6 -
Translation: "That rumor isn't even loosely based in fact, to the point where I can't reply with a straight face. Instead, I'll use humor to illustrate the absurdity of it all, even though a portion of my audience may not appreciate the subtle irony."
Or something like that
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That or he's been busted, his secret plans revealed to the world and he's trying to cover by being glib! -
Thanks a lot guys! Yell if you see any shots ya'd like a better angle on because these shots. I'm also working on the East end this morning...but along with that, I'm wondering if anyone has ever HAD to access the top Reactor and if I should include that area too?
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Well.. there is a badge up there. -
Do mobs defeated within portal missions count towards your achievement counts? What about non-portal missions?
Because I did a BP portal mission and it seems that NONE of the spirits in there counted towards my BP spirit badge. And nor did the Adamastor inside. Which worries me - do we have to kill the monster that spawns outdoors, because I'm not sure Bahamot does... -
A warning for anybody doing this trial for the SO at the end:
I just finished the trial and did not get it. We all cleared one enhancement slot from our inventories, but I seem to have lucked out and gotten an ACTUAL enhancement drop from the Titan itself - a Catalyst: Damage which filled me up and prevented me from getting the Dual SO - or so's my theory anyways.
Totally sucks. I'm not even a mutant... -
This allows your hero to teleport around corners and buildings, but not into solid objects. (Which includes objects with doors.)
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Hmmmmm. Why *not* through a building with a door? Surely this cannot be a limitation with the game mechanics, unless of course we are dealing with Zoning issues? It is still hollowed out (not solid) inside the building's foyer, isn't it? "Nightcrawler" would be pretty gimped if he had to follow all those CoH TP Rules.
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Actually, Nightcrawler, generally, can only teleport where he can see or at least places where he knows there's nothing there. So he can routinely teleport through ordinary walls and doors, because he makes a safe assumption regarding their thickness, but he has trouble teleporting without sight into places he's never been - like in X-Men 2.
So... though Nightcrawler does go beyond the rule a bit in that he can teleport anywhere he's been before (Like, into Kitty's room if he was there half an hour ago and remembers where things were), he can't teleport around corners without first making sure there's nothing there, which would involve two teleports.
I'm going to stop talking now. -
Also... I really really really want my 'defeat babbage' badge... all the other ones I don't care about... does that come with the TF completion badge?
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Babbage will come get you during the Synapse TF, I believe.
If you're already levelled past that, when you hit 40, the portal missions give you an opportunity to kill just about any AV/Monster you may ever have missed, I've found. Albeit, it'll be Psychic Babbage you'll be fighting, I imagine he still counts.