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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    pawn, little hero, whatever you wanna call it, I'm just enjoying another game till I lose interest. I try to not take any video game seriously (stares at roommate playing Halo 2 -_-;

    I find that doubtful, I mean...look at Diablo 2 that's been out since like...mid 90's and people still play it despite modders

    Though this rubberbanding issue over the past few days has been killing my fun...so I started badge grinding my Mez and Dmg w/ my Tank in my Malta/Carnie mish.

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    Well I am paying for it which is why I am 'taking it seriously.' .......... You are right though, maybe I should just cancel my subscription because due date of losing interest is long past by now
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    I will agree w/ that it was given by the game which was the Dev's mistake, but as it's been mentioned before this game is the first of it's kind, I'm pretty sure Marvel and DC have been eyeing this game to learn from it's mistakes. I think there only real mistake w/ CoV is that you burn through lvls too fast, dunno if this was the same for CoH when it first came out.

    Yeah having no lv 50 content bites, hopefully Positron will help since he's in charge now, well w/ atleast more interesting stories.

    From what I've seen w/ some people, friends included, they want more customizeability w/ there heroes, like WoW. I wouldn't mind that but at the same time I don't want this game to be a knockoff of a UI that WoW has.

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    So you are okay with being nothing but a little 'hero' and a 'pawn' of the Freedom Phalanx.... Okay... And you are right, this game was the first of its kind, that is why when Marvel and DC come out with their MMO this game will be 6 feet deep.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Posting ur thoughts just like what I'm doing. The children thing was more like an example, I was pretty sure a smart man like yourself could of figured that out.

    I can't change anyone's views if they're so hell bent on it when they were given a false sense of "super" because of growing up on comics and cartoons.

    Despite my registration date, I was playing well before then. I've been through the nerfs and yes they suck, but just like many that complained, they're still here playing cause they want to, they weren't forced to stay, unless otherwise known <_<

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    Seemed like a direct attack, you should choose your wording more wisely. Actually, the false sense of super was actually given by this game, even though you claim that it isn't a SUPER hero game. How is soloing Arch Villains and herding tons of villains and having blasters Nova them to death not SUPER? I am only here because this is the only SUPER hero themed MMO, and I am sure I am not the only one who is here for that reason. I thought this game had potential, but it has been lost in all the nerfing. Nerf this nerf that, yet they haven't added any real level 50 content (Yeah Hamidon is SOOOOOOOOO FUN /sarcasm), they haven't added any new game mechanics or any of the fun ideas I mentioned.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    yeah it's only cause NCSoft doesn't have the reputation of Blizzard. Hell I've never heard of NCSoft till CoH came out, I've known about Blizzard for years.

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    Yeah, it has nothing to do with the path this game is going right?
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    okay, what MMO has not depended on ur build for the AT you've chosen. The box says City of Heroes, not Super Heroes, get that little bit of info from your brain. What's that little message say when you hit the lvl cap? You are truely a Hero. Once again, where's the super in that?

    Like I already said, this is what happens when children get spoiled, you take something away and they cry and moan.

    World of Warcraft is CoX's main competiton right now and so is DnD Online in which both have many more subscriptions than CoX and this game is still doing fine.

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    Real competition would have to be the DC and Marvel MMO's coming out. That is because many subscribers who want SuperHero/SuperVillain action can go there instead of this. If you choose to go down and insult me and call me a child, fine by me, I won't stoop down to your level and maybe YOU have to look at yourself in the mirror and think again, who is the child? So basically you are telling me we are just heroes right? No, and soloing arch villains and herding 100's of enemies was not super at all. This game started as a super hero game, then slowly became crap. With your logic, why don't we play as Police men? Or Fire Fighters? They are heroes right? And by the way, the thing is, this game ONLY depends on your build for a 'challenge', in game, enemies are stupid and incredibly easy because of that. And I am not 'crying and moaning,' I am simply stating my thoughts on the matter at hand.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    Why don't they go fight Hamidon or why aren't they always out taking the pillboxes, they can sure as hell do it much faster than we can.

