The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




Graht, oops, I didn't realize you thought you had to install them in the same place as the main program. Sorry if I seemed callous... I thought you just wanted to "keep things organized"

Blue Volt,
Yah, ++ commands have given me problems too. Finally, I just opted for all 1 or 0 commands, setting the way I want them on press and release, with the +zoomin$$-zoomin starting it off.

As for big and little jumps depending on how long you hold the spacebar... that'd be cool, and would eliminate the problem with SJ being too much jump. I think I'd have to change my binds though, but would help out the jumpers (me eventually ).

Oh, don't worry about feedback... Vacation, even playing the game, should come before this thread I appreciate your help when you give it, but don't make it a 'job'.




Gnarly- I've been using the superspeed bind alot, and I like it and thanks for the option to redraw the weapon, however is there anyway to make the bind so it doesn't put away the weapon in the first place? I've been using it on my AR/Fire character, and I decided that tactically, it'd be wise to not have it automatically cue an attack. The reason being, I like to start by sniping but automatically cuing a sniper rifle is a bad idea because if the group's aggroed and i'm running away, the snipe will probably get interrupted and so it becomes a waste of end. Burst isn't a great option either because that it short range and it will aggro. Slug is also the same.



Oaken_Filipino writes:

I've been using it on my AR/Fire character, and I decided that tactically, it'd be wise to not have it automatically cue an attack.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oops, I forgot that there were Ranged Weapons also! Most blasters just use their hands, not a physical drawn weapon. Ok, you're absolutely right, of course, you don't want to automatically attack anything you have targeted whenever you stop moving, so this doesn't work with range. With Melee, if you're close enough to attack, then you probably WANT to attack, or you wouldn't have gotten that close. With ranged, you may just be scouting.

Now you're right, I don't really NEED to use unqueue (which is what puts away your weapon) when canceling sprint. The unqueue is just in case you accidentally got out of whack and sprint is OFF when you're moving, that it doesn't get turned ON when you stop. So the "Fix" for you is to just get rid of the unqueue completely, and not replace it with an attack power.

To do this with the current binds version, just enter an "X" for the powername, instead of Slug or whatever. That will replace the Unqueue, which is what makes you put away your gun, and since you don't actually HAVE a power called "X", nothing else will be done either. It's just a null, essentially.

What is the downside? The binds will just get confused a bit more, and stopping won't clear the problem, because if Sprint is off while running, stopping will now turn it on. STARTING to move again WILL clear the problem, so you probably won't even notice. If it happens, no need to even press your run key to reset, just stop and then start moving again.

Like I said, it worked for my scrapper. He did not put away his sword, and he did not attack, and if he had a power queued, it did not clear when he stopped. But it DID clear when he started again, of course, so this doesn't really help for queueing a ranged power and then moving into range to fire it. You still need to start running, THEN queue the power, and it'll fire when you get into range. Anyway, try that, and see if it works for your AR blaster, and let us know?

Oh, and replace all references to Sprint with Super Speed, in your case Works the same.


PS. If the results are good and the binds don't break very often without the unqueue, then I may get rid of this confusing option altogether. I added the unqueue for added robustness, and self-correction of the binds, but if it's more trouble then it's worth, it's history. I'll be trying it out this way myself, but everybody let me know if you guys have any problem without using unqueue (those of you who try it) because it may act differently in different situations, connection speeds, etc.



Gnarly I found a way to break your binds. When you hold down the forward key while running and zone, the binds mess up when you reappear. Is there anyway to fix this?



Gnarly I found a way to break your binds. When you hold down the forward key while running and zone, the binds mess up when you reappear. Is there anyway to fix this?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, either keep pressing on the forward key while you're zoning, or stop pressing it before you zone Otherwise, no. I can't reprogram the game to accept commands while you're zoning.

But a quick Ctrl-R Ctrl-R will fix it if you get messed up, and usually you zone with a metro or a swat guard, so you can stop moving before zoning.




No thats not what I meant. I mean is there any way to set your binds so that if there is any screwy movement, the next key you press will somehow "reset" the movement and you dont have to do ctrl+r twice. I know its not easy to do but're the expert



Hey Gnarly,
I just found out that your binds work even when sitting on the waterfront of a lake in Main. OK, not really big news there, I just still find it pretty amazing that I can be sitting at a waterfront in Main, and be playing CoH. Pretty cool.

Any way, back to vacation...



I'll fool around with it tonight, but let's see if I understand what the dealy is. So, I rerun the bind program and replace the power with X, and that's it? I wasn't quite sure what you meant by replacing all instances of sprint with superspeed.

Was the unqueue just your way of turning sprint off when a characters stops moving?

I guess the reason why I wouldn't want my rifle put away after I run is primary during the middle of a battle. I'd like to eliminate those seconds where my blaster is drawing a gun and just finish off the opponent before it throws another attack at me. The priority for me though is making sure that sprint is off when I stop, even with stamina, I don't want to drain too quickly.



