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  1. this thread is gonna go places
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    Whirlwind has some interesting uses for the AR blaster. The spinning animation of Whirlwind cancels out the rooting effect of Flamethrower and Full Auto.

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    This has me interested, as CP+WW+ corner+ kbm mob+ ignite was one of the first tatics I thought of.
    Does the rooting still get canceled? If so than @_@

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    I thought that this was fixed a few months back.
  3. And PP, just because there is "nothing missing" in the build doesn't mean that it is the best that it could possibly be. Just because you have everything that you want doesn't mean that another Fire/Kin build can't outperform yours.
  4. My $deity sidney, do you really need to post 7 times in a row?
  5. Ultimus made a new thread! Good for him!
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I'd like to be able to put Detention Field on an Enemy or a friend...

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    Too griefable. I'd just get together a team of 4 FFs and 4 kins to SB them, throw on Hasten and cage all the lowbies in Atlas
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    unlike scrappers who usually need a crutch (tanker) for most damage dealing

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    ...I stopped reading here.
  8. I don't know about the guide, but do you mean taking Combat Jumping and Hurdle?
  9. Awesome idea Dark, I'll have to try that sometime =P
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Next thing you know, you'll see Lord Recluse on the box offering a shiny new toy with proof of purchase... I want my glow in the dark Statesman super-decoder ring, dammit

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    Be Damnit!
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Just for giggles, I'll post my build. I won't bother putting down my slotting because that's too much like work.

    1: Smite, Dark Embrace
    2: Shadow Maul
    4: Death Shroud
    6: Swift
    8: Combat Jumping
    10: Shadow Punch
    12: Obsidian Shield -> This is where I'm at now.
    14: Super Jump
    16: Health
    18: Dark Consumption
    20: Stamina
    22: Dark Regeneration
    24: Acrobatics
    26: Soul Drain
    28: Oppressive Gloom
    30: Touch of Fear
    32: Midnight Grasp
    35: Cloak of Fear
    38: Murky Cloud

    The whole part from 30-38 is tentative, I don't know how fear works nowadays but I heard it's not great. Plus there's always the endurance considerations. The whole build looks like a giant AoE aggro machine, doesn't it?

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    That's almost exactly what I have on my DM/DA scrapper, though I think you have Cloak of Fear and Opressive Gloom mixed up.

    From my experience, fear IS worth taking for DM/DA.
  12. Ah okay got it - I didn't realize you wanted to toggle between Fly and Hover when they were on.
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    could i add that first part to my character's bind file? or can we load multiple bind files onto one character?

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    These will need to be separate files, and you will only need to /bindloadfile one of them.
  14. Thanks for the post, I'm partially colorblind (green/red & blue/orange get mixed up alot)

    Very helpful =)
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    boy this is a long thread, does anyone know if i can just toggle between fly and hover with one button?

    this is what i'm trying:

    Button4 "powexec_name fly $$ powexec_name hover"

    if im already using fly, it switches to hover. if im using hover, it just turns it off and i fall. if im on the ground, it turns hover on

    i've used the same thing with costume changes and they alternate just fine, but i guess powers are a little different

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    Haven't tried this, but should work -

    c:/cohbinds/fly -
    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>bind button4 powexecname Fly$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/hover </pre><hr />

    c:/cohbinds/hover -
    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>bind button4 powexecname Hover$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/down</pre><hr />

    c:/cohbinds/down -
    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>bind button4 powexectoggleoff Hover$$bindloadfile c:/cohbinds/fly </pre><hr />

    Again, this is comletely theoretical, no idea if it'll work.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    That's the Autonomous Expert System. I posted details in the Base Construction forum, as well as multiple pics. It's a third-tier Control item, costs 2M Prestige to place, and need a 3.95M room to hold it.

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  17. [ QUOTE ]
    10). Six slot brawl, sprint, and rest

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    My PvP stalker has sprint 3 slotted =D