UPDATED: An Idiot's Guide to RP




I would like to add this...

being all trends at once is fun stuff to RP with cause basicly your RP element is randomness.

I have a level one corr named "bajumbled". He's a Ninja Pirate Zombie Cyborg CatDragon Mindreader....FROM THE FUTURE!

MAN people are split on what to think of him.....half hate him....half think he's the funniest thing ever.

I plan to make an SG with him when and if he ever hits 10 but no plans to actually develop a base or ever level him after that.



I'm not entirely sure if this would be the correct thread to do such, but I'm basically throwing my name out there in hopes of possibly finding a solid RP based SG. I play an Electricity based Blaster with a Technology background named Hyperbolt. I apologize if this is the wrong place to post such. Thanks all.



I'm not entirely sure if this would be the correct thread to do such, but I'm basically throwing my name out there in hopes of possibly finding a solid RP based SG. I play an Electricity based Blaster with a Technology background named Hyperbolt. I apologize if this is the wrong place to post such. Thanks all.

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Try the Virtue SG theard you might have better luck there. However if you are interested in a RP SG how about giving The League of Justice a look and see if they meet your RP needs.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius






^ shameless

Hmmm personality test, never thought of that. Good thinking Pheo!



Heheh... just now stumbling into the forums, I've been so submerged in the game. >.>;

Amazing guide! Hopefully a lot of players that plan on RP in this game will come and check this out first. This game tosses in a lot more variety compared to others like WoW or EQ, which not only makes it more interesting but also more difficult in some cases to RP. Personally it helped me out a tad with setting up my character's bio and personality. Thanks!



One thing about the 'fights'... Technically combat style matters more than levels in Player v player. They're totally different from mobs that the only difference is slots, and HP. Resistance and all that is set by power. I've seen a 10 take down a 32 and vica versa. Seen a 30 take down a 41, and seen a 20 take down a 40. In 'fights', I think it's more testing before starting than just assuming 'I'm 50 I'll eat a 30's face!' Yeah... May seem 'weird'. I originally assumed a lower level would have less of a chance, but depending on that character's fighting style you could wipe that 20 with that 2. Sorry, just wanted to add that. Just because thier 'security/threat' level is lower doesn't mean they can't give you a run for your money... then win.

........ Don't hate me, just stating observation for RP value. (Even if you aren't into PvP, don't assume lower level = less skilled) n.n;

Other than that it's informative and amusing!

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



Well to be honest I am poiting out the worst of a week in pocket D, so to be fair, it isnt always like that.

So adding RP freindly, good tip. I'll do that

In regards to finding a RP Super group, I dont see too many on the Sv threads that arent at at least 6 weeks old or so, are there any other boards, or is there just a luck factor getting into a good rp based group.

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I'm in a "casual" RP Villain SG (so, technically VG), where the RP tends to focus more on casual interaction and such, rather than plotting out huge missions to run out and carry out villainous deeds (though, not to say we won't ever, but so far it hasn't happened). And as far as I know, there's no MRP >_> ...

I should probably post a thread up for the VG, but a lot of people do seem to be more interested in uber-plottage, rather than interaction.

However, there's one thing I've started to notice in Club D as well...and it's really beginning to irritate me.

If your character is a hero, maybe they should, y'know... be a good guy? Unless their superhero name is Captain Collateral Damage, they should probably uphold the law and not slaughter innocent bystanders en-masse.

Yet, time and time again, I run into heroes who boast about how evil they are. Like, really evil, more evil than your charry can ever be; even if you're the only one present who's a gorram villain

A nice little tip to add to this guide is a relatively simple one:

"If you're going to be a Hero, play in CoH. If you want to play a Villain, play in CoV. Because honestly, it's real hard to explain how your 'evil' charry just came to the aid of the PPD. Just like it's hard to explain how your 'good' villain character just robbed a bank."



"If you're going to be a Hero, play in CoH. If you want to play a Villain, play in CoV. Because honestly, it's real hard to explain how your 'evil' charry just came to the aid of the PPD. Just like it's hard to explain how your 'good' villain character just robbed a bank."

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, I have a 'good guy' villain. They just don't do mayhem missions, or if they do (Just to get contacts) I RP it as never having happened. And another 'good guy' villain I have is a killer, but only kills evil people, or steals items not meant to be in the hands of a dangerous group. Villains can be heros.(Anti-villains), and heros CAN be villains, but if they're as evil as said person brags, they never should have been, admittedly... Villains have more leway on the 'good-v-evil' bar...

