Unofficial Badge List.




The new Wall Plaques (non-freestanding ones) can be very hard to see sometimes.

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Haven't played as much as I'd like to on the TR yet, but what are you referring to? Have the plaques like the one about Atlas that are in City Hall and under other statues been given descriptions?



Spirit Warrior - No guess at this time

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If I am not mistaken (and I may be), a while back I did a Tsoo story arc which I think fits with this one while in the 15-20 level range. I will check the info out on it when I get home from work to be sure.



I think this might pertain to the Tsoo Dagger Story Arc. (Possibly )

FreezeBurner 50 Blaster-Fire/Ice
Paragon Destructor 50 Brute-En/En



Can you check on Bird Watcher, Brawler, and/or Blue shield badges. At least 1 is broken, maybe 2.

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Yeah, all broken

On the fix list.

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then I guess I shouldn't reply to the bug report email if you guys know about it already?!




I tried to refrain from guesses on the magical sounding Badges in the middle of the list. With Tsoo, Banished Pantheon, and Circle of Thorns missions all falling into those categories, there's just too much room for doubt. Any missions you can tie strongly to those Badge names are welcome however.

For me, there's just been too damn many, too long ago.



Here's the descriptions for all the badges I have, save someone the trouble of doin' all these later

Bonecrusher: You're all about knocking heads and beating Skulls

Finder: You are beginning to uncover the mystery that is the Lost

Gearsmasher: You have learned that the smallest gear can power the greatest menace, and have taken steps to stop the Clockwork menace.

Gravedigger: You have learned to put the Embalmed Cadavers in their place-- 6 feet under the ground.

Hellspawned: You've whupped those Hellions but good. (actual quote)

Soul Binder: You have uncovered the secret of the Circle of Thorns mages, that they are ancient spirits who inhabit the stolen bodies of their victims.

Undefeated: Here is where Sirrocco stood against, and fell to, the Rikti invaders.

Silent Sentinel: In the 1950's the hero called 'Gargoyle' would stand watch over the city from this spot.

Hero Corps Insider: Hero Corps maybe controversial in their methods but they can have good information for aspiring heroes.

Patriot: You have stood next to the ol' red, white, and blue over City Hall.

Top Dog: The top of Atlas' statue is the first place many flying heroes will go.

Phalanxer: Before Baumton had it's (actual spelling) 'accident,' the Freedom Phalanx called this building home.

Regal: King Mihenra, a self-proclaimed warlord from the Netherworld, attempted to seize control of Paragon City, only to be defeated by Positron on this very spot.

Destined for Valhalla: Valkyrie proved herself to Positron by battling the Clockwork King on this spot. Although she did not succeed in defeating him, he was severely damaged and Clockwork activity came to a halt for several weeks afterward.

Inmate: Zigursky Penitentiary is where all criminals, both mundane and super-powered, end up.

Seeker of the Unknown: This tomb is used to represent the thousands of heroes who gave their lives in the Rikti War.

Cairn Warder: This cairn was once the location of a rift to the Netherworld, but has since been closed.

Undammed: Funding has recently been exhausted in the effort to rebuild the Paragon City dam.

Newsman: The Theodore Knight building was home to many Super Groups in the years before the Rikti War.

Faultless Mystic: Ley Lines are powerful forces of mystical energy that crisscross the planet. Paragon City's proximity to Ley Line crossings makes it a prime location for magical villain supergroups.

Apex: Apex tracked Dr. Vahzilok down to this location, but interference from the Circle of Thorns prevented him from capturing the mad scientist.

Foggy: This building is in the final stages of preparing suites for the use of the city's Super Groups.

Chaotician: Professor Xaos brought Paragon City to its knees shortly after the Rikti War with his Mandelbrot Device. Synapse and Positron were able to work together for once and saved the city.

Tank: M1, a hero from World War I, is honored today with a statue in Galaxy City.

Land Locked: This lock holds back the waters of Eastgate bay, and has been the target of many super criminals bent on flooding Galaxy City.

Crey Havoc: Crey had a facility in Independence Port for several years, but an industrial accident has permanently closed it.

Vigorous: Sister Psyche's greatest nemesis was the insane Malaise. When she finally apprehended him, she found a confused soul in search of release. Using her mental powers, she switched Malaise's dual personalities, bringing the benevolent one to dominance. Then she took him under her wing for observation.

Summoned: Statesman broke up a ritual by the Circle of Thorns members that would have bolstered their ranks exponentially.

Upgraded: Kord Technologies makes its home in this building, and Tony Kord frequently uses his personal helicopter to commute to work.

Mystic King: Ley Lines are powerful forces of mystical energy that crisscross the planet. Where they meet is called a nexus, and all magic is stronger for miles around.

Keen Sighted: Manticore, one of the Surviving Eight, was first sighted at this location after keeping to the shadows for months.

Smokey: King Garment Works dominated the Kings Row economy for years. These smoke stacks were part of their manufacturing facility.

Portal Parter: This R&D facility suffered one too many accidents and has since fallen into ruin.

Bridge: The territory around this bridge has been hotly contested turf between the Skulls and Hellions for some time now.

Avatar: Avatar, a hero in Paragon City in the late 1950's, had a statue erected for him after his death. The gangs have not been kind to this memorial.

Around the Bendis: This old boathouse used to be a popular spot in Perez Park, but since the gangs moved in it has been abandoned.

Doc Whedon: This old dock used to be the most popular make-out spot in paragon City. Today, however, it is more a place of violence than of live.

