The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




Can this hover/bind macro be modified to work with the arrow keys instead of the W,S,A,D keys???

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, just exchange the keys/letters in the above bind's with the respective "up", "down", "left" and "right" words. You should also take a look at Curveball's Bind-Guide for more information about Binds.

*bubble* Urbs



Is there any way to modify the logic here:

w "+forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
a "+left$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
d "+right$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
s "+backward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"

[/ QUOTE ]

So that it would toggle sprint on/off with the press of a button when you are on the ground? That is, Sprint is active only when you are pressing WAS or D, but deactivates when you let off of them?



Meddik -
If I understand you correctly you wish to modify my /bind for
Sprint. However, as you may have noticed some people do
not like the limitation of using only one key at a time while in
flight (combo dir keys can 'break' the toggle). Therefore, I
have to warn you that even thought the answer to you
question is ‘YES’, you might still run into the same problem
with using more then one direction key at a time while using

lastly, I'm playing with the idea in using a type of 'Toggle'
button for Flight that when pressed+held the Char will
switch from Hover to Fly and back again only when the same
key was released. This could also be modified for Sprint only.



mental note, add to favorites.



OK, I’ve just got my first toon (on Virtue, name of, well, Blue Volt!) to 14th level and I must say that I LOVE flying!!!!

First, to Jade_Dragon and Synabass, mucho kudos to both of you. I would not have come up with the bind I’m about to pass on without seeing what you had done, so in the end, I take very little credit for it. I’ve been reading the bind threads for ages, and had been dying to try out these binds. I thought they were both VERY clever. I thought it fantastic to have the ability to automatically up-shift and down-shift through walk/sprint/hover/fly (I even modified JD’s bind for walk/sprint/hover when I first became air-borne). When I saw Synabass’ bind, I absolutely knew that I would be the one running out of end ‘cause I forgot to switch back to hover in the middle of a battle. Being the type of person that I am, I always want to have my cake and eat it to, and I really had that feeling here.

Using the EXCELENT binds provided here by both Jade_Dragon and Sinabyss, I combined them into a single bind-set so you CAN have it both ways, at least to some extent.

First, let me tell you a bit about my default set-up, as you will see a number of changes to the default key pattern from what you may use:

1. I’ve take to using the mouse-look move bind that Curveball put in 1.1 of his bind guide, so you will see some of the bind geared around that.
2. As a touch typist, I’ve moved all my movement keys to the right by one key (WER,SDF in place of QWE, ASD) to allow using my ‘primary’ fingers in a normal ‘home-key’ position. Again, this was suggested by someone else on these forums. Apologies for not having his/her name to credit.
3. I’ve replace ‘autorun’ with ‘++forward’ (keyed to ‘T’, originally on ‘R’). As far as I could tell, autorun would not work in the air, where ++forward works in air or on ground.
4. I use mouse button 4 and button 5 to control switching between sprint/hover/fly/walk
5. All my bind_files are stored in c:\cohkeybind\. You can obviously substitute what ever path you wish to use.

OK, here are the bind files that I use, essentially set up just as Jade_Dragon has done:

First, I’ve got a ‘master’ bind file that covers my basic key set-up, from which I launch a number of other binds (including this one). Into that file, I add the following lines:

lalt+button4 "tell $name, Flight Re-set$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_abort$$bind_load_file c:\cohkeybind\flybind1.txt"

button4 "tell $name, Sprinting$$powexec_name Sprint$$bind_load_file c:\cohkeybind\flybind2.txt"
button5 "tell $name, Hovering$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\cohkeybind\flybind3.txt"

This sets up the initial key settings, to make the bind work. I’ve also added the ‘Tell’ to provide some feedback to you, so you know what ‘mode’ you are in, as well as a re-set key to help out when you get knocked out of the air, or confuse the bind by hitting a ‘bad’ key combination. I found that to be necessary after a very short amount of time…

OK, and here are the other four files.


button4 "tell $name, Sprinting$$powexec_name Sprint$$bind_load_file c:\cohkeybind\flybind2.txt"
button5 "tell $name, Hovering$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\cohkeybind\flybind3b.txt"

e "+forward"
s "+left"
f "+right"
d "+backward"
space "+up"


button4 "tell $name, Walking$$powexec_name Sprint$$bind_load_file c:\cohkeybind\flybind1.txt"
button5 "tell $name, Hovering$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\cohkeybind\flybindb3.txt"

e "+forward"
s "+left"
f "+right"
d "+backward"
space "+up"


button4 "tell $name, Sprinting$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\cohkeybind\flybind2.txt"
button5 "tell $name, Flying$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\cohkeybind\flybind4.txt"

e "+forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
s "+left$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
f "+right$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
d "+backward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
space "+up$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
lshift+space "+down$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"


button4 "tell $name, Sprinting$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Fly$$bind_load_file c:\cohkeybind\flybind2.txt"
button5 "tell $name, Hovering$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\cohkeybind\flybind3.txt"

e "+forward"
s "+left"
f "+right"
d "+backward"
space "+up"
lshift+space "+down"

In all cases, you get a ‘self-tell’ so you know what movement mode you are in.

