The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




Thank you for the clarifications, ahzurdan. There was another thing I forgot to ask earlier. When reading your files it seemed that they assume +forward to have an inherent autorun 0 and not +backward. I thought it was the opposite. +forward does not turn off autorun while +backward does.

For instance autorunz has s toggle autorun while w does not but in both cases you are transferred to normal run files. In my current binds I added autorun 0 to my w bind.

[/ QUOTE ]

When I was testing this out I found that both +FORWARD and +BACKWARD turned off ++FORWARD, but for some reason when you used +BACKWARD to turn off ++FORWARD instead of immediately running you backward it would stop you entirely until you let go of the +BACKWARD key and hit it again. Adding the ++FORWARD fixed that for me.

In gaming I've run across the idiosyncrasy that autorun does not turn off follow. This caught me twice last night. I tried adding follow 0 to my autorun bind but it did not work. Obviously I don't want an indiscriminate follow toggle in my autorun.

In your followrun R toggles autorun and loads autorunz, but follow is still on at this point. Of course hitting a or d will break follow but do you know a way of specifically setting follow to off within a bind?

Otherwise the files match my expectations; +right/+left break follow but not autorun etc..

[/ QUOTE ]

I am not going to guarantee this atm as I am still in the office, but I believe that while "AUTORUN 1" does not turn off FOLLOW, ++FORWARD will. Also, I keep getting errors adding parms to FOLLOW. "FOLLOW 1" and "FOLLOW 0" both give me errors saying that I supplied the wrong number of parms for the FOLLOW command. This is why I use ++FORWARD instead of ++AUTORUN or "AUTORUN 1"/"AUTORUN 0"; AUTORUN seems to have some weirdness in that it doesn't interact with FOLLOW in the same way that ++FORWARD does. Not sure why it works that way, though.



Try "-follow" instead of "follow 0"



I'm not having problems with it; it works. I was just explaining why I did it that way.



I guess we're getting into the details now... in all the binds we've experimented with so far, it seems that there are key combos that just won't transition smoothly. I guess it all comes down to fine tuning them to how YOU want them to work, and then training your fingers not to do those few things that break them?

So, I'm going to work on the setup that works best for me this weekend (I didn't have time last night to even log into the game :/ ). Once I get them working with ESDF and all the little transitions that I prefer, I'll post them, and help make mods to them for people that like it done a little differently.

Sorry Ahz, if I posted so often yesteday that I kept interrupting you. Real slow here at work



Slow day for me too, actually.

I actually enjoyed the banter back and forth. Kept me looking at the binds in different ways, and from falling asleep in my cubby. I am still looking into both the issue with jump being used faster than the keybinds can reload themselves, and the "Blastoff"/"Setdown" functionality.

On a different note, if we were gonna post something along the lines of a "Bind Issues/Wishlist" with the intent of getting Developer feedback, where would you all suggest we put it?

I think we really need to make them aware of how the BIND_LOAD_FILE command is actually being used by the community, and get their feedback on the network traffic that the command seems to spawn.

I would also really like some new Slash Commands; such as TURN_OFF_ALL_ACTIVE_POWERS, and TARGET_TEAM_NEXT.

Just not sure which forum has the best chance of Developer response.



Hey Gnarly, good to see that i was missed!! Any way, I haven't been lurking, just sitting back reading the posts, and, um well, OK, so I've been lurking!!!

Any way, I've got a couple questions for all you gbind guru's our there so:

One turns the other off automatically.

[/ QUOTE ]

Really? Are you sure? I know I've had some problems where both fly and hover are on at the same time, as a result of the bind coming out of sync. But this may be due to how I've written the bind. I had the same question as ZeroG when I started going through the binds to figure out the logic. Is this 'auto-toggle' feature only active during specific bind paterns? I assume that az's binds work, so there must be something there, I just don't understand the specific conditions that allow it to opperate this way. Any clues?

But, they do put a "Switching on hover instead of fly" message in your chat box, which I don't think you get if you turn it off explicitly. But I'm not sure on that, as I've long ago turned these messages off to avoid spamming.

[/ QUOTE ]
For the love of god, how, please tell me how!!! And does this eliminte the bind_load_file messages as well? If not, as a side-note for suggested binds, I would love bind_load_file_quiet (or something to that effect). I'd love to can all those messages (after I've de-bugged the code of course!).

Any way, Gnarly, I think you've got it spot-on when saying that the ideal configuration is very user dependant. In truth, I've had very little problem using a variation of the original binds that were restricted to a single key. As I use mouse-look almost all the time, needing multiple keys is very rarely a problem. I have to say, I'm looking forward to your ESDF version of the files. I've stuck with my old files just cause I'm to lazy to keep making the changes as all the new versions come out . I've got a few other bit's thrown in that make my set do what I want, and I'll absolutely add this to any set I ultimately go with.

