The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




I need a variant for characters who have hover but not fly. They need a speed (combat) mode that switches between sprint-no-hover when moving and hover-no-sprint when standing. Normal (non-combat) movement would not do any trick switching and let me control things with the power buttons.

I apologize if this ihaas already been answered. I did some searching and couldn't find it.

Any ideas?



Ok. After I posted last night, I did some further testing. I ran SoD 3.0 and used all defaults. I also uninstalled and reinstalled CoH (took forever because the update server would only give me 75K/s). Still no luck with the binds

Here is the text you requested Gnarly...

LCTRL+R "up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_unqueue$$tell $name, SoD Binds Reset$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\R\R.txt"
LCTRL+M "tell $name, Changing to Normal Movement$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_unqueue$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\reset.txt"
SPACE "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 1$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\R\R_.txt"
X "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 1$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\R\Rb.txt"
W "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 1$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\R\Re.txt"
S "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 1$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\R\Rd.txt"
A "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 1$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\R\Rs.txt"
D "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 1$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\R\Rf.txt"
F "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 1$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\BO\BO.txt"
E "powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_unqueue$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\R\R.txt"
R "forward 1$$backward 0$$up 0$$down 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\AR\AR.txt"
TILDE "follow$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\FR\FR.txt"

LCTRL+R "up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_unqueue$$tell $name, SoD Binds Reset$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\R\R.txt"
SPACE "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 1$$down 0$$forward 1$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\R\R_e.txt"
X "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 1$$forward 1$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\R\Rbe.txt"
W "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_unqueue$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\R\R.txt"
S "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 1$$backward 1$$left 0$$right 0$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\R\Red.txt"
A "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 1$$backward 0$$left 1$$right 0$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\R\Res.txt"
D "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 1$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 1$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\R\Ref.txt"
F "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 1$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\BO\BOe.txt"
E "powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 1$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\R\Re.txt"
R "forward 1$$backward 0$$up 0$$down 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\AR\ARe.txt"
TILDE "follow$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\FR\FRe.txt"

I hope this is useful. I am probably going to do some testing with simpler binds from earlier in this thread to see if anything will work at all.




Hmm, I might have hit the space bar on accident when answering about Fly. Didn't think about that. I re-tested to be sure after seeing your post, see below. I forgot to mention in the first test, when I saw Fly didn't toggle automatically, I manually turned Fly on. Then I pressed the space bar to raise up into the air... and crashed. I should have mentioned it in the first post, but forgot.

Here's some more fun, though. Did some more testing when I got home.

Test 6: a duplicate of Test 1, to make sure I didn't accidently hit a key I shouldn't have
ADD as a single-key to toggle Flight and Ground movement, defaults used for everything else.
Below are the R.txt and Re.txt files created.


LCTRL+R "up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_unqueue$$tell $name, SoD Binds Reset$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\R.txt"
LCTRL+M "tell $name, Changing to Normal Movement$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_unqueue$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\reset.txt"
SPACE "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 1$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\R_.txt"
X "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 1$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\Rb.txt"
W "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 1$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\Re.txt"
S "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 1$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\Rd.txt"
A "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 1$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\Rs.txt"
D "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 1$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\Rf.txt"
add "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 1$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\BO\BO.txt"
R "forward 1$$backward 0$$up 0$$down 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\AR\AR.txt"
TILDE "follow$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\FR\FR.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]


LCTRL+R "up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_unqueue$$tell $name, SoD Binds Reset$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\R.txt"
SPACE "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 1$$down 0$$forward 1$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\R_e.txt"
X "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 1$$forward 1$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\Rbe.txt"
W "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_unqueue$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\R.txt"
S "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 1$$backward 1$$left 0$$right 0$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\Red.txt"
A "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 1$$backward 0$$left 1$$right 0$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\Res.txt"
D "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 1$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 1$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\Ref.txt"
add "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 1$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\BO\BOe.txt"
R "forward 1$$backward 0$$up 0$$down 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\AR\ARe.txt"
TILDE "follow$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\FR\FRe.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

Results: Crashed immediately upon pressing LCtrl+M to activate SoD. Barely saw the chat-bubble of the self-tell come up as it crashed. As a curiosity, I logged back in and pressed LCtrl+M again, just to see what would happen. Strangely enough, this time I did NOT crash, but in fact had perfect functionality. Flight and Ground options worked as they should, and Speed on Demand was flawless.

