The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




Mark to my favorites list. Thanks for great discussion!



This should help us out a lot. The new Update 3 includes a couple new /commands. Namely: "powexec_toggleon" and "powexec_toggleoff"

Should be able to use our hover/fly binds with this and not ahve to sheath weapons or unqueue attacks I'd think.



Could this be made into a macro instead?



I love this bind. I modified it just a tad.

I'm a Speeder with no flight abilities anymore. (I respec'ed). I'm a Superspeeder with Jumping.

When I'm moving, I'm at Superspeed and when I'm at rest I'm at Combat Jumping.

This allows me to have Combat Jumping and therefore the defensive bonus available to me in combat.

My ONLY issue has to do with my reflexes. I'm finding it very difficult to navigate the bridges in Circle of Thorns Missions and sometimes I miss doors because I'm too fast.

Ok... I can hit the M (or in my case) the N key to return to normal speed. However then I'm moving at what feels to be a snails pace. Is there a way to basically have two sets of Speed on Demand and have them tied to my mouse buttons?

I had some success with binding the keys but it still doesn't work properly. This is what I want to do.

I want to use the SUPERSPEED bind when I'm in the wide open spaces or on the street. When I'm at rest I'm in Combat Jumping Mode. I want this to be activated with a mouse key.

button 4

I want to use the SPRINT bind when I'm in the narrow hallways or on the rope bridges of Orabanga?. When I'm at rest I'm in Combat Jumping Mode. I want this to be activated with a mouse key.

button 5

Is such a thing possible or is there a better more obvious solution I'm missing?

I bound the mouse keys earlier to Superspeed and combat jumping but found I missed the run around the room almost FLASH kinda feel. I would forget to toggle it off, turn Combat jumping on, etc. THe SoD bind activates SUPERSPEED and then turns it off. Perfect... except for my trouble with reaction times.

I'm flexible with the options. I can accept a "Hit N to alternate between Speed on Demand with Superspeed/Combat Jumping and Speed on Demand with Sprint/Combat Jumping"

Thank you for your time.



Is there a way to basically have two sets of Speed on Demand and have them tied to my mouse buttons?

[/ QUOTE ]

This shouldn't be too hard - 1st you need to run the bind program twice (use different directories for each set) 1 for superspeed & 1 for sprint (or name your prestige power here).

Keep everything else the same except for the reset keys (you will need 2 (1 for each set to load))

If you look back through the posts, I think Gnarly had a more complete step-by-step description of this.

I hope this helps.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Would anyone be interested in having a discussion of how to change Gnarly's basic program to generate the keybinds needed when powexec_toggleon and powexec_toggleoff are available? Has anyone tried creating any binds like SoD on the test system using the new toggle commands?

I started to look at the basic source with the idea of changing them to use the new commands, but I quickly started to run into some design issues. For example:
<ul type="square">[*]Are all the generated files still needed?[*]Why have primary and secondary run powers? Using the toggle commands, if one has both primary and secondary, both would sometimes get turned on.[/list]My simple "guesses" are that one doesn't need all the files and specifying only one run power would work better.

As I understand it, the large number of files are needed so that if multiple direction keys are pressed, the end result of their being released is still correct when all of the releases are executed and the various powexec_name commands get stacked. With the toggle commands, I believe all direction key releases would be trying to toggle on the same set of powers and toggle off the same set of powers, so the results of intermixing wouldn't cause such problems.

Even without the need to generate so many files, a program like Gnarly's is still useful since it lets one easily create different sets of files to cover all of the various requirements (for example: different keys, fly but not hover, ground but no air).



I've got it working, but when I push and hold the a,w,d, etc it does not enter fly mode it stays in hover mode. Not sure what is wrong?



I've got it working, but when I push and hold the a,w,d, etc it does not enter fly mode it stays in hover mode. Not sure what is wrong?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm having the same problem, I've found a couple of ways around it, but it still ends up that you're toggling between fly and hover instead of having it done for you.

So, has anyone gotten a working SoD-type binds after issue 3.



I got it working.. but now sometimes it will not leave fly mode. I will hit q to turn it off and when I start to move it enters fly again. Anyone have any ideas?



I've got it working, but when I push and hold the a,w,d, etc it does not enter fly mode it stays in hover mode. Not sure what is wrong?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm having the same problem, I've found a couple of ways around it, but it still ends up that you're toggling between fly and hover instead of having it done for you.

