The Best Hover/Fly /bind EVER!!!




I have a question. Does SoD 3.0 still have the annoying bug where if you are moving while flying and you immediately hit a power button, you drop from the sky?

This was the problem that I had with this bind originally and it got to the point that whenever I moved and fire (in normal combat) I would drop from the sky two or three times. It's annoying because not only do you take fall damage, but you also fall into the midst of your enemies and into melee.




Yes, it does I'm sad to say. I honestly don't know if there is a fix for that either.



Also, you should create a directory on your computer for all of your binds. I use c:\cohbinds - when using the bind_load command, it doesn't like long directory names like the default c:\program files\city of heroes\binds (it will come back with an error message saying (I think) too many arguments.

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I don't think the problem is with long file names per se. I believe that the problem with the aforementioned default directory path is actually the spaces in c:\program files\city of heroes\binds. I have not tested this but if you put quotes around the path and filename, it should work fine. eg. bind_load "c:\program files\city of heroes\binds\mybinds.txt"



All right, this bind works GREAT for me! I love it! I have just one question - how come I can't get it into a macro button?

The macro format is: /macro <name> <command>

So I input: /macro Flover "/bind_load_file c:\coh_bind\powers.txt"

And when I click the macro button, it tells me /bind_load_file is not a valid command. But when I manually enter the command as I typed it for the macro button, it works just fine. What have I done wrong?



All right, this bind works GREAT for me! I love it! I have just one question - how come I can't get it into a macro button?

The macro format is: /macro <name> <command>

So I input: /macro Flover "/bind_load_file c:\coh_bind\powers.txt"

And when I click the macro button, it tells me /bind_load_file is not a valid command. But when I manually enter the command as I typed it for the macro button, it works just fine. What have I done wrong?

[/ QUOTE ]

I do not think you need the "/" in front of bind_load_file

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



All right, this bind works GREAT for me! I love it! I have just one question - how come I can't get it into a macro button?

The macro format is: /macro <name> <command>

So I input: /macro Flover "/bind_load_file c:\coh_bind\powers.txt"

And when I click the macro button, it tells me /bind_load_file is not a valid command. But when I manually enter the command as I typed it for the macro button, it works just fine. What have I done wrong?

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I do not think you need the "/" in front of bind_load_file

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You're right! That worked!

Best. Bind. EVAR!



Glad it worked for you.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



A little advice for all the /bind wary : the underscore (_) in the commands can be removed, and it will work properly without it.

Example :
/bind v "powexec_name Rest"
/bind v "powexecname Rest"
are the same.

The point of this is that the /bind is limited to 256 characters, so for long binds it's good to skip the characters you can



Forgive me as I try and bring this post to life again.

I used the keybinds from the initial post here and it works great save for the fact that I added turnlefts and right instead of left or right as I use the arrow keys for travel. Besides that it works great.

My problem lies in turning it off. WHen I press q it turns it on but when I press q again it turn to plain hover. I then press q again and it turns off, sometimes, but if I move within 5 seconds it makes my fly or hover again.
What is going on? I will post my codes here....

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
q "powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file c:\flight1.txt"

q "powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file c:\flight2.txt"
up "+forward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name Fly"
left "+turnleft$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name Fly"
right "+turnright$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name Fly"
down "+backward$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name Fly"
space "+up$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name Fly"
lshift+space "+down$$powexec_name hover$$powexec_name Fly"

q "powexec_name hover$$bind_load_file c:\flight1.txt"
up "+forward"
left "+turnleft"
right "+turnright"
down "+backward"
space "+up" </pre><hr />

Any help would be deeply appreciated.



Sorry to be late reponding to the post on the previous page.

- I have two versions, zipped, of the original binds from this thread, Gnarly's and Wasabi Joe's.
Both are too long for posting, but I'm happy to pass them on to anyone who wants to host them again for the community.
They're similar. Gnarly's is easier to set up -- it comes as a small .exe program that asks which powers are in use and builds the bind. Both are pretty stable, with the same occasional minor bug (on zoning, sometimes the binds need to be "reset"; both provide a key for this, so it's extremely easy).

- I can't emphasize how much better this makes hover/fly. Literally dozens of my friends and SG mates have said "I can toggle between hover/fly well on my own, no need for the bind," but when they try it, their eyes open and they never, ever go back. It's how flying was meant to be.