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    then why bother giving us something to do?
    letting us getting up to the damage they can output would break the game and make it less fun that some already complain it is now. I don't mind the short bursts of buffing damage like Fulcrum Shift, cause that [censored] is fun as hell, but having it on like 24/7 and ripping through mobs so fast all the time while taking very little dmg, sure it'll be fun at first, then l8r down the road not to shortly after you'll be saying again "where's the challenge?"

    [ QUOTE ]
    Once DC comes out with their MMO I am not sure I would be willing to stay here, especially in the crappy direction this game seems to be going.

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    let me know when they decide the nerf something so I can go read people whine and cry there. The history of ALL MMO's is that something will get nerfed in order to balance.

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    Where's the challenge again? There has NEVER been any REAL challenge in this game, EVER. But the difference is, before we used to be SUPER heroes, and now we are just HEROES. The game mechanics are so messed up that the only thing that matters is mostly your build, I have said this many times before, you don't need any strategy in battle, atleast not that much. If the devs want to give us a challenge, they don't need to nerf everything into oblivion. But they did, I still don't find a 'challenge', but I sure as hell find that I am just a little pawn for the Freedom Phalanx. The Devs been working on all this 'PvP' bull****, but that isn't even yet balanced or even remotely fun. Hey but guess what, the devs are so smart that the only thing they added for heroes Issue 7 was RV! /sarcasm

    Since the Devs couldn't fix the stupid idiotic AI they decided to implement imaginary caps. Like the AoE cap for example. And the Aggro cap. When they nerf us or when they buff the enemies the only thing they are doing is not increasing the challenge, but increasing the amount of time to take out something AND decreasing our super hero status. They only thing that is a 'challenge' doesn't even take place in game, it is building your hero for you to bypass some of the nerfs and make your hero work again. Look just picture this. City of Heroes without the SuperHero coating. Who would play it? I sure as hell wouldn't. Remember this, CoX is a monopoly on the whole SuperHero/SuperVillain theme, so yeah, I want to see how this game stands when it has actual competition.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    well, I guess to some it becomes boring after a while that's what you get for having too much EXP

    Though am I the only one getting really annoyed by people who keep making references like "well such and such famous superhero wouldn't have any problems w/ 3 minions"? I mean damn, yes the game is designed after comic book stuff, but god dammit ur NOT that Super Hero, I should hit you w/ a brick for keep on bringing up that damn comparison

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    Exactly, that's the problem, we are not SUPER heroes. So what is the point in playing? The only reason many of us are still here because this is a Monopoly on SuperHero MMO's. Once DC comes out with their MMO I am not sure I would be willing to stay here, especially in the crappy direction this game seems to be going. And you seriously can't tell me these retarded AI are a 'challenge.' We are talking about the same AI that can be herded and that herd is only limited by the aggro cap, yes these AI are incredibly stupid and have been since the game first came out.
  8. In my opinion, I don't see why should Signature Heroes and Signature Villains surpass us by such a huge margin when we are at level 50. Why don't they go fight Hamidon or why aren't they always out taking the pillboxes, they can sure as hell do it much faster than we can. Seriously, they outshine us too much, hopefully the legends system closes the gap and make us feel super again without having to go to atlas park.... <_<
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    I just hope that legends system for the level 50's is good... We might get superspeed fly!? Better yet, super speeding combat fly!

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    "Superspeed combat flight has been shown to be overpowered for high level pvp. Certain builds were able to use it in an unforseen way and the risk/reward for Superspeed combat flight is out of balance. therefore we are cutting the speed of superspeed combat fly in half and doubleing the endurance cost, and putting it on a 10 minute recharge timer."