So, has anyone gotten a working SoD-type binds after issue 3.

[/ QUOTE ]

OK - I tested my SoD last night in I-3 (for the first time) &amp; I didn't have any of the problems you are having.

Two things: 1)Are you using Gnarly's Speed on Demand? If not, that would be my suggestion. &amp; 2) There is a known issue (that has never been solved), but if you "Zone" while in SoD movement (running or flying), the binds get messed up when you arrive in the new zone (you will need to reset using your reset key (I think the default is control-r)). My SoD keys are set to the arrows, so when I zone, I use the "w" key (set to std movement) to move forward to the next zone.

I hope this helps.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Well, Gnarly's SoD doesn't work like it should since I3 for me. Everything was perfect before, but now every movement ket ends up putting me in Hover.

Anybody else having issues, or know a solution?



Just curious...anybody out there planning to update Gnarly's speed-on-demand (since the original author/maintainer has apparently given it up and moved on to other games) to take full advantage of the Kheldian form? It would be kind of cool to be able to choose keys for Kheldian human, nova, and dwarf forms, and to have the flight powers associated with the particular forms kick in on demand. (Though this becomes less of an issue if the Lightbringer's human and nova form flight powers have the same they?)

SOD might also need to be updated to take full advantage of the new toggleon/toggleoff commands, too...



Just curious...anybody out there planning to update Gnarly's speed-on-demand (since the original author/maintainer has apparently given it up and moved on to other games) to take full advantage of the Kheldian form? It would be kind of cool to be able to choose keys for Kheldian human, nova, and dwarf forms, and to have the flight powers associated with the particular forms kick in on demand. (Though this becomes less of an issue if the Lightbringer's human and nova form flight powers have the same they?)

SOD might also need to be updated to take full advantage of the new toggleon/toggleoff commands, too...

[/ QUOTE ]

Since I am nowhere near lvl 50, I don't know if the flight/hover names for the Kheldians are different...

Anyone have an answer to this question?

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



claw, try reinstalling the SoD program, it might just do the trick. I haven't had any problems either.



I've been wanting to dive in and look at Gnarly's SoD source code, since he provides it (or did) on his web page. If its still available, I should be able to go in and make modifications.

I've been wanting to update it to take advantage of ToggleOn and ToggleOff, definitely. In theory, using these two new commands will eliminate issues of drawing weapons and such. You'll no longer need to use Unqueue to turn off sprint and such as he does now in those cases. Also you would no longer have to engage Hover to disengage Fly, and other mutually-exclusive workarounds. All in all, it should make the sum total of bind files smaller by a good margin.

You really wouldn't need to do anything to it deal with Kheldian travels powers. Nova form only has one travel power, and it's inherent, no on/off needed. Peacebringers have versions of flight and hover. The only thing to do is to turn on and off SoD when you switch forms. The only enhancement to the interface would be to allow the input of your Flight powername and Hover powername if different from those.



IIRC the source code is included in the zip file that contains the setup program and whatnot for installing the binds. So if you have the original zip file of SoD or it's contents, you should have the source file too.

It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.



I have the original zip, if someone needs it send me a PM



I have a fly bind that I cooked up, but I can't test it at the moment, could someone tell me if this looks good?


w "+down$$powexec_toggleoff prestige_power_quick$$+powecec_toggleon fly$$+forward"
a "+down$$powexec_toggleoff prestige_power_quick$$+powecec_toggleon fly$$+left"
d "+down$$powexec_toggleoff prestige_power_quick$$+powecec_toggleon fly$$+right"
s "+down$$powexec_toggleoff prestige_power_quick$$+powecec_toggleon fly$$+backward"
X "+down$$powexec_toggleoff prestige_power_quick$$+powecec_toggleon fly$$+down"
w "-down$$powecec_toggleon hover"
a "-down$$powecec_toggleon hover"
d "-down$$powecec_toggleon hover"
s "-down$$powecec_toggleon hover"
X "-down$$powecec_toggleon hover"
c "powexec_toggleoff fly$$powexec_toggleoff hover$$bind_load_file c:/coh/run.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]


w "+down$$powexec_toggleoff hover$$+powexec_toggleon prestige_power_quick$$+forward"
a "+down$$powexec_toggleoff hover$$+powexec_toggleon prestige_power_quick$$+left"
d "+down$$powexec_toggleoff hover$$+powexec_toggleon prestige_power_quick$$+right"
s "+down$$powexec_toggleoff hover$$+powexec_toggleon prestige_power_quick$$+backward"
w "-down$$powexec_toggleoff prestige_power_quick"
a "-down$$powexec_toggleoff prestige_power_quick"
d "-down$$powexec_toggleoff prestige_power_quick"
s "-down$$powexec_toggleoff prestige_power_quick"
c "+down$$powexec_toggleon fly$$+up$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fly.txt"
c "-down$$powexec_toggleon hover"

