The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




I checked the link to SoD out of curiosity and noticed it's at 3.0 now. I am using 2.7. How do I 'upgrade'? Just recreate with the new SoD installer or do something else? And what changed? I saw the release notes but they were not overly detailed on what changed between 2.7 and 3.0.
I will say I love SoD and big props to Gnarly for creating them!

It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.



I checked the link to SoD out of curiosity and noticed it's at 3.0 now. I am using 2.7. How do I 'upgrade'? Just recreate with the new SoD installer or do something else? And what changed? I saw the release notes but they were not overly detailed on what changed between 2.7 and 3.0.
I will say I love SoD and big props to Gnarly for creating them!

[/ QUOTE ]

About a dozen posts back I posted a little about 3.0. The short answer though, is that if you're happy with 2.7, don't worry about 3.0. Unless you have a fly-only character (doesn't know hover) or a hover-only character who wants to move without the falling-out-of-the-sky problem when attacking and moving, then you don't need to upgrade.

If you DO want to upgrade, then you just unzip the new files on top of the old... only a few of them change, the .exe and the .tkn, but overwrite all to be sure. Then when running the program, if you install to the same base path as before, then all the old bind files will be overwritten automatically. If you want to play with different configurations then you can install to different base paths, and manually delete any bind sets you later choose not to use.

Hope that answers your questions,




Great binds guys, using it for my En/EN blaster, saves a ton of research, in a previous life I was a programmer so this stuff fasinates me but I just don't have the time (new baby..I'm an old man ).

I'm building up a scrapper now and was wondering if there is a jumping equivelant. i.e CJ is alway active unless jump is pressed then SJ kicks in, with the toggle to turn this off.

can't seem to find anything, thanks in advance



Hi there,

just discovered this thread and your download yesterday, thanks for such a great program. was wondering if you could tell me how to get it to work with prestige power surge instead of sprint. i've tried "prestige power surge" and "prestige_power_surge" and neither of them work.

Blue Streak

[/ QUOTE ]

I have that prestige power too and the name you need is "prestige power surge ". Note the space at the end. Guess someone got sloppy when they coded it or something but that's the power's actual name.

It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.



omg, space at the end. who'd have thought.

Back_Blast, i seriously love you.

...platonicly of course.

Blue Streak



It's nice to be loved.

Took me a good bit of effort to figure that out when I was first setting up SoD. Hovering the pointer over the power doesn't give the extra space away. I finally had to go into the game, activate and deactivate the power, then look carefully at the status messages generated. That's the only place the extra space becomes apparent.

It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.



To Gnarly:
I am using your Speed on Demand program to create my bind files. I have run into a big problem! (for me at least)
While following the prompts in the program it asks you for the keys for going forward, backward, left and right. I prefer to use the up, down, left and right buttons respectively for this. The problem I have is that the program writes the keybinds so that left and right are making me "strafe" instead of "turn".
Any way to fix this? I tried editing the reset.txt file but it still does the same thing.



Since I have Fly binded right now, I guess this can be asked here, but does anyone know the command to unbind a power from a key without resetting all keybinds? I want Super Jump binded to my up key, which has Fly already binded on it, but don't want to reset all my keybinds and then enter them in again.



I believe you can just do a new /bind for it, or edit your bind scripts and then re-load them. I think a key can only hold one bind at a time, so if you set a new bind to your up key it should use the new command and ignore the old.

So in your case, just a /bind up "Super Jump" from in-game should do it. If you have any "reset" type of scripts, make sure you update the new bind there as well, otherwise you might accidently put Fly back in



To Gnarly:
I am using your Speed on Demand program to create my bind files. I have run into a big problem! (for me at least)
While following the prompts in the program it asks you for the keys for going forward, backward, left and right. I prefer to use the up, down, left and right buttons respectively for this. The problem I have is that the program writes the keybinds so that left and right are making me "strafe" instead of "turn".
Any way to fix this? I tried editing the reset.txt file but it still does the same thing.

