UPDATED: An Idiot's Guide to RP




I think Captain Starstorm just summed up my last four (feels like four thousand) posts in one succinct, easy-to-read passage.

So he wins.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



argument about how to properly RP some random villain in the Pocket D giving a pregnant superheroine a surprise abortion
What. The. Hell.
This thread's supposed to be for giving TIPS! Besides, the game is rated T(Don't even try to use the "Game Experience May Change During Online Play" disclaimer as justification. The key word there is "may", not "will").

Formerly known as Stormy_D



Originally Posted by Autonomous Prime View Post
This thread's supposed to be for giving TIPS! Besides, the game is rated T(Don't even try to use the "Game Experience May Change During Online Play" disclaimer as justification. The key word there is "may", not "will").
And today's tip is this:

No matter how well you RP, someone WILL eventually disagree with you about if you're doing it "right" or not.

In RP, as in all other things, you can't please everybody. Try not to take it personally.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by The_Widowed View Post
One of the devs was just asking us about the double parentheses over the CoHGuru channel a few nights ago. The parentheses have their place, but I can understand how a non-RPer would find it annoying to be talking casually within a non-RP team with one or two people who insist on saying everything in double parentheses. "Which one should I snipe first? The Behemoth Overlord or the Agony Mage?" "((The Agony Mage))" "((I agree. Agony Mage. He has less Health.))" "Oy."

If it's a decidedly non-RP group (like your average pick-up team), please, don't put "((" and "))" around everything you say. Other people will think you're being overly pretentious, and people who don't understand what they mean will only be confused, not impressed with your ability to roleplay.
I completely 100% agree with this. If it is established that a certain method of communication is OOC by the majority of the users, it shouldn't be necessary to put OOC tags around your posts. The "LOL IT'S A HABIT LOL I CAN'T HELP IT" argument is invalid because it's not a habit, that person is just using that excuse to act like a jerk. I've been roleplaying ever since they still had user chatrooms on Yahoo Chat and I've never once fallen to such a habit.

Besides, the game is rated T

The game is rated T for the content that already exists within the game. The online content and things people can say or do is impossible to be rated by the ESRB, or else every single multiplayer game would have an AO rating. The ESRB deliberately does not rate online content, and all online content is entirely up to the people who are running the service to decide.



Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
I completely 100% agree with this. If it is established that a certain method of communication is OOC by the majority of the users, it shouldn't be necessary to put OOC tags around your posts. The "LOL IT'S A HABIT LOL I CAN'T HELP IT" argument is invalid because it's not a habit, that person is just using that excuse to act like a jerk. I've been roleplaying ever since they still had user chatrooms on Yahoo Chat and I've never once fallen to such a habit.

The game is rated T for the content that already exists within the game. The online content and things people can say or do is impossible to be rated by the ESRB, or else every single multiplayer game would have an AO rating. The ESRB deliberately does not rate online content, and all online content is entirely up to the people who are running the service to decide.
Actually, it can become a habit with some people. Just because it hasn't with you, doesn't mean it can't for others.

And some people actually use Tells ICly (cellphone, telepathy, comm, whatever)...while others say that their tells are always OOC.

I know I have a habit of double typing paraenthesis when I just mean to use one (like above), if I'm not paying attention, as it just became reflex to double it up.

Now usually in posts, I'll catch it, and go and take one out. But in game, I'll hit iit just out of reflex when not talking ICly.

Mind you, if I'm in an all non RP PuG team for example, I'll use it, and then forgo it, and start using it again out of habit.

Either way...you're telling me those who don't RP find it that bad?

That's as bad as the RPers who complain about RPers who don't use them, and switch between IC and OOC and they can't notice. :P

Which, I havent had a problem with, but some do...but then, my immersion in RP isn't broken by OOC chat, like it is for others who see it. For me, OOC talk is normal with RP, as I started with PnP RPing with friends...and I've never been in a tabletop RP that didn't have OOC chat going on, while RPing.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Actually, it can become a habit with some people. Just because it hasn't with you, doesn't mean it can't for others.
The problem is that you are pretending that using OOC tags is a habit. It's extremely simple to avoid. The next time you type a sentence, do not press shift+9 shift+9 at the beginning, and do not press shift+0 shift+0 at the end. That's four separate keystrokes that require a combination to pull off, and you are chalking up their usage to an unconscious tic that cannot physically be stopped?



Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
*Random Troll post*
Forcing ones RP onto an other, is Godmoding.

Ignoring In Game rules, (i.e. Pocket D being a sanctuary or a non-Violent zone) is Godmoding. Yet it still happens and some people brush off the consequences. That is one of the reasons I just don't go to the D except for the use of Holiday events or the Costume Editor.

