The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




CityBinder is INCREDIBLE! I've tried, and I can't make it glitch. With CityBinder(CB), I can hold down two movement keys at once, without causing a problem (so that you can fly, say, up and sideways). I can also use the essential spacebar-while-flying trick (hold down W+SPACE, so that you can look down at the ground while flying level). I can trigger powers while flying without a problem. It even turns Sprint on and off automatically, so you are seamlessly dropped into Sprint while moving, and it shuts off by itself when you stop. Granted, Sprint doesn't eat much endurance, but every bit saved helps, and CB does it without you ever even having to think about it. I also like the automatic camera-distance option. (Frankly, it sounded like a bit of a gimmick until I tried it, but having done that, I'm sold).

I haven't tried Gnarly's latest, so I can't say which is better. But CB works wonderfully, and it fixes every SoD-related problem I've ever heard of.

For anyone who hasn't tried it yet, check out CityBinder - It Rocks!



CityBinder is INCREDIBLE! I've tried, and I can't make it glitch. With CityBinder(CB), I can hold down two movement keys at once, without causing a problem (so that you can fly, say, up and sideways). I can also use the essential spacebar-while-flying trick (hold down W+SPACE, so that you can look down at the ground while flying level). I can trigger powers while flying without a problem. It even turns Sprint on and off automatically, so you are seamlessly dropped into Sprint while moving, and it shuts off by itself when you stop. Granted, Sprint doesn't eat much endurance, but every bit saved helps, and CB does it without you ever even having to think about it. I also like the automatic camera-distance option. (Frankly, it sounded like a bit of a gimmick until I tried it, but having done that, I'm sold).

I haven't tried Gnarly's latest, so I can't say which is better. But CB works wonderfully, and it fixes every SoD-related problem I've ever heard of.

For anyone who hasn't tried it yet, check out CityBinder - It Rocks!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm very glad you like CB. It took me a while to get it all working like it currently does, and I've got a rather large list of things to add in the future. Real Life(tm), however, has been interfering with my ability to work on CB in the past week. Thankfully I think all that is behind me and I'll have enough spare time to restart development. I will be adding a check for Speed on Demand stuff that needs to be used to get it working right in the future, as the tooltips and configuration window aren't actually all that helpful for people not already familiar with Gnarly's latest SoD program.

CityBinder can glitch... it's just so rare that it can be discounted. If you have the powexec_unqueue option checked, likely you'll almost never see the glitches that happen. Otherwise a simple Ctrl+R while pressing no other keys will unglitch you.

One of the things that most amazed me back in the Pre-Issue-1 days was the fluidity of Gnarly's binds, and the End saving that could be had by using them. Most people don't realize how much Sprint can chew through Endurance, but it is noticeable when using a bind system like Gnarly's or my updated version, especially early in the lives of fliers.

It's also important to realize that I lay claim only to a couple upgrades to Gnarly's system, not the system itself. Specifically, the work I did creating the camera distance settings and the support for Kheldian travel powers were added solely by me, and I had thought/created them entirely on my own (though the camera distance trick was used in the advanced TP binds brought to my attention later). The addition of the World Detail level settings was not my idea, nor was the advanced teleport bind (still gotta get a tp-er leveled up so I can personally try that bind out... maybe my Mastermind has recall friend...). The coming features for Superspeeders and Superjumpers will likely be based on the Gnarly binds, especially considering how much the will have to interface with them. I have my scrapper copied to the Training Room and that character has both SS and SJ on the Training Room(though not superspeed on Infinity server, one travel power is enough for me generally speaking. ).

On an unrelated and completely off-topic note... I'm now a Certified Microsoft Windows XP and Office 2003 Preinstallation Specialist.



Now that we've used it more, my son and I are both experiencing one specific glitch with CB.

In the heat of battle, and only then, we suddenly find ourselves strafing left and must Ctrl-R to fix it. Because it happens only during battle, I suspect rapid keypresses to be the source of the glitch. The odd thing is, it is ALWAYS strafe Left. Is there any chance of a left-side-only typo/bug/whatever in the bind files? Having not looked at the source code, I have no feel for how likely this is in your particular application. But having been a developer for - well, let's just say I predate microcomputers entirely - I know how easy it is to generate cut&paste errors. (You copy the "right side" code and paste to make the "left side", and miss making some specific change). On the other hand, perhaps it is just a coincidence.

In case this helps...
We both have powexec_unqueue checked. We are using two different profiles on two different ATs, and our binds are similar only for movement and other standard keys. (I have a MM and he doesn't). I have fly and he is using SS. (On the characters we've been playing extensively since we picked up CB).

I still say CB is fantastic, and I look forward to future updates. I recommand anyone who happens to be reading this to give it a try. After all, it takes only a few minutes to download and set up, and if you happen to not like it, you can just go back to whatever you used before. Given how heroically difficult the bind systems makes it to do this sort of thing at all, I am really impressed with what yourself, gnarly, et al, have achieved.

BTW, congratulations on the certifications!



Since I posted my prior message about my Strafe Left glitch (above), it occured to me that I had LSHIFT+A bound to 'Attack my target'; of course, Strafe Left is "A". When I changed my 'Attack' bind to another key, leaving LSHIFT+A NOP, the problem went away entirely. Since then, I've played for hours without a single glitch. It isn't that I would accidentally forget to press shift; there is more to it than that, because when the glitch happened, I wouldn't just step sideways, I would get stuck on strafe left until I reset via Ctrl-R. Still, the fix was simple.

Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving.