    Seriously though, look at the items of power for the base raids etc. i am pretty sceptical of this new system. they werent willing to give the items of power any real significant boost, and I just cant see them allowing 50's to gain any real significant boost from the new system eighther. I see it as being a 4 hour tf where at the end you can gain 1% flight speed or jump hight, or maybe 10 addtional HP or somthing. I wouldnt hold my breath for rewards on acc or dmg or even endo points or costs or recharge speeds. they just spent a year implementing all the nerfs to cut those down and ED to make sure we cant get to high a value in them. So sure, you could run that 4 hour tf a hundred times, and gain some significant values, but thats 400 hours. thats almost enough time to take a whole new toon to 50 depending on how hard you push.

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    If I remember correctly Positron said something about it being like going to level 60 but only better and it would take a bit more. To be honest, I don't expect nothing big but time sinks, I mean look at RV's 1 contaminated for the isolator badge... But I am sure I am not the only one who thinks about what if...

    * You could wield objects like lightpoles as weapons
    * Throw objects like cars
    * This game had better physics with foes and enemies
    * Collateral damage
    * The ability to grab and toss foes
    * The ability to grapple foes and punch or do moves like a slam
    * Epic air battles
    * Superspeed Flying (Think superman)
    * Superspeed without that annoying effects (ok ok I just had to say it :P )
    * Combos (Incarnates are supposively going to be able to do combos... I don't buy it though)
    a. Combination of attacks that lead to a finisher (like a super buffed KO blow finisher)
    b. Continous punches that overpowers a foe making you walk forward while laying the smackdown while he kepts getting punched and walking slowly backwards

    * Useful knockback (I.E. Knockbacking a foe into a building and causing wall damage and spinal cord disfunction on the foe)
    * Real time fighting (Would get rid of the annoying jousting...) and do much more
    * Counter attacking (I.E. In a game like fight night where'd you'd parry a punch and counter or elude a punch and counter, or a time pressed of a button which initiates a counter which can also be countered etc)
    * Combination of powers (Super speed + fly + KO blow = super punch Superman did to DarkSied that sent him flying through tons of building and finishing it off with an air superiority attack)
    a. Superspeed making all your powers faster (speeding up animations and recharge times, but lowering some of the damage, think Flash)

    The list goes on and on, but things that will most likely never ever happen. I went to far with my crazy ideas didn't I...
  10. That's what happens when you have a group like the Freedom Phalanx to take all the glory, just look at the RV AV's, you know how much they overshadow every single hero? Now if we had issue-3 characters, they wouldn't overshadow us as much, but still a whole lot
  11. I just hope that legends system for the level 50's is good... We might get superspeed fly!? Better yet, super speeding combat fly!
  12. Unfortunately it is true, not something to smile about
  13. You guys do know when this thread was created? 9/15/04.... Well, yeah... I think that says it all
  14. Resurrected.... I SAY NERF ALL! lol
  15. Neeto: Well it isn't exactly that total focus is not bugged, it may be that it has more range than most other attacks. If TF is anything like KO blow, it might be the case. I still wonder why the power pools don't have this problem... <_< Maybe you or I should do the following test. Activate KO blow or TF and have the targeted player fly or jump extremely high into the air quickly and see what happens, to see if it is really bugged or it just has good range.
  16. Mafalin: It may work sometimes, but really in PvP it don't work. That is not a solution at all for PvP in fact. Especially for people who just jump around with superjump or combat jumping. Why isn't the bug just fixed?
  17. If supposively it is fixed internally why has it not gone live yet? Makes you wonder.... <_<
  18. This bug has been active and known since about when issue 6 was released right? I wonder when the devs will decide to fix the bugs if ever (aka stack bug still here).
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    Due to our rare ranged attacks being treated like melee I've noticed my Hurl Boulder has been missing alot as well. Just wanted to throw that in there.

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    Mine misses without a MISS! indicator. Serious issue.

