The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




Hi all, Just got fly with my first toon and thought I'd give the binds a try. Ahzurdan's work well for me with one exception... Everything I do toggles sprint on if I'm on the ground. It never shuts off unless i do it manually. Even if I switch to fly.

I tried Gnarly's and had a most unpleasant side experience: Spritn worked well, so I took flight, after a few swoops, The keys got maeesed up to the point that not pressing a key moved me backwards, pressing forward would hold me in place. Right, left, up, and down seemed to work okay still. Worse yet, even after I reset the games default binds, the movement was still that way. It wasn't until I logged out and back in that it reset. Any ideas?

My first short story (detective fiction) came out in Jan-2012. Other stories and books to follow, I hope. Because of "real writing". COH was a big part of that happening.



There is a reset key that should fix it if the binds get messed up. CTRL-R by default, or hit CTRL-M to Exit SoD and then again to restart. Both of those keys are configurable though.

Why did it get messed up? I'm not sure in your particular case, but 2 known causes are zoning when moving (like a tunnel) or hitting enter in the chat window when you're still holding down a key. There could be other reasons, but the basic cause is that either the key press or release is not geting to SoD. So, it thinks you have the key pressed when you don't, and vice versa.

As for the crashes, it happens to some people, and we haven't been able to figure out why. It's something about how the game executes (or fails to execute) bind commands. The commands are correct, but fairly complex, and they seem to choke some machines.

Lastly, I'm here to say goodbye. I'm quitting the game, and don't want to continue paying just so I can come here and answer questions. In fact, I stopped playing a month ago, but kept my account to make sure my urge to play didn't come back. So, I hope you all enjoy the binds. If they don't work for you, you might find some answers in this post, or in the readme.doc, as people keep running into the same problems, but the worst of them are unsolveable (at least by us players). So thanks for the support along the way, and to my co-binders who made this a fun experience





Thanks for all the help, Gnarly, and for the support for this program that you've given. I'm sorry to see you go, but I fully understand; I felt the same way about EQ when I quit.

Good luck!




Lastly, I'm here to say goodbye. I'm quitting the game

[/ QUOTE ]

We'll miss you Gnarly - Thanks for a great set of binds.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Hey Gnarly,

em/ salute

Sorry to see you go. Good luck out there!



Sorry to see you go. Are you playing in any other MMORPGs?



I am about to throw my pc out of the window.
All my files are in a directory name pp (c:\pp)
I type
/bind_load_file c:\pp\powers.txt
/bind_load_file \pp\powers.txt

and it always said UNABLE TO READ FILES!
plz help!



Hmm, /bind_load_file c:\pp\powers.txt seems to be the right one. Is it just when entering this that it says unable to load, or is it when you try to move/fly?



What's the current status of these Hover/Fly Binds?

Reading through the nearly 60 pages of posts here (as an aside this is a terrific exchange, idea-sharing and building at its best), I see that Gnarly is now leaving us.

I've used Wasabi Joe's excellent Hover/Fly Bind, but his last post was early this summer. His usually works beautifully -- the way Flying was meant to be -- but I do have occasional lock-up/sequence problems with it.

Gnarly's posts are more recent. Is his Bind a continued improvement, or just different?

What do the Bind gurus here now recommend using?



I need help fixing this thing. i put it in the folder and installed it and binded it properly, then after a few minutes it stopped working. now when i'm on the ground and start running it turns on flight, and when i let go of any of the buttons it stays on and says "unable to read in keybind file" i've tried the ctrl r ctrl f thing alot of times, and i'd either like some suggestions on how to fix it or how to make it as if it were never here. thanks

My 50s:
Hero: Armor Assassin (scrapper), Cross Dresser (scrapper), Surly Seaman (blaster), Defensive End (Tank), Rad Rhino (Cont)
Villain: Beast Infection (Corr), Sweet Zombie Jesus (MM), Milk Weasel (Stalker), Orgullo (MM), Agent Eris (Crab)



I recommend Gnarly's Binds. They work almost flawless and are very easy to set up.

milk_weasel, which folder do you have the binds in? It sounds like the path in all off the files are wrong.



