The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




Just figgered out why I'm burning stam like a dragster burns fuel..

Seems there is a major hit to stam when you first turn on fly.

If you're like me & reposition a lot you need to be carefull using what I like to call the ZoomZoom bind. It WILL burn out your stam in seconds if you don't move in long stretches interspersed with absolutely no movement.

Now I just have to retrain my self to get right into position & stop futzing around for the best angle. I just ran a mission keeping this in mind & managed to cut my stam use by like 3/4.

So just a word of warning - be aware of the stam hit on fly start & try to not let the bind switch back & forth too much.

Otherwise these are an amazing addition to the game.




I'd like to know one thing:

I usualy use turnleft and turnright instead of left and right.

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Ok, the point of Speed on Demand is to turn Sprint, Fly etc when you MOVE. The turn functions are not movement commands, so are not involved in these binds. The left and right functions are strafe, so configure those keys in my binds for your desired keys. If you don't use them at all and don't want them to get in the way, bind them to some strange key combo such as ralt+p Now, you'll have to manually rebind your TURN keys to +turnleft and +turnright, but they should work without any problems with the binds.

Hope that helps,





Ok, Oaken Filipino, here are some things to try, but I'm a bit befuddled too. Try cut and pasting the forward line (just the one line is enough) of your R.txt file, in your R subfolder into your reply. It should have 2 powexec_name calls to sprint, and 2 to Super Speed, with the Super Speed ones being 2nd.

Also, maybe do a /bind_save from the game, then look at the keybinds.txt file and make sure that line is the same as the one above from the R.txt file... if not hit control-R until you 'Tell' yourself that you're in Speed on Demand Mode.

Once we take a look at the binds that the program is making, we'll be able to tell why it's not working.


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Ok, color me a moron. I hit control-r and everything worked the way it should. The binds are fairly difficult to break, though hitting ctrl-r and either t or g usually fixes it. (thankfully, it hasn't happened in battle)



Ahz, did you get my file and how is it working? It seems that I cannot toggle from run to fly while running diagonally after the changes but there are some pros to the bind.

It does not mess up after porting to another area.
When immobalized while flying, the bind will still bring you to the fly mode after the immobalize is gone.

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I got the file, but I haven't had much of a chance to look at it. I will get to it though, I promise.

I just got accepted to the WoW beta (woo!), so my free time just become rather scarce. It may be a bit.



WoW Beta!? You my good sir are one ¤%%&¤%& lucky person

I hope this doesn't mean you'll stop working on the flybinds though...



OK, I need a little help here.

These binds are brilliant but they focus on a wasd keyboard layout. I'm using a much simpler layout. I have a number of keyboard keys mapped to my logitech mouse, and am using mouse buttons for all this stuff.

rbutton +forward
pgdown (button7) +backward
home (button5) +up
q for strafe left
e for strafe right

button4 is mapped to the lcontrol key.

I currently use a variation of the first post in this thread for Curveball's flight.


lcontrol+e "powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file c:\binds\flight2.txt"
rbutton "+forward$$+mouse_look$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Fly"
pgdown "+backward$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Fly"

and then Flight2.txt brings me back to sprint mode.

I opted not to add the toggles to the +up and +down keys because I wanted to be able to change altitude fast while I'm moving forward.

I am still having problems with getting the hover and flight settings switched around, though. I've been trying to figure out the complicated toggle binds you all have set up to get around that (and to set up sprint on demand) but I can't figure out how to convert the wasd binds to my mouse setup.

Can any of you give me advice here? I got to about page 8 in this thread before I decided I was too confused to keep going.



Version 2.4 is out.

Fixed a buggy transition , but very little new functionality added if you are not a weapon user (scrapper or tanker), but if you are, you will LIKE this. This should balance scrappers and tankers, at least as far as my binds go

I've been playing my Broadsword Scrapper, and using my own binds for Sprint on Demand, I put my sword away whenever I moved. Hated it. Id made me redo the draw-sword animation often, which took time that could be better spent swinging the dang thing.

Anyway, that was because I used powexec_unqueue to ensure sprint was off, which also sheathed my sword. I added an option to the program to allow the unqueue command to be replaced by a weapon attack command, so that your sword stays drawn. It works great... I'm always 'up' so to speak.. Better than Viagra

Issues: Be careful if you stop near villains you DON'T want to attack, as you will if it's targeted. But with Melee powers, this isn't much of a problem, but be extra careful if stealthed or invised. Also, you will get a "out of range" sound whever you stop if you have something targeted.

