wouldn't even yo-yo in and out like they did in I4, they just vamoosed. My Blazing Aura, which has a single Taunt enhancement in it because in I3 and I4 it helped me keep enough hate to keep some (NOT ALL!) enemies that were aggroed on me in a Burn patch, was now drawing so much aggro that I was getting destroyed and Boomer was powerless to taunt them off of me, but still not keeping ANYONE close enough for Burn to be even MARGINALLY effective.

Fiery Aura already had useless or semi-useless powers. Temperature Protection gives automatic additional resistance against relatively uncommon types of damage. Fiery Embrace is only useful if you're Fire/Fire; it doesn't affect Burn's damage, so if your secondary ISN'T fire all it does is improve your Blazing Aura slightly. Rise of the Phoenix (which I have, by the way, and had to use FREQUENTLY during the aforementioned Paragon Protector hunt) is only usable when you're dead. A good tank shouldn't be dying, not this much, and especially not when teamed with another tank. And yet, there it is, and it gets a lot of use. Why? Because even though Fiery Aura's resistances weren't nerfed like every other defensive set, they're still not up to par; they've always been weak. But now we don't have the offensive ability to back it up like we used to. Fire tanks had survivability because they could defeat things quicker. They can't do that anymore.

I'm almost afraid to tank for my SG anymore. The way things used to be, I could effectively be the only tank on a team, but I wasn't the greatest at it; when we had another tank (and our SG has about 5 tanks in it, most of them Invuln), I was able to make an effective backup tank and provide enough damage to help defeat enemies faster.

When I was tanking the Envoy of Shadows, my teammates (an Empathy/Psychic Blast defender and an Energy/Energy blapper) died, frequently. We couldn't keep up enough damage on him to weaken him significantly, I couldn't hold his aggro well enough to keep him from killing my teammates, and I periodically lost him when he would jump to a higher level of the map. When another tank (Invuln/Superstrength) joined the team, exemplared to a lower level member of the team (I was the highest on the team, and I already had the aforementioned blapper sidekicked), deaths went way down, we were better able to hold his aggro, and we were finally able to do enough damage to finish the Envoy off.

If I didn't like the character's roleplay so much, I'd be tempted to delete her, because she's now far less enjoyable in missions. As it is, I'm seriously considering respeccing out Burn completely. It would only be useful now with the help of a Controller, an AT we have a severe lack of.

Please, devs, roll the fear effect on Burn back, at least a little. I don't expect Pre-I4 levels ever again; that would be foolish. But at least at I4 levels, it was still useful. Even with the I5 Recharge and Damage changes, Burn would still be useful if it ever hit anymore. As it is, this Fear change is like a damage nerf that reduces its damage to near-zero, because nothing takes more than maybe two or three ticks from it unless they're locked down. I don't want to have to lock down enemies to hurt them; YOU don't want us to be able to keep enemies permanently locked down. But as Burn is now, that seems to be my only option.

War Cat, EarthShade, BrightShard, Chakat Streak, Chakamil Silverspot, Mindora, Diabolesse, Jasper Baen
KGBSS8: Agent Ravage, Pestilence Girl, Umbral Claw, Howlback, Dr. Glit
Young Phalanx: Necril, Blazing Witch



Here's the part that is ridiculous: by the time the Tanker says "ready!", everything but bosses is already dead.

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Well, either you're fighting against -10 mobs or he's saying "ready" a while after using Burn. Burn doesn't kill even mobs that quickly much less +1 mobs. +2 mobs and up don't go down with 1 Burn patch. Actually, I assume you're talking about a Fire/Fire Tanker here. Ask him not to herd or find another team. You won't have to worry about this in I5 anyway with just the AoE restrictions alone.

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Or lieutenants and up. My Fire/Ice Tanker could more-or-less reliably defeat yellow minions with a single Burn patch and the damage from Blazing Aura, depending on the color of her enhancements, and assuming that the minions were in the Burn patch when she dropped it and had at least one tick of the Blazing Aura PBAoE damage against them when the Burn patch dropped, but any lieutenant or boss, or anything higher than +1, required "encouragement" to go down quickly; in situations where she had more than one lieutenant in the Burn patch, it was entertaining to see if there was a single definitive pattern to which of her attacks (Greater Ice Sword, Boxing, and Frozen Fists) needed to be used in which order against which targets to get them to fall at the same time.

