The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!





[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, but it's worth going through the whole thread - took me over 3 days (from work, so I couldn't do it continually)!

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



The binds *can* be fixed, but like you said in an earlier post, you don't want to have to specialize them so much for people's specific needs.

If there were options for hover only or no-fly at all, some people would benefit.

With *just* hover, you don't have to queue or unqueue it, since it's a toggle. I know when I used the binds before I got fly, it caused me to fall numerous times because of enabling/disabling the power when moving, which was no necessary because I didn't have fly yet.



Okay here are my specs.

512 MB RAM
ATI Radeon 9600

My mom's is an Alienware PC running an nvidia fx card.

Both running XP Pro.

I am unsure what to do. Guess I can try reinstalling XP and then CoH. Not sure if that would help though.



The binds *can* be fixed, but like you said in an earlier post, you don't want to have to specialize them so much for people's specific needs.

If there were options for hover only or no-fly at all, some people would benefit.

With *just* hover, you don't have to queue or unqueue it, since it's a toggle. I know when I used the binds before I got fly, it caused me to fall numerous times because of enabling/disabling the power when moving, which was no necessary because I didn't have fly yet.

[/ QUOTE ]

So Nixxed, are you actually saying that I'm not fixing the falling out of the sky problem because I don't want to? Hah, you are so way off base.

Ok, lets look at the problem closer. Maybe it would happen less (it would/could definitely still happen, but MAYBE less often) if I took out the self correcting features of the binds. As an example:

W "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 1$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name fly$$bind_load_file C:\CoH\F\Fe.txt"

That is the standard line for changing from stopped, to moving forward. The 2 hovers are in there so if you don't have fly you move into hover. The two flys are in there for exactly the same reason if you DO have fly.

Yes, I can have a single call to each. But that is what caused all the problems with the binds 'breaking' and getting you in the wrong modes - flying when stopped, hovering when moving. These double calls when going into fly, and single calls with unqueue when coming out of fly, are what corrects that. Yes, it's a toggle, but if you just call it once, it will get screwed up and be toggling at the wrong times. If you prefer that to falling out of the sky more, then go back to one of the earlier bind sets. Ahzurdan's work quite well, and Falstaff has a script that lets you reset the keys.

It's a choice I guess, and yes, I made that choice. Maybe people do fall out of the sky less with Ahz's binds because, I believe, he just toggles them. I should play with his binds for a couple nights. But the way I have them set up, I don't fall out of the sky (by flying methodically), and I don't get the modes screwed up. Maybe I'll make hover and fly optional/configurable. Maybe I'll have some time this weekend to test doing it a fundamentally different way... maybe I've gotten tunnel vision, and I can somehow prevent falling from the sky, and keep the self-correcting features. But you say it can be fixed, Nixxed... Please tell me how, without breaking something else. YOU get in there and test, and change things, and spend an entire SUnday in the game without a single experience point to show for it.

You also refer to a post where I declined to make a change for somebody's unusual play style. This is a WHOLE separate issue from a problem such as the falling out of the sky one. These unique playstyle changes are the ones I'm resistant to changing. One guy wanted to change the running portion so that you automatically go into hover when stopping, because he'd forget to go into hover when fighting (I did this one actually, because it was simple, but didn't announce it, and his very next message asked for yet more specific changes to save himself pressing keys). I've gotten requests for flying-only characters, without hover, who don't want the binds to change to hover when stopping... a very reasonable request, but a completely different beast then what I set out to write... it's not speed on demand, it's just speed period. These would all be useful to SOME people, but not many.

But I do have a life, and I also want to play the darn game sometimes. I just don't have the time to make everybody happy. In the first half of this post, this was fun puzzle solving and figuring things out. Now it's just work, which I do because I like helping people out.

The .bas is there, and it's really not that hard. If you think it's so easy to fix Nixxed, then you fix it.




Okay here are my specs.

512 MB RAM
ATI Radeon 9600

My mom's is an Alienware PC running an nvidia fx card.

Both running XP Pro.

I am unsure what to do. Guess I can try reinstalling XP and then CoH. Not sure if that would help though.

[/ QUOTE ]

Same Operating systems... hmm. I would suggest you NOT go to all the trouble of reinstalling everything. It's just a lot of work with NO guarantee it would change anything. And I doubt it's hardware, really.

