The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!

Please reply with a recommended Hover/Fly /bind.
REPLY TEMPLATE (suggestion only):
<WHAT> - Complete description of how the /bind works
<WHY> - Pros/Cons or reasons for structure
<HOW> - Code/Instructions

Action: With Sprint enabled press q
Result: Char will enter Hover mode and disable Sprint
Action: Press+Hold ANY direction key
Result: Char will enter Fly mode in the direction chosen
Action: Release previous key
Result: Char will return to Hover mode
Action: Press q
Result: Char will drop to ground with Sprint enabled

Single key to start/end Flight
Minimal Endurance usage
Quick recovery from Flight ‘Knockdowns’
Autorun+Space allows for better viewing of terrain
(pans slightly down)

Combinations of direction keys toggles Hover/Fly during Flight
Very slight initial Flight delay due to load/un-load of .txt files

As a Blaster I would make many small adjustments to position
in order to use Cone Attacks. Toggling between Hover/Flight
was tedious and often I would not fight in Hover mode
(losing Defensive Buff) to avoid it. Furthermore, I would lose
Endurance by not remembering (during intense fights) to
Toggle. With this structure, and Reduce Endurance
enhancements, I’m able to quickly change position with
minimal Endurance loss.

1.Copy/Paste Code into three different .txt files
2.Edit/Save .txt files onto your CoH gaming computer
(edit <dir> to preferred location)
3.Enter CoH and type /bind_load_file <dir>\powers.txt

FILE: powers.txt
q "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file <dir>\flight1.txt"

FILE: flight1.txt
q "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file <dir>\flight2.txt"
w "+forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
a "+left$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
d "+right$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
s "+backward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
space "+up$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
lshift+space "+down$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"

FILE: flight2.txt
q "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file <dir>\flight1.txt"
w "+forward"
a "+left"
d "+right"
s "+backward"
space "+up"

For further study
Guide to /binds
Various Player /binds



Action: With Sprint enabled press lshift+r
Result: autorun, disable Sprint, jump, Fly (@ 45 deg angle)

Quick launch into flight
Works well with previous posted structure

(see above post)

FILE: powers.txt
lshift+r "++autorun$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name fly$$+up"



This is very cool. Going to have to set this up on my flying chars.



This needs to be stickied. Will have to add it when I get home. Good one!



Wow! thank god for people with logical minds. THANK YOU. I can't wait to get this set up!



I would like to put this in the eventual 1.2 release of the bind guide, under "cool things to do with bind"... if that's ok...



This is great but however i did find a problem. When i had the fly bind activated and i tried to do two directions at once it did not work, so say if i wanted to go forward and up at teh same time, as many people do very often it would revert to plain old hovering. This in an of itself is not a BIG problem, but after a few time sof hitting 2 directions at once, the game would reverse the binds, so that when i wanst touching anything fly was on and when i moved it would activate hover. I dont think this is a problem with the coding as much as it is a problem with the bind command in CoH itself. Also the "Up,Up and Away" macro is sweet but, if i turn it off using the same command i activated it with i drop to teh ground infinitely jumping til' i mash jump a few times. Just wanted to let you guys know this and if the author knew about the problems.



Add to flight1.txt:
r "++autorun$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"

add to flight2.txt:
r "++autorun"

Does the same thing but with autorun.

I have the same problem with pressing more than one directional key. I may be just getting used to the fact that you can only use one direction key at a time.



Curveball – Perfectly ok!!! Furthermore, thanks for your great work. Mine is a derivative of your very guide.

KasDvs – I’m the first to admit this structure is not perfect. I posted it to start a dialog of various other player /binds for Hover/Flight to see if we can come of with the ‘Very Best’.
However, I can address some of your concerns.

“When I had the fly bind activated and i tried to do two directions at once it did not work…” – KasDvs
This is a known problem (I had mentioned it under ‘Con’ in my original post). This is a training issue. It’s matter of becoming used to the setup. The /bind, as you aptly named “Up, Up and Away”, Also addresses this same issue. The original post is more combat-oriented. I use it to make quick, small adjustments. Where as the “Up, Up and Away” is more for travel or short flights.

