The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




It looks like you just changed "sprint" to "primary".

What you needed to do was:

Change powexec_name Sprint to powexec_name %primary%

Use the "powexec_name" in the Replace, and keep the "%" signs.

The new version of the binds is up on my website.



Thanks for the answer!
As i was suspecting that the problem was coming from the unqueue thing, i had already tried to make separate folders for each character, amd it's working fine now

Another problem: I have an En/En blaster superspeeder. I'd really like to have superspeed on demand to be able to deliver close range attacks and then move backwards quicly out of melee range.
In order to do this, it's very usefull to queue the attack, and come close so that attack automatically launches when range is good. But when I move, it cancels the queued attack.
Is there any solution to this?

Another thing: i use autorun and follow mostly for long distance travels. How should i do so that it auto toggles superspeed AND sprint? Not a crucial point, but eh, if there's a simple answer to this...




Another problem: I have an En/En blaster superspeeder. I'd really like to have superspeed on demand to be able to deliver close range attacks and then move backwards quicly out of melee range.
In order to do this, it's very usefull to queue the attack, and come close so that attack automatically launches when range is good. But when I move, it cancels the queued attack.
Is there any solution to this?

Another thing: i use autorun and follow mostly for long distance travels. How should i do so that it auto toggles superspeed AND sprint? Not a crucial point, but eh, if there's a simple answer to this...

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Yes, just queue the attack AFTER you start running... doesn't have be long after, just hit forward, hit attack, and boom. I do it all the time, but with Super Speed, you might move too fast? Try it out. There's really no way to fix this, as you're activating SS, which cancels out your queued power... maybe set it on Auto Attack (hold control and click power) then zoom in and out? I'm about to get SS on one of my characters, so soon I'll be able to see how SS on demand works

As far as turning on Sprint AND SS, it can't be done :/ This is the limit on binds, such that 2 powers can't be activated in the same bind. If you follow my suggestions from my previous post for Super Speed (set it as Secondary, and have nothing primary) then Sprint is never messed with by my binds, and you can toggle it manually once you're autorunning. I can't think of any trick to improve on that.

Glad it's working for you otherwise




I actually find on a Superspeeder it's best to have the two powers set to NONE and SPRINT, just as you would for a flyer, for example. Bind Superspeed to a key manually. When you move, sprint will come on, and if you want to travel, you can hit the key and then when you move you'll have both sprint and superspeed going.

It's a good idea not to have Superspeed not switch off when you stop moving because of the small +stealth it gives you. Very important not to have this dissapear when you're standing (still) in the middle of a pack of mobs, placing your trip mine!




I did the whole damn auto toggle thing posted it on this forum and was shunned for it... oh its to complicated, so n' so has a better on, but it was not a hover/fly auto toggle,bla bla bla... but it worked and it worked well.

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Hi AutomatonX,

I didn't follow your post here, until I saw your other thread on the boards.

Let me be the first to commend you on your binds posted over there. The logical thinking and problem solving that creating binds of this complexity requires will take you far.

As for people telling you that my binds are better... first off, I call them "Gnarly's SoD Binds" to distinguish them from other versions along the way. They are NOT my binds alone, but the collective effort of a LOT of people in this thread. And a lot of time... this thread started more than 2 months ago.

So don't beat yourself up if you can not compete with 1000 people and months of effort By making your own binds that work for you, you not only had the puzzle-solving fun of doing it, but have the satisfaction that you did them yourself.

Well Done!




Hmm... food for thought on using SS NOT on demand. I'll have to see how it works when I get SS.... tonight hopefully?

Here's a suggesting for you, though... you can run my program twice, and create 2 different configurations, in 2 different Subdirectories, say C:\CoH\SS and C:\CoH\Sprint. The first with SS on Demand, and the other with just sprint on demand. Then go in and manually ADD these lines to the files specified.

add this line in c:\coh\ss\r\r.txt:
K "bind_load_file c:\coh\sprint\r\r.txt

add this line in c:\coh\sprint\r\r.txt:
K "bind_load_file c:\coh\ss\r\r.txt

This will then allow you to hit 'K' to toggle between your two setups. Only do this when standing still. You can do this for any 2 configurations.

But, if the endurance drain isn't bad, then maybe I'll end up just keeping SS on and having sprint on demand.




But, if the endurance drain isn't bad, then maybe I'll end up just keeping SS on and having sprint on demand.


