Unofficial Badge List.




I personally don't think the issue is whether or not the badge is needed for accolades. Some of us have been here since the very beginning. We have forged through broken Trials and Task Forces. We have played hard and worked hard and we just want the badges to show we've done it.

I've done the First two Task Forces and still don't have the badges. If I can't exemplar down to redo them, then kindly tell me how I'm suppose to get the freakin badges.



You can't exemplar to do Task Forces and so far there's no evidence that task forces or trials are needed to get any of the accolades. If you did the TF before Issue #2 you should get credit for it. The defeat and status badges you have to earn from scratch as they didn't track the information needed before.

The mission is in the 15-19 range (same as Patient Zero arc).

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I thought I read somewhere on these forums or a website link on this thread saying there was an accolade badge if you completed all the TFs meaning all the roman numural badges you get with the TFs.

So there isn't such a badge? If not I am not going to worry about the TFs...though I am a bit concerned....I believe I have done the mission for the negotiator badge...the clockworks vs. hellions...or was it clockworks vs. skulls....I had one of those as my own mission. And have done several of them with friends.



There's a rumor about it but so far nobody has received an accolade that way and I think a few people have done all the TF badges. There were also rumors that the accolades came from completing all of a set of badges, as in exploration, history, villain defeat. The accolades come from doing a set of badges that are related by theme not by type.



Send in a bug/petition. If you look in General the datamining is supposedly done or just about done. People are still missing a few badges here and there but for the most part they have them. If you did it in the past you should be getting the badge. If you never did it then you will have to wait for the 'flashback' solution or whatever fix they put in to allow you to go back to get content you outlevelled.

Also if your talking on test they may not be datamining test or the past TF's done on live may not carry over to test with the character copy.




and actually, that mission you are thinking of is "Crazed". If you want to consider them Contaminated you are welcome. They look somewhat alike, but they use more severe attacks, and do way more damage, and attack a lot faster. There's a big difference.

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Geez okay... sorry, no reason to be a jagass about it....

I wasnt sure about that... its been awhile since I saw the mission. DAYUM...

Take a deep breath and relax man... we are"trying" to pool information here... A simple "No, its a crazed mission your thining of." Would have sufficed....

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Just read his post in the voice of the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons and it'll all make sense.



Yeah i went to all of the first four zones and clicked on all of them! For the Neg. badge where and who? I'm looking for the contact but can't find him/her (if there is a contact that is).



The Negotiator mission is given by the Clockwork contacts.



Here is the badge/plaque list in an Excel Spreadsheet. Useful for keeping track of which badge/plaque you have already collected.

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Thanks for the spreadsheet Nozybida. This may sound overboard, but now I have a reason to hookup my laptop. I use my laptop to display the checklist (and play Justice Radio) on the side so I don't have to keep switching out of game to find a badge or plaque on the list. Thanks again to everyone that made that list possible and thanks Grazel for the very informative website. Keep up the good work everyone.



Victory Server Glo-Worm Rad/Dark Defender

Justice Server: Fossil Stone Stone/EM Tank



Corrupter badge for mission from: Neil Kendrick(Brickstown), Stop CoT from signing pact



You don't get a badge for killing babbage on the TF? well then its impossible as the GMs said he only spawns for the TF which i know isn't the fact he belongs in Boomtown as well.

his spawn must be broken unless someone has killed him recently. It would be nice to get a confirmation of a recent kill.

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I took him down in Skyway City AND recieved the badge from it last night if this is what you mean. Also bagged Kracken and Adamastor, all in about an hour... amazing how easy monster hunting is at 5am ET

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Are you sure you didn't just inadvertantly snipe someone's TF Babbage Spawn? Can anyone confirm that Babbage appears outside of the Synapse TF? If he doesn't then I predict there are going to be a hell of a lot of upset players once folks realize the only way to get their badge for Babbage is by kill-stealing someone's task force spawn.

Also, as Babbage is one of the few monsters thats more or less guaranteed to fight you when you work on a TF, why the heck haven't the Devs awarded retroactive Clockstopper badges to everyone that completed the Synapse task force??

