The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




I was wondering if after you got it all figured out, you could post it in english? Seriously, I'm new to binding and I got lost about half way through the post. I'm gonna give it a try, maybe playing with it will actually help to sort it out for me. Thanks everyone for all the hard work and time!

PS: I just got "fly" about an hour ago and it is the coolest thing I have ever done in a MMORPG.



I have a small suggestion for helping with people who have problems with pressing 2 movement buttons at once...

Remove the auto toggle binds from the strafe keys.

I think it'd be easier to get used to having to move forward or backward only (this includes diagonal), than not moving diagnal.



I'm currently using Gnarly's take on "The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!" It works great, however, I'm trying to come up with a good reset bind for both the Air and Ground toggles. For example, when I do move in to directions at once (i.e. Forward and Strafe Right), the bind gets reversed. I'm flying when I should be hovering, and vice versa. So I'd like to bind a reset to lshift+t and lshift+g in order to clean this situation up. Any thoughts on how to do this?

Now, if someone can come up with a way to fix the "two directions at once" issue, then I might not have a need for this after all. Looks like several of you are trying. Keeping my fingers crossed!



What Gnarly did was made it so that if your binds are switched, all you need to do is toggle either of the keys in order to reset them. (For instance if i'm in the air, I hit "g" which is what I set to start hovering) I'm currently experimenting with gnarly's new ideas, but i am curious about the chord idea, even if i don't have any idea what it details.



Doh! Yes, I just discovered that. Thanks Oaken!



Here is my own small contribution to the discussion, although I am still debugging the code any comments would be appretiated.


w "+forward$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gw.txt"
s "+backward$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gs.txt"
a "+left$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ga.txt"
d "+right$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gd.txt"
f "powexec_name hover$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fly.txt"
r "autorun 1$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/autorun.txt"


f "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$bind_load_file c:/coh/autofly.txt"
r "autorun 0$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ground.txt"


w "+forward$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fw.txt"
s "+backward$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fs.txt"
a "+left$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fa.txt"
d "+right$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fd.txt"
f "powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ground.txt"
r "autorun 1$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/autofly.txt"


f "powexec_name fly$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$bind_load_file c:/coh/autorun.txt"
r "autorun 0$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name hover$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fly.txt"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fwa.txt"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fsa.txt"
a "+left$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name hover$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fly.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fad.txt"
f "powexec_name fly$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ga.txt$$bind_load_file c:/coh/autorun.txt"


w "$$"
s "$$"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fd.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fa.txt"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fwd.txt"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fsd.txt"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fad.txt"
d "+right$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name hover$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fly.txt"
f "powexec_name fly$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gd.txt$$bind_load_file c:/coh/autorun.txt"


w "$$"
s "+backward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name hover$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fly.txt"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fsa.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fsd.txt"
f "powexec_name fly$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gs.txt$$bind_load_file c:/coh/autorun.txt"


w "$$"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fa.txt"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fs.txt"
d "$$"


w "$$"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fa.txt"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fs.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fs.txt"


w "$$"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fd.txt"
a "$$"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fs.txt"


w "+forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name hover$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fly.txt"
s "$$"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fwa.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fwd.txt"
f "powexec_name fly$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gw.txt$$bind_load_file c:/coh/autorun.txt"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fa.txt"
s "$$"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fw.txt"
d "$$"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fa.txt"
s "$$"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fw.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fw.txt"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fd.txt"
s "$$"
a "$$"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fw.txt"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gwa.txt"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gsa.txt"
a "+left$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ground.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gad.txt"
f "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fa.txt$$bind_load_file c:/coh/autofly.txt"


w "$$"
s "$$"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gd.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ga.txt"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gwd.txt"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gsd.txt"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gad.txt"
d "+right$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ground.txt"
f "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fd.txt$$bind_load_file c:/coh/autofly.txt"


w "$$"
s "+backward$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ground.txt"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gsa.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gsd.txt"
f "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fs.txt$$bind_load_file c:/coh/autofly.txt"


w "$$"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ga.txt"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gs.txt"
d "$$"


w "$$"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ga.txt"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gs.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gs.txt"


w "$$"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gd.txt"
a "$$"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gs.txt"


w "+forward$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ground.txt"
s "$$"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gwa.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gwd.txt"
f "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fw.txt$$bind_load_file c:/coh/autofly.txt"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ga.txt"
s "$$"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gw.txt"
d "$$"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ga.txt"
s "$$"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gw.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gw.txt"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gd.txt"
s "$$"
a "$$"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gw.txt"

*updated code (version 1.1)
**If someone will tell me how I will include a zip file. This also includes a file called reset.txt that will reload the default movement keys. Once unzipped stand on the ground and type /bind_load_file c:/coh/ground.txt



Hm, I'll give it a go's it working for you so far?