Go figure.

I did one last test, for completeness

Test 7: same as Test 6, except the "F" key was used instead of "ADD"
The R.txt and Re.txt files that were created:


LCTRL+R "up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_unqueue$$tell $name, SoD Binds Reset$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\R.txt"
LCTRL+M "tell $name, Changing to Normal Movement$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_unqueue$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\reset.txt"
SPACE "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 1$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\R_.txt"
X "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 1$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\Rb.txt"
W "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 1$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\Re.txt"
S "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 1$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\Rd.txt"
A "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 1$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\Rs.txt"
D "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 1$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\Rf.txt"
f "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 1$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\BO\BO.txt"
R "forward 1$$backward 0$$up 0$$down 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\AR\AR.txt"
TILDE "follow$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\FR\FR.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]


LCTRL+R "up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_unqueue$$tell $name, SoD Binds Reset$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\R.txt"
SPACE "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 1$$down 0$$forward 1$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\R_e.txt"
X "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 1$$forward 1$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\Rbe.txt"
W "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_unqueue$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\R.txt"
S "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 1$$backward 1$$left 0$$right 0$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\Red.txt"
A "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 1$$backward 0$$left 1$$right 0$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\Res.txt"
D "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 1$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 1$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\R\Ref.txt"
f "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 1$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\BO\BOe.txt"
R "forward 1$$backward 0$$up 0$$down 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\AR\ARe.txt"
TILDE "follow$$bind_load_file D:\Cityof~1\binds\sod\FR\FRe.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

Results: Did not crash at all, but again worked perfectly as intended.

Again, I'm thinking it has something to do with the "ADD" key. I'm looking at the txt files, and I can't see any differences other than the key used to toggle. When using single-key F it works fine, when using the dual-key defaults E and F it works fine, when using single-key ADD it crashes on initilization.

And now I see Mordaga's post, and I don't see any differences between my working- and his non-working files.

Mordaga, have you tried logging back in AFTER the crash, and seeing if they work for you then? Not sure what else to say, I don't see any differences myself. But then again, I'm a relative newbie at coding

If it helps at all: I'm using Windows 2000, with all the latest Critical Updates and service packs. Direct X 9.0b. ASUS P4 2.8 GHz (I forget which chipset). MSI GeForce FX 5950 with the latest drivers from MSI. 512 MB SDRAM (Kingston). Sound Blaster Platinum 5.1, using old drivers for this because the newest ones cause errors in some other games.

Any other ideas?



A little more info...

I was able to get Wasabi Joe's keybinds (from page 15? of this thread) to install and work correctly. Not sure if that's useful information but you never know.




I wonder if its the quantity of files thats the problem. Maybe they aren't all loading for me. Gnarly, could you suggest a good spot to insert some feedback tells so I can figure out if all the files are getting loaded?

Would more RAM make a difference? I have 512mb.

I wish Wasabi Joe's binds didn't use mouselook or I could get by with those ones more easily.

Enough rambling.




Ok Guys, I looked at those files too, and they looked fine. Except for different keys, identical to what I have used. I've never crashed. Mordaga crashes without using ADD, Filidecht only when he uses ADD. Yes, it could be memory, or the number of files, or the speed of connection. Or any of a lot of things... I just don't know how to go about narrowing it down, and unless there is something about the binds I could change to prevent it, then I couldn't fix it even if I found the cause.

I think for now, if you can't get mine working, you should try a different version. Ahzurdan's worked well, and Falstaff created a batch file so they could be modified. They did not use mouselook either, I don't think.

Ahzurdan's Binds (Falstaff's Batch File)

I haven't used the batch file, but Ahzurdan's binds are much more clever than mine. They use a LOT fewer files. I don't think they have a Blastoff Function, so if that's essential, stay with Wasabi Joe's, and maybe edit them manually to get the keys you want.

