Unofficial Badge List.




The COMPLETE list of badges for the Freedom Phalanx Member Reserve is:

Tank Buster

Keen Sighted




I would also like to know whether or not Bobcat is a required ArchVillian for the Dimensional Warder badge.



Nimble Mynx (Exploration) is also needed. This has been confirmed by at least 3 people who didn't get the accolade until they picked up this badge.






I might have missed this one, but I don't really want to skim 60+ pages for it. Can anyone tell me where the SpankyRabinowitz6 plaque in Terra Volta is. I just can't find the damn thing, thanks for the help.



From the excellent site that Grazel has posted, the following information:

TITLE Secret Investments
SERIES Spanky Rabinowitz
ZONE Terra Volta
LOCATION 492 yards SW of entrance. In line with West edge of Coroman Manufacturing area.
COORDINATES (X, Z, Y) 2090.7, 0.0, -6054.5

Check out the above site for all of your badge and plaque hunting information. And be sure to contact Grazel if you have any information, text, or screenshots needed for the site.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Bobcat is not in the final mission of the 45-50 Praetorian Arc. She is in a mission rather early on in the Arc though. If you mean thats the last AV you need, she is in a few other missions.

To answer another question. Yes, Bobcat is a Praetorian AV. So she would be included in the list of "All Praetorian AVs but Tyrant" for the Dimensional Warder badge.



Advisor: You have earned this badge for your time spent tutoring others (+/- 8hrs)

Guide: Your continued mentoring has earned you this badge (+/- 48 hrs)

Paragon: my guess +/- 144 hrs

Restrained: You have been under the influence of restraining powers such as sleeps and holds for an inordinate amount of time (+/- 30 mins)



Entangled: You continue to show aptitude at missing all the action. (held/slept +/- 2hrs)

The Unbroken Spirit: Your spirit cannot be shattered. Though you have often been defeated, you continue to fight the good fight. (+/- 800,000 dedt)

Liberty: Bacus F/F tanker 35 , Wraythe DM/DB defender 37



Unwavering: I got this last night after 3 defeats (dumb actions on my part ). I had payed off roughly 85,000 debt when I got it (each death was 30,000 debt and I had less than 5,000 left, but hadn't payed it all off yet). These three defeats were my first since the update, and I had no debt when the update went live. Maybe that'll help a bit?



Imprisoned: Your skill at being held immobile and not being able to do anything is unmatched. (+/- 6 hrs held or slept)



Do mobs defeated within portal missions count towards your achievement counts? What about non-portal missions?

Because I did a BP portal mission and it seems that NONE of the spirits in there counted towards my BP spirit badge. And nor did the Adamastor inside. Which worries me - do we have to kill the monster that spawns outdoors, because I'm not sure Bahamot does...



I can confirm that the Baphomet badge can be gained from portal missions. That was where i got it, so some mobs in portal missions count towards badges.

But some mobs inside missions don't count, like the Juggernaught Red Kronos 02. apperntly only an ambush spawned version count. killed it twice in a mission an no-one got the badge.



Text for the Privateer badge (for updating the cool lists):

"You have put a huge dent into the pocketbooks of the Sky Raiders by destroying their most expensive equipment, the Sky Skiffs."

Got this one in the TV respec trial on the first day of ish #2 (what a nightmare that was lol).

Anyone know what that "Terratorial" one is I've seen a few times?



i just want to extend my gratitude to Grazel for his awesome work. you have made getting these badges enjoyable. thanks and if you need any help with anything let us know.



Does anyone know if the 'Isolator' (Kill 100 Contaminated in Outbreak) badge count towards absolutely anything else at all (IE Accolades)?

I'd hate to miss an Accolade or something due to the one badge it looks like I'll never be able to get. (Unless that portal mission I hear about with Contaminated count toward said badge.) I don't have it in me to start my character again even if it is needed for an accolade, heh.

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If I am not mistaken, there is a portal mission that has contaminated in it. But that is 40+

There is absolutely no way of knowing if this is needed for accolades now or in possible future accolades as only like 4 accolades have been discovered thus far.