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It's more of a strategy thing really - SS actually does suck up quite a bit of endurance so you generally wouldn't want to keep it on when you're fighting. However, right at the start of combat the extra bit of stealth can help you deliver that much desired "alpha strike", where all your enemies fall dead before they have a chance to respond!

I actually have two sets of your binds set up - one for my flyers where I bind both fly mode and ground mode to my mouse thumb button, and my super speeder setup, where I bind the mode switching keys to out of the way key presses, and don't define super speed as "on demand" at all. Then I bind super speed manually to my thumb button. I just keep each set of binds in its own directory and load the appropriate one when I create a new character.

This gives me sprint on demand, which is great, and the facility to manually toggle super speed when I need it - it usually just stays on until I get into combat, then I toggle it off.

There is another thing of course - especially in dungeons, the constant noise of SS toggling can get very annoying! I know I could just switch modes, but I may just as well make SS be "not on demand"

Thanks for the hard work Gnarly - and everyone else involved




I play a blaster and use the fly hover binds all the time. Is there anyway to not fall from the sky if you hit an attack while flying? It's caused many near deaths and also a few deaths for me... This normally happens to me when i get held/mezzed etc and try to get back up in the air, just end up falling again and dieing or at minimum gettin really f'd up... Quite frustrating....



After some testing, i agree that superspeed is far better NOT on demand.
-Stealth+superspeed allows you to stand in a crowd of mobs without getting aggro
-Noise+small delay each time you move
-if you fight with superspeed on as i do, it's much more convenient not to have unqueue, because you can just queue an attack and run past a mob, attack will launch even if you continued to run very far

I'd say you can forget sprint when you are superspeeder, be it for fights or for travel. It's easier to manually control superspeed and, as it is already very fast, you can slot it with end reducer and leave it on most of the time.
So then speed on demand is not really necessary for superspeed (at least blasters). I'll continue to use it on my others charachters though
Again, thanks for the amazing work you've done putting those binds together



I play a blaster and use the fly hover binds all the time. Is there anyway to not fall from the sky if you hit an attack while flying?

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Don't hit an attack while pressing or releasing a key. Fly methodically. Just because you can now switch to fly quickly and back again doesn't mean you want to be darting all around the battlefield just for better positioning. Don't remove your defense bonus from hover and get an accuracy penalty from Fly unless you NEED to move. If you do need to move, then move, stop, and attack.

Can the binds be "fixed"? No, because it's the GAME that only allows 1 queued power at a time, NOT the binds. If you could somehow do this all manually as quick as the binds do, you'd still fall if you chose an attack right in the middle of changing from hover to fly.

Train your fingers to fly methodically, or turn off SoD (CTRL-M) and hover around.




Okay perhaps I need to do something different but this is what happens. Whenever I push LCTRL+M it crashes to desktop. I have tried resetting my binds to default (by just hitting reset binds under menu,options) and then reload the file but still crash CoH. Using version 2.7 of SOD



I'd say you can forget sprint when you are superspeeder, be it for fights or for travel. It's easier to manually control superspeed and, as it is already very fast, you can slot it with end reducer and leave it on most of the time.
So then speed on demand is not really necessary for superspeed (at least blasters).

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Gotta disagree there

The increase in speed you get from Sprint stacks with the speed bost from SS - you're faster with both on than you are just using SS. So it's marginally worth making use of sprint. There are also some close combat situations (e.g. sewers) where SS is just too imprecise - but the extra run speed from Sprint being automatic is great.

I say for a Superspeeder, configure Gnarly's binds for Sprint on demand only, and manually control your SS




Thank you for all the work you did creating the script to create these binds.... The only other "tweak" that can match the binds listed here is the Map Pack!!!

Thanks Guys... You just made my world a lot less complicated and a lot more fun!!!



Don't hit an attack while pressing or releasing a key. Fly methodically. Just because you can now switch to fly quickly and back again doesn't mean you want to be darting all around the battlefield just for better positioning. Don't remove your defense bonus from hover and get an accuracy penalty from Fly unless you NEED to move. If you do need to move, then move, stop, and attack.

Train your fingers to fly methodically, or turn off SoD (CTRL-M) and hover around.

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Just to add to this something I learned a while ago (and posted here - but it's long since been burried) There is a SUBSTANTIAL stam hit EVERY time you turn on fly. If you constantly dart around for position you will drain yourself much much much faster than if you just left fly on all the time. If you train yourself to decisively move & then plant yourself you will save on stamina.

I ran a test & was able to burn a bar of stamina in 3 seconds by just tapping the forward key the repeated switches into fly took the hit every time till I had nothing left.