From my experience teaming, too, I can understand why the Tanker would want to hold off on calling 'Ready' until they've gotten their herd (whatever size) 3/4 dead -- what I usually experienced when my Fire/Ice Tanker was on a team would be that she'd grab aggro, wait for them to cluster around her, drop an Ice Patch to hold them there, call 'Ready' as she dropped her Burn patch... and then swear vilely and start running around trying to collect the mobs as virtually the entire group gets knocked out of both the Burn and Ice Patch areas -- assuming the rest of the team waited long enough for me to collect aggro first. Running after the boss the Blaster aggro'd because he couldn't wait to shoot, swearing as you watch Taunt recharging, having used it to finish getting the attention of the minions and lieutenants, hoping it will come up before the boss reaches the stupid Blaster, gets annoying the third or fourth time. And, yes, I know that symptoms like that mean I've had sucky teammates. You can't expect to get tactical wizards in pick-up teams, and most of my SG has given up on CoH already and moved on, most of them to Lineage II. On teams, I found that I got more mileage out of Burn and Ice Patch as area-denial powers than as attack powers; it was easier to lay an Ice Patch and an overlapping Burn patch in front of the group to make mobs stop and bunch up, giving the rest of the team time enough to lay down enough hurt to drop the incoming mobs. And while the change to Burn leaves it mostly useable for that purpose, it's become significantly lame for soloing; I'm looking at respeccing out Weave for Hasten to get the recharge rate for Burn back to something close to what it was.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Why are we NOT getting any answers to our questions..........?
Aren't we paying you to answer them......? As I recall, I was charged $15 not so long was every other person here on these boards.
The majority of the community(yoiur paycheck) is begging for answers and logic to your changes(which at this point is irrelevant since the games fun-factor has gone down considerably for many of our toons and we simply want our fun back not an explanation at this stage) and you are ignoring your paycheck.....
I'd almost rather know why you're ignoring us than how you think these changes are actually an enjoyable product to peddle...........



To some up what I think of the burn changes - terrible
For 1 power to be nerfed 3 times (fear added, damage lowered, recharge increased) makes it completly useless, The sole benefit to being a fire tank has been removed, with no benefit added to compensate for it.



Why are we NOT getting any answers to our questions..........?
Aren't we paying you to answer them......? As I recall, I was charged $15 not so long was every other person here on these boards.
The majority of the community(yoiur paycheck) is begging for answers and logic to your changes(which at this point is irrelevant since the games fun-factor has gone down considerably for many of our toons and we simply want our fun back not an explanation at this stage) and you are ignoring your paycheck.....
I'd almost rather know why you're ignoring us than how you think these changes are actually an enjoyable product to peddle...........

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How many times do I have to say it. Too busy with COV to bother with the paying customers here.

To some up what I think of the burn changes - terrible
For 1 power to be nerfed 3 times (fear added, damage lowered, recharge increased) makes it completly useless, The sole benefit to being a fire tank has been removed, with no benefit added to compensate for it.

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Why is it everyone seems to forget about the AOE change that was part of burn getting majorly neutered from the begining? 4 changes were made to Burn, AOE, Fear, Damage and Recharge. It got hit 4 times not 3.



Ya know folks, since I5 went live, I have been debating this wholesale change over and over again in my head and only one conclusion sticks out, the developers wanted to stop herding.

Instead of taking the route in which they did, nerfing players powers, longer recharge time, burn changes, AoE numbers, and so on and so on, I think this was a solution, but it was the wrong solution.
I think simple solutions to the enemies could have been achieved to avoid herding. Last time I seen, I dont ever remember a tank herding up 100 maltas in a map. Ya know why? Sappers!!! Same is true with COT and D/E and Carnies. I dont ever remember any tanker ever herding these types of foe's before. I know what the favorites were and that was Ninjas and Freakshow.

So instead of nerfing our players powers, I would have increased our powers and maybe added some more choices, while making these types of foe's unherdable. Maybe thrown in a sapper in every mob with Freakshow that kills your endurance. Same with Ninjas'. There were so many more options the developers had to chose from instead of going this route. This route is not only splitting the community in half, but is also alianating alot of players that have been playing for a long time.

I think you all know my stance on burn. Once an incredible power is now garbage, useless. That is a shame. Instead of following the path of the games that went that route and met doom, and failure. CoH could've been trying to improve its game with new additional powers, even stronger than before, while making the foe's keep up the same level as we got (stronger also). Instead, seams to me the enemy has got alot stronger while we are much weaker than before.

In conclusion, I know you can make CoH as exciting now as it was before and I know I5 might have been a quick fix to the problem, but only you (the devs) can do something to restore peace back in Parogon City.



Also, I dont even think the devs or statesman are even bothering to look into these threads. Because if they were, all multiple posts would have been deleted since it only says one repley, before a responce to thread is made by statesman.

Are you guys paying attention to any of these posts at all??!!!

I am calling you out Statesman to answer me!!!