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    That is the bug. It isn't missing because lack of ACC or your foes defense, it just isn't even hitting nor connecting. It doesn't even show up in the chat box combat log. It is a huge bug, but since I did not have hurl I wasn't aware of this. That seems to be extremely sucky for someone who does have hurl. So far we only have gotten one dev post on this issue I believe, I guess this is a stealthy attempt to get rid of the Tanker population
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I believe Castle knows already. As far as I know, the problem has been noted and code is on the way.

    Expect the patch to fix this problem... "soon".


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    Yeah like the stacking bug has been fixed. Oh wait.... it hasn't....
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Maybe they think that the stacking bug and the moving target bugs cancel each other out! Gauntlet seems like an effect where the devs tried to stretch the game engine jut a bit farther than it was designed to go. If it's cauing all these nasty side effects (the stacking is a reult of gauntlet too, I've heard) maybe just maybe they'll decide that Gauntlet is a crappy inherent, and will give us a real one (I'm a big fan of the less teammates health = more res one myself) and then all of us TWT (tanks without taunt) will have a reason to put taunt back in our builds.

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    Well I Gauntlet is causing problems. Yes the stacking bug was first introduced when Gauntlet was introduced so it is said that Gauntlet is the cause of this. Now the stacking bug wasn't neccesarily bad, but this other big is extremely crippling. The stacking bug has been reduced though because the AI doesn't do as much retarded things as they have done in the past so they don't stack as much.

    Ravenlute: Well the bug doesn't affect PvE as much as PvP. Although it does effect PvE to an extent. But in PvP, as you said, no one will stay still. Not only that, those who know of the bug can exploit it and just run around you making you miss every power that comes out of your secondary. One things got me thinking though. Is Gauntlet working for the Power Pool powers? If it is, I wonder why doesn't the stacking bug nor this missing bug happen to them.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok so let me get this straight. In PvP Taunt only works 50% of the time, Gauntlet doesn't work at all, AND It's causing me to miss a moving target. (Insert explative here)
    Well that explains why I've been missing so much.
    Would it be overpowered to let tanks actually do there job in PvP seriously?

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    Yeah, Tanks aren't looking to good in PvP. The thing that doesn't work in PvP is causing us tons of trouble. Basically anyone who has a brain and is dying is going to run (that may exclude me at times :P). Since they are running only things of power pools like Air Superiority or Brawl will hit, but that won't do much seeing as if they are only 2 attacks one of which really sucks for damage (brawl). And those who know of the bug can exploit it by just running around the Tanker (literally turn on sprint and run around you) and you won't be able to hit nothing.
  23. It has to do with gauntlet I believe. Yes, Tankers cannot hit moving targets now. Unfortunately the devs could care less and I don't even know an ETA on the fix. It is a crippling bug for PvP since alot of people don't just stand still. It doesn't seem to effect Power Pools. I am wondering if gauntlet is even work with power pools. This sucks bad and we have only gotten one dev comment. I guess they will leave it like that like they have left the stacking bug.
  24. Yeah, makes you wonder if Statesman knows in the least of what he is talking about. He obviously doesn't know how to play a Tank, doesn't understand a Tank, and needs to open his eyes and look at what is going on. 1/3 of a spawn.... Max aggro cap, 17 enemies. 1/3 of that? 5.61(around) or 6 if rounded to the nearest whole number. Now that ain't much, now is it? Yeah, let me go rush at the weakest enemies and let my team get eaten by the illusionists. Team wipes, yeah, it ain't my fault, it is my teams fault... yeah... Well, we all know statesman don't know three ***** about Tanks. Well, I don't expect Statesman to ever understand Tanks, atleast when another free respec comes around I can respec since it is gonna overwrite my free respec anyways. My tank falls 7 times, gets up 8, Tanker pride for life!
  25. My guess is that a scrapper with a defender would most likely do much better than a defender with a tank. I am still testing in the test server, but I am starting to realize that a Tank has no place in PvP (atleast not my Inv/SS, not to sure how a EM tank would fare off, but probably better), and that my focus should be in PvE (can't focus on both, gonna end up messing something up :P).