The main goal is to get you in the air flying... so maybe try Ahzurdan's binds, and see if you have the same problems? Mine really only differ from his in that there are more files, and I use +zoomin$$-zoomin, and then up 1$$down 0 etc to get movement instead of +up toggles. So maybe it's something there that is causing your particular installation of CoH to crash. So try his and let us know if they work for you.




Ok, just to make sure I hadn't missed something a month ago when I originally tested out my binds, I tried them without the double calls when flying. It does not help with the falling-out-of-the-sky problem at all.

You are correct, Nixxed, in that neither hover nor fly need to be called when starting and stopping if you do not HAVE fly already. Of course you don't need speed on demand either, because you don't have speed. But to work with sod on the ground, I'll still have to do the bind_load_files because those are what keep track of which keys are pressed and which not.

Anyway, next week, I'll try to modify the program for hover-only, and fly-only characters, and while i'm at it, I might as well change them for characters with neither, so there is just no fly key at all. Mainly, this will help the fly-only characters who can not currently use the binds. The hover-only characters can already use them, but at least they won't fall out of the air at all. Of course, if hover or fly gets turned off, for example if you're stunned, it won't turn back on automatically either.

Anyway, maybe I overreacted to Nixxed's suggestion that I didn't fix the falling-out-of-the-sky problem because I was lazy. Normally I like helping people out, so please continue to post questions and requests. I do, however, miss the exchange of ideas that this thread was originally, so if you know how to program in Basic, and want to improve on my binds, please do. The .bas file is always included in the download, and available separately for those that don't need the executable portion.




Hey, hey! Awesome mod. Something I encountered while goofing with it, though.... I told the files to store in C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\Binds which worked fine, and I copied the line from your program and pasted it into COH, and it complained at me because it read the argument as 4 different arguments. I fixed that by adding quotation marks around the path, and it was happy, but there were more issues....

In addition to having a little trouble loading the binds, AutoRun/AutoFly had issues turning off when going backwards, and Sprint would never turn off. (Didn't try with fly because I'm still lvl 12). I eventually noticed that the reason was because it was trying to do the bind loads using the path I gave without the quotation marks, and it was unsucessfully loading the files.

To fix this problem, you should probably check to see if the path has quotation marks in it from the user, and if not, always add them, otherwise for people like me who use path names with spaces, COH will be very unhappy.

Once I worked around that problem, the binds worked perfectly. Thanks.



Hey, hey! Awesome mod. Something I encountered while goofing with it, though.... I told the files to store in C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\Binds which worked fine, and I copied the line from your program and pasted it into COH, and it complained at me because it read the argument as 4 different arguments. I fixed that by adding quotation marks around the path, and it was happy, but there were more issues....

[/ QUOTE ]

That won't work. The commands themselves use quotation marks so you cannot use quotation marks in your path without messing up the commands.

You need to use the 8.1 version of your name (the non-long filename version). Unless there's something strange going on with your system, this will be c:\progra~1\cityof~1\binds. Try putting that in as your path, and all should be well!




I wasn't meaning my post to be a flame. I was just trying to add to the discussion, but it probably came off in the wrong tone.

I can't complain, because you helped fix a problem I had right off the bat.

If you would ever like help testing/developing (perhaps using a different language or something - for better UI/ease of use?) I would gladly help.



I'm a little lazy to read through all 30+ pages of this thread. Anyone want to link to a new thread with a summary of the improtant binds/improvements noted in this thread? Thanks!



Hey Gnarly, sorry for taking so long to reply about this. Here is the problem i seem to be having:
I load up the binds, then hit lctrl+m and nothing happens (no tells saying entering sodbind mode) then if i move forward, sprint turns on, but it stays on and never turns off, unless i hit lctrl+r, which will toggle between sprint and hover. lctrl+r give the sod binds reset or normal movement reset message as it should. Here are the lines you ascked for, the path to the root of the binds is I:\coh\binds

W "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 1$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file I:\CoH\binds\R\Re.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

W "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$up 0$$down 0$$forward 0$$backward 0$$left 0$$right 0$$powexec_name SPRINT$$bind_load_file I:\CoH\binds\R\R.txt"

[/ QUOTE ]

As a final note, i am using a microsoft natural keyboard, i dont see how that could effect this but just an FYI. Thanks for any insight into this, i really would love to use these binds!




