The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




Awesome. I just tried it out and it's perfect =)

It's a nice change to see a developer actually fixing bugs and such... I like to be the same way myself when I'm at work...

I do like the 'reset' stuff, that works perfectly, and now I have it bound on mouse5, so I have easy access when it makes me mess up.

It figures that on my day off I spend it debugging instead of relaxing, but hey it was fun =)



Post deleted by Gnarly

I found out why this didn't first appear on the boards... it was on a new page :/ Oh well... win some, lose some.




Am I able to use your SoD progam using the Directional Arrow Keys?

My set-up is:
rcontrol - hover/with fly on demand
rshift - ground speed on demand (prestige power dash)
directional arrows - forward/backward (with SoD)/turnright/turnleft
a & d - strafe left/right (with Sod)
numpad0 - down for flight
also I use the tilde key to target nearest enemy

Thanks for the help.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, I just answered this in detail, but it didn't appear on the boards :/

But yes, it will work. A couple notes, though. The CoH triggers for the direction keys are up down left and right. Simple. But do NOT get these confused with what myh program asks you for... it asks for your Up Key. For you, that is NOT "up", but space (you didn't mention where that was bound, so I'm assuming the default). In this case, you don't need to type it because it's the default for my program too.

Up Key is space
Down Key is numpad0
Forward key is up
Back Key is down
left key is A (default)
right key is D (also default)
fly key is rctrl
run key is rshift
autorun - whatever
follow - NOT tilde which is default, or it'll overwrite you target_enemy_near

Reset and Mode Toggle keys - These are configurable just this latest version. You can put them anywhere, but for your setup, I would NOT use any cord keys with them, either shift or Control, as those would probably interfere with your Run and Fly keys. A previous poster had problems like that.

Your turning keys, the left and right arrows, should be fine, since my binds don't use either the keys or the functions. If they were bound there before, they still will be.

Hope this helps,




Thanks Gnarly - I will download & run tonight.

I appreciate your help with this - I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't have any type of conflict with my normal (odd? it seems based on most of the posts from this thread) gaming style.

Thanks again

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Awesome. I just tried it out and it's perfect =)

It's a nice change to see a developer actually fixing bugs and such...

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't speak too soon... now that I've got the binds working as intended, extensive data mining shows that they are too efficient and can be used to give an unfair advantage over other players. I'm therefore going to Re-Balance them so that ALL archetypes have the proper levels of challenge, tedium, and aggravation while flying/running. To this end, Gnarly's binds will forthwith not work.

This is NOT a nerf, but a necessary fix to an overpowering set of binds. To make the game better for everybody, everybody must suffer. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Just Kidding! No Nerfs from me!




I have noticed that after extensive use of the bindings, they tend to get lost at points where I really would like them not to... It's almost tolerable, but if you're doing a TF and you run into a pack of enemies, no good... I just have to weigh whether or not losing control sometimes is worth the advantage other times...



thanks guys for the great files + info

anyone know the syntax for the arrow keys + the mouse buttons? I've tried UP ARROW,UPARROW,UARROW.

thanks in advance



I have noticed that after extensive use of the bindings, they tend to get lost at points where I really would like them not to... It's almost tolerable, but if you're doing a TF and you run into a pack of enemies, no good... I just have to weigh whether or not losing control sometimes is worth the advantage other times...

[/ QUOTE ]

They're getting lost in ways that haven't been discussed already? If so, please give more details.

anyone know the syntax for the arrow keys + the mouse buttons? I've tried UP ARROW,UPARROW,UARROW

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it's just "up" for the up arrow, and similarly down, right and left for the others. This is at the very bottom of the read me file with all the other possible triggers.





Don't speak too soon... now that I've got the binds working as intended, extensive data mining shows that they are too efficient and can be used to give an unfair advantage over other players. I'm therefore going to Re-Balance them so that ALL archetypes have the proper levels of challenge, tedium, and aggravation while flying/running. To this end, Gnarly's binds will forthwith not work.