I did not think so, must be too busy with CoV!

Maybe Statesman is waiting for his PR to write up an answer.



Also, I dont even think the devs or statesman are even bothering to look into these threads. Because if they were, all multiple posts would have been deleted since it only says one repley, before a responce to thread is made by statesman.

Are you guys paying attention to any of these posts at all??!!!

I am calling you out Statesman to answer me!!!

I did not think so, must be too busy with CoV!

Maybe Statesman is waiting for his PR to write up an answer.

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I dont agree too much but maybe you are right in this case.



To some up what I think of the burn changes - terrible
For 1 power to be nerfed 3 times (fear added, damage lowered, recharge increased) makes it completly useless, The sole benefit to being a fire tank has been removed, with no benefit added to compensate for it.

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Just a nit here -- four times, not three. The increased fear factor, the damage reduction, the recharge time increase, and the AoE target-count limit.

In some experiments I did in Boomtown (where I could Taunt groups together readily and have them drop quickly) prior to I5 going live, my Fire/Ice tank could get between 20 and 23 mobs in the effect area of a Burn patch without taking advantage of the stacking bug; the variation is due to observation limits -- in that target-count range, the mobs start to jump in to get closer if you don't have a perfect ring of mobs around you, and it's hard to get yourself centered in the pack properly. The Council helps with that, though; Council minions seem to be more willing to run around to the other side of you to get closer (instead of jumping closer) much more than other groups' mobs do. So under ideal conditions, you could, without exploiting the stacking bug, get twice as many mobs in your Burn patch as the AoE target limit will let you affect now.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



The only thing I want to add to the Burn changes discussion... I dropped it from my fire tank. Yep. He's a burn-less fire tank. He does a remarkable job of tanking too without Burn.

If the Devs' goal for Burn balance was to make the problems they were having go away, they accomplished it. When players don't take Burn, the players won't have any problems with the power.

The folks who really lose out are those who liked lighting a spot on fire to cause some carnage. All it causes now is a bunch of chaos.

Virtue: multiple characters.

CoH/V: Woot! Maybe Fun is to be had once again.

Ack! RUN! Regen is glowing mean & green!

If it reduces you, it's a nerf.
If it buffs the mobs, it's challenge.
They are not the same.



Changes -

Increased the recharge time of Burn. Decreased its damage.

This thread is for you to provide feedback to the Devs on the above issues. You are allowed to post ONCE in this thread. Make it count! If you post more than one time - the extra posts will be removed.

If a dev responds this count will be reset.

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That is great. A viable solution to an overpowered power. Ideally enemies shoudnt stand in a roaring fire pit while trying to punch me. But in order to make this a viable choice for any "burn" tanker in the furture you either need to tone down the fear effect of remove it entirely. Im for the longer recharge and the less damage. But its current incarnation is useless.

I have tried on test for hours on end to find a reason to keep burn in my current build. Something to slow the enemies from running so quickly away from the patch. Ring of Fire from the epic Pyre mastery pool. Ice Storm from the Artic mastery. Stalagmites from the Earth.

After trying each of these "slow" powers in a attempt to make burn a remotely usufull power I have come to the conclusion you cant. As you know fire tanks are super toggle heavy. Sometimes running 7-8 toggles at once. So you are forced to take Energy mastery for Conserve Power, imo. Stamina cannnot cover that amount of heavy end usage. Forget about using the attacks. So you tell me to put endu reducs in the powers. Ok, tried that. Two endu reducs in FS, PS, one each in a 4 slotted tough and weave. One in BA. 5 slotted consume with times in a attempt to meet the endu needs even with reducs. One endu reduc in FSC, BoF, and Combust. Only other AoE attack is Fire ball, so tried that with 6 slots, one endu reduc. Found the defense decrease and the lack of fire power from everything but pyre mastery to be unworkable r/t damage taken vs. time it takes to whittle a small group down past the AoE restriction. With a appreciable amount of enemies herded together the time it took to take the group down vs the endu usage made the situation untenable. In conclusion, the use of the slow powers from each pool besides energy is unworkable r/t being so stamina/CP dependant. Even worse now with the increased endu cost of running tough and weave.

So onto what I have been forced to take in order to make my fire tanker(s) a viable build. No burn at all. AT ALL. Respeced the power out. "But it gives immobilization protection!!" So does a BF and that dosent cause the group to scatter to the hills when I use it. Took the Energy mastery pool. Six slotted CP with times. Settled on 4 slots in consume, 3 times and one endu recov. FA with slot, with two slots in BU (one tohit and one time) I am able to six slot FSC, BoF, Combust and Energy Torrent with all dmg's instead of 5 dmgs and one accu.