“"Up,Up and Away" [lshift+r again] i drop to teh ground infinitely jumping til' i mash jump a few times.” – KasDvs
I can see how this can be frustrating. I use this /bind to just launch into the air for travel. Once in flight, at the desired altitude, I tap Jump to stop my upward progression and autofly to my destination. Therefore, I’ve never noticed it. This my also become a training issue.



Ok, anyone can help me how to use this without sprint, on arrow keys and numpad0 for jump please?



I LIKE this! I'll definately have to try it out. Personally, I toggle between Hover and Fly, but a bind that automatically toggles when you move, that's great!

My setup is as I posted in another thread, but I'll post it here just to add to the conversation:

Action: Press RSHIFT
Result: Char will enter Hover mode and disable Sprint
Action: Press RSHIFT again
Result: Char will toggle between Hover and Fly
Action: Press LCONTROL
Result: Char will drop to the ground with Sprint enabled
Action: Press LCONTROL again
Result: Char will toggle Sprint on and off

Simple two-key control easily accessible relative to arrow keys
One key starts flight, other key ends it
Possible to return to neutral state - no Powers active - in only two keypresses
Minimal Endurance usage
fast bindload
doesn't spam chat window with "Readying x instead of y" messages

If Sprint or Hover/Fly disrupted, have to press RSHIFT to reset keybinds or LCONTROL will not work correctly.

This keybind works for me so far, as all I have to do is press RSHIFT twice to be at full speed. It is simple enough to toggle between Hover and Fly for movement, although I like the direction key idea better. I originally had RSHIFT set to toggle Hover on and off, so it's taken me a while to get used to using LCONTROL to turn it off.

1.Copy/Paste Code into four different .txt files
2.Edit/Save .txt files onto your CoH gaming computer
(edit <dir> to preferred location)
3.Enter CoH and type /bind_load_file <dir>\flybind1.txt

FILE: flybind1.txt
LCONTROL "powexec_name Sprint$$bind_load_file <dir>\flybind2.txt"
RSHIFT "powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file <dir>\flybind3.txt"

FILE: flybind2.txt
LCONTROL "powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_abort$$bind_load_file <dir>\flybind1.txt"
RSHIFT "powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file <dir>\flybind3.txt"

FILE: flybind3.txt
LCONTROL "powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Sprint$$bind_load_file <dir>\flybind2.txt"
RSHIFT "powexec_name Fly$$bind_load_file <dir>\flybind4.txt"

FILE: flybind4.txt
LCONTROL "powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Sprint$$bind_load_file <dir>\flybind2.txt"
RSHIFT "powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file <dir>\flybind3.txt"



And for the great work I award you 5 STARS!!! And a half eaten cookie



Jade Dragon, your binds seem overly complicated to me. Try the ones I use.

(I hate the suggested format, by the way)

/bind v "powexec_name fly$$"powexec_name fly$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name hover"

When you press 'v', Fly is forced off and you toggle between Hover and Sprint. This is most useful in combat (and it's on 'v' because a quick press of v then the spacebar jumps you up as high as possible and then hovers. I could make that a single key but I like this flexibility.)

/bind z "powexec_name sprint$$"powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"

When you press 'z', Sprint is forced off and you toggle between Hover and Fly.

That seems to be all you need to toggle the powers. I do need a way of forcing all three powers completely off...I'd like to bind that to lshift+v.

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Remus, the difference between your bind and his is that with his bind, you are *always* on hover when you're just sitting there, and any time you move it automatically switches to flight, then when you stop moving it automatically switches back. So in combat, you could get a short burst of flight speed to move to another part of the battlefield, and as soon as you stopped moving you'd be hovering again. The only problem here would be end management, and for short bursts I'm not sure how big a problem that would be, especially with a few end reducers slotted.



I was referring to Jade Dragon's binds, not Sinabyss's. JD's doesn't do the auto-toggle thing when you least, not as far as I can tell by reading.

Well, whatever works for you. All binds are useful if they do what you want them to do...

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



as a reference:

w "+forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
a "+left$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"

but pushing both buttons simultaneously causes problems....

just out of curiosity...could you do something like

w+a "+forward$$+left$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
a+w "+left$$+forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"

and repeat this for all direction combinations? or would this not work? not at home, so can't test this myself right now...



