UPDATED: An Idiot's Guide to RP




I find it unneeded that people feel the obligation to make fun of the erpers, ESPECIALLY the ones who use symbols and can't even spell out a few three or four letter words. The ONLY people who are even required to do anything about erpers are the members of the game staff.

And personally, if I feel that someone else's style of roleplay is intrusive, I simply put them on ignore. It's simple and efficient, and prevents me from dealing with them when I do not need to. As for the Pocket D thing, I know why many are frustrated, ESPECIALLY when someone tries to use their godmode powers to roleplay their omnipotence.

We know the types of characters that these people are, their characters are usually supernatural, like a demon or some mythical god like Zeus, or some such. If you feel as though they are bothering you in Pocket D or an area that has been neutral canononically (sp?), simply point it out in an ic way.

In the end, we can't change anyone, but I'll tell you this... I refuse to allow someone to godmode me into a fake text fight or a pvp fight that I have no interest in. I know the limits of the game and I intend to use them icly. One simply needs to find the means to do it.



You know. Alot of people that do RP on virtue..are horrible at it... Not trying to insult anyone. But its almost as if your not on their "friends list" you dont mean **** or aren't worth interacting with. Or maybe thats just the sissy's in the pocket D. One of my toons can't seem to get many responses. He's not mean or over bearing. He's just simply friendly. Oh! maybe its because of all the demon/suepr naturals or whatevers who think that their too badass godmodded out for other folks. I dunno. Its just getting really annoying lol.



Personally I still enjoy challenging said 'too badass to talk to you' characters to arena fights and watching them produce increasingly hilarious excuses as to why they can't possibly take the chance of me actually beating them. And a small chance it is, too, I never was good at pvp.

Also: Most of my characters have a note saying 'walkups encouraged' in their bio for a reason. Those that don't are just cause I haven't gotten around to changing it.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Some mmos have whole servers dedicated to rp
Just sayin it has been 8 yrs and still unofficial....

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



that and a GOOD sized chunk of the RPers on virtue are now completely set into small circles of friends, stay in the D, and "RP" amongst themselves but never really progress past anything except for joking around(so if you can even call it RP given some of their characters are supposedly such great heros)

But then...the majority of the other cliques are in SG bases locked away.

:\ a lot use the excuse "well atlas has griefers and such"

boohoo get over it. :P

Magisterum- 50+3 Fortunata--Virtue

Lukerion- 33 Emp/Rad Defender--Virtue
Noah Heartily- 34 SS/SD brute- Virtue
Mika Heartily- 50+1 Fire/MM blaster-Virtue



Now this is just my opinion, and I'm not trying to start any drama with this statement, but I'd have to agree with the complaint about cliques on Virtue being part of the problem in finding decent/enjoyable rp. Of course whats enjoyable to one person might not be fun to another. Another major issue I've noticed on Virtue is ooc drama between players started /because/ of something that happened in RP.

Now..I've said it before and I'll say it again... those people that can't tell the difference between Real Life and City of Heroes RP need to change their damn meds. I get that a really good RP can sometimes get your emotions going, but damn, is it really necessary for so much ooc drama to be tied into everything that goes on on this server? This is the whole reason I stopped rp'ing and rarely play CoH anymore..well until Staff Fighting goes live :P

Then there's the whole "you suck at rp" comments, that I admit I heard once or twice, but always from the same person, this being the same person who can't rp anything without catching some kind of OOC feelings for the other player involved..which again leads to nothing but drama.

People..its FAKE. For example, just because my character is having feelings for yours or w/e, that in no way implies that I give two ***** about /you/. Sure the other person might be fun to play the game/rp with, but do we really need to get upset or jealous because person A is rp'ing with person B?

An' another thing...whats with all the "don't talk or rp with that person because I don't like them." ********?? This is something I've heard about and seen happen waaay too much on Virtue. Its stupid, and if anyone is wondering why folks on other servers make fun of Virtue..some of the reasons are the ones I mention here. All I'm saying is..think about it people and stop getting upset over stupid ********. /endrant



Originally Posted by OmniSurge View Post
Now this is just my opinion, and I'm not trying to start any drama with this statement, but I'd have to agree with the complaint about cliques on Virtue being part of the problem in finding decent/enjoyable rp. Of course whats enjoyable to one person might not be fun to another. Another major issue I've noticed on Virtue is ooc drama between players started /because/ of something that happened in RP.

Now..I've said it before and I'll say it again... those people that can't tell the difference between Real Life and City of Heroes RP need to change their damn meds. I get that a really good RP can sometimes get your emotions going, but damn, is it really necessary for so much ooc drama to be tied into everything that goes on on this server? This is the whole reason I stopped rp'ing and rarely play CoH anymore..well until Staff Fighting goes live :P

Then there's the whole "you suck at rp" comments, that I admit I heard once or twice, but always from the same person, this being the same person who can't rp anything without catching some kind of OOC feelings for the other player involved..which again leads to nothing but drama.

People..its FAKE. For example, just because my character is having feelings for yours or w/e, that in no way implies that I give two ***** about /you/. Sure the other person might be fun to play the game/rp with, but do we really need to get upset or jealous because person A is rp'ing with person B?

An' another thing...whats with all the "don't talk or rp with that person because I don't like them." ********?? This is something I've heard about and seen happen waaay too much on Virtue. Its stupid, and if anyone is wondering why folks on other servers make fun of Virtue..some of the reasons are the ones I mention here. All I'm saying is..think about it people and stop getting upset over stupid ********. /endrant
I agree. I've actually had it happen to where...I think a while back

one of my characters had been wronged, and was argueing with a woman, and compared what she did to him, as if he were to curse her unborn child to die(note, he didn't do it...he was comparing situations)
and that ENTIRE group of people oocly got angry and stopped speaking to me for a lonnnng while.

Magisterum- 50+3 Fortunata--Virtue

Lukerion- 33 Emp/Rad Defender--Virtue
Noah Heartily- 34 SS/SD brute- Virtue
Mika Heartily- 50+1 Fire/MM blaster-Virtue



see cliques are bad...one person probabley got offended and then convinced others to follow her/his/its league....
its high school mentality....

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.