Unofficial Badge List.




FaultlineTour4 - Apex - just a tad N of the Precipice dot...zoom in on the map and follow the smaller chasm N, the E to find it.



Upgraded: Just south of Blue Steel, in King's row, there's an apartment building with a helipad on the roof. Badge is dead-center of the helipad.

Hero Corps Recruit: Hero Corps representative just outside the hospital in Steel Canyon. This is different from the badge you get from Henry Peter Wong.

Gonna go out on a limb, and say that Head of the Hydra, Heart of the Hamidon, and probably Meltdown are all badges awarded for standing at the heart of the Trials..



Tough is 100,000 damage taken.

The heal one (whatever it's name) is 100,000 points healed



FaultlineTour4 - Apex - just a tad N of the Precipice dot...zoom in on the map and follow the smaller chasm N, the E to find it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actualy this is the Faultless Mage one.

Apex is on a parking garage roof just SW of Subduction dot.

Newsman is actually in SW corner area next to a leaning skyscraper.



Acutally Meltdown is earned by standing on top of the TV Reactor roof, right above the doors at the entrance



AbandonedSewersTour1 - Head of the Hydra - ?
AtlasParkTour1 - Patriot - Flag on City Hall
AtlasParkTour2 - Top Dog - Top of Atlas statue
AtlasParkTour3 - Hero Corps Insider - Henry Peter Wong N Plaza
AtlasParkTour4 - Undefeated - American Flag billboard by Steel Canyon zone in.
AtlasParkTour5 - - Silent Sentinel - ?
BlackShroudDimension1 - Shrouded - ?
BoomtownTour1 - Phalanxer - NE of entrance on ground level
BoomtownTour2 - Regal - ?
BoomtownTour3 - Vision of Despair - ?
BoomtownTour4 - Destined for Valhalla - ?
BrickstownTour1 - Inmate - Front of Ziggurat
BrickstownTour2 - Mystic - ?
CreysFolleyTour1 - Crey Watcher - ?
CreysFolleyTour2 - Burning the Midnight Oil - ?
DarkAstoriaTour1 - Dark Mystic - ?
DarkAstoriaTour2 - Seeker of the Unknown - ?
DarkAstoriaTour3 - Cairn Warder - ?
EdenTour1 - Crey Fish - ?
EdenTour2 - Unspoiled - ?
FaultlineTour1 - Undammed - base of dam
FaultlineTour2 - Faultless Mage - North of Precipice dot in canyon
FaultlineTour3 - Newsman - lower SW corner, at entrance to tall building
FaultlineTour4 - Apex - SW of entrance ontop of parking garage
FoundersFallsTour1 - Foggy - ?
FoundersFallsTour2 - Chaotician - ?
GalaxyCityTour1 - Tank - Statue of M1 (Goggles, shoulderpads, only Huge statue in GC, on his right hand)
GalaxyCityTour2 - Land Locked - Southeast corner @ brown flood gate
GalaxyCityTour3 - Bird Watcher - Second rooftop north of M1 statue. Doesn't give a badge.
GalaxyCityTour4 - Blue Shield - ?
GalaxyCityTour5 - Brawler - ?
HydraDimension1 - Hydra D - ?
IndependancePortTour1 - Valorous - Valor Bridge, terra volta side, ontop.
IndependancePortTour2 - Vigorous - ?
IndependancePortTour3 - Crey Havoc - ? (One of the IP ones is North of the Icon store)
KingsRowTour1 - Smokey - NE corner Royal Refinery on smokestack
KingsRowTour2 - Summoned - ESE of Industrial Ave icon. on broken pipe w/ steam.
KingsRowTour3 - Mystic King - 250 yards SW from Gish wp.
KingsRowTour4 - Upgraded - Kord Inc Helipad
KingsRowTour5 - Keen Sighted - Second story of electric tower SW of Aqueduct marker.
PeregrineIslandTour1 Portal Parter - ?
PerezParkTour1 - Doc Whedon - the East tributary of Everett Lake, Docks
PerezParkTour2 - Around the Bendis - Boathouse
PerezParkTour3 - Avatar - Avatar statue, almost submerged. SE of the standing male and female statues in Everett Lake
PerezParkTour4 - Justice Avenger - SW corner Fountain
PerezParkTour5 - Bridge - Bridge very near Perez Park dot on map, slightly east, in park.
RiktiCrashSiteTour1 - Ace -?
SkywayCityTour1 - Healing Node - Medcom Spike SW Land of the Lost
SkywayCityTour2 - Dauntless - E wall land of the lost, brick garden, infront of the statue.
SkywayCityTour3 - Purifier - NE corner basketball court
SkywayCityTour4 - Solace - east of KR zone in, at 2264.1 x -d84.0 x -3368.5
SteelCanyonTour1 - Hero Corps Recruit - Outside hospital
SteelCanyonTour2 - Secret Admirer - ?
SteelCanyonTour3 - Nimble Mynx - ?
SteelCanyonTour4 - Bright Star - Roof west of the Mutant store (NW of PriceCo sign)
TalosIslandTour1 - Minotaur - ?
TalosIslandTour2 - Nature Lover - ?
TalosIslandTour3 - Whitecap - ?
TerraVoltaTour1 - Conjunction Junction - ?
TerraVoltaTour2 - Meltdown - ?
TerraVoltaTour3 - Nervous Dreck - ?
TheHiveTour1 - Time Bandit - ?
TheHiveTour2 - Heart of the Hamidon - ?