Me and Wasabi Joe were using a similar approach, and kept adding files for different key combinations, because the missing combos were 'breaking' the binds - Sprint would be on when stopped, and turn off when running. Ahzurdan came up with a clever Axis approach, and had files just for the X, Y, and Z axis's and their combinations. But I couldn't get some things to work with Ahzurdan's, and adding more key combinations was getting exponentially worse. So to get around this problem, and to allow everybody to use whatever keys they wanted, I created the basic program to create files for EVERY key combo. This was swatting a gnat with a sledgehammer, but it seems to work (for most people) and allows more functionality than previous versions. For example, you can go smoothly into autorun when already running forward manually... I couldn't get this to work with Ahzurdan's setup. But the improvements are relatively minor.

So anyway, there's a bit of history of this post If mine don't work for you, or you just don't want to use a sledgehammer, try out the binds above, or Wasabi Joe's.

Cheers, Gnarly



I like sledgehammers, they make things to *splurt*



It looks like Falstaff also has a batch file to tweak Wasabi Joe's binds on the site you posted Gnarly. I may give that a try next.

I AM willing to put in some debug code if you have any interest in helping me figure out if all your bind files are being loaded. A few strategically placed self-tells in some of the files to report loading progress or something. I'm not sure of the load order so if you can suggest what files might be useful to edit, that would be a big help.

If you don't have the time/energy for tech support tho, I totally understand and I can make-do with the other binds.




I have a question about Gnarly's with Super Speed. Incidentally, on my flying character, Gnarly's 3.0 is AMAZING.

But I have a character that is getting close to using SS only without fly. I should simply put the fly key in an out of the way place (the readme suggests LCTRL-L) and then what? Is there anything else that needs to be done? What does the run mode key do on a super speed character? Or should it be placed out of the way too?

Finally, I have shelved my flyer for now. But if I ever get it out again would I need to change the configuration again? For example, at this point when the program asked if I use hover or fly I answered no to both. Will that blow up my flyer binds if I use the character sometime in the future?

Any configuration advice for a super speed only character would be appreciated! Thank you.



I AM willing to put in some debug code if you have any interest in helping me figure out if all your bind files are being loaded. A few strategically placed self-tells in some of the files to report loading progress or something. I'm not sure of the load order so if you can suggest what files might be useful to edit, that would be a big help.

[/ QUOTE ]

In my first several iterations of SoD, I had a troubleshooting key... each time a program was loaded, this key would be bound to a self-tell which would tell you the name of the file. You can't really use a self tell on the movement key itself, because you'll get a tell "changing to whatever-file", and THEN it'll try to change... but what if it doesn't succeed in changing? Hence the need to press a different key.

This feature was helpful, but I actually never had a problem with a a file not being loaded. I had other problems that got me in the wrong mode and whatnot, but never a loading problem, even when I pressed lots of keys simultaneously as fast as I could. It might have lost track in the middle (I couldn't press my troubleshooting key in between each because I was just pounding on the keys), but it was sorted out in the end. I eventually took that keybind out to make the bind files each a line shorter.

But you testing is a good idea, because while *I* never had problems getting files to load, I don't crash either. Maybe it's not loading files for you? Maybe it's a drivespeed issue, or pagefile, or file handles problem? So, rather than make you manually add a line to each file, I changed the basic file, and created a token file. Don't worry about the details, but if you want to try it, then download this file:

SoD Troubleshooter

It is just a single file zipped. In your SoD program directory, change the name of your old SpeedonDemand30.tkn (the only .tkn file) so you can change back later, and unzip the above file in it's place. Re-run SoD, and this version will change it so that the L key (I hope this is out of the way for you) will tell you what file is in use.

This won't do you any good unless you know basically how the files work.

R - Run Mode
BO - Blast off Mode... you should be in this while still holding down your Fly key
F - Fly mode
SD - Set DOwn - When holding down your Run Key to land
AR - AutoRun Mode
AF - AutoFly Mode
FF - Follow Fly Mode
FR - Follow Run Mode

The individual files are named depending on what keys you have held down.. BUT, they use my key setups, which use EDSF for forward back left right, Space for up (underscore in the file name), and B for down. So, R.txt is the file that should be loaded if you're in run mode, but not moving. If you start to move forward, and hold the key, you should be using Re.txt until you release it, at which time you should change back to R.txt. If you're holding down all movement keys (hard to do ) then the file R_bedsf.txt. Simple, huh? NOTE: You do NOT have to use my key setups... they're just the filenames, which are independent of the binds inside the files. I just needed a short way to show what keys each file was for, and Rforwardrightdown.txt is too long

So, run fly skip and jump around, and keep pressing the L key, and see if all the files load properly. Let us know how it works for you!