No, my bind does not do the autotoggle thing, although I am definately going to try it.

The main advantage of my bind is that it doesn't spam my chat window with "Readying Hover instead of Sprint" messages. And that it can be cancelled without the need for a "cancel key". To turn off all Powers, you just hit the Sprint key to land, then Sprint again.

No, you cannot set a specific key combination to do something. (Unless one of them is a chord key) I tried to make up+F10 do a custom version of my Taunt for runners, since I would be holding up while chasing a runner. It didn't work.



I was referring to Jade Dragon's binds, not Sinabyss's. JD's doesn't do the auto-toggle thing when you least, not as far as I can tell by reading.

Well, whatever works for you. All binds are useful if they do what you want them to do...

[/ QUOTE ]

D'oh! Apologies, I got them mixed up in my head.



I have painfull flashes of config.cfg editing days in CS (yep, i USED to play that )

as you can tell, not a big fan of macro'ing...
tho i have one... if i press "o" i do "/em burp"

But whatever floats your boat mate



to work around the problems with using 2 direction keys at once, I've been playing with binding the hover/flight toggle to the numpad arrow keys, and leaving regular directions bound to wasd....depending on what you prefer during combat, you could switch those around, too.

this way, if I'm just making position adjustments during combat I use one set of keys, and when I'm flying for travel and want to use 2 directions at once, I use the "regular" bindings. The trick with this is to use 0 on the numpad as an alternate for the spacebar for binding one with the up+toggle and the other for just +up.



My friend is trying to get these bindings to work and gets and error that states that only 1 arg is allowed and he has 4. Could anyone give us any advice as to why he is recieving that message?



Yes, that's because when he references the directory in which he has saved the bind files, he has included spaces. Usually you would get around this by enclosing the path in quotes (e.g. "c:\program files\whatever") but as the entire command must be enclosed in quotes this will not work.

There are therefore two workarounds:

1) create a directory which includes no spaces - for example create a "binds" directory directly on the root of C (c:\binds). Store your bind files there and reference them accordingly.

2) Find out the DOS 8.3 name of your directory and use that. The default installation directory is c:\program files\city of heroes, and the DOS 8.3 name will b c:\progra~1\cityof~1\. This is the more elegant way of doing it, if using 8.3 names can ever be said to be elegant!




Thansk alot. That fixed it.
Side note wonder what possessed them not to include full mouse-look movement. Coming off 5 years of playing everquest its rather ingrained now and I keep trying to do it.

Thank again.



Can this hover/bind macro be modified to work with the arrow keys instead of the W,S,A,D keys???



I have been using this bind for a week and it really has made travelling and manuevering much less of a chore. I have indeed noticed the issue with the binds getting reversed when you use two direction keys at once and a slight delay as the binds load. I can live with this since you can easily fix this simply by activating fly (if your moving) or activation of hover (if you are still).

There is another issue I have noted with this power that really concerned me before I figure out what was confusing me. I was in battle numerous times and my fly kept shutting off in the middle of it. It wasn't a big deal to turn them back on (simply jumping or moving would fix it but I am sure I looked odd flopping around the battle). I think I finally tracked down what was doing it. If you are hovering, activate an attack power and move/fly before its altogether finished (not sure wither its the activation or the animation that needs to be finished) then your fly will turn off and you will fall to the ground (since some of my ranged attack have a short range this often means I am at some monsters hand to hand range).

Is there a way around this? Perhaps a way to cancel a prepared or executing attack if you hit a movement key? I would gladly break off an attack if needed rather than drop at my enemies feet. Usually I can just fly back up but I would rather not have to deal with it. The binds sometimes get reversed when this happens as well.

The bind also gets messed up if you quickly tap a direction key multple times. I beleive this has to do with the finite time required to load and unload the binds and it being interupted but I am guessing.

The last place I have found an issue with this bind is on flying into a zone. Every time I do my fly/hover bind is reversed. Again easily fixed but it would be nice not to have to do so.

I think the trouble is still worth it but if the bind could be perfected it would be extremely nice. A functionality that should have been included in the game design.