UPDATED: An Idiot's Guide to RP




Thanks for the guide... gawd I read every reply too.

Coming from a PnP background it is good to see the differences & expectations for CoX.

[/ QUOTE ]


Awesome name. Only handle that could be cooler would be something like... Jubal Crenshaw.



Man, this guide is a true life saver for me. I just transferred from Liberty thinking this RP thing would be a snap. I did some minor rping back it the day on my old server, but that's nothing compared to what Virtue has to offer. Half the time I don't even know what the hecks going on. It's literally like I've entered a-whole-nother world.

Well, needless to say Im hoping to finally get the hang of this RP thing and finally manage to get out in the open in Pocket D. If you see Autosaurus Wrecks hanging around, just try to chat him up a bit and he'll show you his RP potential.

Thanks for the guide and hope to see yall around.

Raimi: God, she's just so beautiful. The camera sure loves that girl.
Tobey: Thank you, Sam



Funny i just came from Liberty also 8P



Nice guide. To add my two cents: Always research your origin if it's based on something in reality or in the CoX universe. IE, I play a Djinn character, and thus researched the mythology of Djinn. It really makes you look like an idiot if you have no idea what you're talking about.

And RP seems limited to Pocket D, honestly. The only other places I've seen active RPing was under the Atlas statue and one occasion in the Hollows. The following scenario really blows:

Random Villain: "Hay! Wanna help me in a mish?"
Emerald Dervish: "Mortal fool...One so pathetic does not deserve my aid!"
RV: "Uhh, wut?"
ED: ((RPing, dude...))
RV: "You're a jerk!"
ED: ((Um...My character's a jerk. I'm a villain, after all...))
RV: "Whatever..." *Walks away*

At which point I teleport to the ol' D and console myself with some good RPing. Conclusion? RP in the field dammit!!

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



I can see there was a lot of effort to this guide, and while well written, I have to disagree on some points.

I think that the character backstory should be as straightforward and clean as possible, and specially short on the Biography window of the character. As honestly cool many of them are, not everyone will scroll down for a testament which could be well written in a lot lesser lines. To quote this golden line someone said above:
Rp'ing means playing a role, not just drama and making up complex stories nobody but you care abought.

[/ QUOTE ]

On Pen and Paper, Tabletop Roleplaying Games (which is where the guide writer seems to be coming from), I'd rate this guide as awesome. But we should face that on Co*, things work different. Its more about how interesting is the INTERACTION of your character with the (often random) other characters s/he side with, than having a fairly interesting story, mostly because a cool story takes some time to "captivate" the viewers until they care about it, and many times your first RP encounter with a given character will be your only one.

My two cents.

- Dual Blades Stalker Guide
- Mastermind guide to Pain Domination



My problem is that I want to RP and interact with the community more, but it's like I cant stand sitting around the Pocket D doing nothing.

I'll want to get involved with other characters and do adventures, but it's almost like we just stand around talking with nothing going on.



Random Villain: "Hay! Wanna help me in a mish?"
Emerald Dervish: "Mortal fool...One so pathetic does not deserve my aid!"
RV: "Uhh, wut?"
ED: ((RPing, dude...))
RV: "You're a jerk!"
ED: ((Um...My character's a jerk. I'm a villain, after all...))
RV: "Whatever..." *Walks away*

At which point I teleport to the ol' D and console myself with some good RPing. Conclusion? RP in the field dammit!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sure this has been mentioned before in this thread but... RPing a jerk who is openly hostile to strangers is just a bad idea. For some reason, the RPer always assumes that a bad reaction to this is an example of the recipient not understanding that this is RP. Many times the case, but not always.

For instance, none of my villains, RPed or not, would have teamed with you. Villains don't necessarily go around insulting each other and then trusting each other with their lives on the same day. Fragile egos are even more common among villains. "Pathetic am I? I'll remember this, fool! Mark my words!" *storms off*

THAT too is a proper reaction to your roleplaying above. If you roleplay in the field, at least try to imagine how your character would act if he/she/it actually had an interest in working with others. Maybe you would still privately look down your nose at those you considered inferior but tone back the commentary to that effect in order to avoid bruising fragile villain egos.

I can't help but recall one time me and a group of friends decided to try playing D&D over IRC (yeah, I'm old). It was decided we'd all log in anonymously with our new characters so no one would know immediately who was who and thus not have preconceived notions about the various characters being roleplayed.

It was a disaster.

For some reason more than half of them decided to roleplay excessively rude/antagonistic/arrogant characters. I found myself honestly wondering... "Why would I set out on an adventure with these people? I hate them all already!"

Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

Join The X-Patriots on Virtue!



I don't think it's fair to say that roleplaying a jerk is a bad idea, but I think you touched on what I'm going to say in your post when I say that it is difficult to walk the line of being abrasive and unlikable as a personality without being unlikable as a character. If the character has SOME merits, it make the bitter pill easier to swallow.