Here's what I've got :O



Updated list with corrections.

AbandonedSewersTour1 - Head of the Hydra -
AtlasParkTour1 - Undefeated - American Flag billboard by Steel Canyon zone in
AtlasParkTour2 - Silent Sentinel -
AtlasParkTour3 - Hero Corps Insider - NW of City Hall at Henry Peter Wong
AtlasParkTour4 - Patriot - Flag on City Hall
AtlasParkTour5 - Top Dog - Top of Atlas statue
BlackShroudDimension1 - Shrouded -
BoomtownTour1 - Phalanxer - 230 yds ne of the SC entrance, building with statue sticking out of the side
BoomtownTour2 - Regal -
BoomtownTour3 - Vision of Despair -
BoomtownTour4 - Destined for Valhalla -
BrickstownTour1 - Mystic -
BrickstownTour2 - Inmate - Front door of Ziggursky Prison, Brickstown
CreysFolleyTour1 - Crey Watcher -
CreysFolleyTour2 - Burning the Midnight Oil -
DarkAstoriaTour1 - Dark Mystic -
DarkAstoriaTour2 - Seeker of the Unknown -
DarkAstoriaTour3 - Cairn Warder -
EdenTour1 - Crey Fish -
EdenTour2 - Unspoiled -
FaultlineTour1 - Undammed - Bottom floor of the damn in the south of faultline
FaultlineTour2 - Newsman - SW corner, building is NE from it. Stand in front of building
FaultlineTour3 - Faultless Mystic - canyon near dam, east of aftershock in a cavern by precipe
FaultlineTour4 - Apex - SW of subduction on the parking garage
FoundersFallsTour1 - Foggy -
FoundersFallsTour2 - Chaotician -
GalaxyCityTour1 - Bird Watcher - Second rooftop north of M1 statue. Doesn't give a badge
GalaxyCityTour2 - Blue Shield -
GalaxyCityTour3 - Brawler -
GalaxyCityTour4 - Tank - Statue of M1 (Goggles, shoulderpads, only Huge statue in GC, on his right hand)
GalaxyCityTour5 - Land Locked - Southeast corner @ brown flood gate
HydraDimension1 - Hydra D -
IndependancePortTour1 - Crey Havoc -
IndependancePortTour2 - Valorous - Valor Bridge, terra volta side, ontop.
IndependancePortTour3 - Vigorous -
KingsRowTour1 - Summoned - 555 yards S of Blue Steel. Ground with wooden fence
KingsRowTour2 - Upgraded - 209 yards NW of Blue Steel. On top of apartment complex with helipad.
KingsRowTour3 - Mystic King - 446 yards NW of yellow line on the top of a building.
KingsRowTour4 - Keen Sighted - 230 SE of yellow line, 2nd floor of the power pole
KingsRowTour5 - Smokey - 857 yards NE of train, by smokestacks
PeregrineIslandTour1 - Portal Parter - islands in the sw of Peregrine, the second one with grass and a power pole
PerezParkTour1 - Bridge - Bridge very near Perez Park dot on map,
PerezParkTour2 - Avatar - Avatar statue, almost submerged. SE of the standing male and female statues in Everett Lake
PerezParkTour3 - Around the Bendis - Boathouse
PerezParkTour4 - Doc Whedon - the East tributary of Everett Lake, Docks
PerezParkTour5 - Justice Avenger - SW corner Fountain
RiktiCrashSiteTour1 - Ace -
SkywayCityTour1 - Purifier - NE corner in basketball court
SkywayCityTour2 - Solace - 313 yards NE from kings row, by a white van. Behind MC Louis Investments
SkywayCityTour3 - Dauntless - E wall land of the lost, brick garden, infront of the statue.
SkywayCityTour4 - Healing Node - Southwest of Land of the lost marker, large concrete spire.
SteelCanyonTour1 - Secret Admirer -
SteelCanyonTour2 - Hero Corps Recruit - Outside hospital
SteelCanyonTour3 - Nimble Mynx -
SteelCanyonTour4 - Bright Star - Roof west of the Mutant store (NW of PriceCo sign)
TalosIslandTour1 - Minotaur -
TalosIslandTour2 - Nature Lover -
TalosIslandTour3 - Whitecap -
TerraVoltaTour1 - Conjunction Junction -
TerraVoltaTour2 - Meltdown -
TerraVoltaTour3 - Nervous Dreck -
TheHiveTour1 - Time Bandit -
TheHiveTour2 - Heart of the Hamidon -



IndependancePortTour1 - Crey Havoc - East from Terra Volta Entrance(approx 260yards), building ruin's, NE corner of ruins on outside edge



TerraVoltaTour3 - Nervous Dreck -: .62 miles west of Coroman Manufacturing, along the wall in a ruined sector.

