The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!



Posted works just fine... you need to scroll down to the Download section where it says "you can find 2.7 and an alternative site for 3.0 here:", then click on the link that says "Speed on Demand Binds ver2.7".




/bind left "+turnleft"
/bind right "+turnright"

[/ QUOTE ]

I also use this set up. While flying or running using the left and right arrows for turning will it cause any issues with the SOD binds or functionality?

If I am pressing (and holding) the up arrow to fly forward and press the left arrow to turn left while still holding the up key will it mess me up?

At work so I can't try it, but I am really interested in these binds.




The SoD files do not affect the 'turn' keys in any way. Only the actuall movement keys (forward, back, up, down, slide left, and slide right). You shouldn't have any problems.




Great, thanks. This should actually save me a lot of problems. I'm one of those excitable gamers that forget to switch back to hover in the heat of battle!



Sorry to bump this after so long, i generally only check the boards if my server is down, so i'm late in responding to Mister_B.

Mister_B: yeah it's not just during follow, it's when i'm autorunning that a jump will stop my movement. is the fact that i rebound autorun to numpad/ the cause behind this? I'm wondering if it will only work if i leave autorun on the default, (r) even though i use that button for reply...




Blue Streak,

I'm going to see if I get the same. The problem is that follow is set to cancel on jump in SoD, which is very annoying if you have Super Jump or similar. I don't know about auto-run. Being a flyer myself, I've never noticed dropping out of auto-run when rising (space), so I don't know...

I tried to look at the SoD code to fix two bugs I've noticed, but haven't had any luck in that regard. The first is canceling follow on jump, the second is that the binds break when SoD is not on and you use a specific button.

Stopping follow isn't that big a deal I think, just stop being Sidekicked



Anyone know where to get Gnarly's Hover/Fly Bind now?

this link

appears to have a dead-end for it.

[/ QUOTE ]

You can get it at my site. Link is in my .sig



I had a problem with one of these binds actually crashing CoH. I would load it; it would crash CoH. I would reload, and it would work.

I should probably download a current version and try again.



I would load it; it would crash CoH. I would reload, and it would work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Unfortunately, this is a problem that has been discussed many times, and no solution has been found. Version 3.0 of the SoD binds causes some people to crash, and others have no problems with it at all.

It crashes with mine the first time I run it, but after that I can enable and disable it as many times as I want without any problems. As long as it works after that first time, I don't worry too much about it



Are there any similar hover/fly binds which DON'T crash CoH? It was kind of a problem I don't want to deal with.



I don't see the crash as a problem, it happens only once.

Oh and the files is back on my site, if needed.



It was kind of a problem I don't want to deal with.

[/ QUOTE ]

Since it only happens once and then you never have to "deal" with it except for the very first time you use it. But if you're that concerned you can try Wasabi_Joe's binds. A lot of people prefer his binds better, even if they don't have problems SoD. They also work very well, and have never crashed the program when I've used them.



Just got fly, started playing with binds and researching here.
Found Wasabi Joes for the latest version.

It works very, very well. Almost unbreakable so far.
I changed the F to toggle to H, and removed the auto-mouselook stuff, as it was driving me nutty.

Onlt thing I found, on the ctrl-R to reset, the command for F should be "forward", not "++follow", which gives an error when you try to follow anything afterwards.

In fact, the only thing missing I think, is if you do go on follow mode, sprint/fly is not auto-activated.



I installed WasabiJoe's package and it works great.

My only problem is that I tend to play with the right mouse button down almost all the time. Every time I push or release a movement key, it "Un-Mouse-Looks" the cursor, which as the previous poster said, drives me batty.

I don't really know where to begin fiddling with it as he did.



Sorry if this has come up before but I have only read about half these posts. I am using a simple toggle bind for hover/fly now (one key uses a power and then loads another file to switch) but ever since update 2 I am getting chat messages whenever I load a new file. Is there some way I can get rid of these or move them to the other window? I have tried editing my tabs but I can’t find the one that controls these messages. Any help would be appreciated.



I tried the speed on demand binds and noticed a peculiar problem. Any time I stopped moving after having selected a target (and done nothing else) within the last ten seconds, I fell to the ground. Then I tried a simpler bind:

BUTTON4 "powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly$$++autorun$$++mouselook"

It had the same problem. When I hit the button during flight after having selected a target of any sort within the last ten seconds, I fell. Has anyone else noticed this?



The only times I have noticed dropping out of the sky is when launching an attack before stopping so hover can activate.



