Dev Response - Burn Changes




Yea...i finalized my free respec and dropped primary is fire but my secondary is super strength....... all attacks are six slotted but jab and punch (4 slots).....blazing aura gets 2 end redux.....and i added focused accuracy...... the offense in super strength has good dmg mitigation to stop foes.....and six slots in healing with healing flames means i to damned well as a tank.

Though i dropped taunt as well..... blazing aura is doin the job all by it's self.......and better since it adds dmg and taunts w/ each hit under the gauntlet system. I was and still am against the res nerf's and defense nerf's since player accuracy or accuracy pools did not get nerf'd to balance out as was or is the case with bosses, av's etc....being nerf'd for lowered accuacy vs the new lower defense. Somethin is not quite balanced about all this balancing stuff devs are talking about.

Honor Before Glory!




Ok Dev's - I'll admit to the fact that my Fire Tank leveled like no other. Burn was THE reason for that. Do i think that it was too powerful? Yes. Do I think it should have been nerfed? Yes (somewhat). Do i agree with the nerf for I5 as it is? NOT NO YOUR LIFE!!!!

Burn did extraordinary amounts of damage yes, but now after the nerf - what is burn still doing in the powerset? It has become a useless power on a hero that i loved to play and still played long after i hit lvl 50 and still would like to play, but now it's just frustraiting.

In the dev's own words right off the patch update page:

"Burn was one of the most damaging powers in the game. It is still quite strong after the change."


The I5 nerf was to "bring powers more in line". Burn has gone from one end of the spectrum to the extreme opposite end. It is TOTALLY useless!

Keep the increased recharge. Keep the reduced damage. But for gods sake revert the AI fear back to I4 standards.

Statesmans vision of the game needs corrective lenses cause somethings WAY out of focus!

Stop running!!! You'll just die TIRED!!



Ive made some changes to my two fire/ tanks. Here's what i have to say about burn for both builds.

For my Fire/Fire Tank, it was pretty cool to not take burn and slot up my secondary and take ET from power mastery. Im having fun with her. But what im noticing right off the bat, is i run out of endurance within one attack cycle. Im running BA with 2 end redux, tough with one end redux, Healing flames with 4 recharge, 1 heal, and one golgi (to reduce end when using it), and Combat Jumping with a cyto (defense, end redux). I have stamina six slotted, conserve power 6 slotted recharge, consume with 6 recharge, and i use end redux is acrobatics, 3 cytos in Focused Accuracy (to hit and end redux). yet a still cant last in a good fight. Its actually harder for me to fight 1 boss than 4 at one time, only for the simple fact that consume needs mutiple targets, and doesnt give me enough until CP is ready again. I find it hard to believe that im going to have to now put end reducers in my attacks because 3 powers and 18 slots dedicated for end recovery is not enough. Not to mention the end redux's ive already mentioned. I dont mind not being able to be a one trick pony, but for godsakes, give me the ability to use my other powers with dying due to lack of endurance.

As for my fire/Ice, i share the sentiment that the fear in burn renders my toon useless. Look at what i have in my secondary. One AoE power called frost breath that is a cone. Two lackluster single target attacks, and a couple of foe holds, that work only on minions, and are freed as soon as they are attacked. I needed burn to be a decent dmg dealer, Otherwise im a meatshield who cant do anything but make minions slide on an ice patch, as i stand there taking punishment. End problems are pretty bad here too, but i dont notice them as much because i have terrible dmg potential. Ill take the changes, but without the fear apect, because burn is needed on this toon.



and a couple of foe holds, that work only on minions, and are freed as soon as they are attacked

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know about you, but my holds last a long time, and I can even immob AVs. My holds on AVs are very short-lived, though.



My only concern with the burn changes is that my fiery aura doesn't feel very offensive anymore. Burn's just one of those powers that I really don't think is needed at all now in a fire/* build. IMO, it's one of (or arguably -the-) weakest lv18 power in the game now, and that's just a shame.

Now, I agree something needed to be done with it, but why not do something that would allow fire/* tanks to retain their slight offensive advantage in their primary set over the other tanker ATs?

I think the easiest solution to the burn issue is to make it a toggle. Change the endurance costs and damage of it to make it slightly more expensive in terms of END than blazing aura, but make it do slightly more dmg (make it just below the moderate boundary perhaps). Add in a secondary effect of +RES (imm) just like it has now, and add in an effect similar to invincibility. Allow burn to scale the DMG and ACC for all of the fire tank's attacks depending on the number of foes attacking the fire/* tank from melee.

By doing this, fire/* tanks would not have their primary defense against Imm attacks coming at the expense of lost aggro. The fire/* tanks wouldn't be forced to take combat jumping in order to have a reliable defense against immobilization. Furthermore, fire/* tanks would have lower dmg from burn itself with the power being a toggle, but would gain an improvement to their overall ACC and DMG for each enemy in the mob they're fighting--reinforcing the idea that they really are meant to jump into the big mobs and retain the aggro for the group. All of this would come at a significant cost in terms of endurance when compared to the Invincibility power (which is the most similar to this in terms of function).

With the new caps on NPCs affected by powers, herding won't be an issue with the power, and since it wouldn't affect defense at all and caps out at 14 enemies, the fire/* tanks really wouldn't want to gain too much aggro anyway...

Main point would be they still wouldn't be as survivable in a mob situation as an invuln tanker, but they would retain their advantage as the most offensive tanker set.



well, i'm putting my money where my mouth is, i'm walking the walk--after i post this message here and in a few other places in this forum, i will cancel my account, because i5 is not the same game that made it fun for me. this game is crap now. yeah, i'm sure people who disagree will say "cya" or "bye bye, good riddance" but it doesn't matter--you know what, life goes on after this game. it really is a terrible waste of time, i'm kinda glad i5 screwed it up.