[/ QUOTE ]


Speed on Demand means "turn on sprint etc when moving". You aren't moving when turning, so my binds don't affect those keys at all. When my program asks for "right" and "left" it means strafing in those directions

So, to fix it, re-run the program and configure the right and left keys to the keys you want to use for strafing. If you don't strafe, then you can just bind them to some out of the way key combo. But, the right and left keys will still remember the old (now invalid) binds, so re-bind them as follows from the chat window in-game, or add lines to your reset.txt file to bind them the same way:

/bind left "+turnleft"
/bind right "+turnright"

That should fix you up.

Since I have Fly binded right now, I guess this can be asked here, but does anyone know the command to unbind a power from a key without resetting all keybinds? I want Super Jump binded to my up key, which has Fly already binded on it, but don't want to reset all my keybinds and then enter them in again.

[/ QUOTE ]


What Filidecht says is correct. Simply bind a new function to a key, and it'll replace the previous bind. If you're using my binds, however, and you have fly bound to the up key, this won't work as the binds for all movement keys are re-bound every time you move, so any bind you set manually is over-written. In this case you'll have to re-run my bind program, configure Fly to a different key, and then bind the up key to superjump, or whatever you like. It will then no longer be overwritten by my binds.

The command to enter from the in-game chat window to set the up arrow key to toggle super jump is:

/bind up "powexec_name super jump"

To All,

I'll be traveling for work for a couple weeks, leaving Monday, to Haiti of all places, and I don't expect to have frequent access to the internet. Could all of the masochistic people who have followed this thread, and continue to follow it, help with questions that arise? Your help to this point has helped a lot, and will be even more welcome while I'm gone.

Thanks all,




Thanks Gnarly.
I had already figured it out. I had to reload my saved bind file first and then run the SoD program. When it asked for those four keys I just did forward to "up" and backward to "down". Then for left and right I just used the default "a" and "d" keys. Worked like a charm!
I would also like to thank you for this awesome little program. I LOVE it!



I am using a modified version of the OP's bind, but I am having a problem with autorun/fly. When I click on autorun, it puts me into hover instead of flight. I haven't tried using it for follow yet, so I doin't know if there will be problems with that.
This is what I am using.

numpad4 "powexec_name prestige power rush$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file C:\flight1.txt"

numpad4 "powexec_name prestige power rush$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file C:\flight2.txt"
up "+forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
left "+left$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
right "+right$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
down "+backward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"

numpad4 "powexec_name prestige power rush$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file C:\flight1.txt"
up "+forward"
left "+left"
right "+right"
down "+backward"

I have up and down set in options so that I can jump without hover turning on.

Can anyone tell me what I need to add to this or change in order to be able to auto fly without it messing up the bind?



I admit to not having read the previous 500+ posts, so maybe this flaw has been dealt with.

I've just tried the SoD binds, and they look good, but I found one problem: Sprint is turned on when Fly is turned on using SoD. From what I can tell, doing this sucks down more endurance but does not increase Fly's speed.

I determined this by testing: fly back and forth between two points and time how long it takes. Try flying the same stretch with Sprint on and off. From what I can tell, it takes exactly the same time either way. However, with SoD I appear to be using up more endurance on the same trip, since both Fly and Sprint are on.

So, if you confirm this, Gnarly, I hope you'll fix SoD to not turn on Sprint while Flying. Or am I missing something? Anyway, SoD is very very cool, I'll certainly use it for my non-flying characters in the meantime.



Gnarly, the SoD ROCKS! Downloaded it & ran it, and 5min later I'm flying & running on demand quite nicely. Love it.

only comment is if there's a way to suppress the echoing of the binds (the trace spew) in the upper chat window. I'd really like to suppress that, and if I can't, then I'll at least need to change the font color of the 'bind' echos to something less alerting.

thanks again - and good job!



In the chat options, turn off your system messages (chat window, options menu). You'll loose ALL your system messages, but I don't recall missing any of them really.

I'll turn this back on if I'm testing new binds though. That's the only thing I can think of where they were of any use....



I've just tried the SoD binds, and they look good, but I found one problem: Sprint is turned on when Fly is turned on using SoD. From what I can tell, doing this sucks down more endurance but does not increase Fly's speed.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not 100% but I thought I read that fly/hover and sprint are mutually exclusive....

I determined this by testing: fly back and forth between two points and time how long it takes. Try flying the same stretch with Sprint on and off. From what I can tell, it takes exactly the same time either way. However, with SoD I appear to be using up more endurance on the same trip, since both Fly and Sprint are on.

