The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




In the /bind for mouse button 4 your flight1.txt is loaded from c:/ but it flight1.txt and flight2.txt the load commands aren't directed to c:/. This looks like it's the problem.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've tried it both ways, with the c:/ and without it...neither work. And the powers.txt has a c:/ in it, and it doesn't work either.



Don't know if you are using the exact typing from your bind, but it would be 'C:\' not '/' (ignore the quotes of course).

"With everything that I do, I hope that they see people struggling to live decent, moral lives in a completely chaotic world. They see how hard it is, how often they fail, and how they get up and keep trying. That, to me, is the most important message I'm ever going to tell." - Joss Whedon



I didn't see a link anywhere, so I zipped up Wasabi's files (I think they're the latest) and posted them. This is on my personal webspace, but I think the bandwidth will hold up (it's only 7k).

I use Prestige Power Quick, and I put Wasabi's files in c:\flybinds\ If you want to change, you'll have to edit each file accordingly.

Hope this helps people. Wasabi, thanks _so_ much. Best binds ever!



I didn't see a link anywhere, so I zipped up Wasabi's files (I think they're the latest) and posted them. This is on my personal webspace, but I think the bandwidth will hold up (it's only 7k).

I use Prestige Power Quick, and I put Wasabi's files in c:\flybinds\ If you want to change, you'll have to edit each file accordingly.

Hope this helps people. Wasabi, thanks _so_ much. Best binds ever!

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for hosting the zip, hope the "official" site comes online again soon, complete with 2.0 binds.

I would love to see a bindset free of the mouse-look.



Don't know if you are using the exact typing from your bind, but it would be 'C:\' not '/' (ignore the quotes of course).

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO...You'd think that after more than a few years of dealing with this kind of code I could keep '\' and '/' straight! That was the problem...thanks for the kick in the rear!



I'm not able to load any txt files.

For example. I have 3 txt files in my C: drive named "powers", "flight1" and "flight2"(the ones above).

I start the game and type in

"/bind_load_file c:\powers.txt" and it says it cannot load the file.

I have tried;

/bind_load_file powers.txt
/bind_Load_File powers.txt
/bind_load_file \powers.txt
etc etc.

What am I missing?

Thanks for any help you can give.




Thanks for hosting the zip, hope the "official" site comes online again soon, complete with 2.0 binds.

I would love to see a bindset free of the mouse-look.

[/ QUOTE ]

You should be able to easily edit/replace for mouse_look 0 and mouse_look 1 with nothing in each of the files. Just a thought.



Thanks for hosting the zip, hope the "official" site comes online again soon, complete with 2.0 binds.

[/ QUOTE ]
Crap, I didn't realize that something went on with the website. I'm going to look into it either right before I head to bed in a few minutes or early tomorrow morning. I think something went awry with my .httaccess file for Wasabi... we'll see.



um can anyone tell me how to use these binds?



This set of binds of Wonderful!

Right Now I have 2 copies one where it uses my prestigue power instead of sprint
and the other copy uses Super Speed Instead of Sprint.

What this allows is for me to be always in Super Speed mode when moving and turning it off when i'm not moving.

Once I get flying it will also allow me to hover at all times and only switch to fly mode when i'm attempting to move.

I love it Super Speed all the time but its always off when i'm resting.

I reccomend taking out the mouselook commands though its a very nice design feature. When ever you change into flying mode your switched to mouselook. The problem is Alot of people either have a key binded to that or use the right mouse button. this then messes them up!

Anyways thanks to all involved writting and designing these Binds.



Great Work, Wasabi Joe!

I got back from my trip this last weekend, and ended up with much the same binds as you. I am currently comparing them, so as to improve mine, and suggest improvements for yours. Mine use the other keys (ESFD) rather than WADS, but I'll translate here since those are standard and more popular.


1) Add your autorun key, R, to FW and GW, and bind it so you go gracefully into Autorun/autofly. To do this, add a bind in GW.txt for R that sets autorun (no need to turn on sprint or mouse_look because they're already on) and loads a new file called GWR.txt. GWR.txt binds F to ONLY load autorun.txt, and all the other keys to NOP (no operation, same as your "$$"). This allows you to be holding down your W key, think "oh, I need to run for a while" so you hit R, release F, and you're still cruising. No big deal, but smoother.

2) I added fly modes for combinations of direction keys and the Spacebar/down keys. This allows you to go up/forward, up/right, down/back etc. It adds a lot of combinations and therefore files, but is nice. Going up and forward seems to be one of the more useful directions, and gives you a nice look angle (more towards the ground) even if you aim so that you're still flying horizontal. I think I'm going to add ++up to my autofly for this reason.

3) Unless I'm missing something, you should be able to get rid of some of your directions and GAD, GSAD and GWAD.txt, and their flying equivalents. You can't actually move left (A) and right (D) at the same time, so does this mode/file have some purpose? In mine, I just put NOPs for the A key when D is already pressed, and vice versa. You did this for W and S, but not for A and D.

I like your Blastoff... pressing your fly toggle putting you immediately into fly, and holding it down moving you up. it's smoother than my way of hitting my fly key which puts me in hover, then pressing the space bar to "blast off". I'll probably incorporate that into my setup.





I fixed the problem with my website -- apparently something happened to rollback my previous httpd.conf config file...

You can grab the latest posted version of Wasabi's binds from here:

You can view the "official" homepage for Wasabi's binds here:

I can probably write a script later to generate the desired functionality some of you all want from the binds based on whatever the latest binds he has posted on my website. For example, specifying what keys you want for each function, the ability to disable/enable mouselook, specifying which folder you want your binds to be in, and excluding other features you might not want. My plate's pretty full right now, but I should be able to write something up for that pretty darn fast.



I can't wait for the next version to come. Would be really nice to have some of the improvements suggested by Gnarly, as well as the ability to customize it through a script by Weap0nX.

What's next Joe?

Edit: Would also be nice with some sort of tutorial. I know that they're the greatest fly/hover bind ever, but what does it do?

Edit: Found some errors in the files with the spelling of the path to the files (removed mouselook):

2_index.txt(175): r "autorun 0$$bind_load_file c:coh/moves/fly/fw.txt"
2_index.txt(565): r "autorun 0$$bind_load_file c:coh/moves/ground/gw.txt"
fwr.txt(2): r "autorun 0$$bind_load_file c:coh/moves/fly/fw.txt"
gwr.txt(2): r "autorun 0$$bind_load_file c:coh/moves/ground/gw.txt"
moves\2_index.txt(175): r "autorun 0$$bind_load_file c:coh/moves/fly/fw.txt"
moves\2_index.txt(565): r "autorun 0$$bind_load_file c:coh/moves/ground/gw.txt"
moves\fly\fwr.txt(2): r "autorun 0$$bind_load_file c:coh/moves/fly/fw.txt"
moves\ground\gwr.txt(2): r "autorun 0$$bind_load_file c:coh/moves/ground/gw.txt"



Just thought I'd say thanks! I love the work you've put into it. It does take some work getting use to loosing the ability to queue powers up (ie click blast then move and have it auto attack when in range).

I also found mouse look bothersome but glad to see that it's an easy fix!

I would make a combat/non-combat mode but I like using these binds in combat more so than non-combat, staying in hover and knowing that I can just hit w fly away is a god-send



Well I unzipped your bind and everything seems to be working fine except for one minor problem..... after I use the R key to autorun the S key no longer disables it... I had no way of stopping... I toggled between flying and running and tried pressing every key on my keyboard to stop but couldnt...ultimateley I had to log off so I could stay still... why doesnt the S key disable R anymore? AND cany you fix it so I can continue to use this otherwise awesome bind.



I haven't tried version 2, yet, but I downloaded it(from the latest weaponx post) and unzipped it. I noticed that there are two sets of binds in the zip file. One set is in the root of the zip file and one set is in the moves directory of the zip file. The version that is in the moves directory of the zip file has an autorun 0 in the bind for s in autofly.txt. I think, MAYBE, the solution is to copy all the files and subfolders in the moves directory of the zip file to your c:\coh\moves directory.

Probably what happened was weaponX zipped up his c:\coh directory, not c:\coh\moves.

Here is the file list in the 2.0 zip file that weaponx put up, currently:




I think it may have fixed the problem though I didnt have time to go in depth with testing. Thx.



Can someone explain how to reset my keys to the way hey are now before I use these new binds. Also can some explain in plain english what these binds do and how they work? From what I understand these binds turn on mouselook which I do not like, I like my right mouse button to toggle mouse look. Is there a way to change it so I can still have



To reset the keys, go to game options - controls and press reset key bindings.

To disbale mouselook, remove all $$mouselook 1 and $$mouselook 0 from the files.

I have a serious problem. I love these binds, they are very very great. But alas, they cause my computer to crash very often. Anyone have any insight into this?



This is a long, thread and I haven't been following it, but now that I've cranked up Stamina, I'm really interested, because I can afford to keep hover on more.

Could someone encapsulate for me what Wasabi_Joe's bind set does or tell me where I can find a summary?
If I understand correctly, it has hover as a default state then auto-flys when you move. Is that correct?

It does the same thing to toggle Sprint?
How do you switch from aerial mode to ground?

I use a Nostromo Speedpad and have my buttons set to emulate various keypresses. Any reason that would cause problems with these binds?

Anything else I would need to know?

[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!



Yeah, an indebt guide to the bidns would be great.

What I get out of it, is that it toggles between sprint when moving and no sprint when standing still, fly when moving in the air and hover when hovering (:P) still. The default key to switch to flight is f, but I've changed it to button5 on my mouse. It also has mouselook, but I've disabled this too, as I have the right mouse button to do that for me.

Don't really know what else it does, but it's great.



The default key to switch to flight is f, but I've changed it to button5 on my mouse.

[/ QUOTE ]

What did that involve?

[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!



Open all the files and so a search for
f "
And replace it with
button5 "
Which then sets the leftside button on your mouse to activate fly.



Great Work, Wasabi Joe!

I got back from my trip this last weekend, and ended up with much the same binds as you. I am currently comparing them, so as to improve mine, and suggest improvements for yours. Mine use the other keys (ESFD) rather than WADS, but I'll translate here since those are standard and more popular.


1) Add your autorun key, R, to FW and GW, and bind it so you go gracefully into Autorun/autofly. To do this, add a bind in GW.txt for R that sets autorun (no need to turn on sprint or mouse_look because they're already on) and loads a new file called GWR.txt. GWR.txt binds F to ONLY load autorun.txt, and all the other keys to NOP (no operation, same as your "$$"). This allows you to be holding down your W key, think "oh, I need to run for a while" so you hit R, release F, and you're still cruising. No big deal, but smoother.

2) I added fly modes for combinations of direction keys and the Spacebar/down keys. This allows you to go up/forward, up/right, down/back etc. It adds a lot of combinations and therefore files, but is nice. Going up and forward seems to be one of the more useful directions, and gives you a nice look angle (more towards the ground) even if you aim so that you're still flying horizontal. I think I'm going to add ++up to my autofly for this reason.

3) Unless I'm missing something, you should be able to get rid of some of your directions and GAD, GSAD and GWAD.txt, and their flying equivalents. You can't actually move left (A) and right (D) at the same time, so does this mode/file have some purpose? In mine, I just put NOPs for the A key when D is already pressed, and vice versa. You did this for W and S, but not for A and D.

I like your Blastoff... pressing your fly toggle putting you immediately into fly, and holding it down moving you up. it's smoother than my way of hitting my fly key which puts me in hover, then pressing the space bar to "blast off". I'll probably incorporate that into my setup.



[/ QUOTE ]

Great to have you back Gnarly, you and I obviously think alike. All of the suggestions you have made are already implemented in version 2.0. As to the extra files such as gwad, fsad, fbarsad, et al.. The reason I find these necessary is to cover situations such as moving left and forward and then switching to moving right and forward. If you dont take you fingers off of the keys in the right order you will break the key binds. I have only added these 4 and 5 button combinations for the situations that I ran into in testing. Coincidentaly that is the reason for the "$$" fillers, to highlight key combo failures by leaving a dead key.

Well I unzipped your bind and everything seems to be working fine except for one minor problem..... after I use the R key to autorun the S key no longer disables it... I had no way of stopping... I toggled between flying and running and tried pressing every key on my keyboard to stop but couldnt...ultimateley I had to log off so I could stay still... why doesnt the S key disable R anymore? AND cany you fix it so I can continue to use this otherwise awesome bind.

[/ QUOTE ]

This issue is solved in version 2.0. It stems from not haveing the gwr and fwr files that Gnarly mentioned. Also the aiming of gwr and fwr is a little tricky.

I haven't tried version 2, yet, but I downloaded it(from the latest weaponx post) and unzipped it. I noticed that there are two sets of binds in the zip file. One set is in the root of the zip file and one set is in the moves directory of the zip file. The version that is in the moves directory of the zip file has an autorun 0 in the bind for s in autofly.txt. I think, MAYBE, the solution is to copy all the files and subfolders in the moves directory of the zip file to your c:\coh\moves directory.

Probably what happened was weaponX zipped up his c:\coh directory, not c:\coh\moves.

[/ QUOTE ]

The installation instructions on the web site and other places in these forums call for unzipping into c:/coh/moves/. I created the zip files from my own instalation with full path saved, I am not sure why it is unzipped in the wrong directory.

This is a long, thread and I haven't been following it, but now that I've cranked up Stamina, I'm really interested, because I can afford to keep hover on more.

Could someone encapsulate for me what Wasabi_Joe's bind set does or tell me where I can find a summary?
If I understand correctly, it has hover as a default state then auto-flys when you move. Is that correct?

It does the same thing to toggle Sprint?
How do you switch from aerial mode to ground?

I use a Nostromo Speedpad and have my buttons set to emulate various keypresses. Any reason that would cause problems with these binds?

Anything else I would need to know?

[/ QUOTE ]

You seem to have the gist of it. To switch between fly/hover and sprint/ walk just press 'f'. to get started useing these binds just unzip this file into a directory called c:\coh\moves\. Then in game while stqanding on the ground with sprint off type "/bind_load_file c:/coh/moves/ground.txt" And you will be up and rinning. There is an addendum file that talks about some of the features in the zip. If I get some time I may add a a user guide to the web page . Thanks again to WeapOnX for hosting.

Sorry I havent responded sooner but I had a big race this weekend and have been to busy.

To all of you who have contributed to these binds via modification. ie.: Disabling mouse_look, Incorperating super speed, etc.. Please post your versioon of these files so others may injoy your work. I cannot claim full responsability for these binds, as anyone who reads this entire thread will discover I am only adding to the work of others, and if we all continue to do this I know we will have the super travel binds we need.



Thank you for the reply Wasabi_Joe.
I did use the files tonight, and while I like them so far, I did run into a problem that occurred multiple times.

On three occasions (each time I tried to use the binds), at some point, I got into a state where the S key no longer went backwards (didn't function at all when in ground or fly mode) and the hover/fly or sprint state was the opposite of what it should have been.

That is, sprint on when standing still or fly on when "hovering". Unfortunately I'm not sure what caused this, or if it might have been attributable to low framerate on my system even. Toggling the appropriate power did not help. The way I fixed it was to reload my regular keybinds file, then reload ground.txt (though doing that directly might have worked too.

Any help would be appreciated.

There's a button on my nostromo that sticks, spamming "4". If no one else has a problem like this, that could be the issue.

[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!