Hmm... those binds look correct, but they're obviously not executing. Tricky... several things might be happening here.

- I:\ sounds like a mapped network drive? If this is the case, try the binds on a local harddrive. Maybe the files aren't loading quick enough, and you're calling another bind file before the first is finished loading, and everything is getting out of whack.

- Screwed up binds. Did you use other keybinds, either from another configuration of my binds, or somebody elses, on different keys? My binds don't clear old binds (it wouldn't know where they were), so if you accidentally hit a key still bound the old way, it'd load a file that might screw things up.

-Are you getting any "unable to locate file I:\coh\binds...." or "file does not exist" errors (forget the exact text of that error when it can't find the specified bind file), or anything like that when you try to load the reset.txt file, or press any other keys?

If none of these ideas leads you to a solution, do a "/bind_save" command from the game, and take a look at the c:\keybinds.txt file, and maybe post or send me the lines for the mode key, the reset key, and the forward key.

We'll figure this one out.




Thanks for taking the time to review thi Gnarly. In response to your points:

- my I: is a local drive. I like to split up my 200GB of space into multiple drives with multiple functions, I being my second "gaming" drive.

-The binds from this installer were the only ones i ever tried to load. I've releaded the old keybinds.txt that i saved before loading these after i couldn't get them to work, but since then have reloaded your binds and keep them in normal mode.

-Nope, not getting any errors like that, and i know what you're referring to because i've seen them when i type a path in wrong once.

I'll do a save and take a look at what's going on, and let you know if i find anything strange.



Ok, I've put up version 3.0. There are no huge changes, but I'd been on 2.x for a while.

If 2.7 is working for you, you probably DON'T want to download 3.0. The only real change is that it allows you to tell the program if you have hover and/or fly, and there will probably be bugs until 3.3 But if you have hover-only characters and don't want to fall out of the sky at all, or if you have Fly-only characters for which the binds didn't work before, this will take care of you.

For Hover-Only characters: You will now no longer fall from the sky when you activate a power when starting and stopping movement.

For Fly-Only Characters: The binds will now work for you. It's not actually Speed on Demand, as you always have speed in the air, but you can use SoD on the ground, and use fly for traveling.

You can choose "No" to both Hover and Fly for characters without either power, reducing the number of files created. Of course, if you have one character without hover and fly, and one with, you can still use the same binds... just don't hit the fly key when using your non-flying character. You can also choose No to both, even if you do have the powers, if you simply don't want SoD while in the air, but want to use Sprint on Demand on the ground.

Also, a trick in case you want to use SoD Only in the Air, and NOT automatically turn on sprint when on the ground: For Primary Run Power, hit enter to choose nothing. For Secondary Run Power, Select "X". X will replace Sprint, and since there is no actual power "X" won't do anything. If you also choose No to powexec_unqueue option then your movement on the ground should act pretty normally (no SoD), but you'll still have SoD in the air. This would have worked this way for several versions, but I don't think I thought of it when somebody asked earlier about using SoD only in the air.




Hi there,

just discovered this thread and your download yesterday, thanks for such a great program. was wondering if you could tell me how to get it to work with prestige power surge instead of sprint. i've tried "prestige power surge" and "prestige_power_surge" and neither of them work.

Blue Streak



Hi Blue Streak,

I don't have any prestige powers, but if you hover the mouse over the button that normally turns on this power in the game, then it should tell you the exact name which you need to use. From what others have posted about Presige Powers, I think it'd be more like your first try "Prestige Power Surge".

Enter the power name in place of Sprint, when the program prompts you for "Secondary Run Power".

Let me know how it goes,




How about in the next version making it so that it either tells you, "Hey, dude, don't use directory names with spaces in them" or else quotates such names in the bind files? I put my finds in F:\Games\City of Heroes\directoryname and after I loaded reset.txt and hit Control F, it told me I gave bind load too many arguments. there any way to make it keep me in mouse look mode ALL THE TIME, not just when running, except when I specifically toggle off? Sometimes I need to look around while I"m standing still, too. And when I turn mouselook on, then run, when I stop running mouselook gets toggled off again! :/



How about in the next version making it so that it either tells you, "Hey, dude, don't use directory names with spaces in them" or else quotates such names in the bind files?