::Wants his god-damned Clockstopper badge::

The Speeding Skull



Now if someone can say the direction to the rooftop for the Mystic King Badge. There are a lot of rooftops within 250 yds of the Gish point.



Where are the contacts for the clockwork? For the neg. badge.



Mucho Gracias for the info!



I also would like to know about the whole thing with the infector badge. Now can I or can't I get it if I passed it up on the tutorial? And how would I get it?



I also would like to know about the whole thing with the infector badge. Now can I or can't I get it if I passed it up on the tutorial? And how would I get it?

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If you mean can't. It's a tutorial-only thing.

For myself, I'm just going to pretend that Isolator doesn't exist. Because, except for people who go through the Tutorial, it doesn't.



Badge Found!

Dimensional Warder: You have made yourself a legend by defeating the Praetorians, an evil version of the Freedom Phlanx from an alternate dimension.

Received this doing the 45-50 Praetorian arc. Defeating all of the Praetorian Arc Villians, I also had to kill Anti-Matter who is not in that Arc.

I suspect that the other Praetorian badge is for defeating Tyrant. Unfortunatley, Tyrant will not stop warping through the walls for me to kill him.



Ok so I can get the isolator badge unless I redo the tutorial. Now are there any other badges from that tutorial? Also where do I get the mission with the negotatior badge I know that its a clockwork gang war but where do i get it?



Can anyone give me the exact requirements for the Freedom Freedom Phalanx Reserve Member accolade? i have all the badges the site lists but still no accolade. Any help would be much appriciated.



From the updated directions I put on my site:

250 yds SW of Gish Waypoint. Its a mid-level roof on a dark brown building with a catwalk connecting it to the tan building next to it. There is an empty lot on the north side of the building between the building and the road. It's about 4-5 buildings West of the street that runs north-south through the Gish Waypoint. The roof area has no vents on it.



Well you don't NEED to take out Babbage to finish the TF and some groups will either skip him to get to the last door or use travel powers and enter it without even knowing that Babbage has spawned.

As for defeat badges for monsters on TFs the Jurassik one should be awarded to anyone who does the Numina TF since to complete it you absolutely have to defeat Jurassik.



The contact that gives the Negotiator badge varies depending on your origin. It should be the same person who gives you other gang wars and deals primarily with Skulls or the Clockwork. I've usually gotten it from the contact up on the eastern section of King's Row east of the Yellow Line. If your over 9th level and never did the mission you'll need to find someone else with the mission and team with them to get Negotiator.



There's a rumor about it but so far nobody has received an accolade that way and I think a few people have done all the TF badges. There were also rumors that the accolades came from completing all of a set of badges, as in exploration, history, villain defeat. The accolades come from doing a set of badges that are related by theme not by type.

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There are three badges that can be seen in the piggs files if you deve in. It would appear that there is one "TaskForce Commander" for completing all the taskforces (cant do old task forces)

one for completing all the kill badges (cant go back for isolator badge, cant get skyraider skiff badge if your past the Sky Respec trial)

one for completing all trials (cant go back for trials)

These three badges have not been enabled in the system for a very good reason, they would really piss alot of people off if they couldnt get them.

But they have made them, so i suspect that the moment flashbackmode is available (you ARE that lvlyou can even do the tutorial again if you pick lvl 1) these three badges will be enabled.



FYI in the currently in testing side of things


• Fixed the Head of the Hydra badge. It is now awarded correctly.



Thanks, I was going from rooftop to rooftop and decided to go to Faultline to get the Gearsmasher and Mage's badge. FL is a perfect place since you do not step on any other heroes while hunting. The only other hero I saw was a lvl 33.



Which file did you find those in? I had seen a location in one of them that appeared to have around 10 accolades (and some seemed to be for all exploration and such) but the actual text file that's readable without a hex reader didn't list that many badges. I'm thinking those badges may be like the TV trial, partially coded but the final badge wasn't put in so they don't get awarded even if you met the intended requirements.