Works great for me, very hard to break these key binds. Next I plan on incorporating the spacebar into the workable key combos.



don't forget the x button in fly to decend, too. I did some piddling around with the binds but ended up crashing my game (quite a few times) before I stopped messing with it.



Gnarly (and everyone else...),
To use that technique for creating a new chord key, you would start the bind with "+up$$-up$$<the rest of your bind>.

This provides the '+ functionality' to the entire bind, while adding the -up cancels out the move comand.



I think I understand the .txt files and what they do and how they call the other files.
But I am a little lost as to how you first set the keys in game to use the bind files.

If I were to use Gnarly's binds above, what would I need to type in game to get it started correctly?
Or how would I set up the initial keys to be bound to the right file?

Edit -- Think I figured it out.
Would I just need to type /bind_load_file "c:\Keybinds.txt" ?



Hey Wasabi_Joe, great work. Everything seems to work fine, but I am getting error messages when switching between fly/run while moving. If I am moving in any direction and hit the F key to switch to fly, I get the message "Incorrect Format: try /t <Player Name>, (Command Synonyms: /t, /tell, /private, /p, /whisper). And when switching from fly to run while moving, I get "Unknown command d_load_file".

I copied all the files listed again to make sure I didn't miss anything, as well as looked at them to make sure I didn't truncate a command anywhere. It still seems to work fine, just trying to figure out why I'm getting those messages. Anyone else seeing this?



I have made some changes that should solve some of the problems you are haveing. Here is the updated code :


w "+forward$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gw.txt"
s "+backward$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gs.txt"
a "+left$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ga.txt"
d "+right$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gd.txt"
x "$$"
f "+up$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/blastoff.txt"
r "autorun 1$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/autorun.txt"
space "+up"


f "+up$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name hover$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fly.txt"


f "+down$$powexec_name fly$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ground.txt"


w "+forward"
s "autorun 0$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ground.txt"
a "+left"
d "+right"
x "$$"
space "+up"
f "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$bind_load_file c:/coh/autofly.txt"
r "autorun 0$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ground.txt"


w "+forward"
s "autorun 0$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name hover$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fly.txt"
a "+left"
d "+right"
x "+down"
space "+up"
f "powexec_name fly$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$bind_load_file c:/coh/autorun.txt"
r "autorun 0$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name hover$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fly.txt"


w "+forward$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fw.txt"
s "+backward$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fs.txt"
a "+left$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fa.txt"
d "+right$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fd.txt"
x "+down$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fx.txt"
f "+down$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/setdown.txt"
r "autorun 1$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/autofly.txt"
space "+up$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$mouse_look 1$$bind_load_file c:/coh/spaceon.txt"

----------------------------- AIR MOVMENT


w "$$"
s "$$"
a "$$"
d "$$"
x "$$"
r "$$"
space "+up$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name hover$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fly.txt"


w "$$"
s "$$"
a "$$"
d "$$"
x "+down$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name hover$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fly.txt"
r "$$"
space "+up"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fwa.txt"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fsa.txt"
a "+left$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name hover$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fly.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fad.txt"
f "powexec_name fly$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ga.txt"
space "+up"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fwd.txt"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fsd.txt"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fad.txt"
d "+right$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name hover$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fly.txt"
f "powexec_name fly$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gd.txt"
space "+up"


w "$$"
s "+backward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name hover$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fly.txt"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fsa.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fsd.txt"
f "powexec_name fly$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gs.txt"
space "+up"


w "+forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name hover$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fly.txt"
s "$$"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fwa.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fwd.txt"
f "powexec_name fly$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name sprint$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gw.txt"
space "+up"


w "$$"
s "$$"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fd.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fa.txt"


w "$$"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fa.txt"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fs.txt"
d "$$"


w "$$"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fa.txt"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fs.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fs.txt"


w "$$"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fd.txt"
a "$$"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fs.txt"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fa.txt"
s "$$"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fw.txt"
d "$$"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fa.txt"
s "$$"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fw.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fw.txt"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fd.txt"
s "$$"
a "$$"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fw.txt"

------------------------------- GROUND MOVMENT


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gwa.txt"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gsa.txt"
a "+left$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ground.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gad.txt"
f "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fa.txt"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gwd.txt"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gsd.txt"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gad.txt"
d "+right$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ground.txt"
f "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fd.txt"


w "$$"
s "+backward$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ground.txt"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gsa.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gsd.txt"
f "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fs.txt"


w "+forward$$powexec_name sprint$$mouse_look 0$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ground.txt"
s "$$"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gwa.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gwd.txt"
f "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fw.txt"


w "$$"
s "$$"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gd.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ga.txt"


w "$$"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ga.txt"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gs.txt"
d "$$"


w "$$"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ga.txt"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gs.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gs.txt"


w "$$"
s "+backward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gd.txt"
a "$$"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gs.txt"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ga.txt"
s "$$"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gw.txt"
d "$$"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/ga.txt"
s "$$"
a "+left$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gw.txt"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gw.txt"


w "+forward$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gd.txt"
s "$$"
a "$$"
d "+right$$bind_load_file c:/coh/gw.txt"