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



"If you're going to be a Hero, play in CoH. If you want to play a Villain, play in CoV. Because honestly, it's real hard to explain how your 'evil' charry just came to the aid of the PPD. Just like it's hard to explain how your 'good' villain character just robbed a bank."

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, I have a 'good guy' villain. They just don't do mayhem missions, or if they do (Just to get contacts) I RP it as never having happened. And another 'good guy' villain I have is a killer, but only kills evil people, or steals items not meant to be in the hands of a dangerous group. Villains can be heros.(Anti-villains), and heros CAN be villains, but if they're as evil as said person brags, they never should have been, admittedly... Villains have more leway on the 'good-v-evil' bar...

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to agree with this completly. I had a player give me grief OOC wise due to Run Riot, my level 50 Brute, being Morally Grey and much more of an Anti-Hero then a "Mwahahaha, look at me, Im a Viliian!"

Villian side has much more leeway about playing characters who don't neccessarily fit into the Villian Mold.

Heroes, are registered and carry around Security ID's for working with the city, while Villians are assigned a Threat from Arachnos. Arachnos is also a very scizophrenic organization, and doesn't have a problem with Villians fighting it and opposing it. Where as I would expect the U.S. goverment, and Paragon, would take issues with a Hero who murdered innocent people.

That being said, theres nothing wrong with putting "unregistered Hero" in your Heros Handle to let everyone know, your Hero skirts the edge of the law.

Im gonna have to say in the end, telling people how to play there characters is just wrong.



I get around the problem of "heroes based in the Rogue Isles" by admitting that Admiral Sunshine(Dark/Dark Stalker) DOES have a criminal record from his time in the Isles.

And as regards the topic of self-described "Mature Roleplayers"...in my experience(your mileage may vary), almost all of them can be classified in one of three groups:
[*]Horndogs (like scantily-clad feline hybrid females with Hinden-breasts or lonely males with the mutant power of pheremone emission "lol wan2 cyb0rz?")[*]Snobs ("Your character is silly, low-brow and stupid. GTFO")[*]Emo Kids (says some variant of "my redneck bible-thumping family tried to kill me when my mutant powers manifested" IN EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION, and/or creates RP situations of great ANGST and SORROW that are completely unresolvable and are only there as some ill-thought-out attempt to solidify "Mature RP" cred).

If these opinions anger you, you should probably examine yourself a little closer. Also, this mostly applies to people who think they actually have to say they're mature roleplayers.

Formerly known as Stormy_D




And as regards the topic of self-described "Mature Roleplayers"...in my experience(your mileage may vary), almost all of them can be classified in one of three groups:
[*]Horndogs (like scantily-clad feline hybrid females with Hinden-breasts or lonely males with the mutant power of pheremone emission "lol wan2 cyb0rz?")[*]Snobs ("Your character is silly, low-brow and stupid. GTFO")[*]Emo Kids (says some variant of "my redneck bible-thumping family tried to kill me when my mutant powers manifested" IN EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION, and/or creates RP situations of great ANGST and SORROW that are completely unresolvable and are only there as some ill-thought-out attempt to solidify "Mature RP" cred).

If these opinions anger you, you should probably examine yourself a little closer. Also, this mostly applies to people who think they actually have to say they're mature roleplayers.

[/ QUOTE ]

*Waves hand in air* OHOHOH! Pick me! Pick me!

I'm a mature RPer! (Technically, though I go under the call sign of immersive!) Sure SOME of my characters have a angsty background, but two of thos ethree had it resolved and are happy with thier groups/loves! BUT my other 8 characters are mature because they can stand the real-life issues caused by problems(WHAT!? Taxes are to high? I'm gonna kill the bank manager and get some cash to pay for this! Wait... I'm a villain! I cheat on my taxes anyways...... I'll kill him just for [censored] and giggles then.)

Ah! But in all seriousness, 'mature RPer' may, infact be those things(Infact........ most probably are.) But there's also the rare 'I swear, I dance, I act sexual(But would never cyber) and I may have a black history but no one knows about it because my insanity causes me to be very gitty!' Yes. There are some like that........ Well, I went off enough. My vote stay away from saying you're 'mature RPer' say 'Immersive RPer' that means you immerse yourself in your character so much they do as their personality says, including cusing, sex, killing, blackmailing, whatever. BUT! Just because of that it doesn't mean you can't... You know.... 'skip' some stuff under the concent that others say 'sure we'll let you say you did xy without RPing out y!'