Thanks for all the help, Gnarly, and for the support for this program that you've given. I'm sorry to see you go, but I fully understand; I felt the same way about EQ when I quit.

Good luck!

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't see a reason for him quitting...



mmm, too bad, Gnarly was a genious.
i've set up SoD, but i noticed that anytime i try to jump during autorun in or out of SoD mode it causes me to stop running. does anyone else know how to solve this?




Blue_Streak are you sure you're not thinking about Follow? Just tried with Autorun and I couls jump fine, couldn't with Follow.



want to continue paying just so I can come here and answer questions. In fact, I stopped playing a month ago, but kept my account to make sure my urge to play didn't come back.

[/ QUOTE ]

He quit because he doesn't want to play anymore. He was gone for a month, and didn't have the urge to come back; he didn't miss it. I felt the same way about EverQuest; got busy at work and couldn't play for two months, but when things calmed down I realized that I didn't miss the game at all and had no desire to play anymore. Hence my comment that I understood.


As for which binds to use, different people seem to have different results; best bet I say is to try both and see which ones you like, which works best for you. Personally, I prefer SoD, I've never had any problems with it once it got going. I find it to be very easy to set up and customize, and works perfectly for my hover/fly characters. Some say that older versions of SoD work better for them, and stick with the 2.7 version instead of the current 3.0. Others say that Wasabi's binds work better for them. I've used his before I started using SoD, and afterwards for testing and comparison, and they also always work excellent; I've never had any problems with them. Wasabi was also one of the people who contributed code, that Gnarly put to use in his program. They are very similar in function, so in the end it's really just what works best for you.

Milk_weasel, have you moved the files after you installed them, or renamed your folder, or something? It sounds like for whatever reason it can't find the files, or the path defined in them is incorrect. If you have made any changes to the folder names or moved files, or whatever, try putting things back to the way they were and see if that helps. If you haven't made any changes since first setting up SoD, try reinstalling it and see what happens. If nothing was moved/renamed/whatever, and reinstalling doesn't help, I'm not sure what to tell you :\ Maybe try Wasabi_Joe's



I've used the Gnarley Speed on Demand bind and it works pretty well, but I wasn't paying attention when I set it up and it wrote the binds to the C Drive which on my computer is the Zip drive. It worked just like it was supposed to, but it was a little annoying because sometimes I would have a slight lag as it read from the Zip drive. I had some time to kill today so I deleted it and reinstalled it in the hard drive "E" It would not work when ever I tried to start up the bind. I put a local tell bind in the reset txt so I know that it read the bind in the E drive, but whenever I tried to activate it it said unable to read in keybinds file. I moved it all to the Zip drive, loaded up the reset from that file and it worked fine again. I noticed that it created a subfolder E when I set it up in the E drive but not when I set it up on the C drive. Again, though I made sure I went to where the reset.txt file was and loaded it and made sure because I had a local bind set to test. Any ideas?


Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper


Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute



Nooooooo! Gnarly, I am very sorry to see you go. You made a tremendous contribution to the player community.

Thank you so much and I am sure you will excel in whatever you put your mind to!



I am trying to use Wasabi Joe's Fly bind but when I open it in game, sprint is always on when on the ground. Can someone please help me or show me a bind that has this feature:

"In ground mode (default) you can press 'W', 'A', 'S', 'D', or nearly any combination of those keys to move in that direction and Sprint will come on automatically. When you release the key(s) you will stop moving and Sprint will turn off."

along with a fly/hover bind.




I tried SoD and while it is good for flying, it is poor for running. I want a bind that will put sprint on when I walk on the ground. No toggle needed.



I always have Sprint on when I need it, eg. when moving, with SoD. What's wrong with that?



Sprint stays on whenever you are on the ground even when you are not moving.



No, must be an error then. Try pressing ctrl+r.



Doh! My fault. If anyone could please send me a copy of the 3.0 SoD I would be very hapy. I'm restructuring my website and must have deleted the file by accident.