I mean is there any way to set your binds so that if there is any screwy movement, the next key you press will somehow "reset" the movement and you dont have to do ctrl+r twice. I know its not easy to do but're the expert

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess in my sarcastic way, I was answering that question with a "no". Here is the long answer: my binds depend COMPLETELY on knowing what keys are being pressed, and it does this by doing a bind_load_file every time you press or release a key. So if you press or release a key and the game doesn't notice, then it doesn't change files, and it is confused. It is still self-correcting just like normal, and setting sprint, movement directions etc the way (it THINKS) they should be, but for a reality that is no longer real Ok, not the easiest to follow, I know, so an example.

You're pressing forward, running along just fine, and you zone. You release the Forward key, and then you enter the new zone. It still thinks the forward key is pressed, so when you DO press it, it think's you've just released it and it makes sure forward=0 and sprint is OFF and blah blah blah, they're hosed.

Short answer: No, I can't fix it.

Does that clear things up?




Oaken, a lot of good points, so let me answer each in turn.

So, I rerun the bind program and replace the power with X, and that's it?

[/ QUOTE ]
Yep, that should do it! The binds will be marginally less self-correcting, but should work as you want. You will not put your gun away except, as normal, when you haven't used it in a while. Assuming it works like my scrappers sword.

I wasn't quite sure what you meant by replacing all instances of sprint with superspeed.

[/ QUOTE ]
oh, I just mentioned sprint throughout the post, but you have Super Speed... I just meant they work the same, so I usually think (and so I wrote) in terms of sprint as everybody's movement power, but I know for you it is not.


Was the unqueue just your way of turning sprint off when a characters stops moving?

[/ QUOTE ]
Well, kindof. If sprint is on, just powexec_name sprint will turn it off. But what if lag or pressing too many keys confuses things and sprint isn't on when you have a key pressed? The powexec followed by unqueue makes sure Sprint is turned OFF whether it is on or off to begin with. This is part of the self-correctingness of the binds.


I guess the reason why I wouldn't want my rifle put away after I run is primary during the middle of a battle. I'd like to eliminate those seconds where my blaster is drawing a gun and just finish off the opponent before it throws another attack at me.

[/ QUOTE ]
Absolutely. Which is why I added this feature for my scrapper. It was driving me crazy.

The priority for me though is making sure that sprint is off when I stop, even with stamina, I don't want to drain too quickly.

[/ QUOTE ]
It still worked fine for me, even pressing multiple keys and such, and like I said, if you move again, it should correct itself.

Give it a try




I seem to encounter a very annoying movement bug after I type using your binds Gnarly. After typing in the chat window, and the last letter being that of any of my movement keys (wasd), it will get me stuck moving in that direction until I hit ctrl+r twice to reset everything. It only seems to happen after I hit enter quickly after the key as opposed to a second after. Its gotten me killed a few times randomly saying "grats" then getting stuck running backwards at full tilt.

I type pretty fast so it happens a lot, but I LOVE the binds you use. Is there any way to get around this? maybe to disable the movement keys when enter is pressed, and not reactivate them until it is pressed again?

Thanks for your efforts Gnarly, Love these binds!



I have the same chat issue as well. I didn't realize it at first, but after noting the times when I did start flying in random directions (and into lvl 36s much to my horror) it does happen after I type a message to someone.

I'm currently in the process of trying the binds again. IT wasn't working the way you said it would gnarly, but I thought of a change i could make.

Ok, I reran the program and it works the way I want it to now. If I say "SUPER SPEED" for primary and "NONE" for secondary, Sprint will NOT turn on when I stop moving in Super Speed. And I did put X for the attack, which removes the unqueue, so my gun does not get put away. Everything looks good so far. no confused binds as of yet.



I seem to encounter a very annoying movement bug after I type using your binds Gnarly. After typing in the chat window, and the last letter being that of any of my movement keys (wasd), it will get me stuck moving in that direction until I hit ctrl+r twice to reset everything. It only seems to happen after I hit enter quickly after the key as opposed to a second after. Its gotten me killed a few times randomly saying "grats" then getting stuck running backwards at full tilt.

I type pretty fast so it happens a lot, but I LOVE the binds you use. Is there any way to get around this? maybe to disable the movement keys when enter is pressed, and not reactivate them until it is pressed again?

Thanks for your efforts Gnarly, Love these binds!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hi Biothreat,

Well, it seems you caught both a hard-to-catch problem, and proposed a possible solution... good work! That happened to me once, but I didn't know what caused it.

But, I did some testing, and what you're doing is this: You type a D or S or whatever as the last character in the chat box, and then hit Enter before you RELEASE the D. Therefore, the D is being sent to the Chat window, and the release is sent to the main window.