When you are in ‘hover’ mode, you can use the directional movement keys, and they will shift you into flight, using the bind developed by Sinabyss. You still have the problem with using multiple direction keys simultaneously. However, by using mouse-look most of the time (as I do), this is rarely a problem.

For times I am not concerned with the end conservation and just want to free-fly (such as outdoor, non-combat movement), you can shift into a ‘normal flight’ mode, where you can use as many movement keys as you want.

Last of all, on the re-set key. I find that this is pretty necessary, as the bind can get mixed up fairly easily (knocked out of the air, etc). The re-set key I’ve got now will shut off all movement and re-set the bind. It’s occurred to me that you may be in the air when you need to re-set, so shutting off flight may not be such a good idea. I’ve not tried this yet, but do think it will work (and plan on giving it a try soon). Try changing the reset key to the following:

lalt+button4 "tell $name, Flight Re-set You are now hovering$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_abort$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\cohkeybind\flybind3.txt"

This should re-set you quite nicely, and leave you safely in the air without crashing to the ground!

Well, sorry this was so long, and I again extend the overwhelming majority of the credit to Jade_Dragon and Sinabyss.

Let me know what you think.



Love it, Blue_Volt, thanks alot.

Btw a cpl of your file names are wrong for flybind3, other than that it worked perfectly.



Thanks Fishie. I see what you mean. This was taken from my 'development' foulder on my lap-top, not the working file on my gaming computer. I thought I'd made all the needed corrections.

All, the corrections that need to be made are in flybind1.txt and flybind2.txt. The last file reference should be flybind3.txt, not flybind3b.txt or flybindb3.txt.

Incidentally, the alternate re-set key I proposesd also works quite well, and I've switched to that in my config. Much better to be able to re-set without having to land (or come crashing to the ground!).



Ok so I am trying to do what Blue Volt did, I created a keybinds.txt file and then 4 flybind.txt files using what he posted above.

I have them on my c:\ drive. No subdirectory.

my Problem is I can't get the keybinds.txt file to load in game.

I have been using this command -

/bind_load_file c:\keybinds.txt

I have tried it in Quotes and I always get the message

unable to read in keybind file.

I can't figure out what I am missing.

can someone help? its driving me nuts.

I did get it to load up once but when I used the mouse buttons it would not switch to fly mode it would only hover and give me the message - unable to load in keybind file -
It would switch sprint on and off but It still gave me the message - unable to load keybind file - everytime I hit either mouse button 4 or 5

help please.



Cool, I will have to add this



Odd. I see a few people are using 'button5', which is the fifth button on the mouse. Yet, as far as I know, that button still can't be used in the game. In fact, before I posted, I checked real quick to see if the bind I'd set to it (which was just Hover) was working, but nothing happened. No error message either (so I know the command wasn't typed in wrong).

Anyone know what gives? I'm using a MS Trackball Optical on a USB connection.



Take a close look at the actual name of the root file and what you are typing. Other than that, I'm not sure what to tell you for the initial file load.

As for the rest, be certain that the file path and file name for all the sub-files is correct in each of the files. Have you changed the path in flybind1-4 to accomidate where you have put them? Also, if you didn't see it, check out the post right after mine where Fishie mentioned (an I specified afterwards) I had the wrong file name on my post in a couple spots.

I realize this is a fairly obvious thing to check, but that is exactly what the error message is suggesting as the problem.

Good luck!



thanks for the reply.

I got the initial files to load.

The problem now is - when I hit either mouse button it doesn't load the bind file so I get the message unable to read in bind file everytime I hit either button 4 or 5.

