UPDATED: An Idiot's Guide to RP




Realistically, you can make it back to 22 in one week and not really have to loose so much sleep. Just stop rp'ing for a few days.

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Quite ironic.

Heh not many people do. My highest is 21 due to ALTITIS 0_0

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I feel your pain. -_-;;



If you roll a villian I can get you to about 15 in two hours, give or take.

All you need to do is find me @woefull and of course sign your name in blood on this contract. No no no nothing you need to read, it is all standard. Just sign.

But seriously, this is what I do.. I find sub level 15 people and take them on some missions... It is a sickness... dont look at me!!

I told them Id shoot, I told them.



Thanks, if I change my mind I'll let you know.
Even the creepy mutant virtue people are so friendly...



As a newbie to Virtue RP, what are the distinctions between people who put RP, MRP, or universal RP in their descriptions?

Toxic Eel - Robot/Poison MM



As a newbie to Virtue RP, what are the distinctions between people who put RP, MRP, or universal RP in their descriptions?

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Rp- Role play. PG
Mrp - Mature role play, adult themes, drug use R, rated
Universal Rp - No idea beyond all types of Rp



As a newbie to Virtue RP, what are the distinctions between people who put RP, MRP, or universal RP in their descriptions?

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Rp- Role play. PG
Mrp - Mature role play, adult themes, drug use R, rated
Universal Rp - No idea beyond all types of Rp

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Ah, I get it now. Thanks for the info.

Toxic Eel - Robot/Poison MM



As a newbie to Virtue RP, what are the distinctions between people who put RP, MRP, or universal RP in their descriptions?

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Rp- Role play. PG
Mrp - Mature role play, adult themes, drug use R, rated
Universal Rp - No idea beyond all types of Rp

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HRMMM Should I bother Woefull to take my Mastermind from 7 to 15.... 0_0


But I should bother Woefull at some point anyway, JUST CAUSE I CAN.



HRMMM Should I bother Woefull to take my Mastermind from 7 to 15.... 0_0

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Quite honestly if you catch me when I'm not busy I'd be happy to level up your toon.

I do it all the time, not a problem.



Powerleveling just makes me feel...dirty.

But thanks for the offer Woeful. Maybe when I get my Brute past 22 I can party wiff you and do some actual HAVOC and MAYHEM.




Well if it's not you, it will be some other random person.

Ask rook, she knows it's true. When im bored I go to the D and find a redside toon under level 15 and run them on missions untill they cant stand it anymore.

In all honesty I bet I have given away over 200 levels to people I never talk to again.



Well if it's not you, it will be some other random person.

Ask rook, she knows it's true. When im bored I go to the D and find a redside toon under level 15 and run them on missions untill they cant stand it anymore.

In all honesty I bet I have given away over 200 levels to people I never talk to again.

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Do you find yourself that bored? :P

I mean, if you really wanna I wont say no. Its slow going on a Bots/Dark MM until I get my Assault Bot. Then everything falls over dead :P

What level is Woefull anyway?



Yes, I do find myself that bored. My Mrp and Erp standards are unreasonably high.

Level 50 of course.



MRP / ERP Frightens me greatly.

Normal RP for me kthnx :P

Well if I catch ya online sometime I might take ya up on the offer to power level my little mastermind :P



Question concerning RP chatting:

I often times see people have what looks like an AFK bubble describing their characters speech patterns/accents show up when they are typing. How is this done? I've spent the last 45 minutes looking over binding and macro guides and can't find an answer. A link to how this is done would be appreciated, or an in depth explanation, as I'm a total noob at binds/macros.




lol, rp.



Question concerning RP chatting:

I often times see people have what looks like an AFK bubble describing their characters speech patterns/accents show up when they are typing. How is this done? I've spent the last 45 minutes looking over binding and macro guides and can't find an answer. A link to how this is done would be appreciated, or an in depth explanation, as I'm a total noob at binds/macros.


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/bind ENTER "show chat$$startchat$$afk I'm typing, so stifle it."

And yes, I like to RP. In missions, between missions, instead of miss... well that's a bit extreme, but, uhm, yeah.

And I really need to start finding teams in the 25-30 range, my poor dark-dark is languishing cos she sucks as a soloist.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Here's a good tip for dealing with people who just come across as belligerent morons(like people trying to h4x0r your robot character, or "heroes" who try to rip peoples' arms off in the Pocket D).
Just ignore them. Do not acknowledge their existence in any way. RP DOES NOT MAKE GRIEFERS GO AWAY.

Formerly known as Stormy_D



In fact, if you're on Victory, it just encourages the griefers.

I should totally write an addition to this: "So you've been a forum RPer forever. This is easier, right? Wrong!" guide. When I've been doing this long enough to write one. And honestly, this isn't harder, it's just different. But the character creation, which is arguably the hardest part, the forum RPer already knows.



What if you walk up to someone dressed up as a skulls thug (halloween costume) and pull out a gun (merc mastermind) and say "Nobody move! This is a hold up!" Is that griefing?



Wow, that was a great guide... however, for some reason afterwards I actually sat and read all the replies... One hour (and some tired eyes) later, what I've truly learned is that you can more or less do what you want in the RP world as long as it's in terms with your character and isn't ridiculously annoying to others. Clearly you can't please everyone, because it seems people have different opinions over what is RP and what is not.

Regardless, this was very helpful. I had created a back story with one of my characters, but being as she is lvl 27 already and I haven't really been playing her as an RP, I'll need to create a new one before I break into the RP world (or else, wouldn't it just seem weird to the friends she has made already, for her to suddenly break into RP or OOC chat?).

Anyways, hope to see some of you there.






Just curious, is the RP on virtue still going strong? Been thinking of creating an alt there (you know, my friends must think that I have alt-itis os something. Very much untrue, just too many ideas for characters) and would like to be able to join in some RP fun.

A note from my family on the CoH/V shutdown:



I rp all my toons the same way in every mmo i've played, going back to d&d and other paper-games from the 80's.It's easy fun and sometimes irritating to "hard core" rp'rs who think it has to be scripted and dramatic like a soap-opera. I call it "Gump Style" just act like a simpleton or a dullard and never break character. Rp'ing means playing a roll, not just drama and making up complex stories nobody but you care abought.



Thanks for the guide... gawd I read every reply too.

Coming from a PnP background it is good to see the differences & expectations for CoX.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):