This is identical to the problem with zoning, which I discussed a few posts back. If the main window, and therefore my binds, don't get all keypresses and releases, then they screw up. This happens whether that keypress goes to the chat window, or inter-zone-never-never-land.

Your possible fix was a good idea, though, so just to make sure I tested it. I bound enter as follows:

enter "tell $name, starting$$show chat$$startchat$$bind_load_file c:\test2.txt"

enter "tell $name, stopping$$bind_load_file c:\test1.txt"

Enter is normally bound like in Test1, but without the tell or the bind_load_file. Predictably this did not work, because when you're in the chat window, the Enter is sent to the chat window, so it will never get to the main window. I would enter chat properly, telling myself "starting", and then I'd type something and hit enter. That would say the text, but would NOT call the 2nd bind and tell me anything. If I hit enter again, it'd say stopping, and not put me in the chat window. Hitting it a 4th time starts over.

So, sorry to always be the nay-sayer , but I can't fix it. Now that you know exactly what the problem is though, maybe it'll be easier for you to not do it? Type as fast as you like, but make sure you release that last key before hitting enter.




Hey Gnarly great job you frickin' genius-type *******.

I have custom Keybind folders for each of my characters with many bindfiles in them. My Keybind file (the one that gets read in at startup - the one at root) has 8 binds: CONTROL+<each numpad keys 1-8>. So when I press CONTROL+NUMPAD2 for example, it execs my second character's keybind file in that characters folder. So everytime I login I exec that particular character's binds.
My question is this: What do I need to do to keep my custom binds for each character (if anything)? When I execute these bind files, will it break SoD? And if it will, then what do I need to put in my files to keep SoD's stuff safe?



I downloaded this, being new to the game thinking it would help.... Now I cannot remove the binds that I do now like. How can I totally reset my binds back to the way they were?



Gotcha Gnarly, less keyboard mashing!

Thank you for taking the time to test my theory, I'll try to improve on the typing skills! Keep up the great work, and if you ever need extra hosting for the binds, let me know!



If you want to re-set to the standard config, in game, go to the options menu. There is an option there to reset keys to default. This will also re-set any other binds you may have configured, so you will need to re-load those after re-setting.



What do I need to do to keep my custom binds for each character (if anything)? When I execute these bind files, will it break SoD? And if it will, then what do I need to put in my files to keep SoD's stuff safe?

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, good question. My binds will only overwrite the keys that you enter during the program configuration, CTRL-R and CTRL-M. If you load your character-specific binds AFTER SoD, and if they bind any of the SoD keys, then you'll have to re-do your /bind_load_file C:\coh\reset.txt command to get SoD working properly again.

To make it easier on yourself, make sure that your keybind files do NOT bind anything to the SoD keys, and you'll be fine. For example, if you use the spacebar for SoD's UP key, then delete any bind for space in your bind files. If you load those files and there is no reference to space, then it'll leave it as it was before.

Just so you know though, we discussed in this thread how the game saves binds. We're pretty sure that it saves them server side FOR EACH CHARACTER. People tested this by logging onto other people's machines, and they had their binds there. There was some disagreement as to whether they were changed on the fly, or whether they were just updated at logon and logoff, but they are stored server side.

So, you probably don't need to load a different bind file each time you log on with a different character. At character creation ought to be enough.

Anyway, that's the theory... let us know if you get results that suggest differently.




I downloaded this, being new to the game thinking it would help.... Now I cannot remove the binds that I do now like. How can I totally reset my binds back to the way they were?

[/ QUOTE ]


The first page of my bind program's instructions detailed how to create a backup file by going into the game and executing a /bind_save command at the game prompt. If you did that, then there should be a keybinds.txt file in your root directory, which can be loaded with a /bind_load command, as explained on the last page of the program's instructions. This will reset you to the way you were, with any changes you made prior to loading my binds intact.

If you did not create keybinds.txt, then a second simple alternative is to hit CTRL-R. It should say "Normal Movement" and the keys that you set up my program to configure are reconfigured to normal movement (ie. +forward etc) with none of the fancy stuff. The Fly key and ground keys you chose are bound to simple binds that toggle hover/fly etc. This might be helpful, or you might not like that either, but it's easy enough to give it a try.

To go all the way back to square one, however, you need to do exactly what Blue Volt said. This is also the easy answer if you made no other key configuration changes besides my binds.

Hope that helps,




I'm having what would seem to be on the surface a minor problem that is in fact causing me major headaches. Sometimes when I'm hovering (or flying for that matter), when I attack, I plummet. My hover always kicks in before I hit paydirt, but it's still annoying. Especially when I drop right into the middle of the melee battle that I was hovering to avoid. Any ideas how to fix/avoid this problem? Do you think it could be similar to the chatting/getting stuck problem mentioned above?