I have a question about Gnarly's with Super Speed. Incidentally, on my flying character, Gnarly's 3.0 is AMAZING.

But I have a character that is getting close to using SS only without fly. I should simply put the fly key in an out of the way place (the readme suggests LCTRL-L) and then what? Is there anything else that needs to be done? What does the run mode key do on a super speed character? Or should it be placed out of the way too?

Finally, I have shelved my flyer for now. But if I ever get it out again would I need to change the configuration again? For example, at this point when the program asked if I use hover or fly I answered no to both. Will that blow up my flyer binds if I use the character sometime in the future?

Any configuration advice for a super speed only character would be appreciated! Thank you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, I wrote SoD before I had a superspeeder. Now that I do, it works fine with superspeed (more on that later) but you probably won't want to use SS with SoD. It's just too fast for a lot of things. What I did was leave SoD controlling Sprint only, and I created a toggle key independent of SoD for SS:

/bind c "powexec_name Super Speed"

I just hit that key to manually turn SS on and off. If SS is off, you sprint on demand, if SS is on, you still sprint on demand, but with the greatly increased speed of SS stacked on top of it.

But, if you do want try SS with SoD, then set it up as follows:

Primary Run Power= Super Speed
Secondary Run Power = Sprint (Default, you can just hit Enter)
Unqueue Option = On (Yes, default)

This sets it up so that any character with Superspeed will use it, but those without it will use Sprint instead. If you have superspeed, sprint will NOT be used, because binds can not activate 2 different powers at the same time. Sprint's speed is negligible with SS, however, so you won't even notice. With Unqueue off, it won't work this way. If you need unqueue off, create 2 different versions of SoD in 2 different directories (see next paragraph). Configure one with SS as the Secondary power and nothing for primary, and one with Sprint as Secondary and nothing for Primary. Use the appropriate one for each character.

Using more than one SoD configuration: you can, if you really want, have a different set of binds for each character you use, and just use a different basepath directory. For example, c:\coh\superjoe, c:\coh\superbob, c:\coh\supersteve. This is limited only by diskspace, but I'd suggest something more like c:\coh\fly c:\coh\ss and just run the appropriate manual command for each character in game (the bind_load_file command) to point to the appropriate set of files. Keep the paths shortish, because these are on all your binds, and there is a limit to the length of binds of 256 characters.

For your flyer... you can either overwrite his binds with those of your SSer, in which case if you bring him back, you'll need to rerun SoD. Or you can create a different config, as above, for your SSer without changing your Flyer's binds.

Hope that answers all your questions.




Thank you so much! Great information. Is working perfectly




I installed the Troubleshooting token and rebuilt my binds using all default parameters.

I loaded up the new binds, hit crtl-m, hit e, hit f...crash.
Reboot game and start messing around with keys and hitting the L to trigger the feedback.

As far as I can tell, all the files are loaded. I get the expected feedback from each key and mode I try. The actual SoD functionality still isn't happening, but the L key works beautifully

Incidentally, Wasabi Joe's binds make me crash also, but they work ok after I reboot the game.

Also, I'm not getting the feedback I expect from toggling CRTL-M. I get the 'Entering Normal Movement Mode' message, but not the 'SoD Movement Mode' message.

At any rate, it seems like the files are getting loaded.




Mordaga: Where do you have the SoD files located?



Ok, Mordaga, not surprising results, except I didn't know that Wasabi's binds made people crash also.... thought it was just mine. So, we're still at the point where all we know is that the same binds act differently on different computers. At least now we know it's not file-loading related: the files load fine for me, but I don't crash and SoD works, but while the files also load fine for you (up until it crashes), SoD doesn't work, and you crash.

As for the tells and SoD functionality not working for you, Mordaga, it's just another mystery to add to the list. It's loading the commands from the files correctly, but sometimes it's just NOT executing them, as evidenced by not doing the tells and not doing the sprints/flys whatever.