Yes they can police and rate the whole game T, they just don't enforce the rules in private channles (cause that would take up too much resources). Two people going heavy ERP in a public place over tells or broadcast can and probably will lead up to them getting the boot from a Dev/Mod. Though, if you try to get all ERP with a dev even in private channels you'll probably get the boot also.

So, how about we get this thread right back to actually being helpful and not someone spewing hate and anger for what ever reasons.

I have noticed people using such things as *takes an action* and also the use of <takes action> to signify something over a channel that doesn't support the use of /e very well. Like using "*laughs loudly* That is a good joke." In the SG chat channel.

I have also seen them in use to show an outside action not done so by the character typing. (i.e. Heroic_Dude:<Five Arachnos fliers are seen coming in fast>)

I myself try to use the * and not the <. Reason being is that < seems to create a command that can make the rest of the chat vanish if not given a space between the < and the start of the action. Yet I still see many people use the <> despite its trouble causing ways.



Ok. holy hell. I just spent the last 30 mins. reading this thread from like page 10 to the final, and the only thing I learned was that there are definitely ALOT of whiney lil ******* that play this game. First... if you feel the need to RP a action upon another character, why don't you just send them a damn tell saying "hey, my char. is about to attack your char. in suchnsuch manner. Get ready or tell me no." BOOM... whole problem solved

As for the (()) issue... who really cares? Thats like me complaining about how a person clicks their tongue every other word when talking. Its just something they do... it DOES NOT hurt me so why should I worry about it. A few of you should really stop trying to control the environment your in and start learning to adapt to another's playstyle. Either that or stick to single player games.

Now for the dreaded subject of ERP.. again.. who cares... some people do it, some people don't. Some people find it fun.. some people find it stupid, or even digusting. Again.. who cares.. again stop trying to control and learn to adapt. If you don't want to do something.. DONT DO IT. But NO ONE has the right to judge another person based on how they enjoy their playtime in CoX. I'm so tired of reading the forums to get usefull information and only finding people name calling, trying to one up the other guy, or being completely judgemental... so here's my monthly rant.

Oh... and I just know someone is going to have something to say in response.. and I look forward to reading your posts. But please.. don't kid yourself.. I don't know you in RL.. therefore your opinion means as much to me as a bucket of birdshit. For those of you out there that like to just relax and enjoy playing the game we all love.. look me up in game sometime.. we'll kill some ****.



Originally Posted by OmniSurge View Post
Ok. holy hell. I just spent the last 30 mins. reading this thread from like page 10 to the final, and the only thing I learned was that there are definitely ALOT of whiney lil ******* that play this game. First... if you feel the need to RP a action upon another character, why don't you just send them a damn tell saying "hey, my char. is about to attack your char. in suchnsuch manner. Get ready or tell me no." BOOM... whole problem solved

As for the (()) issue... who really cares? Thats like me complaining about how a person clicks their tongue every other word when talking. Its just something they do... it DOES NOT hurt me so why should I worry about it. A few of you should really stop trying to control the environment your in and start learning to adapt to another's playstyle. Either that or stick to single player games.

Now for the dreaded subject of ERP.. again.. who cares... some people do it, some people don't. Some people find it fun.. some people find it stupid, or even digusting. Again.. who cares.. again stop trying to control and learn to adapt. If you don't want to do something.. DONT DO IT. But NO ONE has the right to judge another person based on how they enjoy their playtime in CoX. I'm so tired of reading the forums to get usefull information and only finding people name calling, trying to one up the other guy, or being completely judgemental... so here's my monthly rant.

Oh... and I just know someone is going to have something to say in response.. and I look forward to reading your posts. But please.. don't kid yourself.. I don't know you in RL.. therefore your opinion means as much to me as a bucket of birdshit. For those of you out there that like to just relax and enjoy playing the game we all love.. look me up in game sometime.. we'll kill some ****.



First off, just wanted to say thanks for posting this Thread! I'm not exactly new to RP, but I still found it to be very helpful. It really takes an effort to create a character with a seperate story/background/personality than your own. And then to play said character. I don't think some people realize that, and they're usually the people spamming about how RPing is "Lawl" in which the RPers reply "Go back to Freedumb":P

Secondly, as far the symbols people use when communicating, why does it really matter? Seriously. Ask yourself WHY your getting upset that people (( Use brackets to talk OOC. ))

In the example given where a non-RPer asks a question in a team with only a couple RPers, what is the difference if the RPers use brackets? A whole, two seconds longer to type their sentence?