As always, post here if there are any problems.




Hiya Curveball, glad to help out somebody who helped me get started in binding

Ok, there are different versions of the binds, with different pros and cons. Ahzurdan's are smaller and more clever, mine are more configurable and self-correcting, at the cost of drive space, and number of binds.

To use mine, however, for your setup, just download the .exe file from the link in my sig. When you run it, you can enter any triggers instead of the defaults for any keys. So, instead of accepting the default forward key of 'e', enter 'rbutton' instead. Switching altitude fast while moving forward is taken care of with the up key.

You may also want to try out the auto-mouselook feature. Turning this on puts you in mouselook while any movement key is depressed.

Little adds I like are binding lshift+space to ++up, and lshift+rutton to ++mouse_look. The ++up is good for superjump characters in conjunction with autorun, as well as being good to improve your look-angle (45 degrees down) while flying long distances without losing altitude.

Let me know if that works for you.





Try this page:

Falstaff has created batch files that you can edit with the keys you want to bind functions to, then it spits all the files out when you run the batch. Perhaps that will help.

[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!



Thanks guys! I'll try these out this week.

It's unbelievable what you all have done with binds... far beyond anything I ever thought possible.



this is the greatest bind i have ever used yet!!

Thanks a ton guys.

I just got accepted to the WoW beta (woo!), so my free time just become rather scarce.

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p.s WoW isn't worth playing unless u have absolutly nothing better to do. I hate to be negative but i'm not playing it and yes i've played the beta...hope my opinon isn't breaking the NDA. =p

be CoH and wait for VanGuard: Saga of Heroes to come out.

However, if u are big blizzard fan i'm sure you will love WoW. I'm just a EQ founding father's fan waiting for the masters of MMOGs to release the lastest masterpiece!!!




Ok, 2.5 is out. No big changes, but I finally tracked down some bizzare problems with transitions to Autorun. It seems that ++forward works strangely when also using other direction 0/1 commands like right 1. Also caught a bug that added downwards movement if you had forward pressed when you went into Autorun.




Hi Gnarly
Just "Upgraded" from an very early version of the binds posted here to your version 2.5
I had obviously made some changes to the system I was using and am looking to be able to do the same again now.

Basically, I often will have an attack keyed up ready to use when on an indoor mission, and I move into range to then fire as soon as it is able.
Currently the binds switch me in and out of Sprint such that the keyed up attack gets cancelled. Previously I got around this by removing the Sprint references from any ground based travel UNLESS autorun was active, then it worked as normal.
Perhaps something like entering NONE as the secondary run command and having an extra bind that sets autorun separately???

is there an easy way of doing this with your new binds? There are a lot of files and I don't really want to change them all

Thanks - to everybody who has contributed here



Ok, 2.5 is out. No big changes, but I finally tracked down some bizzare problems with transitions to Autorun. It seems that ++forward works strangely when also using other direction 0/1 commands like right 1. Also caught a bug that added downwards movement if you had forward pressed when you went into Autorun.


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How about a Combat Jump/Super Jump Bind as well?



How about a Combat Jump/Super Jump Bind as well?

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You could use these binds if you like. They are based on Ahz' binds but for CJ/SJ. Sprint is always 'on demand' and tilde toggles between CJ and SJ. Shift-tilde resets the sprint binds although I find they rarely get out of sync. Extract to C:\cohbinds\ and type in game "/bind_load_file c:\cohbinds\sjinit.txt" then hit tilde to get them up and running.



Silent3, so basically you do NOT want to use Sprint on Demand, and toggle it manually on the ground? Seems to defeat the purpose, I'd think, but I suppose you could still FLY on demand. I could add an option for that, but please reply, as I'm not sure I understand what you want.


How about a Combat Jump/Super Jump Bind as well?

[/ QUOTE ]

These binds should work with any SJ/CJ toggle you have. I made changes a few versions back so Autorun would not change any ++up command you have in from another key, but since this is independent of actual horizonal speed on demand, I decided not to mess with it.

For Example, you could set your J key as follows:
j "powexec_name super jump$$powexec_name combat jumping"
This toggles between SJ/CJ.

Then if you use SPACE for your UP key, you might want to setup shift+space as follows:
lshift+space "++up"

This would keep you jumping without holding the spacebar.