It turns on Hover and says "hovering" and turns on and off Sprint and says Sprinting but it won't put me into fly mode at all.

here is what I have -

in the keybinds file I added

lalt+button4 "tell $name, Flight Re-set You are now hovering$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_abort $$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\flybind3.txt"
button4 "tell $name, Sprinting$$powexec_name Sprint$$bind_load_file c:\flybind2.txt"
button5 "tell $name, Hovering$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\flybind3.txt"

I have 4 other .txt files which have this -

flybind1.txt -

button4 "tell $name, Sprinting$$powexec_name Sprint$$bind_load_file c:\flybind2.txt"
button5 "tell $name, Hovering$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\flybind3.txt"
w "+forward"
a "+left"
d "+right"
s "+backward"
space "+up"


button4 "tell $name, Walking$$powexec_name Sprint$$bind_load_file c:\flybind1.txt"
button5 "tell $name, Hovering$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\flybind3.txt"
w "+forward"
a "+left"
d "+right"
s "+backward"
space "+up


button4 "tell $name, Sprinting$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\flybind2.txt"
button5 "tell $name, Flying$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\flybind4.txt"
w "+forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
a "+left$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
d "+right$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
s "+backward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
space "+up$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
lshift+space "+down$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"


button4 "tell $name, Sprinting$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Fly$$bind_load_file c:\flybind2.txt"
button5 "tell $name, Hovering$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\flybind3.txt"
w "+forward"
a "+left"
d "+right"
s "+backward"
space "+up"
lshift+space "+down"

I must be missing something, but I can't figure out what.
Probably been looking at them for too long.

thanks again




Could it be that your binds are not loading the proper file because they're too long? I know there is a max length, and maybe it's cutting off some of the last few characters of the filename, or something? Just an idea...




Good thought, but I think the length limitation only comes in for the length of a bind file for a single key, not for a complete file. Of course, this has not been tested wither way (to my knowledge). I recall someone having a problem with a very long bind attached to a single key, but that’s it.

In any case, I’m using (almost) the exact same files without problem, so I don’t think it is the file length.

Are these a direct cut & paste of the files you have? If so, I saw the following typos:

-In the ‘reset’ bind (lalt+button4), there is a ‘space’ after powexec_abort (before $$)
-In flybind2, you are missing the “ at the end of <space “+up”>

Other than that, I’m not sure what to say. The files look good otherwise.

You said that you can get Sprint to turn on and off, and that you can go into Hover. Is this using the mouse buttons? Have you tried the ‘reset’ button (lalt+mouse4), and does that seem to work (at least, after you correct the above comment)? Exactly when do you receive the ‘unable to load’ error message?

OK, consider the above then here are some things to try:

First, if you were having any problems, you should re-load the base bind file (after correcting the ‘reset’ button syntax, if needed) just to get you back to a good starting point. Remember, after a bind is loaded, it will stay there until overwritten. So, if you left in the middle playing with these and having problems, you could have some fairly confused key configurations.

Next, try each key individually, see what happens, and note EXACTLY when you get the first error message. At that point, scroll back through your chat text and have a look at the bind command that went in. It should be in there.

Judging by what you said (you can get into hover but not fly), look closely at the ‘button5’ line in flybind1 and flybind2. This is what calls the file (flybind3) that will allow you to go into fly-mode). Then, look very closely at the name of flybind3.txt to be certain that you’ve got it spelled correctly. That seems to me to be the most likely problem.

If this doesn’t work, let me know the answers to the above questions, and I’ll see if I can come up with something else.

Good luck!



So I've been using these and have been pretty happy, although I still get frustrated when I hit two movement keys at once and things get all out of whack.

I tried to add a binding for 'x' so I would fly down really fast, but I can't get it to work. Is there some reason x == down shouldn't work?



SinAbyss, GREAT Idea binding the fly/hover toggles to a movement key!

Blue Volt, Great evolution of the idea!

I'd like to continue changing the idea a bit, and simplifying it in ways for my own style of play. Just like Blue Volt, I give all credit to other posters, as I am just mixing and matching their ideas to get what I want. Which is:

I want only 2 modes... one for running/Ground movement, and one for flying/Air movement. In both modes I want Speed on demand, using SinAbyss' brilliant trick so that Sprint or Fly is only turned on when a movement key is pressed, and immediately switched back to nothing/hover when the key is released. I want my Autorun key (R) to activate Sprint/Fly also, just like any other movement key, for travel purposes; I see no need for completely separate modes for traveling, when I usually (and SHOULD to prevent strain on my wrists) travel using autorun.

Another change: I do NOT want these two modes to toggle on a single key. I want one key to activate ground travel, and another to activate air travel, regardless of what mode you're in. So, I do not have to use feedback (the clever self Tells that Blue Volt used), because if I want to know which mode I'm in, I can hit the approriate key easier than I can look down and read which mode I'm in. The keys should also work as Reset keys. So if you accidentally press 2 keys at the same time and get the toggles reversed, pressing your Ground or Air key again straightens you out.