This is NOT a nerf, but a necessary fix to an overpowering set of binds. To make the game better for everybody, everybody must suffer. Thank you for your understanding and support.


[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah! Nerf smoke grenade so that it automatically stops working when you move an inch. Then have it so that all the aoe fire primaries only end up hitting single targets when moving in flight or superspeed!



Do these binds have to be put into the code of the game manually?



Reset and Mode Toggle keys - These are configurable just this latest version. You can put them anywhere, but for your setup, I would NOT use any cord keys with them, either shift or Control, as those would probably interfere with your Run and Fly keys. A previous poster had problems like that.

[/ QUOTE ]

I downloaded & installed last night - I didn't have any problems using your default reset & mode chords (lcontrol+r or m). I had my previous reset bound to lcontrol+r already, so I didn't think it would be a problem.

I love the way the binds self correct when you get knocked out of the air (whether it's caused by a bad key combination or some villainous attack) just by pressing a directional key.

I also appreciate the amount of customization you put into the program. I control movement & alt powers (I have the alt power tray bound to the numpad {except numpad0}) with my right hand & I control main powers & strafing with my left hand. I hardly ever use the mouse (just to select items).

Thanks again for all of the work you put into this.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



There are instructions on Gnarly's website. Basically...

1) Unzip the file into a directory
2) Run the Speed on Demand program
3) Follow the instructions for setting your keys to the directions and which folder you want the binds in.
4) Ingame...type "bind_load_file (drive\directory you placed the binds in\reset.txt"
5) Hit "ctrl r" or the reset button to get you started.



Praise be to Gnarly and the Precursors, masterful makers of binds!

Seriously, thank you all so much for making our lives easier. The ability to hover / fly well in a battle is invaluable to me as a controller, as a top-down perspective in a fight is about the best you can get for crowd control, not to mention personal safety.



Do these binds have to be put into the code of the game manually?

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No, the program I wrote creates text files. You bind a key to these text files which the game then reads. It doesn't in anyway 'reprogram' the game.

After creating the binds, however, you do have to tell the game where to find them, so you'll execute one manual bind_load_file command which does just that.

All of the instructions to do this are in the program itself, with more info found in the readme.doc file.

Hope that clears things up




Mr E-Man, Shattersky, everybody who has given me help and positive feedback on these binds, Thanks

Knowing that they help others maneuver and have fun in the game is what kept me fixing and adding and coming to this post even after I got a version that satisfied my own needs.




So, you probably don't need to load a different bind file each time you log on with a different character. At character creation ought to be enough.

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Actually, you do. For the same reason that your bind files need a reset key. If my files go wonky, I need a quick way to 'reset' them.



I'd love to get these binds to work for me, they sound amazing! I'm having a problem though... if i answer default (hit enter) for everything on the basic install program, except for auto-unqueue and the path, which on my machine is I:\CoH\binds, sprint turns on for me but doesnt turn off when i stop moving. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Any help is appreciated, i'd love to start using these!



Did you try hitting the reset key first, then either the ground move toggle or the flight toggle? I found that I needed to do that in order to get the binds setup properly.



Hi Gnarly

What would happen if I use your program for a character that does NOT have flight? (To use for the ground SoD only.)

Your ground binds do not break nearly as often as the binds I am currently using for my Non-Flying characters. I have one with SJ & the other I am going for TP.

Also - I am traveling this weekend, so I will be playing on my laptop from the road. Will I need to re-run the program on my laptop or can I just copy the bind files to the laptop (of course using the same pathing as on my main computer)?

Thanks for the input & the great program.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Edit: Found out myself, last line of the Readme



Hi Gnarly

What would happen if I use your program for a character that does NOT have flight? (To use for the ground SoD only.)

Your ground binds do not break nearly as often as the binds I am currently using for my Non-Flying characters. I have one with SJ & the other I am going for TP.