[/ QUOTE ]



I have a fly bind that I cooked up, but I can't test it at the moment, could someone tell me if this looks good?


w "+down$$powexec_toggleoff prestige_power_quick$$+powecec_toggleon fly$$+forward"
a "+down$$powexec_toggleoff prestige_power_quick$$+powecec_toggleon fly$$+left"
d "+down$$powexec_toggleoff prestige_power_quick$$+powecec_toggleon fly$$+right"
s "+down$$powexec_toggleoff prestige_power_quick$$+powecec_toggleon fly$$+backward"
X "+down$$powexec_toggleoff prestige_power_quick$$+powecec_toggleon fly$$+down"
w "-down$$powecec_toggleon hover"
a "-down$$powecec_toggleon hover"
d "-down$$powecec_toggleon hover"
s "-down$$powecec_toggleon hover"
X "-down$$powecec_toggleon hover"
c "powexec_toggleoff fly$$powexec_toggleoff hover$$bind_load_file c:/coh/run.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]


w "+down$$powexec_toggleoff hover$$+powexec_toggleon prestige_power_quick$$+forward"
a "+down$$powexec_toggleoff hover$$+powexec_toggleon prestige_power_quick$$+left"
d "+down$$powexec_toggleoff hover$$+powexec_toggleon prestige_power_quick$$+right"
s "+down$$powexec_toggleoff hover$$+powexec_toggleon prestige_power_quick$$+backward"
w "-down$$powexec_toggleoff prestige_power_quick"
a "-down$$powexec_toggleoff prestige_power_quick"
d "-down$$powexec_toggleoff prestige_power_quick"
s "-down$$powexec_toggleoff prestige_power_quick"
c "+down$$powexec_toggleon fly$$+up$$bind_load_file c:/coh/fly.txt"
c "-down$$powexec_toggleon hover"

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

Not having tested it, but just from past experience, you might have the break of "What happens if I press 2 movement keys at the same time!" Which will break the binds &amp; put you in perma-movement/fly mode...This was a frequent problem back during the 1st 2 dozen pages of this thread.

Edit: I'll see if I can give it a test run tonight &amp; let you know.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I have updated Gnarly's 3.0 to fix one or two minor bugs that could result in the bind files being created incorrectly and to add the ability to chose the name of your flight/hover powers for e.g. Kheldians.

Unfortunately I don't have the full version of Liberty Basic so I can't produce a compiled version.

In the mean time if anyone wants the .bas file I'd be happy to send it to them, you need at least the Liberty Basic trial version installed to be able to run it though.

I would love to take a look at the code with a view to updating it to use the new toggleon/toggleoff functionality, that part of the code is pretty messy though and I'm having a hard time following what Gnarly did. I don't suppose anyone knows how to get in touch with him do they?





I don't suppose anyone knows how to get in touch with him do they?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not sure if it's Gnarly or not, but if you go to the root directory from the download link, there is an e-mail address at the bottom of the page...

Here is the link for the SoD:

and of course the link for the root directory is:

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd




I don't suppose anyone knows how to get in touch with him do they?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not sure if it's Gnarly or not, but if you go to the root directory from the download link, there is an e-mail address at the bottom of the page...

Here is the link for the SoD:

and of course the link for the root directory is:

[/ QUOTE ]

Aye - I have dropped that person an email in the hopes that they either are or know Gnarly, we'll have to wait and see!





I have spoken with Gnarly!

He's busy with Real Life[tm] at the moment, and actually away on a business trip, but he has offered to take a look at his binds once he gets back and maybe update them to use the the new toggleon toggleoff functionality - this will simplify them a lot, and should make them more robust too.

More info to come in early February, watch this space!




Great deal!! Thanks for staying on this!



Nice, now I don't have to worry about my fly bind being worthless (can't figure out for the life of me how to execute one command on press and one on letting go). Instead I just have to wait till like february or so.