Now, since I just started using ESDF for movement, also thanks to Blue Volt, I'd like to use G and T for these modes... G is for Ground movement, right next to the movement keys, and T is above G, so it is Air. I may change G to somewhere else if I find that I accidentally hit it, and fall out of the sky

So here is what I have so far:

In Default Keybinds:
g "powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name abort$$bind_load_file ground.txt"
t "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file air.txt"

For those of you who are curious why/how these work, let me see if I can coherently explain. Credit should be given to Curveball and others on these boards... I got all this here, and just giving you my understanding in my own words: Powexec will only activate one power per Bind, the last one that it can, but it can DEactivate any number.

Example: a bind has Powexecs for powers X, Y and Z in that order. If X is on, it turns it off, but if X is off, it says "Ok, I'll turn on X when I finish this bind". Then if Y is on, it turns it off, but if Y is off it says "forget about X (if I'd decided to turn it on), I'll turn Y on when I finish this bind instead". If Z is on, it will turn it off and since the bind is done, it will activate X or Y (or nothing) depending on what it decided in the previous two steps, but if Z is off, then it says "forget about X or Y, I'll turn Z on" and it then does turn on Z because the bind is done.

Complicated, eh? Took me a while too, but here are some useful combos:

ZZ: The double Z first makes sure it's off, then turns it back on, ensuring it's on.

XYZZ makes sure that X and Y are off, and makes sure Z is ON. This is how I setup the binds above.

XY: will activate Y first if neither is on, and then toggle between X and Y.

XYZ will make sure that X is off, turn on Z first if nothing is, and then toggle between Y and Z with additional keypresses.

If you follow any of these with a powexec abort, whichever power it decided to turn on... well, it doesn't.

so the above binds will call the 2 files below, which simply change the movement keys:

e "+forward$$powexec_name sprint"
s "+left$$powexec_name sprint"
f "+right$$powexec_name sprint"
d "+backward$$powexec_name sprint"
space "+up"
lshift+space nop
r "++forward$$powexec_name sprint"


e "+forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
s "+left$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
f "+right$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
d "+backward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
space "+up$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
lshift+space "+down$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
r "++forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"

Ok, so it sounds good to me on paper, but I don't even HAVE hover and fly yet (I'm 11th, and get hover at 12, and fly at 14). I did try ground movement last night, but my G key didn't have the abort, so wasn't as absolute of a reset. Can you all take a look, or even try it out, and help me iron out the bugs? And if I add a ++up after the ++forward for r in Air, can I use Mouselook to aim 45 degrees down so I can see better, while still flying horizontal?


11 Grav/Rad Controller on Triumph



Are you using the bind combination I mentioned, or one of the original binds?

If mine, did you put in the 'reset' function? I've found that to be VERY helpful, sicne things can quite easily get out of wack. I'd reccomend using the alternate I proposed (that re-sets to hovering). I made that change, and am much happier iwht it. You can re-set while still in the air. I've gotten into the habbint of hitting re-set after every fight, and just as I log on (as well as any time I see that it is needed). It keeps thing working very nicely.

As for down, there is not reason is shouldn't work, but if you're using my binds, I didn't set it up to shift into fly for the down (x) key. You can change this by dooing the following:

Add this to flybind1, 2 and 4
x "+down"

Add this to flybind3

x "+down$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"

This should make the x key work the same as the other move keys.

Oh, for the use of multiple move keys, that why I've got the 'fly' mode in there. That allows 'normal' use of any combination of move keys. I'll say, I don't have this problem much (unless I forget to [censored] to 'fly') because i generally only make small positional corrections in combat. Also, using mouse-look (as Curveball put in his key-bind guide, on this forum somewhere) very significantly minimizes the need to use multiple move keys, at least for me.



Ok SO I fixed the 2 Typos you pointed out.

They were direct copy/paste from my file.

I Receive the Unable to read in bind file message as soon as I hit either Mouse button 4, 5 or lalt+button4.

It will say for example the 'reset' button lalt+button4

in the top chat window-
unable to read in keybind file
Shutting Off Hover
Now readying Fly instead of Sprint.
Your hover has made you harder to hit.

When I hit button 5 it says -

Unable to read in keybind file
Shutting off Hover
Your hover has made you harder to hit.

when I hit button 4 it says

Unable to read in keybind file
(though it turns sprint on and off)

So doesn't this mean that the game fails to load in any of the 'flybind' files I am tellling it to?