Or you could download CityBinder... it has an updated Speed on Demand system implemented, which supports Kheldians, and a number of other bind systems. Very Soon it will support full featered Toggle binds of any sort. Link in Sig.



Ah, that's new to me, thanks!

I read the helpful page of your info here

but still wasn't sure about the Flight binds. It provides automatic Hover/Fly toggling, like Gnarly's?



Heh, like Gnarly's? You could say that... I used his Basic source code to create the first version of the Speed on Demand module to CityBinder. Yes it supports automatic toggling between hover and fly, and even more.

No, in reality it is more of an updated version of Gnarly's. I've added a few extra things to it such as the ability to set your camera distance when flying and when not, Kheldian support, world detail level while flying. DrLetharga has contributed the Advanced teleport bind, which I have attempted to assimilate into CityBinder. CityBinder also supports the creation of simple and cyclebinds, Khaiba/Sandolphin's Mastermind binds, a per pet selection bind, an inspiration popper bind with accurate names for all inspirations except the Awaken line, and the AFK based Typing message for all methods of chatting.

Oh yeah, it also can save settings in a profile per character, so you can go back and easily just change one or two things about your characters binds without having to redo the entire thing.

It's also GPL software with the source code available, so if people want to make changes to it, they can, and if they want me to add it to the main CityBinder project I pretty much will.



Does it do coffee?

It sounds great. It's the Hover/Fly I want above all -- I'm not a Teleporter and don't need binds for it (though I'll wave as you flash past me) -- but I'm sure I'll find some of the other features useful.

Will give it a go this weekend. Thanks!



Does it do coffee?

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you running Linux?

It sounds great. It's the Hover/Fly I want above all -- I'm not a Teleporter and don't need binds for it (though I'll wave as you flash past me) -- but I'm sure I'll find some of the other features useful.

Will give it a go this weekend. Thanks!

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh, you're quite welcome. I made it because I got tired of re-entering settings over and over again when using Gnarly's program. I wanted the ability to just tweak a setting here or there, but I also realized that if it could handle more than just that one bind, it may be capable of being a one stop shop for making perfectly customized bindfiles. For about a week after the headstart I scoured as much (though not enough) of the forums as I could to find useful binds to add to it.



this is about for SS????



OK, i tried to make this and i copied and pasted everything verbatim. yet when i try to load it in game i get this error: "unable to read in keybind file &lt;path/filename&gt;"
i dont know why i'm getting this. i'm doing everything exactly as written. any ideas?



OK, i tried to make this and i copied and pasted everything verbatim. yet when i try to load it in game i get this error: "unable to read in keybind file &lt;path/filename&gt;"
i dont know why i'm getting this. i'm doing everything exactly as written. any ideas?

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You are probably using a long path such as c:\program files\city of heroes\binds\lalala.txt

The bind_load command doesn't like file names with spaces - you should create a bind directory directly on your C: drive - I use cohbinds as the directory.

Also, when you said you copied &amp; pasted, I assume you are using the binds from the original post - don't do that

Either use Gnarly's Speed on Demand program you can download it at Nilt's City of Heroes Resources or use Monorail's CityBinder.

I only have experience with Gnarly's SoD, but I've heard good things about CityBinder.

I hope this helps you.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Either use Gnarly's Speed on Demand program you can download it at Nilt's City of Heroes Resources or use Monorail's CityBinder.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm personally using the new CityBinder for my MM binds. I haven't been using Gnarly's SoD binds for a while, having developed my own that work well now, but it looks as if CityBinder's integrated the functionality of Gnarly's SoD into it.

I'll probably keep the SoD stuff up somewhere even if CityBinder takes over but my site's currently been having bandwidth issues. I may move to an alternate host but the one I'm on is free so ...

Edit: I was shocked to see this thread still kicking. It's SO old now!



This sounds really stupid , but what is a .txt file, and how, and where do you save the .txt files once you have them? Thanks.



This sounds really stupid , but what is a .txt file, and how, and where do you save the .txt files once you have them? Thanks.