Main changes were to the fly/hover section. Although ground.txt was changed and some other files were added as well. If you keep haveing problem message me and I will help you work through them. Also if you are haveing spam in your system menu make sure there are no blak lines at the end of the files. For some reason that causes CoH to echo the last command loaded. Hopes this helps.




Edit -- Think I figured it out.
Would I just need to type /bind_load_file "c:\Keybinds.txt" ?

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually /bind_load is enough, when you are loading c:\keybinds.txt.
It's only when you want to load some other file that you need to use /bind_load_file <filepath>.

So for keybinds.txt:

For all other files:
/bind_load_file <filepath>



Wasabi_joe (hot name, by the way ),
Great stuff. Looks like you picked up on the bind_load toggle long before I did! I've been working on a set that will do this, but only up to two keys at a time. Guess I can skip that now...

Any way, I've got a question for you. What is the purpose of the "$$" command on it's own? I know it acts as a seperator between multiple command, but don't know what it does when on it's own. Is this the same as "nop"?




There's some interesting stuff in here, but there's way too much redundancy and overhead in those binds for my tastes. I have a much more minimalistic approach that some of you might find useful:<ul type="square">[*]W, A, S, and D: Default movement binds.[*]R: Default autorun toggle.[*]F: Default follow toggle.[*]Mouse Button 4 (big side button on my Intellimouse): Enable/Disable Sprint[*]Ctrl + Right Mouse: Activate Hover and ensure that Sprint isn't active -- when pressed again, Hover is deactivated and Sprint isn't reactivated.[*]Shift + Right Mouse: Activate Fly and ensure that Sprint isn't active -- when pressed again, Fly is deactivated and Sprint isn't reactivated.[*]Q: Alternates between default and toggle vertical movement. For example, while in default mode the SPACE and X keys work as usual (hold them to move either up or down). While in toggle mode, pressing X once will make your character move downward until you either press X again, press SPACE to toggle upward movement, press SHIFT+RBUTTON to disable Fly, press CTRL+RBUTTON to disable Hover, or press Q to disable toggle movement. I experimented with having W, A, S, and D also act as toggle keys, but I didn't like the way it felt.[/list]C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement.txt
A "+left"
BUTTON4 "powexec_name Sprint"
D "+right"
F "follow"
Q "tell $name, &lt;bgcolor green&gt;&lt;color white&gt;&lt;scale 1.25&gt;Toggle Movement ACTIVATED$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\Toggle0.txt"
R "++autorun"
CTRL+RBUTTON "powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\Hover0.txt"
SHIFT+RBUTTON "powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Fly$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\Fly0.txt"
S "+backward"
SPACE "+up"
W "+forward"
X "+down"

[/ QUOTE ]
SHIFT+RBUTTON "powexec_name Fly$$up 0$$down 0$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\Fly1.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
SHIFT+RBUTTON "powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Fly$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\Fly0.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
CTRL+RBUTTON "powexec_name Hover$$up 0$$down 0$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\Hover1.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
CTRL+RBUTTON "powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\Hover0.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
Q "tell $name, &lt;bgcolor red&gt;&lt;color white&gt;&lt;scale 1.25&gt;Toggle Movement DEACTIVATED$$up 0$$down 0$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\Toggle1.txt"
X "up 0$$down 1$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\ToggleDown0.txt"
SPACE "down 0$$up 1$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\ToggleUp0.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
Q "tell $name, &lt;bgcolor green&gt;&lt;color white&gt;&lt;scale 1.25&gt;Toggle Movement ACTIVATED$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\Toggle0.txt"
X "+down"
SPACE "+up"

[/ QUOTE ]
X "down 0$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\ToggleDown1.txt"
SPACE "down 0$$up 1$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\ToggleUp0.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
X "up 0$$down 1$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\ToggleDown0.txt"
SPACE "down 0$$up 1$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\ToggleUp0.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
SPACE "up 0$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\ToggleUp1.txt"
X "up 0$$down 1$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\ToggleDown0.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
SPACE "down 0$$up 1$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\ToggleUp0.txt"
X "up 0$$down 1$$bind_load_file C:\Games\CoH\Binds\Movement\ToggleDown0.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]
If you would rather, you can grab a .zip file of the above files from here:

Also, I've seen several people set up their binds in their "C:\CoH\" folder, so if you would like to try this setup out without having to fix all the directory names in the files (I use "C:\Games\CoH\Binds\" for my binds folder) I will be more than happy to generate and provide another zip file for whatever will be the most user-friendly.