When I first got these binds set up i kept toasting my stam in door missions. Once I learned to fly & plant I cut my stam use to 1/3 of what I had been using.

I know one of the major points of ths bind is to CONSERVE stam but if you aren't careful & learn to use them properly they will actually EAT more stam than just leaving fly on all the time.

when you fly always keep one key depressed at all times when you stop, stop. don't micro adjust & or stutter step with these binds or you might as well not use them.

That said you can rip my "zoom-zoom" bind from my cold dead hands! otherwise you ain't getting em from me.



Okay perhaps I need to do something different but this is what happens. Whenever I push LCTRL+M it crashes to desktop. I have tried resetting my binds to default (by just hitting reset binds under menu,options) and then reload the file but still crash CoH. Using version 2.7 of SOD

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I've heard of this happening from a few different people, but have yet to track it down. Can you please list the options you use? Specifically:

What options do you use for your Ground movement powers, Sprint, Super Speed, etc?

What directory did you install to?

Any other keys that are not 'normal' would be appreciated.
Right now, I'm thinking that the binds are too long from a combination of long powernames and long pathnames. I don't have any ideas, but maybe your replies will clue me in.




Seriously all defaults. Everything is default. Is there a way to make sure my keybinds are truely reset. Perhaps that is the problem.



Open the in-game menu, and click on "Options". Then, in the menu screen, select the "Controls" tab. The controls tab contains an option to reset your keybinds. This will only effect the character you're currenly logged in as.

I hope this helps



Let me guess... you chose not to use Unqueue, the command that puts away a drawn weapon? As soon as I saw your post, I realized that it would cause your problem.

[/ QUOTE ]
Gnarly, I am having the same problem; I am choosing not to unqueue, but i do not have superspeed or a prestige power. I don't have fly either yet. I basically hit enter to default everything EXCEPT unqueue, where i type 'N' and hit enter. I've tried resetting the binds in all manners conceivable, to no avail



Okay I have done that. Now I hate to throw this monkey in there but I was able to run SOD on my mom's computer when I was at her house but the only thing I did differently was instead of everything default I changed the SPRINT to DASH for my Prestine Power.



Okay I have done that. Now I hate to throw this monkey in there but I was able to run SOD on my mom's computer when I was at her house but the only thing I did differently was instead of everything default I changed the SPRINT to DASH for my Prestine Power.

[/ QUOTE ]

did you type in "dash" or "prestigepower_dash" (or something like that)?
the full name of dash is what you need. If you hover the mouse over the power in your bar it will list the full name. I'm guessing that if you just typed in "dash" that could be one of your problems.




I did write it down right because on that computer everything worked fine.



Seriously all defaults. Everything is default. Is there a way to make sure my keybinds are truely reset. Perhaps that is the problem.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well Geez, I don't know what to say, man. I'd LIKE to fix it for you, but it's sounding like it's a computer or operating system type thing. The defaults work on my machine, most people's machine, even your Mom's, but not yours. And there are a few more people out there who have the same problem.

What OS is your computer using? Windows XP, 2000, DOS?

And what is your Mom's running? This probably something more complicated than that, but I don't even know where to start.

Other binds work, right? You say you're ok in "normal" mode, and then crash as soon as you hit CTRL-M to switch to SoD? And if you got to that point, then the /bind_load_file command must work from the chat window.




Let me guess... you chose not to use Unqueue, the command that puts away a drawn weapon? As soon as I saw your post, I realized that it would cause your problem.

[/ QUOTE ]
Gnarly, I am having the same problem; I am choosing not to unqueue, but i do not have superspeed or a prestige power. I don't have fly either yet. I basically hit enter to default everything EXCEPT unqueue, where i type 'N' and hit enter. I've tried resetting the binds in all manners conceivable, to no avail

[/ QUOTE ]

So what exactly is your problem? Sprint turns on ok, but does not turn off? And you're not using Super Speed, or any other power like the other poster, but just not using unqueue. And you've tried Ctrl-R, and Ctrl-M until you tell yourself that you're in SoD mode? Hmm...

Could you perhaps reply with the bind lines for your forward key (W if you hit enter) from these two files?


Just the two lines, please, no need for the whole setup.

If you tell us that, we should be able to figure out what's going wrong.




Just wanted to thank Gnarly for a great utility.. been reading about it for a while and finally last night configured it for my blaster with fly.. very very nice indeed.. 3 Cheers