If someone is confused about why you put brackets then just explain that to an RPer it means they are talking OOC. Simple right?

And yes it IS a habit for some people. Sure, we catch ourselves sometimes but once you get used to doing something specific it's hard to stop. Especially if your not thnking about it.

Back to the point though, ask yourself WHY you dislike people using it. Maybe you were emotionally scarred as a child by some horrid use of a bracket. Or maybe you dislike the thought of words being trapped in an enclosed space like that. *shrug*

Whatever the reason, and I mean this is the nicest way, just get over it. No ones going to stop using them.



There is no reason to read every page of this thread. To sum up this thread for those that have just joined us:

Post 1: Here is the Uber guide of RPing from a really modest person

Post 47: I hate brackets and everyone that uses them

Post 121: Can't we all get along? *under his/her breath* "Insert Explicit Name here"...

Post 147: ((I hate you if you hate brackets.))

Post 227: What was this thread about again?

Post 228: ((RPing))

Post 229: What is RPing?

Post 230: ((See Post #1)) *under his/her breath* "Insert Explicit Name here"...

The real meat to be found here is the first post, in case you lost that in the above summery. The majority of the rest of the thread is just people mad at each other... Normal forum behavior nowadays... Good job on the guide though! Very well explained!



Agreed. This was a very good guide, and thank you to whoever made it. Even made me think about the ways I do my RP. (Man, I forgot the name already, I'm sorry!)

Now, I'm fairly open-minded and quite tolerant for people who RP certain ways. Even in ways I don't like. (i.e. the use of *these things* instead of /e doing it this way, or using smilies like this [Name: ] ) But arguing about the use of (( )) out of habit is really inane. Moreover, people who do (( )) this out of habit and accusing them of being jerkwads is even more inane and a stupid accusation to make when they're being completely innocent about it and mean no mal-intent. While I do try and establish what sort of text goes inside "Team:" when I'm ON a team, I will habitually do this (( )) then catch myself and stop doing it.

I reiterate Zander's post above. Though I will say that some of you have provided some really good insight.



Originally Posted by Denji View Post
(i.e. the use of *these things* instead of /e doing it this way,
Personally, I find this is basically the equivalent of giving the middle finger to the devs. They give you plenty of options to enhance your roleplaying and gaming experience, and you basically say "No, screw you" and utilize your own methods instead.

People that don't really recognize you can use /e for emotes aren't that bad, but those that deliberately not use it? I like to imagine that they're just narrating what they're doing in local. My character, IC, is reacting to what you are saying in local, IC. If your character IC says in local "asterisk smiles broadly asterisk" he'd look a lot weirder in-character than if he actually smiled broadly.



I believe this all falls into the category of "muscle memory." Even if someone knows that they don't have to use double-parenthesis on teams, but are used to doing so, they may have to exert conscious effort not to encapsulate their OOC comments with the brackets because they're so used to it.

The same with the asterisks - not everyone comes from a CoH background. For example, text-based chat programmes sometimes have no /e function. They may be very used to different forms of expression.

Take, for example, the "tells" people display in poker, or nervous habits like tugging at earlobes and so forth. Muscle memory actions are unconscious, ingrained.

And really, typing shift-9-9 is much more simple than learning where the bite of the clutch on your car is.
Or an even better example... if you have good grammar, try not to capitalise every new sentence as you write a 2000 word essay. Some things just become ingrained by habit.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Wow.. almost two months of debating on the use of (()). *Shakes head and walks away.*



Hello... Sorry to revive a dead thread and everything, but I had a couple questions...

1. Is Roleplaying still big nowadays? I play on Virtue and I catch wind of some local conversations from time to time, but I haven't been to Pocket D in ages so I don't know how big the scene is there.

2. I'm beginning my 4th month of an active account, even though I've had an NCSoft account for probably 2 years now. I've grown a little tired of the constant "mish, mish, mish, OH LOOK, ANOTHER LEVEL!", though I do enjoy my Task Forces from time to time. I was looking into Role Playing as an option to spend my time because I thought it'd be a fun new experience and a great way to meet some neat people online. Should I spend more time learning about the game as a whole first before I jump into roleplaying, or is it safe to go ahead and try my hand at it, assuming that it takes a long time to truly grasp all aspects of it?

3. How much has changed from the original guide? As far as I can tell, Atlas is still a popular hangout, and I haven't been to Pocket D since my last month (December of 09) and during that time, there were TONS of RPers. Is Pocket D the best place to go? Is it still the same method of introducing yourself to everyone? Also, the (()) thing seems like it's still popular as I see a lot of in-team and broadcast chat with those around many people's sentences (I do play on Virtue, the un-official RP server... haha), so is it safe to assume that when a character that uses (()) sometimes DOESN'T use (()), they are in character? Is the best way to truly grasp all of this just to forge a character, hop into the city, and attempt to join in?