I just wanted to say that I've started using Wasabi_Joe's bind set and it works, more or less, wonderfully. I have not used his most recent updated version, but the original one works great.

The only issue I've had (other than the same one that was already addressed) is that you must be very deliberate about pressing keys, specifically when the space bar enters the equation. It appears that using the space bar rapidly with movement keys can break the binds. My solution was to create a "quick fix" key which reloads ground.tx immediately, which minimized the damage of the problem (you know, not being able to move backwards at all, for example). Also, I became far more deliverate about what keys I pressed and how I pressed them.

Still, despite that minor glitch, I loved it. I think I was on the ground for about ten minutes last night and I played for a good 6 hours or so - I spent the entire night flying or hovering. It was awesome. Thanks Wasabi_Joe!

Syphon Strike
Prophet of The Ancients Returned
50 Kinetics/Psychic Defender - Virtue
Back after two years of WoW!



That certainly corrected the errors I was seeing. Thanks for all your work!




There's some interesting stuff in here, but there's way too much redundancy and overhead in those binds for my tastes.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are right there is alot of redundacy and over head in these binds. The reason for that is to make it harder to break while doing complex combat maneuvers. For example : while in the air straffing left you begin to move forward, and as you are moveing forward you switch directions and start straffing right. A normal person during this maneuver will actually have three buttons down at once and can release them in any order without effecting the fly/hover state.

The only issue I've had (other than the same one that was already addressed) is that you must be very deliberate about pressing keys, specifically when the space bar enters the equation. It appears that using the space bar rapidly with movement keys can break the binds. My solution was to create a "quick fix" key which reloads ground.tx immediately, which minimized the damage of the problem (you know, not being able to move backwards at all, for example). Also, I became far more deliverate about what keys I pressed and how I pressed them.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am aware of this problem and am incorperating a solution now, I will post the latest version when I am done. Another issue that you may notice sometimes, is pressing 'r' while useing another movement key. I will hopefully have that addressed in the latest version. Although this will add more over head in the form of files, I find the convinence of not haveing to watch my every key stroke. And since every _bind_load_file takes a insignificant amount of load time, the only real issue, for me, is the ammount of time it takes to type in all the files.

My eventual goal is to have one set of advance movement key binds that will allow you to use any advance movment power, depending on wich character you are playing. But since the only alt I have right now only has flying, that will have to wait until I get some practical experience.

"$$" is the some as nop, it is just more obvious for me while debugging the code.

** anyone who wants to try these binds without typeing them all in can message me with an email address. I will send you a zip file of my latest effort.



Great work Wasabi_Joe !!!

Just a quick comment, every time I use autorun, it breaks the binds. I can't move backwards and fly/hover are invered.. meaning stand still I am flying and moving im hovering ))

I will do that quickfix someone else said about making the ground.txt into a hot key for now...

Thx alot for all your hard work, looking forward to your next evolution.



Wasabi: I can either host the file or give you some space to host the zip file on (via if that's the issue.



Just found out that I needed to hit the same autorun key to stop it... could you add the +back key or show me how I could add it Wasabi ?



Wasabi_Joe that is one amazing set of files! I'm hooked!

I had one issue though, while flying forward, hitting 'x' to go down confuses the binding.

I 'fixed' it by adding:
x "+down"

to fw.txt but this exposed another problem...

While flying forward, press spacebar or 'x' (with my change to fw.txt). You will continue flying foward and start moving up or down as well. So far so good. If you release the spacebar or the 'x' first, all is well. BUT if you release the 'w' key first the binding gets confused.

Is this the problem you mentioned addressing with your next version?

Thanks again, this is incredibly well done.



Thank you for your intrest every one, all of the above problems stem from key combinations that I haven't coded... yet. I plan on incorperating all key combos that one would normally run into and so if you find an error please figure out the exact cmobination of keys that you pressed that caused the problem, and I will add it to the next version.

Wasabi: I can either host the file or give you some space to host the zip file on (via if that's the issue.

[/ QUOTE ]

that is exactly the problem WeaponX, and if you dont mind hosting the files juat send me a message and let me know what I need to do. I am working on getting some web space from my EQ2 guild but while that is in the works any help would be appretiated.



that is exactly the problem WeaponX, and if you dont mind hosting the files juat send me a message and let me know what I need to do. I am working on getting some web space from my EQ2 guild but while that is in the works any help would be appretiated.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm going to set you up an account, I'll let you know as soon as it's ready (gotta remember the appropriate and permissions to give you -- haven't set something up for a non-admin in a looong time).