I have them all in C:\

including the keybinds file. They are all called flybind1.txt thru flybind4.txt

I have reloaded the keybinds using /bind_load

I can't figure out why it won't load in the bind files.

this is pasted from my keybinds file

lalt+button4 "tell $name, Flight Re-set You are now hovering$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_abort$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\flybind3.txt"
button4 "tell $name, Sprinting$$powexec_name Sprint$$bind_load_file c:\flybind2.txt"
button5 "tell $name, Hovering$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\flybind3.txt"
R "++forward"

thanks for helping, i appreciate it.



Thanks for this /bind! It has made my life much easier!

Sarf (Sarf, K and Nyarlahotep on Infinity)
Only you can prevent forest fires.



I want only 2 modes... one for running/Ground movement, and one for flying/Air movement. In both modes I want Speed on demand, using SinAbyss' brilliant trick so that Sprint or Fly is only turned on when a movement key is pressed, and immediately switched back to nothing/hover when the key is released. I want my Autorun key (R) to activate Sprint/Fly also, just like any other movement key, for travel purposes; I see no need for completely separate modes for traveling, when I usually (and SHOULD to prevent strain on my wrists) travel using autorun.

[/ QUOTE ]
Interested to see if we can get this working right. This is exactly how I'd like mine set up.



Sorry Smak, I'm stumped. Everything you've got there looks fine. With the error messge you are getting, I've only ever seen that when the path or file name was wrong, so that's where I'd look. That's not to say that something else won't cause it. If you've done that and they are fine, I don't know what else to suggest.

The only other things I can think of:

Have you sucessfully bound any functions to the mouse buttons before? I've heard some mention about button4 and button5 not being supported by CoH. I don't know if this is hardware specific, or something that has been sloved. Maybe try a couple 'standard' keys just to check?

You do have hover and fly, right?

If you want, leave your e-mail address. I can send you the exact files I use, and you can just modify the path and keys as you need. I must admit, I can't see anything wrong with what is here, so I don't know if that will help.

Not sure what else to say. Sorry.



I think what you've written will do what you've said - BUT, how will you turn of Hover? You'll need another key to do that, or set T to toggle turning that on or off. But, you'll probalby end up with some confusing key conditions. i.e., if you turn off hover manually, at that point, pressing a movement key will turn hover on while holding the key, then move you into flight when you release it (unless you press G first to set the movement keys for ground). You can do it, but it could be messy. You might want to think about having a couple toggles set up for each of these functions if you want to avoid this sort of thing.

The only other comment, on what you've got for the G key, it's powexec_abort, not powexec_name abort.

Oh, and for flying at a 45 deg angle, I was toying with that last night (I just realized it gave you better ground visibility. hey, I only just learned to fly, after all!!).

I aven't tried it, but I would sugges using:

<up 1$$forward 1> using this format will ABSOLUTELY turn that move mode on, and avoid some of the problems coming from having multiple movement keys pressed. i.e., if you are already auto-moving forward, and you use <++forward$$++up>, it will toggle forward off, so you only move up. THEN, you need to bind another key (or toggle bind the same key) with <up 0$$forward 0> to turn movement off.



Could it be that your binds are not loading the proper file because they're too long? I know there is a max length, and maybe it's cutting off some of the last few characters of the filename, or something?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not likely. I have a program that generates the short 8.3 filename and appends it to the end of the files for a rotating comments/text, and some of the lines in those files far exceed (by at least 20 characters at times -because of the path to the bindifles) and those work fine.

No idea other, but I doubt the length of the lines. I would more likely suspect that it is the number of commands issued per line. (ie, no more than 3 $$ per line, yeilding 4 commands... )

Van Renier



Hm, interesting bit on 4 comands per line. My only argument ot that is my 'reset' key, which is:

lalt+button4 "tell $name, Flight Re-set You are now hovering$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_abort $$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\flybind3.txt"

That single line has 7 commands and works fine, as far as I've seen. I'm reasonably certain that all portions are being executed. At leaset, is will always go into hover, and shut down fly and sprint if they are on. It loads the bind_file (since the mouse4 and 5 buttons work properly from that point), and I get the 'self-tell' feed back.

Any thoughts?




w "+forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"

[/ QUOTE ]

One question:
Why do the commands like the one above return to Hover when the key is released?

For example, when you first press w, it executes a Hover and a Fly (which turns off Hover and turns on Fly given the situation) and begins moving you forward. Holding the key continues moving you foward (due to the +forward). When you release the key, the forward movement stops. But why does releasing the key do anything at all to Fly or Hover?

This is the greatests thing since sliced-bread btw, and I will certainly use some variation of it when I have a character who can fly (sigh) but I'm just curious about how that part works.