EDIT: 4. Is it wrong for a male to play a female character? The reason I ask is because I feel like the females have the better costume designs and, from my point of view, would be more fun to role play. I do consider myself a very feminine and sensitive male, and have really been friends with more females than males over the years and just feel that I could do a lot more justice to a female character than a male character. I just don't know how socially appropriate this is.

I appreciate any and all help given to me. I try to not sound like a noob, though I know that no matter what I do, it's still going to happen what with me only carrying a 3 month vet badge. I do hope people look past my miniscule post count and my short time playing this game and offer some help and advice to help me get into the less-serious part of this "kill, level, make money, be the best" sort of game.



Originally Posted by runt9 View Post
1. Is Roleplaying still big nowadays? I play on Virtue and I catch wind of some local conversations from time to time, but I haven't been to Pocket D in ages so I don't know how big the scene is there.

2. ... Should I spend more time learning about the game as a whole first before I jump into roleplaying, or is it safe to go ahead and try my hand at it, assuming that it takes a long time to truly grasp all aspects of it?
It's pretty safe to just jump right in and give it a shot, really. Getting familiar with the lore is always a good idea if you plan to ground your character in the setting, though.

3. ... Also, the (()) thing seems like it's still popular as I see a lot of in-team and broadcast chat with those around many people's sentences (I do play on Virtue, the un-official RP server... haha), so is it safe to assume that when a character that uses (()) sometimes DOESN'T use (()), they are in character? Is the best way to truly grasp all of this just to forge a character, hop into the city, and attempt to join in?
Yes, and yes.

EDIT: 4. Is it wrong for a male to play a female character? The reason I ask is because I feel like the females have the better costume designs and, from my point of view, would be more fun to role play. I do consider myself a very feminine and sensitive male, and have really been friends with more females than males over the years and just feel that I could do a lot more justice to a female character than a male character. I just don't know how socially appropriate this is.
Lawl no. I get the impression in this game more than any other "gender bending" in RP is not only acceptable but not even remarked upon. Especially given the number of character slots we get and the absurd variety available to us in terms of power selection and costume options, people can make pretty much any character idea they can think of and rarely restrict themselves based on the gender. I can't think of a single person I play with who doesn't have characters of both sexes, with one exception, but that's a guy who only plays one character.

Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators



Thank you very much for the responses. I'm going to go ahead and start writing and see what sort of concoction I can come up with... haha



Plenty of my characters are dudes, and I never get flack about that.

Meanwhile, I hear from the early posts in this thread that the RP is good in Gemini Park. I've never tried there before but when I checked it out today it was deserted. Is it no longer a hotspot, or did I just catch it on a bad day?



Thoroughly good read. This is what forums were made for.



where is gemini park btw?



Don't forget to add brackets!!!!!!

Kill the enemy. Take their souls. Drink their blood.



Gemini Park is no longer a hot spot for roleplaying. You may find the hot spots being SG bases and Pocket D.



Originally Posted by OmniSurge View Post
Ok. holy hell. I just spent the last 30 mins. reading this thread from like page 10 to the final, and the only thing I learned was that there are definitely ALOT of whiney lil ******* that play this game. First... if you feel the need to RP a action upon another character, why don't you just send them a damn tell saying "hey, my char. is about to attack your char. in suchnsuch manner. Get ready or tell me no." BOOM... whole problem solved

As for the (()) issue... who really cares? Thats like me complaining about how a person clicks their tongue every other word when talking. Its just something they do... it DOES NOT hurt me so why should I worry about it. A few of you should really stop trying to control the environment your in and start learning to adapt to another's playstyle. Either that or stick to single player games.

Now for the dreaded subject of ERP.. again.. who cares... some people do it, some people don't. Some people find it fun.. some people find it stupid, or even digusting. Again.. who cares.. again stop trying to control and learn to adapt. If you don't want to do something.. DONT DO IT. But NO ONE has the right to judge another person based on how they enjoy their playtime in CoX. I'm so tired of reading the forums to get usefull information and only finding people name calling, trying to one up the other guy, or being completely judgemental... so here's my monthly rant.

Oh... and I just know someone is going to have something to say in response.. and I look forward to reading your posts. But please.. don't kid yourself.. I don't know you in RL.. therefore your opinion means as much to me as a bucket of birdshit. For those of you out there that like to just relax and enjoy playing the game we all love.. look me up in game sometime.. we'll kill some ****.
Where have you been all my life?