Finally, you could setup lshift+rbutton, if you use the right mousebutton for mouselook, as follows:
lshift+rbutton "++mouse_look"

So you'd hit your J if you're not already in SJ, your Speed on Demand Autorun key, then hit shift+space, and shift+rbutton and you'd be jumping across the city in no time, moving just the mouse to steer, but holding down no buttons.

This may sound like a lot of buttons, but it's flexible. If you wanted, you could add the ++up and ++mouse_look to your j key, or do something like this:

j "powexec_name super jump$$powexec_name combat jumping$$powexec_name combat jumping$$++up$$++mouse_look$$bind_load_file c:\coh\jump2.txt"

j "powexec_name combat jumping$$powexec_name super jump$$powexec_name combat jump$$++up$$++mouse_look$$bind_load_file c:\coh\jump1.txt"

That would set everything at once, but isn't as flexible.

What I'm trying to say is that SJ is independent of the speed on demand, so I didn't interfere with it. It is not possible to toggle both Sprint and SJ ON for autorun, because of the limitations on binding... only 1 command activated per bind, so no help there. Sprint and SS work together because you DON"T want both on at the same time. I presume that you DO use Sprint when SJing for horizontal distance?

Anyway, once I get SJ on my scrapper, and am able to test and experiment, I may find a "best" way that I think everybody might like, and add the option of it to my binds, but until then I really don't want to decide for you how you want it setup.

Disclaimer: The above binds have not been tested. I just saw similar binds in the "Post your binds here" thread, and thought I'd help you out. Please correct me if you notice any mistakes in the above binds.




Thanks for the reply Gnarly
I guess I am meaning the ability to turn off RUN on Demand and use just FLY on demand (much easier way of explaining it)

RoD is great for outside, and I really should break the habit, but at the moment my fingers know their way around.

I suspect a little bind file to override certain behaviour is all I need... I'll have a look at it from that perspective.




What i was thinking was if it was possible to have it so combat jumping was on all the time, but when you press the space bar, it would switch to superjump and you would get the distance. once you let go of the space bar it would switch to combat jumping...

Am i asking for allot?



Gnarly, great job, except for one little problem.

On my machine CoH is installed in C:\Program Files\City of Heroes, and your program didn't take the possibility of spaces in the root directory into account. Whenever any bind_load_file part if it tries to load a file CoH creates an error because it thinks I'm trying to give it four parameters "C:\Program" "Files\City" "of" "Heroes".

Any chance you can make a change to your program so that when it writes the file paths to the text files it puts them in quotes so that CoH sees the entire path as one parameter?



So, do you feel lucky, Punk? (sorry, had to say it...)
Any way, on the bind question you asked, try this:

/bind space "+up$$powexec_name combat jumping$$powexec_name super jump"

When you press the space bar, this will turn on super jump (if combat jumping in on, it will be turned off). When you release the space bar, SJ will go off and CJ will come on (regardless of whether it was on or off before pressing spcae). Is that what you were looking for? Note, I think I've got the power name right, but check them. I don't have any jumpers, so I've not used these powers yet...

The only question is have is, do you REALLY want SJ to com on EVERY time you hit space? What about simple jumping within missions? I would think that could be a real problem. Can I suggest the following set up:


space "+up"
j "bind_load_file c:\bind\jump2.txt"


space "+up$$powexec_name combat jumping$$powexec_name super jump"
j "bind_load_file c:\bind\jump1.txt"

then, type:

/bind_load_file c:\bind\jump1.txt

this will set you up to toggle into and out of 'super jump mode' such that:

initially, pressing space will cause you to jump, maintaining what ever movement state you are in (you can toggle CJ normally at this point). Pressing J will toggle you in and out of 'jump mode' where pressing and holding space will turn on SJ (and turn off CJ if on) and make you jump. Releasing space will turn SJ off, and turn CJ on. Pressing J again will re-set the space bar to 'normal', where you can toggle CJ normally.

Of course, you can change the path and key assignment as you see fit.

Is this the sort of thing you were looking for?



SandiThe Punk, and Blue Volt,

Interesting, SJ on Demand. Try out what Blue Volt suggests, Sandi, and see if it works. For the test, leave the spacebar (or your normal up key) alone, as my binds will just overwrite it anytime you move, and make a separate "always SJ" key. Blue volt's bind might make you jump FIRST, since +up is listed first, then toggle SJ on too late. If you hold the key down, you should get SJ on your 2nd jump, at least. If you don't get SJ on the first jump, try this:

key "+zoomin$$-zoomin$$powexec_name combat jumping$$powexec_name super jump$$+up"

The zoomin's are just to get the press/release functionality by having a + first, while still letting you put the +up after the toggle.