119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.


Posted is updated. Most badges listed on the boards have been located as well as a few others. More to come.



IndependancePortTour3 - Vigorous - Rooftop of Building Directly south of Icon(not north as prev listed) straight 200 yards in the middle of the roof



DarkAstoriaTour2 - Seeker of the Unknown - west of the moth cemetary marker, down in the circular crevice(the light brown circle on the map just west of it), one of the crypts down there on the outer wall



damn some of those in Skyway and steel I passed by



that one badge in IP was south of Icon. . . not north.

That was MY mistake.



I got "The Unwavering" after I died in a mission, went to hospital and came back (twice). I *think* that's what did it. While I was in the mission walking through it radomly poped up.

Its not for straight debt/death (I died 21 times in a row testing .



this is great, I've got about 20+ badges right now, and I'm finding more. This list is helping out a lot, and I'm taking screenshots to post a guide when issue 2 comes live...



I got "The Unwavering" after I died in a mission, went to hospital and came back (twice). I *think* that's what did it. While I was in the mission walking through it radomly poped up.

Its not for straight debt/death (I died 21 times in a row testing .

[/ QUOTE ]

Confirmed!!!! The xp/debt line of badges is calculated based on XP debt that is paid off. I beleive the first one is at 50K debt repaid (rough estimate) because I got it about half way through repaying my xp debt for a level 50 death.

Please, someone get a good number.



[ QUOTE ] is updated. Most badges listed on the boards have been located as well as a few others. More to come.

[/ QUOTE ]

Neobane - Can you update to use their more descriptive details? Otherwise, we will ignore yours and it is much prettier than a straight list. However, utility is way more imporant in a list than cosmetics.



[ QUOTE ] is updated. Most badges listed on the boards have been located as well as a few others. More to come.

[/ QUOTE ]

Neobane - Can you update to use their more descriptive details? Otherwise, we will ignore yours and it is much prettier than a straight list. However, utility is way more imporant in a list than cosmetics.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd also suggest organizing by zone. I know that's currently how they are, but it's hard to tell which one is in which zone without looking at the description. Something like the list above would be ideal.

Thanks for doing this though...don't want to sound ungrateful.



Just a quick note on the Defeat X badges. The majority of them work on Bosses, not a type of Boss. For example, UnderBosses work as well as Consiglieres. Ogres work as well as Calibans. Rectors work as well as Pariahs. Basically if the badge says "Leaders", that means Bosses. It's only if it says something specific, like Sorcerors or Mages (which mean any mages, period, even lts) then bosses may or may not count.

As a side note, are the plaques you can read around the city supposed to give History Badges? If so, I've read about 4 plaques and not gotten anything. Maybe it goes on number of plaques and 5 is the first?




As a side note, are the plaques you can read around the city supposed to give History Badges? If so, I've read about 4 plaques and not gotten anything. Maybe it goes on number of plaques and 5 is the first?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm very interested in the History badges, but mostly because I'm very interested in CoH's history. Too much white noise going on right now, but hopefully the devs will let us pester this information out of them. Honestly, I suspect their functionality has not been added yet because I have not read a single word about them.



well i've noticed that Magi also has a slew of plaques in city hall and Galaxy city...yesterday they were clickable but nothing happened...after the client patch text would appear but no badge information so i guess the question to ask the devs is it one for one or multiple locations or linked plaques for History Badges.



TheHiveTour2 - Heart of the Hamidon - ?

jump in the middle. If you have phase shift you can actually do it without getting debt.

Just go up like you're going to brawl Hammy in the face.

I suspect the other one is in that little rundown city place in the NW of Hive, but I went around there and didn't get a badge.



RiktiCrashSiteTour1 - Ace - 600 yards east of entrance, giant statue that's in sniper blast position.