First to all of you have that have made this thread I salute you as this is by far the best bind I have come across.
now on to my problem, my wife wants the hover/fly bind but she only uses the mouse for movement is there a way to get citybinder to work with that setup?



my wife wants the hover/fly bind but she only uses the mouse for movement is there a way to get citybinder to work with that setup?

[/ QUOTE ]

I've been amazingly busy with my business and had little time to work on CityBinder... what free time I have is spent playing CoH. Soon enough I will start working on CityBinder again, but until then... no known date...

However, to help with your question, can you give me an idea of exactly how you want the binds to work? I.E., What should happen when your wife presses the left mouse button, right mouse button, middle, etc.?

I am unsure if there is a way to rebind the forward movement command that occurs on pressing both the left and right mouse button. I have determined how to bind the left and right mouse button combo: mousechord. So if you wanted to move forward with SoD using the left and right mouse buttons, you would change the Forward Key text box so it says mousechord.

If you want the right mouse button to be used for forward movement, simply type rbutton into the forward key box in the Speed On Demand section. Likewise, use mbutton for the middle mouse button and lbutton for the left button. You can also use button4, and possibly higher button numbers for additional mouse buttons. If you want mouselook to be activated when moving, simply put a check mark in the Auto-Mouselook while moving option box.



to be honest I am not exactly sure how she plays using only the mouse for movement since I am on old time WADS user, but from the suggestions you put up allready I might be able to get somthing to work for her. So once again thank you very much.






Just trying this out on the test server before I put anything on live, I keep getting this same message: Forgive me if it's already been answered, but it's a lot of pages to cover.

"Unable to read in keybind file: g:\cityofvillains\cityofheroes\powers.txt"

That is what I get each time I enter my keybinds. But this is where I have it loaded to. Am I doing something wrong?



Try putting the binds in a new file, g:\coh\cov\powers.txt. Sometimes if the file name is too long it won't load.


Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper


Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute



boy this is a long thread, does anyone know if i can just toggle between fly and hover with one button?

this is what i'm trying:

Button4 "powexec_name fly $$ powexec_name hover"

if im already using fly, it switches to hover. if im using hover, it just turns it off and i fall. if im on the ground, it turns hover on

i've used the same thing with costume changes and they alternate just fine, but i guess powers are a little different



boy this is a long thread, does anyone know if i can just toggle between fly and hover with one button?

this is what i'm trying:

Button4 "powexec_name fly $$ powexec_name hover"

if im already using fly, it switches to hover. if im using hover, it just turns it off and i fall. if im on the ground, it turns hover on

i've used the same thing with costume changes and they alternate just fine, but i guess powers are a little different

[/ QUOTE ]

Haven't tried this, but should work -

c:/cohbinds/fly -
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>bind button4 powexecname Fly$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/hover </pre><hr />

c:/cohbinds/hover -
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>bind button4 powexecname Hover$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/down</pre><hr />

c:/cohbinds/down -
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>bind button4 powexectoggleoff Hover$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/fly </pre><hr />

Again, this is comletely theoretical, no idea if it'll work.



could i add that first part to my character's bind file? or can we load multiple bind files onto one character?



boy this is a long thread, does anyone know if i can just toggle between fly and hover with one button?

this is what i'm trying:

Button4 "powexec_name fly $$ powexec_name hover"

if im already using fly, it switches to hover. if im using hover, it just turns it off and i fall. if im on the ground, it turns hover on

i've used the same thing with costume changes and they alternate just fine, but i guess powers are a little different

[/ QUOTE ]

Your bind will work, but you need to remove the spaces before and after the $$.

Button4 "powexec_name fly$$powexec_name hover"

This will activeate Hover first if neither Hover nor Fly are currently on, but will toggle between them otherwise. Reverse their positions in the bind if you want it to activate Fly first.



could i add that first part to my character's bind file? or can we load multiple bind files onto one character?

[/ QUOTE ]

These will need to be separate files, and you will only need to /bindloadfile one of them.



well i have main bind files for my characters already, that's why i was wondering if each character was limited to just 1 bindfile at a time

and i took the spaces out like the guy above you said, and it works fine now! just 1 extra line in my character's normal bind file



well i have main bind files for my characters already, that's why i was wondering if each character was limited to just 1 bindfile at a time

and i took the spaces out like the guy above you said, and it works fine now! just 1 extra line in my character's normal bind file

[/ QUOTE ]

You can't ever have those spaces between the "$$" dividers and what goes before them and after them. The game code reads those spaces, and interprets you as trying to activate a power called "hover ", for instance. There is no power called "hover " in the game, just one called "hover".



works for costume changes

here's a sample line from one of my bind files

6 "powexec_slot 6 $$ costume_change 3 $$ costume_change 1"



works for costume changes

here's a sample line from one of my bind files

6 "powexec_slot 6 $$ costume_change 3 $$ costume_change 1"

[/ QUOTE ]

Huh. Could be the numbers at the end of the costume slot designations are read as number rather than text, so the spaces are ignored. In any case, it doesn't work for any power names, so it's probably a bad habit that's best to avoid, to prevent yourself trouble when not doing costume changes.



Ah okay got it - I didn't realize you wanted to toggle between Fly and Hover when they were on.



Found this very useful on my MM. here is my revised version. Since i use the arrow keys. This also fixes the two keys at once problem

q "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file c:\covbinds\flight2.txt"
uparrow "+forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
leftarrow "+turnleft"
rightarrow "+turnright"
downarrow "+backward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
space "+up"
x "+down"

q "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file c:\covbinds\flight1.txt"
uparrow "+forward"
leftarrow "+turnleft"
rightarrow "+turnright"
downarrow "+backward"
space "+up"