So, on to the question about a place to get the Dev's attention regarding what the binder's would like to see. I'd say start another thread with DEV in the topic. I think they probably at least glance at any thred with that there, and comment where they believe it is appropriate. If we get no response, then we're probably stuck. Hard-core binding (if you can call it that) is probably pretty uncommon. That said, a list of new emotes come with the update, maybe a couple /commands did as well! I'd start the thread on the general CoH topic. It's probably more likely to get noticed there. If I've got the time, I'll do it myself later, but I've spent enought company time doing this post as it is, should probalby get some work done...



I've never been able to get Hover on at the same time as Fly. Could this have been during beta, or something that is true now but wasn't true when you experienced your problem?

I believe that the Devs set it up (either originally or with a patch) so that there was no way to get both the defense bonus of Hover and the speed of Fly.

And I would also like to know how to stop the spam.



Great binds, I've been using them and they work really well. There are times where the binds get messed up, but thankfully it's never happened in the heat of a battle. (and somehow they correct themselves).

Do i have to change the binds to work for superspeed or will it work automatically? thanks!



ahzurdan, thank you very much for the bind expamples. I've incorporated the functionality into my bindset and will finally get to try them out tonight.

Wasabi_Joe, thank you for the -follow tip.

Blue_Volt, click the options button on the top of the chat box. You can set each type of message to top, bottom, or none.

Oaken_Filipino, ahzurdan included automagic support for super speed. If you don't have super speed sprint gets used instead.



yes Oaken you do have to edit them to work with superspeed.
baisically you'd replace "sprint" with whatever ground based power you want. for me it was "prestige power quick"; for you I would guess it's "super speed" but I could be wrong. if you hover your mouse over the power in the task tray the quickhelp pop-up that comes up will show the name you need.



I didn't start playing until 2 weeks after commercial release, so I'v never seen the beta (I wish I could have seen the Ritiki Invasion!!).
Now that you mention it, I'll admit that I've not seen it recently. Naturaly, I assumed this had everything to do with my um, programing prowess. Considering the vast extent of these skills, fixing it in a patch seem a more likely explanation. It will sure make the binds a whole lot simpler!

ZeroG - THANK YOU!!!



First I have to say I really love the co-operation and brainstorming going on in this thread. Also, thanks to everyone for all their hard work on this.

I told my super group how much I liked the binds, and shared them with them. Some were asking about customizing the keys and such, and what a pain it would be to change them all. One person in particular said they sounded like a good idea, but he's been using ESDF since Doom, and didn't want to change. Then we got a version with EDSF, and the WASD crowed chimed in.

All this gave me the idea to create a batch file that creates all the bind files for you based on your personal preferences. I did this for Wasbi's v2.4 about the time he said he would not be updating it anymore, and so promptly started on version with Ahzurdan's binds.

The resulting files are available here:

I hope someone finds theses useful.








I hope someone finds theses useful.


[/ QUOTE ]

Falstaff, awesome, thanks! I was going to do this do, but my knowledge of batch files is a bit limited, so I was gonna try a VB solution. This is much better.

I'd be interested in whether you can add mouselook options to Az's version? Just a thought.



ahzurdan, I played with your binds last night and love them! I'm really thrilled by your brilliant axis concept.

I think I found another minor error. In both followfly files take a look at the F bind. I forgot to test toggling flight while following.

I found another quirk with CoH in that ++forward and autorun 0/1 don't always interact properly. If I set autorun 1 then ++forward would not turn it off. o.O This is not a problem in your files but I use autorun 1 in my launch bind and wanted to keep it that way so I replaced all ++forward in your files with autorun 0/1 and it worked fine. I prefer to launch for travel by just looking up and hitting one button putting me into autoflyz. Thought I'd mention this for anyone else trying to mix autorun 0/1 binds in with ahzurdan's binds.

Thanks again for coming up with a solution using a manageable number of files. The set works great and is easy to modify due to the reasonable number of files.




Falstaff, awesome, thanks! I was going to do this do, but my knowledge of batch files is a bit limited, so I was gonna try a VB solution. This is much better.

[/ QUOTE ]

You’re welcome. I thought about VB too, but I figured a simple batch file would run anywhere, and wouldn’t be as scary to those worried about viruses.


I'd be interested in whether you can add mouselook options to Az's version? Just a thought.

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably. I just wanted to get these out there. I want to add Wasabi’s Blast-Off idea also. SWMBO has some projects for me this weekend, though.



is there any way to bind a key to exec that script everytime you load the game?

for me, and my brother we have to both reload the script every so often because it stops working correctly

we tried to bind a key P to this

/bind p "/bind_load_file c:\coh\binds\run\norun.txt"
but it wouldnt allow that, so i have p bound to
/bind p "say /bind_load_file c:\coh\binds\run\norun.txt"
and we have to manually type out the command each time it starts to mess up

thanks for the help



CONTROL+R should already do that. First time it should put you back to the defaults, and then if you do it again it will reload NORUN.TXT.



I was having some problems getting the functionality I wanted with the XYZ Axis setup. So I was leaning towards going back to my and Wasabi's original thought of different files for different key combos, but was horrified by the number of files. So, I decided to hit the problem over the head with a sledgehammer.

I wrote a BASIC program (downloaded Liberty BASIC for free from and wrote it up. So I have loops that go through ALL the combinations of 6 direction keypresses for ALL movement modes: Run, Fly, AutoRun, AutoFly. Haven't done follow yet, because I never use it in game, and don't really know it's ins and outs.

This setup allows me to ALWAYS keep track of what keys are pressed... I use +turnleft$$-turnleft to get the key activated on both press and release without affecting movement (I at least never use the turning keys, preferring mouselook). Also, since I ALWAYS know what keys are depressed, I explicitly set the movements, using "up 1$$down 0$$forward 1... etc for ALL 6 directions whenever a key is pressed.

This works, frankly, GREAT. The binds don't seem to break at all, that I've noticed, and I have hammered on lots of keys at the same time. Once I got the logic ironed out in the code, I can make changes very quickly to all 256 files, and rarely even look at the binds anymore, staying completely in basic while experimenting. And since all of these binds load a bind file each time you press or release a key, it's no slower than any of the others.

And since it's programmed, I can easily change the keys used, the directory path, etc. Also, it's not usually too hard to add functionality. For instance, in my Auto modes, I set the right mouse button to toggle mouselook on and off (++mouse_look), and then change it back to normal (mouselook while pressed) when I leave Auto.

I need a place to put this though... Could somebody who earlier provided web space for Wasabi lend me some, and tell me how to upload? I know how to FTP, of course, if that's the way you guys did it, but I'd need a username/password. I'll release both zips of different combinations of binds for those of you just interested in using these, as well as the basic code so you all can modify and such to your heart's content.

I still need to add functionality for follow, both while flying and running, but won't have time until Monday.

So, if somebody can lend me the web space, thanks.




Hehe great minds think alike Gnarly, guess I can put my script writing program on hold and take a look at yours. You are more than welcome to use the web space WeapOnX provided me, I have sent you a PM with details.

BTW, I am starting to use the ESDF keys also. I am going through a confusing transition period right now, but can see the obvious advantage of having the tick to confirm finger placement. It seems like more keys are useable with this setup also.



we tried to bind a key P to this

/bind p "/bind_load_file c:\coh\binds\run\norun.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

The functionality is already built in, as stated, but the problem above is that there should be no slash inside the quote prior to Bind_load_file

There is never a slash inside the quote like that, it is assumed by the program.

[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!



This setup allows me to ALWAYS keep track of what keys are pressed... I use +turnleft$$-turnleft to get the key activated on both press and release without affecting movement (I at least never use the turning keys, preferring mouselook). Also, since I ALWAYS know what keys are depressed, I explicitly set the movements, using "up 1$$down 0$$forward 1... etc for ALL 6 directions whenever a key is pressed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry for the confusion, but are you saying turn left/right DO work, but that you don't use them?

I'm still happily using Wasabi_Joe's 2.1 files for the moment. I'm waiting to see where things go befre switching again.

One question: Do any of these other approaches make it possible to hit a power, realize you are out of range, and start moving without deselecting the power? I have noticed that I can begin to move, then select a power and it works great. If only there were a way to pass the currently selected power to a bind.

Thanks for all the hard work.

[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!




Sorry for the confusion, but are you saying turn left/right DO work, but that you don't use them?

One question: Do any of these other approaches make it possible to hit a power, realize you are out of range, and start moving without deselecting the power? I have noticed that I can begin to move, then select a power and it works great. If only there were a way to pass the currently selected power to a bind.

Thanks for all the hard work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hi Jotun,

I'm using the turn keys just for the key down, key up functionality. All of these binds depend on the "+" commands so that the key runs it's associated bind BOTH when the key is pressed, AND released. Since the turn keys are not used much, and I wanted to use the explicit move keys, I used them to get that function without interfering with the forward/back/strafe movements. Not sure if turning left would still work, but I don't see why not once a key is pressed and held down. Movement might stop after you release a move key, even if your turn key is still held down. Need to check, I suppose. If it doesn't, I'm sure there is some other + command I could use that interfere's less. I'll have to experiment.

These binds, and I think the earlier ones, allowed you to activate powers IF YOU WERE ALREADY MOVING, which would then go off once you are in range. If you stop or start, however, they are cleared. Now that I'm used to it, I kinda like it that way as I don't attack anything by accident.

Thanks WeaponX and Wasabi Joe, for the disk space, and the info! I'll upload my stuff this evening.




I'd like a simple bind that switches between Hover/fly and nothing else. I'm a bit of a noob.
Can some one help?



Hi 3clipse,

Just type this from the game chat line:

/bind f "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name hover"

This will make sure that Sprint is turned off (don't want to waste end, do we?) and turn on hover. Once hovering or flying it'll toggle between the two. You can change f to any key you'd like.

Then type this:

/bind lshift+f "powexec fly$$powexec hover$$powexec sprint$$powexec sprint"

This sets it so shift (only the left shift key) and F toggles both Hover and Fly OFF, and puts you back into ground mode with sprint on. Make sure you're NEAR the ground, or you'll hit it hard

For the rest of you, I'm working on getting the more complex binds up, but was busier this evening than I planned. Will have them up before tomorrow, though.