[/ QUOTE ]
Was it a short trip that you were flying?
when you first activate fly there is an end hit. By flying back & forth you are probably letting go of the keys between directions thereby constantly switching fly on & off taking a x% endurance hit every time. Try running the same test by flying around a building or accross a suburb (constant flight - no switching fly on & of) & see how that compares. Also try repeatedly taping the forward flight button so that flight cuts in & out a lot - watch how fast your end drops.

So, if you confirm this, Gnarly, I hope you'll fix SoD to not turn on Sprint while Flying. Or am I missing something? Anyway, SoD is very very cool, I'll certainly use it for my non-flying characters in the meantime.

[/ QUOTE ]

I love these binds you just have to have a steady hand to use them without burning excessive amounts of end. I'm still using My own variation of Wassabi Joe's binds but the principle is the same. I like the resets in Wassabi's & I turn the SOD on & off as i go through a mission to conserve end. Fly to where you want to go & stay put. You will burn a lot less end that way. Flit all over the room not ownly will you burn more end but you'll probably annoy the tank that's trying to taunt off you & the defendr that's trying to heal you

Give em a try again only be aware of how much you are repositioning. If you train yourself to use them effectively they're amazing




I have run the program and set things up. I make my bind, but when I hit LCTRL-M my game crashes utterly. Any ideas?



I crashed the first time I used Gnarly's 3.0 version as well, afterwards I would periodically get errors where it could not read a certain bind file. Also I noticed that in the 3.0 version I ended up sprinting when not moving (when moving I'd be in super speed) where as the last version I didn't see this problem.

Unfortunantly I can no longer get the previous version.



Since Gnarly will be out of town for a couple of weeks, I hope he won't mind me doing this. I still have the 2.7 version of the program, and will temporarily host it here. This is for troubleshooting comparison only; I don't want to mirror his files without his permission, so the download will only be active through the weekend (August 8, 2004).

I have not had a chance to test out v.3 yet, so I don't know what the differences are. If you find 2.7 works better please leave a reply here to let Gnarly know. Do not email me... I am not a programmer by any means, so I won't be able to fix anything myself



Have the game devs made any comments regarding the implementation (or non-implementation) of similar functionality in a future CoH update? It seems like such a basic need for the game...



Have the game devs made any comments regarding the implementation (or non-implementation) of similar functionality in a future CoH update? It seems like such a basic need for the game...

[/ QUOTE ]

I haven't seen them say any such thing and I doubt they will. The existing bind system allows for this sort of functionality while leaving the choice of whether to use it up to the user. While I will grant that they could perhaps make some changes to make this sort of thing easier to do and code, my feeling is that the Devs are happy with things as they are.

It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.



Wow. To all you smart people.....thanks from the average small minded boobs

The batch file worked great!!



Quick question.

I want to use the down arrow to go down instead of the X. I changed the script for it by changing the X after SET to down arrow and it tells me when i push it in game Uknown Command Arrow.

I used Down Arrow since that is what the bind said that key is called. I know im editing properly since I have changed a few other keys to suit my needs.

If i change it to down arrow in game then it makes me go down at hover speed rather than at fly speed.



Quick question.

I want to use the down arrow to go down instead of the X. I changed the script for it by changing the X after SET to down arrow and it tells me when i push it in game Uknown Command Arrow.

I used Down Arrow since that is what the bind said that key is called. I know im editing properly since I have changed a few other keys to suit my needs.

If i change it to down arrow in game then it makes me go down at hover speed rather than at fly speed.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not sure if I completely understand you, but what I think you mean is that you use the arrow keys for movement (like me). And you bound Down to the Down Arrow & when you move down, you are still in hover mode (not fly).

That is because the Down Arrow (it's actual name is just down) no longer activates SoD, by overwriting the bind you disabled Sod on that key.

I bound Down to Numpad0 - keeping the Down Arrow to Backward.

I don't know if this answers your question correctly, but I hope I helped.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Numpad0 will work fine...good idea...

One more question....i have a toon with superspeed...I modfied the sprint to default to superspeed and i love it...however at times in dungeons its too close quarters for do i make a second toggle to use sprint instead of SS.......sorta how fliers have ground and air one..