I'm having what would seem to be on the surface a minor problem that is in fact causing me major headaches. Sometimes when I'm hovering (or flying for that matter), when I attack, I plummet. My hover always kicks in before I hit paydirt, but it's still annoying. Especially when I drop right into the middle of the melee battle that I was hovering to avoid. Any ideas how to fix/avoid this problem? Do you think it could be similar to the chatting/getting stuck problem mentioned above?

[/ QUOTE ]

See my previous post in this thread:;o=&vc=1
There's no way around it other than being aware of it and releasing keys more carefully.



I've been playing CoH for a little while now, and I do like your binds (just started using them)... However, I think I've found 2 problems, mostly that are due to the keys I choose in my binds, but this may be fixable if brought to your attention.

1. My normal jump key is lshift, and using these binds causes me not to be able to jump when in SoD-Run mode... flying works fine for moving up and down (except for the next problem)...

2. My normal 'down' key is lctrl, and I've found that when I use ctrl-R to reset things, it toggles my downward movement state so that if I go into fly mode, I'll be moving downward constantly... but if I ctrl-R again it works fine...

Anything I can do to fix these things?



Found a solution
The real problem was due to the fact that the lctrl-R reset was hard coded. I fixed my case by binding it to rctrl+r and everything works perfect now. You should allow a user to specify the reset keys also maybe for this type of situations. Awesome awesome job on the keybind stuff though. I was looking at making something similar, but found someone did it before me =)

-EDIT 2-

My case is not totally fixed, but if I'm careful, I can still use the current version. I will hope for an update that allows me to adjust the ctrl-r =)



I like simplicity so I did the following. I added the sprint to ground movement as well as made a reset key for each mode being "R" at all times. I also condensed the original 3 files into 2 and just made the first file "powers.txt" the initial bind.

First bind:
lshift "bind_load_file r:\games\CoH\keybinds\flight1\flight.txt"

lshift "powexec_name super speed$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file r:\games\CoH\keybinds\flight1\ground.txt"
w "+forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
a "+left$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
d "+right$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
s "+backward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
space "+up$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
lshift+space "+down$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name fly"
r "tell $name, Flight keybinds reset$$powexec_name Super Speed$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_abort$$powexec_name Hover$$bind_load_file r:\games\CoH\keybinds\flight1\flight.txt"

lshift "powexec_name super speed$$powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file r:\games\CoH\keybinds\flight1\flight.txt"
w "+forward$$powexec_name Sprint"
a "+left$$powexec_name Sprint"
d "+right$$powexec_name Sprint"
s "+backward$$powexec_name Sprint"
space "+up"
r "tell $name, Run keybinds reset$$powexec_name Super Speed$$powexec_name Sprint$$powexec_name Hover$$powexec_name Fly$$powexec_abort$$powexec_name Super Speed$$bind_load_file r:\games\CoH\keybinds\flight1\ground.txt"

I did it this way so R resets in either fly or run mode. I also had to do this because I have superspeed as well and I like to only have sprint on when actually running.



I will hope for an update that allows me to adjust the ctrl-r =)

[/ QUOTE ]


Ok, Version 2.7 is out, and includes the option to put the reset key where you want. I've never been happy with the way I initially set up Reset, so I changed some things about how it works too. Here is the list of changes:

- Changed Reset so it does NOT take you out of SoD but simply sets all movements to 0, and turns off all powers on the ground, or just leaves hover on, if in the air.

- Reset Key can now be configured to any key. Defaults to CTRL-R still.

- Added a new Mode Toggle key, which you can also choose. This toggles between normal movement (no Auto-Sprint or Auto-Fly, and no bind_load_file use), and Speed on Demand. This defaults to CTRL-M which USED to just tell you what mode you were in... I don't think any of you used this latter key, as it was mostly for me to troubleshoot things. That function is now gone.

- Changed how the unqueue option is configured for Scrappers/Tankers/AR characters (those with drawn weapons). It no longer asks for a power name, but simply a Yes/No for using unqueue or not. Auto-attacking was just my first thought on what to replace un_queue with, not the most graceful. Just leaving unqueue off is better, and limits the binds to movement binds rather than gameplay.





Hi Gnarly,

I've been following this post (and can honestly say that I read 95% of what was written), but I have a question that I don't think was asked.

Am I able to use your SoD progam using the Directional Arrow Keys?

I currently use a modified version of one of the earlier versions.

My set-up is:
rcontrol - hover/with fly on demand
rshift - ground speed on demand (prestige power dash)
directional arrows - forward/backward (with SoD)/turnright/turnleft
a & d - strafe left/right (with Sod)
numpad0 - down for flight
also I use the tilde key to target nearest enemy

This layout seems easiest for me. Will my setup work with your program?

Thanks for the help.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd