The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




Looks good.

I tried messing around some more and if you hold f to scend and then press space while holding f, it will screw up.



Would sure be nice if this could be put on the webpage.

[/ QUOTE ]

Eh, I might as well throw that up -- gimme a minute.

EDIT: I'm going to do quite a bit of tidying and site maintenance, check out my progress.

[/ QUOTE ]

Could I suggest a list of currently known bugs?
W + S
W + X
S + X

[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!



I'll add that as soon as I get done writing my new team_select bind setup.



I'll add that as soon as I get done writing my new team_select bind setup.

[/ QUOTE ]

Great, and thanks for the hosting of the binds, btw.

I use the numpad keys for team select. What are you using?

[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!



Jotun: It's a robust setup that allows you to specify the number of party members and your position in the party to allow the 'C' key to cycle forwards through your teammates and [Shift+C] to cycle backwards.



In Wasabi Joe's defense, I'd like to point out that these are not bugs. His programming is fine, it's your FINGERS that are out of control

Seriously though, he is rightly trying to minimize the number of files required by not including key combinations that should be impossible or at least uncommon because they use the same finger. Ok, so it turns out these combinations are needed when these binds are used in the heat of battle, but his binds are correct.

Anyway, I applaud Wasabi Joe for his patience and persistence in continuing to modify his binds. I did these myself, for the esdf keys, and also had to add a lot of extra little files for impossible combinations. As the number of files grows, keeping them all up to date, or even making a small change like removing mouselook in all of them, becomes VERY time consuming and tedious. I eventually said "OK, they break rarely enough now that I can just hit the reset keys when they do."

So THANK YOU, Wasabi-Man, for all the work. If you didn't do it, I probably would be, and I sure wouldn't want that!




LOL, you're right! Then I suggest we list them as "binds your fingers have no business using".

Or as I often say:
Danm my dysxelic figners!

Oh, and the team select system sounds intriguing.

[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!



Another little addition that might help, Wasabi: Add commands to reset hover and/sprint on your reset keys. You know, using:

While on the ground, to make sure nothing is activated:
powexec_name fly$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name sprint$$powexec_unqueue

While flying, to make sure only hover is active:
powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name hover

These, added to your forward 0 type commands, and the bind_load_file, will set everything right with the world. Since my setup uses 2 separate keys, one for air and one for ground, I use the Shifted version to reset in either mode, and therefore the resets are just 'hardwired' once in my keybinds.txt and never changed.




This is a post of a set of binds that are similar to Joe's, but fix all of the problems with key combinations breaking the binds, allow for follow to be toggled (which will kick on fly or sprint/super speed), correct some autorun issues, and reduce the number of overall files.

I currently have the files available in ZIP format on my geocities site here.

Some caveats:
<ul type="square">[*]mouselook is not toggled in the binds[*]the F key turns flight on and off, it does not toggle up and down.[*]the TILDE key (just above the TAB key and below the ESC key) is your follow key.[*]the X key does not toggle down. the LSHIFT key does, which makes it easier to go forward and down, or backward and down simultaneously.[*]CONTROL+R will shift between the default keybinds and these keybinds. When the keybinds are turned on they expect you to be on the ground.[*]If you are playing a character that has Super Speed it will automagically be used instead of Sprint. I don't know the power name for the Prestige Power, so that is not included.[*]If you are playing a character that is working towards FLY but only has hover, these keybinds will still work.[*]For some slower computers I have noticed that if mutliple keys are pressed rapidly causing the /BIND_LOAD_FILE command to be spammed the binds can get lost. If you feel this is the case simply reset the binds with CTRL+R, otherwise attempt to find a way to recreate the problem so that it can accurately be addressed. [/list]
Instructions for installing are on the site. Let me know what you think.



[*]For some slower computers I have noticed that if mutliple keys are pressed rapidly causing the /BIND_LOAD_FILE command to be spammed the binds can get lost. If you feel this is the case simply reset the binds with CTRL+R, otherwise attempt to find a way to recreate the problem so that it can accurately be addressed.