........ Make sense?


......... I have no idea how to fix this mess... It's late... I'm sleepy.... Deal with it! *Shakes fist then falls over asleep*

With Love,
Me! <3

P.S. ....Zzzzzzzz...

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



See, this is why I build my villains VERY VILLAINOUS.

Like Evincar. He's a Zombie built by Arachnos technicians in the Web as a prelude to project FURY. He's got a magical redundant backup system as well as his computer-animated-dead-brain.
He enjoys walks in the park, while people run screaming from his minions, and dining out...of someone's skull.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

All your gonna do is just farm behemoths anyways.

My thoughts on November 30.



So, if I use this guide does it make me an idiot?



depends on what you use it for

For example a friend of mine printed it out and used it as a form of birth control which didn't work quite so well ,so he is an idiot and now the not so proud papa of e-babies

so now you know <star flies over head as we share a knowing moment >



That counts as one hour of community service Scarf_Girl!

Only 326 to go!

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



Not sure if this has been brought up, but I'm not willing to go through four hundred posts to find out, and it needs to be said:

There is only so much content in the game. There's no real getting around that. For about a year, I ran a SG that played exclusively with each other (well, we each had one char that did that), and went through the content together for continuity.

Unless you're doing this, I strongly urge people to follow the "if it's new to them, it's new to me" rule. That is, if you get invited by someone to the story arc where you get infected by the Vahziloc wasting disease, and ultimately end up taking out the doctor himself, I don't care if you've done this arc ten times already, for the sake of the person hosting the arc, act as if it's never happened. Remember that these story arcs can be major points in that characters history and development, and it really detracts from the experience when someone keeps remarking how they got infected with the same disease, how they've arrested him several times, that they just arrested him yesterday, why is he out and doing the same thing again, etc.

It just detracts from the importance and the impact of the arc.

Yes, this means that you will have to re-RP certain stories. But try to keep in mind, no matter how seriously you take your RP and your character, this IS a game, and the main purpose is to have fun.



I have to agree with Raven here quite abit. Heading up an SG I have alot of fun these days letting the lower level members of the group feel special and highlight them when they mention things like "Being the new up and coming Villain of the Isles" as well as "Being replaced by a Nemesis Robot".

As being in a community of roleplayers its always nice to help your fellow Roleplayers have a moment in the limelight. I feel this is espically important for SG leaders to facilitate as well.



Yarr. that being replaced by a nemesis robot is actually in Evin's backstory.

Of course, when it happened to me it was on Beta and I was one of the first >.>

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

All your gonna do is just farm behemoths anyways.

My thoughts on November 30.




as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



I've been playing on Liberty for the entirity of the three months that I've been playing (actually just got first vet reward yesterday), and has recently started my own SG for the sole purpose of finding rp people (actually, it's in my signature). The group isn't going as well as I'd hoped, especeally rp-wise.

...then I discovered Virtue. I'm sorely tempted to drop every character I have on Liberty and reincarnating them in Virtue; the sg included. I don't have a character higher than 22 anyway... the real hesitance here, is of course, the feeling that I'd be abandoning the sg, as one of the characters especeally have invested quite a bit of prestige, even if they have less of an interest in rp.

Some advice would be appreciated; would it be poor manners to dump the responsibilities of the sg's leader on this person? Would it be worse to just disband the group? Am I simply being selfish here?



Why not talk to them? If they wish to RP they could always come along here with you, and just start over.

Of course, with the Prestige Grant that may not be the best course of action. Also, you could transfer the characters over here to avoid having to Reroll.



I don't fear starting over at level 1, (ehhh... it's why my highest is at 22... *wince*) so I really don't mind the reroll...

Although it seems obvious, it didn't cross my mind that there would be mutual interest in switching servers.

/em slapps own face



Heh not many people do. My highest is 21 due to ALTITIS 0_0

I am working on getting my Scrapper and Mastermind caught up to my Brute and then going forward



Realistically, you can make it back to 22 in one week and not really have to loose so much sleep. Just stop rp'ing for a few days.