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As a simple example, if you were to create a bind in game, on the chat line you would type - /bind rctrl "powexectoggleon fly$$powexectoggleon hover" - this will make the right control key toggle between hover &amp; fly

If you want to creat a series of binds, it's easier to create a text bind file &amp; load them all at once.

To create a text file of the same bind open up notepad and type: rctrl "powexectoggleon fly$$powexectoggleon hover"

You'll notice that you do not need to put the /bind in there. Save the file to a simple directory (I use c:\cohbinds) and name it something like fly.txt

In CoH at the chat line type: bind_load_file c:\cohbinds\fly.txt

Look in the guide section of the forum for the Guide to Binds that gives much of the basic information regarding binds &amp; txt files

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can't get CityBinder to do automatic toggling between hover and fly.

I'm finding that, using CityBinder, I have to use the "F" key to toggle between hover/fly. In fly mode, when I release a movement key, I do NOT automatically drop into hover. I'm using the files CityBinder generated - I haven't edited them at all. What could be wrong? (I know I've loaded the binds generated by your program because I see binds I didn't have previously, unrelated to fly).

I'm probably just doing something wrong, but at least for me, CityBinder doesn't seem to work like Gnarly's did. But the CityBinder program itself is just so wonderfully handy that I'm really hoping I'm just missing something stoopid on my part (for which I apologize in advance).

I note that the bind generated for fly mode reads like this:
F "powexecname Sprint$$powexecname Fly$$powexecname Hover"
Given that the fly-mode key does not load a new bind file, how can it possibly trigger a Gnarly-style auto-hover/fly switch? Having examined RESET.TXT, I can't see how it could work. Once again, I'm sure the error is mine, but I'm stumped.

CityBinder looks very cool (Thanks for putting it together) - what am I doing wrong?



I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can't get CityBinder to do automatic toggling between hover and fly.

I'm finding that, using CityBinder, I have to use the "F" key to toggle between hover/fly. In fly mode, when I release a movement key, I do NOT automatically drop into hover. I'm using the files CityBinder generated - I haven't edited them at all. What could be wrong? (I know I've loaded the binds generated by your program because I see binds I didn't have previously, unrelated to fly).

I'm probably just doing something wrong, but at least for me, CityBinder doesn't seem to work like Gnarly's did. But the CityBinder program itself is just so wonderfully handy that I'm really hoping I'm just missing something stoopid on my part (for which I apologize in advance).

I note that the bind generated for fly mode reads like this:
F "powexecname Sprint$$powexecname Fly$$powexecname Hover"
Given that the fly-mode key does not load a new bind file, how can it possibly trigger a Gnarly-style auto-hover/fly switch? Having examined RESET.TXT, I can't see how it could work. Once again, I'm sure the error is mine, but I'm stumped.

CityBinder looks very cool (Thanks for putting it together) - what am I doing wrong?

[/ QUOTE ]

It seems to me that you are not enabling the Speed on Demand system after loading your reset.txt. If you left it at the default key, hit Ctrl+M and then try to enter Fly mode. If that doesn't work, you may want to reset all your keybinds in the options window and reload the reset.txt, then enter SoD mode. The good news is that, as a general rule, you will never need to reenter normal mode, except on rare circumstances like wanting to completely reset your binds.



Okay; I did say that I was probably doing something stupid (altho I hadn't really expected that it would turn out that I was being quite that pathetically brainless). Yes, you are entirely right - I hadn't hit Ctrl-M. In my defense(*), the system I had used previously (which I attributed to Gnarly - perhaps in error), there was no "mode" key - you just hit your flight key and took off, even the very first time. But that system did have headaches with it getting confused between hover &amp; fly. (It wasn't, by the way, Gnarly's latest - it was a very early version using only two flight-related bind files. I understand the most recent version doesn't have this problem).

Actually I saw the Ctrl-M bind in the reset.txt file, but when I saw the word "Run" mode, I presumed that it was to get OUT of fly mode and quit looking. Granted, if I had done just that wee bit more research of looking at the r(gazillion zeroes follow).txt file, I would have been able to figure out myself and wouldn't have needed to clog this forum with my "hey, look everyone, I'm a twit" post.


* - Okay, there is no defense; I was simply being a bonehead. (Fitting, in a way, since I'm currently playing a Necro MM). Thanks very much for the help.



CityBinder doesn't appear to have this problem.