[/ QUOTE ]

I mentioned this above as a possible reason for sporadic issues with the Wasabi binds. My framerate drops into the low single digits during large team battles.

Hmmm...I thought AD overlap was allowed. Not that it has happened to me while playing, but I just noticed that hitting both breaks forward and backward movement, while strafing gives an "Unable to read in keybind file". This is the 2.1 set, NOT 2.4, so that may have been fixed already.

[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!



These look like nice binds, and I especially like the inclusion of Super Speed. My first thought, however, would be that they're not as robust since in battle you often mistakenly press 2 opposite keys at the same time, like w &amp; s, or especially a &amp; d since they each use different fingers.

But after looking and thinking more, and editing this message maybe they just momentariy slow you down to no-sprint or hover modes for a split second while the 2 illegal keys are pressed, but they don't break?

I can't check them out, however, because I can't get into the game right now. If they do work that way, I may adapt them for my own use. Quite clever, and a good way to reduce the increasingly massive amount of files we're getting with our 1 key combo = 1 file binds.




Feedback is always welcome, and I appreciate it; however, I think I have already taken your concerns into account. Read through the rest of this post and then let me know what you think.

Some things for the developers:
<ul type="square">[*]This was designed around the following idea: movement can be reduced to straight movement (bi-directional) along the X, Y and Z axes. X is left and right, Y is up and down, and Z is forward and backward.[*]The only time a power needs to be turned on is when the first key is pressed. That's why all of the movement keys in NORUN.TXT and NOFLY.TXT make sure that SPRINT/SUPER SPEED/HOVER/FLY are explicitly turned on using the double powexecs.[*]The only time a power needs to be turned off is when the last movement key is let go. That's why you will not find too many powexec statements outside of the NORUN.TXT and NOFLY.TXT bind files.[*]The binds are set up as follows: you are standing still, so NORUN.TXT is up. You press and hold W to move forward (along the Z axis) so RUNZ.TXT is brought up. If you press S at this point you will be moving forward and backward at the same time (your character will stop) so the NORUN.TXT bind is brought back up (turning off SPRINT in the process). When you let go of either W or S you will be brought back to RUNZ.TXT (turning SPRINT back on). Make sense?[*]Multiple directions are handled in the same manner. If you move forward you go to RUNZ.TXT, but while moving forward you dodge right which will invoke RUNXZ.TXT, and then when you jump while moving forward and right you will invoke RUNXYZ.TXT; it gets easier once you start to think of it as movement along the XYZ axes. Trying to move in both directions along a single axis (W+S, A+D) is really the same as not moving along that axis at all.[*]One last example: you move forward with W (RUNZ.TXT, turn SPRINT on) then dodge right (RUNXZ.TXT), then change your mind and dodge left, but have that split second where you hold A and D down while still holding W? This kicks you back to (RUNZ.TXT) until you let go of either A or D (sending you back to RUNXZ.TXT), but as the power doesn't get shut off until the last button is released (or it determines you to be standing still through a combination of button presses) you are still sprinting. W+A+D = forward sprint, W+S = no sprint and no movement, W+A+D+S = no sprint + no movement.[/list]



And the plot thickens...

I mean, it looks promising



In Wasabi Joe's defense, I'd like to point out that these are not bugs. His programming is fine, it's your FINGERS that are out of control

Seriously though, he is rightly trying to minimize the number of files required by not including key combinations that should be impossible or at least uncommon because they use the same finger. Ok, so it turns out these combinations are needed when these binds are used in the heat of battle, but his binds are correct.

Anyway, I applaud Wasabi Joe for his patience and persistence in continuing to modify his binds. I did these myself, for the esdf keys, and also had to add a lot of extra little files for impossible combinations. As the number of files grows, keeping them all up to date, or even making a small change like removing mouselook in all of them, becomes VERY time consuming and tedious. I eventually said "OK, they break rarely enough now that I can just hit the reset keys when they do."