If the basic idea does work, maybe do a mission and some street fighting, and see what makes 'real' world sense. DO you always want to SJ, or, as Blue suggested, do you sometimes just want a little jump? If so, which do you want to do most often, big or small? Do you want to toggle the spacebar, or have 2 separate keys, one for small, one for big? I can then change my binds (maybe not soon) accordingly.

Graht1, It wouldn't be THAT much of a problem, but I'd have to go through the program and add 2 explicit CHR$(34) codes about 36 times. Also, if you make your binds longer than 255 because you have long filenames, they will either just not work, or they'll crash you. I know that is the limit, but not sure what happens if you exceed that. Why not just conform, save me some work, and deal with having a COH directory, eh?

Silent3, Ok, as for having Speed on Demand only in the air... after thinking about it some more, that could be a problem. A little theory on how my binds work. Every time you press or release a direction key, a bind_load_file is executed. It loads a file associated with the combination of keys you're pressing. Binds have no variables, so there is no way of knowing what keys are down except with bind_load_file. An example: You have Forward (F) and Right (R) pressed, so your FR file was loaded. FR binds each key ending with a bind_load_file which loads the file for that new key combo. So FR binds the Left (L) key so that it'll load FRL file, and it binds the R key so it'll load your F file. Because L is a 'new' key it 'adds' it because it knows you're pressing it, and because R is already pressed it 'subtracts' it because you're releasing the key.

So, basically, to do all this on the ground without actually DOing anything seems a bit complicated for nothing, but if I don't do it, then when you entered Fly I wouldn't know which keys are pressed, and if you were running forward when you pressed fly, the binds would be screwed up so you'd be flying forward all the time unless you pressed forward, which would stop you.

The easiest and coolest is just to learn to attack again after you start moving. If you queue up the attack AFTER you start moving, you will attack when you get in range, if you don't stop, which clears the queue. Sprint on Demand is very useful for chasing, running in terror, etc, if you're outside or not. If you really want to have normal movement, just hit CTRL-R, and then switch back later.

Anyway, sorry for saying "no" to several requests (ok, I'm not REAL sorry, but some ), but I'm busy these next few weeks, and I don't see that adding these things really improves the binds a great deal. The SJ on Demand has possibilities, but that'll take more looking into.




Yeah, I'll probably reinstall CoH this evening in C:\CoH

But at least now you're aware of the issue (maybe you should add that bit of information to the readme file or the installation step for others like me who ended up installing CoH in the Program Files folder).

And as for replacing, check out BKReplace EM



Yeah, I'll probably reinstall CoH this evening in C:\CoH

But at least now you're aware of the issue (maybe you should add that bit of information to the readme file or the installation step for others like me who ended up installing CoH in the Program Files folder).

And as for replacing, check out BKReplace EM

[/ QUOTE ]

graht, Do you realize that the bind files dont have to be in your install directory? I personally, and most of us I suspect, simply have a directory on the c: drive for our binds because that is where CoH looks for them.




Thank you Wasabi_Joe for pointing that out. I can't believe I didn't think of that. That will save me the hastle of reinstalling CoH.

Thank you again



Yep, good suggenstion Gnarly. I was runnin on one cup of coffee when i wrote that...

Any way, testing would be good obviously, and it probably would be much better to use an alternate key/chord key combo rather than mucking with the space bar...

One problem I've seen before suggested to me that putting two + commands in a singel bind can run into problems. I've had some very peculiar results where the second command seems to take on a ++ behavior (remaining on when the key is released) despite what appeared to be a solid bind syntax. i.e. it worked exactly as expected in one state with one movement, adding the second + move comand resulted in that command responding as ++ (in fact, up was the command in question).

On the +up execution first, does this matter (I don't know how superjump works)? Presumably, as with flight, as long as you are giving the 'up' command, you will jump far if SJ is on. If SJ needs to be on the moment you leave the ground, then this prob won't work.

P.S. Gnarly, sorry I haven't been giving much feedback lately. I've been on vacation for a few days and heading out for more of the same. I'll be testing again some time later next week. Of couse, by then, you'll have the whole thing sorted!!