So thanks for doing the tests, Mordaga. It's a bit more information. We'll probably never figure out what's happening unless the Devs come and tell us, but maybe we'll start noticing a pattern.




Maybe im just too lazy to read all 57 pages..but i just want to add a bind to turn on fly when i hit follow. anyone got the 15 secs it takes to tell me? heh



Hey Blue, good color choice

To answer your question, try this. Type:

/bind {key} "follow$$powexec_name fly$$powexed_name fly"

on the chat line. You DO need to keep the quotes, and replace '{key}' with the key you want to do the comand. This will turn on fly if off, and will leave it on if it is already on (that's why the double command).

Hope that helps!




that kinda worked...but i currently have my binds set to fly when i press wasd...and to hover when i dont.

Your fix ends up switching my fly and hover parts =/

v "powexec_name Super Speed"
f "follow$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly"
n "powexec_name Aim"
b "powexec_name Build Up"
w "+forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
a "+left$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
d "+right$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
s "+backward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"

is what i have atm..simple...prob a few bad spots..but i dont know enough to fix it all.



bah NM, Downloaded Gnarly's SoD and it seems to work good atm. =)



to whomever can help me:

i am using the bind on the VERY first page of this post, and im running into a frustrating problem:

i can load the first file in the keybind sequence, powers.txt, and it functions as it should, shutting off sprint and putting me into hover mode... HOWEVER, it does NOT load the file flight1.txt and thus, not entering fly mode when i move forward.

i am getting this curious error as well:

bind takes 1 args, you gave 4
reads a list of keybinds from a file
bind_load_file <string>

my directory path is c:\program files\city of heroes\powers.txt and so on.

any help would be appreciated.



I just started using the SOD the other night and it is phenomanal. It crashed my game the first time loading the binds, but after that it works fine. Definately made fly a much more fun and useful power. THANK YOU for all the work on it.

Champion Server
Hiruko --Scrapper lvl 50-- katana/regen
Dream Demon--Up and coming MFWarshade




To fix your current binds go through each of the bind files you use and replacing ALL references to "C:\Program Files\City of Heroes" to instead read "C:\Progra~1\Cityof~1". That should cause your files to work properly.

As an alternative, you can store all your binds in a simple folder without any spaces, used just for binds. Many people here use "C:\CoH"; it's short, simple, easy to remember, and no spaces so no args errors

This error is caused when there are spaces in the path to your files; unfortunately the game cannot recognize long file or folder names. "Program Files", and "City of Heroes" have spaces in them, so the game sees each space as seperating arguments instead of as one long path (Yes, even if they are in quotes, it can cause errors).

The way around this is to use the older "DOS" style of folder references. Before Windows 95, Microsoft operating systems could only recognize 8 characters for each folder and file name. When Windows 95 came around allowing long file names, some older programs still did not recognize the extra letters, so to compensate they had to be referred to by the first six letters of the folder name followed by a ~1. For example, your exact path should be:


Most programs now can read long file names. However, CoH's bind commands have to use spaces to seperate multiple parameters (or arguments), so using filenames and folders with spaces causes the program to see it as seperate arguments. "C:\Program" it thinks is one argument; "files\city" is the second, "of" the third, and "heroes\powers.txt" the fourth: hence the error message, "bind takes 1 args, you gave four." It's counting the word-groups seperated by spaces.



Thank you Filidecht! 'applauds'

i was unaware of the syntax required here, im new to binding, if you haven't guessed.

thanks for the help, i hope this works.



I installed SoD, the Sprint seemed to work great, but the Hover/Fly button wouldn't work. I set run & fly to both 'E', but that key doesn't seem to do anything. Since azhurdan's bindings worked beautifully, I didn't think anything about it and reset my bindings to the default through the options menu. Then I loaded up azhurdan's binds, and now I crash almost immediately after I start flying, 2 minutes into the game, every single time.

BTW, as soon as I loaded the "reset.txt" file from SoD for the first time, CoH crashed and I had to reboot.


EDIT: actually, when azhurdan's binds are loaded, the game crashes a couple seconds after moving at all, flying or not.