So THANK YOU, Wasabi-Man, for all the work. If you didn't do it, I probably would be, and I sure wouldn't want that!


[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly right Gnarly, that is why I have encouraged others to contribute their modifications of these binds to this thread. File mantinance and updateing would be much easier under a linux system or if I took the time to set up a programming enviroment again. I do not have any problem writing more files to keep the system robust, but it is cutting into my playing time and real life keeps raising its ugly head. Besides as I have said before, I really dont consider these 'MY' binds. I am just building on the work you and others have done, and am happy that my contribution has been so well recieved.

Feedback is always welcome, and I appreciate it; however, I think I have already taken your concerns into account. Read through the rest of this post and then let me know what you think.

Some things for the developers:

This was designed around the following idea: movement can be reduced to straight movement (bi-directional) along the X, Y and Z axes. X is left and right, Y is up and down, and Z is forward and backward.

The only time a power needs to be turned on is when the first key is pressed. That's why all of the movement keys in NORUN.TXT and NOFLY.TXT make sure that SPRINT/SUPER SPEED/HOVER/FLY are explicitly turned on using the double powexecs.

The only time a power needs to be turned off is when the last movement key is let go. That's why you will not find too many powexec statements outside of the NORUN.TXT and NOFLY.TXT bind files.

The binds are set up as follows: you are standing still, so NORUN.TXT is up. You press and hold W to move forward (along the Z axis) so RUNZ.TXT is brought up. If you press S at this point you will be moving forward and backward at the same time (your character will stop) so the NORUN.TXT bind is brought back up (turning off SPRINT in the process). When you let go of either W or S you will be brought back to RUNZ.TXT (turning SPRINT back on). Make sense?

Multiple directions are handled in the same manner. If you move forward you go to RUNZ.TXT, but while moving forward you dodge right which will invoke RUNXZ.TXT, and then when you jump while moving forward and right you will invoke RUNXYZ.TXT; it gets easier once you start to think of it as movement along the XYZ axes. Trying to move in both directions along a single axis (W+S, A+D) is really the same as not moving along that axis at all.

One last example: you move forward with W (RUNZ.TXT, turn SPRINT on) then dodge right (RUNXZ.TXT), then change your mind and dodge left, but have that split second where you hold A and D down while still holding W? This kicks you back to (RUNZ.TXT) until you let go of either A or D (sending you back to RUNXZ.TXT), but as the power doesn't get shut off until the last button is released (or it determines you to be standing still through a combination of button presses) you are still sprinting. W+A+D = forward sprint, W+S = no sprint and no movement, W+A+D+S = no sprint + no movement.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fantastic idea ahzurdan. At first I atempted something similar by keeping track of the number of keys depressed and only poping out when the number reached zero, but could not tell in the middle of the code when a key was being pressed or released. By creating a toggle state for each axis of movement you seem to have side stepped the whole issue. I may have to look through you logic and incorperate it into my own bind files.



File mantinance and updateing would be much easier under a linux system or if I took the time to set up a programming enviroment again. I do not have any problem writing more files to keep the system robust, but it is cutting into my playing time and real life keeps raising its ugly head.

[/ QUOTE ]
What do you think I provided you with an account to, my WinME box?



Feedback is always welcome, and I appreciate it; however, I think I have already taken your concerns into account. Read through the rest of this post and then let me know what you think.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's not clear to me how you switch between being on the ground and hovering.

[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!



Fantastic idea ahzurdan. At first I atempted something similar by keeping track of the number of keys depressed and only poping out when the number reached zero, but could not tell in the middle of the code when a key was being pressed or released. By creating a toggle state for each axis of movement you seem to have side stepped the whole issue. I may have to look through you logic and incorperate it into my own bind files.

[/ QUOTE ]

Glad you like it. When I came up with the axis idea earlier this week I decided it was easier to rewrite the binds I was currently using and present them as a complete set than to try to explain the idea without a working example.

The ideas, questions and comments that people keep posting are constantly making me view this stuff in a new light. I love it! Doing this kind of stuff is what I liked about programming back before I got sucked into the corporate machine. Somebody has a goal, then a whole bunch of people go "Yeah! I want that!", and band together to make something great (or make a great thing even better)!



It's not clear to me how you switch between being on the ground and hovering.

[/ QUOTE ]

The F key toggles flight on and off. When flight is on you will hover when not moving and fly when moving (or hover if you don't have fly yet).

A complete list of the keys I rebound and what they do now is at my web page.



Hey Ahzurdan,

I think you read my previous post before I edited it... yes, after a bit more study, I realized that the double sprint didn't cause a problem. A VERY elegant solution to some of the problems we've encountered. You will still toggle sprint on and off if you're running left (A), but not forward, and then press right (F) before releasing the first, but it'll be so quick, and you need to stop to change directions 180 anyway, that it won't be noticeable.

I'm so optimistic, and impressed, that I've already modified your files to use the keys I prefer, and can't wait to get home to test it. Well Done!




It's not clear to me how you switch between being on the ground and hovering.

[/ QUOTE ]

The F key toggles flight on and off. When flight is on you will hover when not moving and fly when moving (or hover if you don't have fly yet).

A complete list of the keys I rebound and what they do now is at my web page.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, something you said earlier made me think it didn't work that way.

[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!



The ideas, questions and comments that people keep posting are constantly making me view this stuff in a new light. I love it! Doing this kind of stuff is what I liked about programming back before I got sucked into the corporate machine. Somebody has a goal, then a whole bunch of people go "Yeah! I want that!", and band together to make something great (or make a great thing even better)!

[/ QUOTE ]
Virtually everyone I know in software (myself included -- I write Intertial Navigation Systems software for Honeywell) feels the exact same way. It's pretty sad that I exceed expectations for output and efficiency with the amount of time I devote to actual "work."



Well, my only real programming background comes from specialized statistical; packages, which aren't quite languages in the most basic sense...lots of stuff you've never heard of that starts with "S".

SPSS, S-Plus, SAS, Stata etc.

Still, glad to help if I can, even if simply testing and providing feedback.

[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!



ahzurdan - I looked at your bind files (curiosity got the beter of me) haven't had a chance to see how they might run in game.
I like the effiency of your code - certainly much friendlier for some one to change from say sprint to quick

One thing I did notice though is that your "defaults.txt" file resets MUCH more than your bind set affects. you might want to pare that down some as it could nuke any additional bind sets someone might be running. at the least warn people that ctrl+r will do a total reset of ALL the standard binds not just those used in your set.



ahzurdan - I looked at your bind files (curiosity got the beter of me) haven't had a chance to see how they might run in game.
I like the effiency of your code - certainly much friendlier for some one to change from say sprint to quick

One thing I did notice though is that your "defaults.txt" file resets MUCH more than your bind set affects. you might want to pare that down some as it could nuke any additional bind sets someone might be running. at the least warn people that ctrl+r will do a total reset of ALL the standard binds not just those used in your set.

[/ QUOTE ]

I took the easy road on the DEFAULTS.TXT file. At the time I wasn't sure what keys I would be using, so I just reset my keybinds to the default from the Options pane in the game, and then saved out the entire set of binds that resulted.

I ended up leaving it this way so that I was sure that when I hit CTRL+R I was doing the same thing as reseting all keybinds through the Options pane in the game.

You are correct that most people won't need that much reset. I've gone ahead and updated the zip file on my site to reflect that.

I also fixed it so that if you are flying when you use CTRL+R to turn the binds off, you are assumed to be still flying when you turn them back on.

Also fixed a problem with autorun. It was letting you turn on autorun while you were holding down the forward key, which is redundant.



The F key toggles flight on and off. When flight is on you will hover when not moving and fly when moving (or hover if you don't have fly yet).

[/ QUOTE ]

Is there a way to add the "blastoff" functionality that Wasabi created? I really liked holding down the F key to activate fly and take off upwards. If you can tell me roughly how to do this, I would be much obliged. Thanks!