Justice Avenger: This fountain was a gift to the city, donated by the billionare playboy Justin Sinclair.

Purifier: Defiler, an evil spirit brought forth by the Devouring Earth, was defeated on this spot by Ms. Liberty... with a little help from MAGI.

Solace: This was the location of Dr. Anguish's secret lab, uncovered by the Freedom Phalanx when he threatened to blow up Paragon City with a black market Soviet nuke.

Dauntless: Dauntless was Galaxy Girl's sidekick until he died in battle, defending his mentor with his last breath.

Healing Node: The MedCom is a teleportation network that can send fallen heroes directly to the hospital for treatment. This node is the center of the network; the other nodes are on the outskirts of the city.

Hero Corps Recruit: Hero Corps is not only a Corps of people, but also a Corporation, selling their super-powered services to those willing to foot the bill.

Nimble Mynx: This spot is where Synapse first found Mynx and began training her.

Bright Star: The first Luminary used her light-based powers to disrupt the formation of a large portal to the Rikti homeworld on this spot.

Conjunction Junction: This junction was the first target of the Freakshow when they started their campaign of mayhem. Statesman and the rest of the Freedom Phalanx were able to stop their plan before it could be fulfilled.

Meltdown: Covert Rikti strike teams have attempted to destroy the Terra Volta reactor on more than one occasion.

Nervous Dreck: Dreck, the leader of the Freakshow, was brought to justice on this spot by Statesman. His time in jail was short, however, as he broke out just two weeks later.



Okay Since we've hit a stall in Tourism and History badges I've been working on Villian ones.

There are two clockwork badges and Gearsmasher is from killing gears that spawn from bosses. I have that one yet I can't get Clock stopper started and i've fought Cogs, Ocillators, Sprokets, Dukes, Princes and Knights. Nothing gets this one started. Only Clockwork i haven't killed has been Babbage and Clockwork King. Any ideas? Unless this comes from that alternate Clockwork dimension mission later on <shrug> or perhaps this one is bugged.

Also hitting a barrier with Banished Patheon. I've started one dealing with killing the spirits (masks) yet Husks, Shamans, and Totems won't start the second badge that is offered from them. Unless this is another monster badge with whatever is in Dark Astoria...but then one for Kraken is missing. <shrugs>



i think it's psychic clockworks from portal



Shadowstep got Unbreakable, and says the damage take is as follows:

Tough - 100k
Indestructable - 500k
Adament - 1million
Unbreakable - 10 million



The Sky Raider badge requires dropping Sky Skiffs, which I saw for the first time inside the (bugged?) respec trial.

Petition to the devs: At least let the Sky Raiders pull out their full arsenal at the south end of Terra Volta!


Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



The Sky Raider badge requires dropping Sky Skiffs, which I saw for the first time inside the (bugged?) respec trial.

Petition to the devs: At least let the Sky Raiders pull out their full arsenal at the south end of Terra Volta!


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agreed. I've never even seen one, let alone a hundred...



Could someone post the /loc of Mystic King? I can't seem to get it no matter where I go

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



The Alexander Pravidlis (sp? the Warrior one) mini-arc nets you the Accomplishment badge "Redeemer"



Restrained, Entangled and Imprisoned are related to being held/immobilized/mezzed in some fashion yourself, not holding others. My tank got all three it one shot by being mezzed and then waking up. Can't give more details, sorry.

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
Enemy XP Mods
(Drag my avatar into your mp3 player!)



I just got Negotiator from doing that 60 minute timed skulls/clockwork mission you get around level 8.


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can you explain how you got this? Did you go back and do the mission??



I just got Negotiator from doing that 60 minute timed skulls/clockwork mission you get around level 8.


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can you explain how you got this? Did you go back and do the mission??

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I've been leveling a Katana scrapper from level 1 on Test. She's level 8. She got it over the normal course of play. Don't know if RSKING will allow you to get it again. Unfortunately, my main has already done this mission anyway, so I can't even test it.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Could someone post the /loc of Mystic King? I can't seem to get it no matter where I go

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CORRECTION to Tourism>Mystic King-

The location of the badge is -375.3, 70.8, 244.9. This is different from 375.3, 70.8, 244.9 because of the negative sign in front of the first coordinate.

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Already posted



Keeper of Secrets: Defeat Adamastor

find Orochi1 if you want to see it.



Keeper of Secrets: Defeat Adamastor

find Orochi1 if you want to see it.

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Does everyone get it if you kill it in a group?



The defeats do count in a team. My blaster got the Medic Badge even though she has no healing power. I also got another dying badge!



While I haven't earned it yet, the defeat X Crey badge, Infiltrater, is for defeating Paragon Protectors. Earning that badge is going to be a lot of fun...



Hmm. Well, if you get Keeper of Secrets by dropping Adamastor...

You probably get Clockstopper for bringing down Babbage. Even though he's an ambush and Adam the Sailor Man is just a wandering monster.

Maybe the 'other' DE badge is for Jurassik?


Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Restrained, Entangled and Imprisoned are related to being held/immobilized/mezzed in some fashion yourself, not holding others. My tank got all three it one shot by being mezzed and then waking up. Can't give more details, sorry.

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These are based on total time spent in these states. I believe certain states count more than others, as putting on Rest for three hours straight was not enough to get me the third badge, but on a different copy of my character 3 Holds from a madness mage at level 11 got me to the second badge.



And the second CoT badge is probably for Baphomet. Doesn't look like there's one for Kraken, though.