Also - I am traveling this weekend, so I will be playing on my laptop from the road. Will I need to re-run the program on my laptop or can I just copy the bind files to the laptop (of course using the same pathing as on my main computer)?

Thanks for the input & the great program.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have a similar question, albeit perhaps more newbish, but does SoD work for setting up different bindings for different characters? Something I never understood too well about saving and loading bindings, but are they kept seperate by character?

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Your best bet for this it to choose a different path for each character - as in my case I use c:\cohbinds\ea - the ea sub-directory holds all binds for Energy Arc & I use c:\cohbinds\mre for Mr E-Man - you get the idea. Gnarly's program let's you specify which directory & adjusts the binds accordingly. A very nice program & easy to use.

I hope that helps.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd




Try this page:

Falstaff has created batch files that you can edit with the keys you want to bind functions to, then it spits all the files out when you run the batch. Perhaps that will help.

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I went to this site and grabbed Ahzurdan's Fly binds bat file.
AWESOME binds!!!! +1k.
This makes playing my heroes so much easier. No more extra clicking to switch between powers.

**edit. I am having 1 problem and I cant figure out what Im doing wrong.
The .bat file doesnt want to create my Prestige Power Surge as my sprint. It writes the .txt files with the Default Sprint.
Even if I go through ALL the .txt files and manually change any reference to Sprint to Prestige Power Surge, the game still wont use the Prestige Power (and Sprint wont even work after that)

*and before anyone asks, Yes I do have the Prestige Power Surge power enabled on my account. Its slotted and I use it instead of Sprint

The directions say- "If you wish to change one of the options, modify the default option at the end of the line that starts with SET. Modify only the part after the % symbol."

So I edit this part-
::Sprint Power [Default = Sprint]
::set sprint=%sprint
set sprint=%Super Speed
::set sprint=%Prestige Power Quick
::set sprint=%Prestige Power Rush
::set sprint=%Prestige Power Dash
::set sprint=%Prestige Power Surge

To this-
::Sprint Power [Default = Sprint]
set sprint=%Prestige Power Surge
set sprint=%Super Speed
::set sprint=%Prestige Power Quick
::set sprint=%Prestige Power Rush
::set sprint=%Prestige Power Dash
::set sprint=%Prestige Power Surge

Isnt that correct?
You do have to remove the :: part before the set for it to load right? (thats the way the other commands are so I assumed)
Yet even with that line changed it still loads the Default Sprint.
Whats wrong?
Im sorry, Im retarded whan it comes to CoH /bind commands.



Hi 3clipse,

Just type this from the game chat line:

/bind f "powexec_name sprint$$powexec_name fly$$powexec_name hover"

This will make sure that Sprint is turned off (don't want to waste end, do we?) and turn on hover. Once hovering or flying it'll toggle between the two. You can change f to any key you'd like.

Then type this:

/bind lshift+f "powexec fly$$powexec hover$$powexec sprint$$powexec sprint"

This sets it so shift (only the left shift key) and F toggles both Hover and Fly OFF, and puts you back into ground mode with sprint on. Make sure you're NEAR the ground, or you'll hit it hard

For the rest of you, I'm working on getting the more complex binds up, but was busier this evening than I planned. Will have them up before tomorrow, though.


[/ QUOTE ]
Sorry didn't explain myself properly. Switches between hover/fly automatically.
I used the f key toggle for ages now, thanks for that anyway.



Ganrly, these are really great!! AMAZING!

I have noticed a quirk. In Normal mode, If I turn on auto-run, I can't stop auto-running with the back key, I have to use the forward key. Back just holds me still while I hold the key down. Actually, that's kind of useful, if I just get used to it.

However in SoD mode, backwards key does kill auto-run. It would probably be better if they were consistent.

Again, thanks for an astonishing system with excellent error recovery. It does seem to get weird at times, but the reset key is a life saver. I bind it to R (in an ASDF setup).

Thanks! You're a true hero!



Bump, because THIS is the "best fly/hover bind" thread, unlike some other threads I could mention.