AbandonedSewersTour1 - Head of the Hydra -
AtlasParkTour1 - Undefeated - American Flag billboard by Steel Canyon zone in
AtlasParkTour2 - Silent Sentinel -
AtlasParkTour3 - Hero Corps Insider - NW of City Hall at Henry Peter Wong
AtlasParkTour4 - Patriot - Flag on City Hall
AtlasParkTour5 - Top Dog - Top of Atlas statue
BlackShroudDimension1 - Shrouded -
BoomtownTour1 - Phalanxer - 230 yds ne of the SC entrance, building with statue sticking out of the side
BoomtownTour2 - Regal -
BoomtownTour3 - Vision of Despair -
BoomtownTour4 - Destined for Valhalla -
BrickstownTour1 - Mystic -
BrickstownTour2 - Inmate - Front door of Ziggursky Prison, Brickstown
CreysFolleyTour1 - Crey Watcher -
CreysFolleyTour2 - Burning the Midnight Oil -
DarkAstoriaTour1 - Dark Mystic -
DarkAstoriaTour2 - Seeker of the Unknown - 175 yards W of Moth Cemetary label, drop into the trench and go inside the middle of the crypt
DarkAstoriaTour3 - Cairn Warder - NE corner of DA, NE tip inside Big Rock Formation
EdenTour1 - Crey Fish - The crey sign in the utopia complex
EdenTour2 - Unspoiled - All the way in the back there is a little pond near the hive, if you go to the water fall you get a badge
FaultlineTour1 - Undammed - Bottom floor of the damn in the south of faultline
FaultlineTour2 - Newsman - SW corner, building is NE from it. Stand in front of building
FaultlineTour3 - Faultless Mystic - canyon near dam, east of aftershock in a cavern by precipe
FaultlineTour4 - Apex - SW of subduction on the parking garage
FoundersFallsTour1 - Foggy -
FoundersFallsTour2 - Chaotician -
GalaxyCityTour1 - Bird Watcher - Second rooftop north of M1 statue. Doesn't give a badge
GalaxyCityTour2 - Blue Shield -
GalaxyCityTour3 - Brawler -
GalaxyCityTour4 - Tank - Statue of M1 (Goggles, shoulderpads, only Huge statue in GC, on his right hand)
GalaxyCityTour5 - Land Locked - Southeast corner @ brown flood gate
HydraDimension1 - Hydra D -
IndependancePortTour1 - Crey Havoc - East from Terra Volta Entrance(approx 260yards), building ruin's, NE corner of ruins on outside edge
IndependancePortTour2 - Valorous - Valor Bridge, terra volta side, ontop.
IndependancePortTour3 - Vigorous - South of Icon Tailor 200 yards, middle of higher rooftop behind vents.
KingsRowTour1 - Summoned - 555 yards S of Blue Steel. Ground with wooden fence
KingsRowTour2 - Upgraded - 209 yards NW of Blue Steel. On top of apartment complex with helipad.
KingsRowTour3 - Mystic King - 446 yards NW of yellow line on the top of a building.
KingsRowTour4 - Keen Sighted - 230 SE of yellow line, 2nd floor of the power pole
KingsRowTour5 - Smokey - 857 yards NE of train, by smokestacks
PeregrineIslandTour1 - Portal Parter - islands in the sw of Peregrine, the second one with grass and a power pole
PerezParkTour1 - Bridge - Bridge very near Perez Park dot on map,
PerezParkTour2 - Avatar - Avatar statue, almost submerged. SE of the standing male and female statues in Everett Lake
PerezParkTour3 - Around the Bendis - Boathouse
PerezParkTour4 - Doc Whedon - the East tributary of Everett Lake, Docks
PerezParkTour5 - Justice Avenger - SW corner Fountain
RiktiCrashSiteTour1 - Ace - 600 yards east of entrance, giant statue that's in sniper blast position
SkywayCityTour1 - Purifier - NE corner in basketball court
SkywayCityTour2 - Solace - 313 yards NE from kings row, by a white van. Behind MC Louis Investments
SkywayCityTour3 - Dauntless - E wall land of the lost, brick garden, infront of the statue.
SkywayCityTour4 - Healing Node - Southwest of Land of the lost marker, large concrete spire.
SteelCanyonTour1 - Secret Admirer -
SteelCanyonTour2 - Hero Corps Recruit - Outside hospital
SteelCanyonTour3 - Nimble Mynx -
SteelCanyonTour4 - Bright Star - Roof west of the Mutant store (NW of PriceCo sign)
TalosIslandTour1 - Minotaur -
TalosIslandTour2 - Nature Lover -
TalosIslandTour3 - Whitecap -
TerraVoltaTour1 - Conjunction Junction - 350 yards W of IP entrance, NE corner of Culvert (sewer drains under pipes)
TerraVoltaTour2 - Meltdown - on Reactor One in TV
TerraVoltaTour3 - Nervous Dreck - Center West of TV by Wall
TheHiveTour1 - Time Bandit -
TheHiveTour2 - Heart of the Hamidon - Go into the middle of Hamidon (middle of the Hive)