As such, it's a lot harder to get this kind of character accepted into a group of friends than it is a very outgoing and personable character. Obviously. However, when you can I think it's very rewarding.
And I'll admit there that I'm speaking from an experience with one character. There have been other characters I've tried it with and it's just gone badly, so even one tactic that might work for one character might not work for others.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



When RP'ing an abrasive character, if other people are RP'ing true to *their* characters, a lot of them are just going to walk away. We did have someone who joined our SG, just couldn't fit in, and took it personally when our characters reacted badly to his. I think you have to be willing to accept that if you're playing a jerk, in-game, like RL, people won't want to be around you.

I play a lunatic. A very goofy, totally silly, utterly anti-emo lunatic. Some people will edge away shortly after meeting him...and I've accepted that. (And I try as much as possible to warn people both in his bio and in his Search Description that that's what you're getting.) People are welcome to play whatever they like...as long as they're willing to accept the consequences if their choices.



Oh, absolutely. If you're going to roleplay a jerk you'll need to expect that people are going to treat your character like they would any other jerk. Or at least, any other superpowered jerk.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



I love it when two jerks get together, they hate each other's guts, but they're working together (for like missions and stuff). You can get a weird sort of hate filled friendship that way



Just wanted to say, thanks for the guide, I've never RPed before, but always wanted to try it, but felt kind of intimidated. I'll start looking for RP opportunities next time I log.




I decided to finally try to start a very, very *mild* rp group; but was told that the character that I created (and love) was "too angsty".

She's a "war orphan", teenaged drug-user street urchin, who was "rescued" by a Kheldian during the war. (I was told by one player that he didn't want to have to deal with issues like drug use in his gaming, and another player said that she was "foul".)

[/ QUOTE ]Wow. Whoever told you they "don't want to deal with drug use" in the game needs to find a different game. Think about how many villains are *centered* around drug use.

Skulls, Trolls, Family, Freaks, Vahzilok to an extent, and even some of the Praetorians (Mother Mayhem & evil Malaise come to mind).

But on the topic, I've always been very.... RP-lite, to the extent that on some teams I'll shift in and out of "RP-mode". Granted, it's not so bad with my main, since his personality is similar to mine, but sometimes I'll completely forget and just go OOC. Usually only on teams, though. And especially toward the end of my gaming time.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



(( god I,m such a noob ... *sticks tongue out* ))



Thanks for the guide! I'm new to the RPing but i have created a new character and backstory now i just need to find some people to hang out with.



wow.... and all this time I thought (( )) was just a way for people to differentiate themselves in the chat window! and now i know what "OOC" means!

yeah, i've been playing for about 9 months now gathering as much knowledge as possible, i think now i'm ready to baby step out into the world of RP!

btw, is there a way to automatically put (( )) around what you type, or OOC: before?

My Virtue Projects

AE: 38959 - Invasion of the Dark Realm



/bind <Keyname> "beginchat OOC: "


/macro OOC: "beginchat OOC: "

will both work. Replace the <Keyname> in the /bind command with whatever key you want to press to make it show up.



/bind <Keyname> "beginchat OOC: "


/macro OOC: "beginchat OOC: "

will both work. Replace the <Keyname> in the /bind command with whatever key you want to press to make it show up.

[/ QUOTE ]

thanks weatherby!

My Virtue Projects

AE: 38959 - Invasion of the Dark Realm



i love rp



((Forgive me if i missed this in one of the 20+ pages i skipped. *smiles* ...i'm a bit lazy... i have a quick suggestion. When i first logged into Virture i saw ERP and MRP as well as RP in character Bio's...i love reading bio's. It's like a window to a hero's soul...but i degress. I had to Ask what these tags were...and felt even more stupid when i had to ask what the difference between ERP and MRP was.

So, my suggestion...is it possible to get a list, for new comers such as myself, of what those tags mean on the first post? Might save someone else a very embarrasing moment...i'm to late to save...but maybe someone else?))



ooh, I just found out what they meant today! *smiles*



Personally my reply to people asking that, I often tell them, "It's best you 'not' know."



ERP is Erotic Roleplay, but there's a lot of debate about MRP means. Some people use it to mean that their roleplay will contain mature themes but no cybering, and some mean the same as ERP. I tend to assume that it's too heavily associated with ERP to be a useful tag unless there's a definition in the bio. Without one, it's just a generic warning sign.



Yeah people I know who brought me back to CoX didn't like the term MRP because usually they felt it lead to the same crap, just another way to get off. :P

Personally I'm an MRPer, if stuff happens... well hey, "shiat" happens. But I don't purposefully go around looking for "stuff" to "do". Otherwise to me MRP is all about being mature about what is described or done in a RP format. Cursing, body language, violence, gory descriptions, etc/etc.

Like an R-rating pretty much.