[/ QUOTE ]

This "problem" has been mentioned several times throughout the forum. There are two solutions you can try on your own without Gnarly repeating himself again or altering the code unnecessarily:

You can save your binds in an easy-to-access folder, such as "C:\Coh", and then load them from in game... The binds DO NOT have to be in the City of Heroes installation folder/drive in order to work.

If you are anal like me and want to keep everything together, use the old DOS style name for your folder. In your case, it would be F:\Games\Cityof~1\directoryname. So I would suggest re-running Gnarly's program, and when asked for the folder name remember to use the "Cityof~1" (without quotes). This is what I do with mine, and I have no problems. The reason you get the "too many arguments" error is because the game does not recognize the spaces in the path, and tries to interpret them as seperate arguments in the command.

[ QUOTE ] there any way to make it keep me in mouse look mode ALL THE TIME

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, this is also easy to do. Since you're re-running Gnarly's program anyway to fix your directories, we can do this at the same time. When you're asked if you want to enable mouse-look while running, answer NO. If you answer Yes, you are telling the script to toggle it on and off when you move or stop moving. If you say NO, it stays with the default, and does not toggle. Then, next time you're in game, make sure that the mouselook is on in the options, and you're good to go; no more toggling

If you have any problems, try resetting the binds with the in-game button in the Options menu, then load the bind again. Sometimes they get funny when loading the first time (at least, for me they do), I don't know why.

I want to thank everyone that's contributed to this thread. I've been a lurker since the beginning, and I had fun testing out all the various bind scripts that people were coming up with early on (and I miss the exchange-of-ideas that this thread started out as). Gnarly did a great job compiling everything together in one easy-to-install program. Thanks again, all!




Thanks Filidecht, I couldn't have said it better myself

Some additional binds which might help some people, but aren't related to SoD:

If you want to setup mouselook so it's on all the time sometimes, you can just map a key to ++mouse_look as well as through the in game interface. Just add this line to some key that is NOT configured by SoD:

lshift+rbutton "++mouse_look"

I normally use the Right mouse button for mouse-look-while-I-press, so it's intuitive if I want to make it sticky, to hold down shift and press (and release) the right mouse button. You'll remain in mouselook until you click on the right mouse button (with or without shift) again.

Similarly for Super Jumpers, I'd suggest adding this bind:

lshift+space "++up"

This allows you to press shift and the space bar (which I normally use for jump) so I will autojump without holding down the spacebar. If you're in autorun (SoD or otherwise), then you'll bounch your way across Paragon city even if you go get a snack.

SoD doesn't configure all your binds, just ones you want "on demand" or while moving. If you want to know more about binding in general, I suggest you check out the "Post your Binds Here" thread (in the same FAQ/User Guides Forum as this post) which has a LOT of good information on binds.




can anyone pm me and send me a link to a good bind for fly/hover? im kinda new and id really appreciate nto having to read though all 50 pages to find it



Have a look at the link in Gnraly's sig (the post right above yours). That is a link to donw-load his batch file. The basic directions are there as well. And if you have probs, post here. There are a bunch of people that will be more than happy to hepl you out.

Good Luck!




Similarly for Super Jumpers, I'd suggest adding this bind:

lshift+space "++up"

This allows you to press shift and the space bar (which I normally use for jump) so I will autojump without holding down the spacebar. If you're in autorun (SoD or otherwise), then you'll bounch your way across Paragon city even if you go get a snack.

[/ QUOTE ]

hehe - I was going to post about this question yesterday, but you had already answered it (you must have been working the old crystal balll!)

One note on this: Press your movement key 1st then hit the auto jump key (doing it in reverse order cancels out the auto jump as does releasing your movement key).

Very nice add on to an already great set of binds.


Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Is there a program somewhere in these 50 pages that has a link to a downloadable program for creating binds? A friend tyold me about it and I can not seem to be able to find it.

Thanks for any help.



Is there a program somewhere in these 50 pages that has a link to a downloadable program for creating binds? A friend tyold me about it and I can not seem to be able to find it.

Thanks for any help.

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4 posts above yours.




[/ QUOTE ]4 posts above yours.


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Thanks Kal!