As I don't know if Wazabi Joe is still around, I'll post here.
I'm actually adapting the binds to my config (I use the arrows keys...) and I saw that, in v2.2, some files don't have the same lines than in the 2_index main file (for exemple : fd.txt, fs.txt, fbarx.txt...). So, which one is the right one to adapt and keep ?
Thanks for you answer



I've run into an interesting bug with the Gnarly binds - when I run around with Super Speed everything is fine, but when I stop Sprint turns on. I've tried both the 2.7 and 3.0 versions of the binds, and it keeps happening consistently. Sadly, I don't have enough magic to know how to remove Sprint from the binds - now that I have SS it's really not needed, and I really enjoy the on-demand feature.



ok perhaps i did something wrong... but i can't turn right... this is irritating, really irritating. e gives me 'using sprit instead of sprint' where i would like to be able to use my usual turning right... any suggestions since i am not greatly computer endowed



ok perhaps i did something wrong... but i can't turn right... this is irritating, really irritating. e gives me 'using sprit instead of sprint' where i would like to be able to use my usual turning right... any suggestions since i am not greatly computer endowed

[/ QUOTE ]

When you installed the binds, you confused move Right(which by default is the D key) with turntright (which by default is the E key) - You will need to reinstall SoD Binds (leave move left & move right as their defaults) & when you start the game type /bind e "turnright" & /bind q "turnleft" - that should straighten you out.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



1.Copy/Paste Code into three different .txt files
2.Edit/Save .txt files onto your CoH gaming computer
(edit <dir> to preferred location)
3.Enter CoH and type /bind_load_file <dir>\powers.txt

FILE: powers.txt
q "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file <dir>\flight1.txt"

FILE: flight1.txt
q "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file <dir>\flight2.txt"
w "+forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
a "+left$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
d "+right$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
s "+backward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
space "+up$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
lshift+space "+down$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"

FILE: flight2.txt
q "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file <dir>\flight1.txt"
w "+forward"
a "+left"
d "+right"
s "+backward"
space "+up"

For further study
Guide to /binds
Various Player /binds

[/ QUOTE ]
Could you explain that in "I have binding issues"?



1.Copy/Paste Code into three different .txt files
2.Edit/Save .txt files onto your CoH gaming computer
(edit <dir> to preferred location)
3.Enter CoH and type /bind_load_file <dir>\powers.txt

FILE: powers.txt
q "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file <dir>\flight1.txt"

FILE: flight1.txt
q "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file <dir>\flight2.txt"
w "+forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
a "+left$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
d "+right$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
s "+backward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
space "+up$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
lshift+space "+down$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"

FILE: flight2.txt
q "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file <dir>\flight1.txt"
w "+forward"
a "+left"
d "+right"
s "+backward"
space "+up"

For further study
Guide to /binds
Various Player /binds

[/ QUOTE ]
Could you explain that in "I have binding issues"?

[/ QUOTE ]

There are many problems with this "original Fly/Hover Bind" Particularly if you hit 2 keys at the same time - I would suggest using Gnarly's Speed on Demand binds - this has worked for me without any major problems. Here is the link - you may want to look back through this thread (I know it goes on forever) to see some of the problems/solutions for this set of binds.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



What i was thinking was if it was possible to have it so combat jumping was on all the time, but when you press the space bar, it would switch to superjump and you would get the distance. once you let go of the space bar it would switch to combat jumping...

[/ QUOTE ]

That's kind of what I was looking for too. I wanted to be able to travel with SJ but automatically switch back to CJ as soon as I stopped (for the defense bonus). I'd been using Gnarly's fly binds with my flyers for some time, and I was thinking that it would be great if could toggle CJ/SJ the same way it toggles hover/fly when in fly mode.

So I decided to change the binds myself. First I used Gnarly's program to create a new version of my fly binds, putting them in a folder called "jumper". Then I edited all the files to change the power names.

So how do you edit hundreds of text files without spending hours on it, and going crazy? I used a freeware program called TextMorph - available at . (Though I'm sure there's other programs that can do mass file editing.) I just selected all of the files in my "jumper" folder, and all of its subfolders, and told it to do 2 actions on them. I told it to change all occurrances of "HOVER" to "COMBAT JUMPING", and change all occurrances of "FLY" to "SUPER JUMP".

It took a few minutes for it to proccess all of the files, but when it was done I had the binds I wanted, and they worked just the way I wanted them to.

I loaded the binds and hit "ctrl-m" to switch to SoD mode, and the sprint toggle works just like it does with my flyers. That's the mode I use when I'm running around in a mission, and I usually just manually toggle combat jumping on. But then when I want to travel a good distance I just hit "f" to toggle into superjump mode. (I'm used to using "f" as my toggle for fly mode, so I decided to keep it the same for jumping.) When I'm in this mode, pressing any direction key automatically turns on super jump. As soon as I release the direction key, it automatically switches me back to combat jumping.

This has been working great for me.



That's kind of what I was looking for too. I wanted to be able to travel with SJ but automatically switch back to CJ as soon as I stopped (for the defense bonus). I'd been using Gnarly's fly binds with my flyers for some time, and I was thinking that it would be great if could toggle CJ/SJ the same way it toggles hover/fly when in fly mode.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm. Interesting. You should call it the JoD binds: Jump on Demand

I would think, though, that you could accomplish the same thing just by making a single bind on the space bar (or whatever key you use for jumping). I don't have my binding hat on at the moment, but it it would work on the same principle as the SoD binds: When Space is depressed, SJ kicks on; When it is released, CJ is on.