Unofficial Badge List.




do you have to receive xp to get the badges for killing 100 mobs for each of the mob badges?

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The Conspiracy Theorist requires "Bird Watcher", my level 37 Tanker got the Accolade upon getting that Exploration badge. No History badges are required (that Tanker has none) but it's likely that the exploration badges with Crey and "The Doctor's Ally" (Crey, level 35-39, not level 30-34) are also required.



640 yards due West of the Crey zone, On the Outstretched Fist of the Huge Statue in Sniper Stance



Confirmed: "Demon Slayer" badge is for defeating Baphomet



Excellent site, saves me having to peer at my scribbled list of badges and plaques complied via the threads on the Training Room during testing



Here is the badge/plaque list in an Excel Spreadsheet. Useful for keeping track of which badge/plaque you have already collected.



Confirmed: "Demon Slayer" badge is for defeating Baphomet

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So.. is Baphomet an AV or monster? And where precisely is the beasty?



Ok are the Badges Good for anything besides looking cute on your Character?



Confirmed: "Demon Slayer" badge is for defeating Baphomet

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So.. is Baphomet an AV or monster? And where precisely is the beasty?

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Same question



Try out the link in my sig if you need help with any badges, taskforces, story arcs, enchan, and etc



Did they change the location of the Nemesis Seizes Control plaque in the sewers (plaque 3)? I'm standing at the location I've seen posted (ABANDONED SEWERS (465.2, -576.0, -1558.0) and there's nothing here. Anyone else had this problem?



Did they change the location of the Nemesis Seizes Control plaque in the sewers (plaque 3)? I'm standing at the location I've seen posted (ABANDONED SEWERS (465.2, -576.0, -1558.0) and there's nothing here. Anyone else had this problem?

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You are in the ABANDONED sewers, the one that requires you to be level 36+ to enter, right?



Confirmed: "Demon Slayer" badge is for defeating Baphomet

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So.. is Baphomet an AV or monster? And where precisely is the beasty?

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Baphomet is a CoT monster that only shows up in a L40 portal mission received from the Rikti contact(I think Angus McQueen). Here's a screenshot.




Just defeated Adamastor on the portal mission, no badge. No badges for defeating Spirits on that mission as well.



Ido have a questions on badges......Searching for the ultimate title that fits me (and collecting the various tourist badges along the way :P) I realized...that I did do the fortune teller mission and completed it way back when I was a weeee illusionist. But I don't think I got that badge when the patch went live?! Aren't we supposed hoave gotten all the badges that we would have earned if the system was in place fromthe beginning? I got three mission badges pwnz, negotiator, and one other but I don't believe it is the one for that missions .

So are we supposed to get badges we should have earned?



Oops. Nope, I didn't even realize there were two sets of sewers. Nevermind



In addition to the other questin of mine, the Archmage Accolade you think that would be the culmination of all the CoT badges? (if so I definetly would like to know how I can get my fortuneteller badge :P) If that is the case can someone list all the CoT badges for me .

I believe that will be the pinnical of my badge collecting hehe.



Not sure if its all the CoT but I do know that it requires Illusionist which is the Carnival of Shadows Illusionist defeat badge.

As for the missing mission badges I'd say if you don't have it by today its probably a good idea to bug it as the datamining should be pretty much done now.



SuperDark, checked out your site.
On the story/arc page the Eden Trial, Save the Heroes, starts and ends below Eden via that giant door behind the ghost of the Woodsman. It is accessed thru The Woodsmans Ghost contact in the far end of Eden and the final AV is a Crytal Titan.
Levels are 39-41 so get in before you outlevel it.

The minimum team size for the respec trial is 4 as is the new and improved Numina TF, IIRC, and the IP contact is Jane Hallaway.

The level 40 costume is indeed found in the FF Icon store.



awesome....will do ....also I did do the synapsis missions and got the badge for it and we killed babbage before we defeated the clockwork king...didn't get the badge for killing him either...unless you have to get the one in boomtown (which I never seen).

Alos is there a way to do positrons TF? (I skipped that one, I was lvl 18 before I found out about TFs lol) I thought you can't do TFs after a certain lvl (ie postrons after lvl 20, synapsis after lvl 30 etc etc)



You don't get a badge for killing babbage on the TF? well then its impossible as the GMs said he only spawns for the TF which i know isn't the fact he belongs in Boomtown as well.

his spawn must be broken unless someone has killed him recently. It would be nice to get a confirmation of a recent kill.



If you didn't get the badge from Babbage then there's a bug and the badge is broken since he doesn't spawn in Boomtown anymore and the psychic version of him doesn't give a badge either.

Teh task forces break off every five levels and currently there's no way to go back and do one you missed.




I'm in the same boat as you. I know I did the Fortune Teller mission a while ago, but it was not one of the ones I received after the patch went live.



Confirmed: "Demon Slayer" badge is for defeating Baphomet

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So.. is Baphomet an AV or monster? And where precisely is the beasty?

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Baphomet is a CoT monster that only shows up in a L40 portal mission received from the Rikti contact(I think Angus McQueen). Here's a screenshot.


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The first time I went in to this mission he was rated a "Monster" (as pictured).

I came back some days later with a team of six and he was rated an "Archvillian".

I don't know if this means that he can be either a Monster or an Archvillian depending on team size or whether he was re-rated in between times.

Yes, the mission in question is obtained from Angus McQueen.



I have updated the spreadsheet with some more info. If you find any additional info or corrections let me know.



You don't get a badge for killing babbage on the TF? well then its impossible as the GMs said he only spawns for the TF which i know isn't the fact he belongs in Boomtown as well.

his spawn must be broken unless someone has killed him recently. It would be nice to get a confirmation of a recent kill.

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I took him down in Skyway City AND recieved the badge from it last night if this is what you mean. Also bagged Kracken and Adamastor, all in about an hour... amazing how easy monster hunting is at 5am ET