Yes, your right, energy torrent. A small cone dealing smashing dmg. While its not the burn I have come to love and will sorely miss it has a nice dmg with 5 slots and BU. With this build I can partially fulfill my description, "Fiery Aura is the most offensive of the tankers defensive Power Sets"

R.I.P. "Burn" 08/05



Umbra Sprite is a Fire/Fire tank that I have tested the changes to Burn with. At this time with my playing style I find that the aggrevations of burn's fear effect does not get outweighed by the advantage of the reduced AoE damage. I have respeced it out of her build and sloted Blazing aura up with damages instead of taunts.



Why is it everyone seems to forget about the AOE change that was part of burn getting majorly neutered from the begining? 4 changes were made to Burn, AOE, Fear, Damage and Recharge. It got hit 4 times not 3.

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Yes, someone else realizes the overnerfing to Burn. Exactly, what Birdbird said, Burn was hit 4 times not 3. Just because it was an AT wide nerf does not mean the AoE limit did not hurt Burn's effectiveness any less.

I am still waiting a couple weeks before I respec it out, in hopes one of these changes will be rolled back, but i am not holding my breath. I already have BA slotted up and also thinking of getting rid of Taunt. I may be replacing with Build Up and Assault. I want to get the Leadership pool for Assault and Tactics but want to have choices left for my Epics, so Burn and Taunt are not looking that good right now with Stone as my secondary.



Well, I done with burn... With my new build I hit FSC, comb, & breath (GFCS for the red/purps). It's not like the old burn but it's better then the alternative.

I've played it with and w/out burn for about half of level 40 and I don't see myself picking it back up unless some of the nerf is rubbed off.



Does anyone know how this issue with burn slipped past everyone and onto Live? This power is super-borked.



Does anyone know how this issue with burn slipped past everyone and onto Live? This power is super-borked.

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There was no "slipping past". Burn is now "working as intended".

Once I figure out a good respec, it will be gone from my "Fire" Tanker as well.

Sign It :



Does anyone know how this issue with burn slipped past everyone and onto Live? This power is super-borked.

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It didn't slip past anyone. We've been raising a stink about this since it was on test. Problem is, the devs have chosen to ignore us on this issue and put it live anyway. No explanation, not even an acknowledgement. And there are MANY who are more upset about the way it has been handled than they are about the changes themselves.

Capt. Conduit - lvl 50 Elec/Elec/Elec Blast
Demonik - Fire/Axe Tank
Arctic Pyre - Fire/Ice Blast
Candi Stryper - Emp/Eng Def
Ehrlicht - Ill/Rad Cont
xx Raptor xx - Claws/Regen Scrap
Chemotherapist - Rad/Rad Def
Evangelique - Peacebringer



I too have dropped burn from my build. It's not worth taking with the fear affect, the damage enemies take is extremely minimal unless you have a controller.

My fire tank was my first toon and I'm extremely disappointed in the changes. I knew I was giving up defense in order to have more offensive power when I picked that set. Rise of the phoenix as the top power was irritating but burn was a nice draw. Now I'm left wishing I'd picked another primary. It seems really sad that my secondary set and power pools are my main power selections.



My first toon is a Fire/Fire Tanker. It was a real joy playing him, but now with the way that the Burn Power has been made into a useless ability, and that I cannot take the amount of damage that I use to because my Damage Resistance is lowered, I am seriously thinking of deleting him all together.
Increasing the Fear in Burn was not the brightest ideas there was for I-5! Nor was making the recharge rate 3 times longer. Just to make it effective, you have to drop 3 Damage slots for 3 Recharge Rate slots. Even then, it's still slower than it use to be.
As far as being able to take the amount of damage that I use to, Fire Tankers CANT!!! All Fire Tankers, and pretty much ALL Tankers for that matter were able to run missions all alone! Most likely, like myself on Invincible. Now if you try that, you get handed your hind quarters!!! I can run him alone, only on Heroic though.
I understand trying to even everyone out for the Arena (Player vs. Player), but for regular game play, this is ruining the fun of the game. Tankers are suppose to be able to take mass damage, herd large groups together for the team, agro just as much as he can herd, and deal damage just under the amount that a Blaster should!!! But now, he IS the weakest link in any team!!!
Dropping the power "some" on the Invulns and the Super Strength Tankers I can also understand, only because those are very powerful sets to have. Especially if you combined them! But "gimping" out ALL Tankers across the board on Damage Resistance was a bit extreme!!!



just funny all together how im ok with it having fear by thier standards of "who would just sit in a big fire pit "

however to NOT make it a d.o.t. after they use this excuse is just a downright load of b.s.

can you say "liar"?.. i know that you can