[/ QUOTE ]

it doesn't exist. It's merely a rumor by someone who has obviously never played the end-game anything.

Contaminated only exist in one place and at one level, Outbreak, and 1. They do not exist at lvl 2, or lvl 3, or in anything but minion form.

The reason is because they suck so hardcore, that if there were lvl 50 contaminated, they would be the easiest XP in the game by far. A controller with 1 slot brawl could **** a mob of them.

Could you imagine if there was? It would be the most farmed mission in the game. Mass pulls of people that shoot one pistol (minor dmg) every 15 seconds? and maybe a blunt object (minor dmg)every 15 seconds?

what a joke that is to even propose.

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As I've said in another thread - I believe I started this rumor by floating the idea (AS an idea, not a fact). People then picked up on it and the idea morphed... Just goes to show you can't suggest things without *someone* misquoting you.

I admit I'm not as "uber" as you (in this game - I've reached the "end-game" in plenty of others), not (quite) having reached 40 yet - but that's no reason to call my ideas a "joke". The thought was an honest one.

Also, just for the sake of argument - who says that the level 50 contaminated would have to have the exact same power set as level 1 contaminated? That's just asinine - most mob types (considering "mob types" to be, say, "CoT minion" or "Lost lieutenant", etc) in this game gain powers as they gain levels, the same as we do. Compare the powers that a level 8 Headman Blaster has with, say, a level 25 Aberrant.

All this is just to say - it's certainly *possible* that the devs could create such a mission in the future, if the outcry over the badge warrants it. I make no (and have *never* made any) claims as to its existence now.


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I would cry, considering I made my Dark/Rad defender specifically to get badges, and the isolator badge is the only one I couldn't have achieved with my controller.

Although, given the infinite possible earths, couldn't there be an alt. earth where there are no super powers so no super powered being to go through the tutorial, and the contaminated just kinda, took over?

Of course, considering how many trolls there are the hollows, I'm surprised not everyone is green.



I believe "Territorial" is the new name for the Bridge badge in PP.



War Wall Defender:

Obtained from Phillipa Meraux in FF. Mission is "Stop Ouakti & his
crew"; it's a Save x number of Equipment mission (similar to the Cape
mission) and Rescue y number of scientists mission. you can fail, so
pick your team carefully. Solo, it was 3 pieces of (blue) equipment,
surrounded by 1 yellow and 2 white Rikti each.



I believe "Territorial" is the new name for the Bridge badge in PP.

[/ QUOTE ]

My in-game list has the old one, it seems. I'll have to check again, I may have missed it. Or do you go back and get a "new" one with the new name?

Also explains why I couldn't find info, I was spelling it wrong thinking it was some sort of "earth" thing trying to be clever with the name.



Doctor's Ally Badge:

"Investigate Crey research facility" from Gordan Stacy in Brickstown. This was the very first mission I got from him.



Here are some updated descriptions that are missing from the Official Site.

Restrained - You have been under the influence of restraining powers such as sleeps and holds for an inordinate amount of time.

Sensation - Dinner at the White House is passe for you now.



Here are some updated descriptions that are missing from the Official Site.

Restrained - You have been under the influence of restraining powers such as sleeps and holds for an inordinate amount of time.

Sensation - Dinner at the White House is passe for you now.

[/ QUOTE ]

what do u have to do to get the sensation badge?



Here are some updated descriptions that are missing from the Official Site.

Restrained - You have been under the influence of restraining powers such as sleeps and holds for an inordinate amount of time.

Sensation - Dinner at the White House is passe for you now.

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what do u have to do to get the sensation badge?

[/ QUOTE ]

Earn influence.



This correction has probably been posted before, but I don't have the energy to read through all that, Mystic King is 445yds WNW of tram in KR, not NNW of tram



I tried to read as many of these as I could to see if my question was already answered and I checked several badge sites out there but they don't list it either. So I apologize now, if I missed my answer already and if I'm repeating what others have asked. I've looked a few times through the Hollows zone but I haven't found this plaque:


Anyone had any luck finding this one?

Just curious

- Thunder Bay