45 -
My guess would be that papa is referencing the very popular Void/Quantum targeting bind. Whether it's there or not I can't say, I'm way too much of a control freak to trust my binds to CityBinder, though I've heard good things about it.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's not in CityBinder as a standard bind, but because of CityBinder's PowerBind system, it can literally handle any bind you throw at it. If you just want a key that selects certain foes, just create a Simple Bind and type the bind command into that simple bind. Even if CityBinder doesn't understand the exact command, it will save the command and generate it along with everything else.
I'm also updating it to work better with the Kheldian forms so that when you're detoggled, or after a rez or logon, hitting your dwarf key will always toggleon your dwarf power, even when CityBinder's system already thinks you're in Dwarf form. Likewise for Nova.
I have a couple of other things to fix, but I think it's high time for another release of CityBinder. -
A build for a tankermind was requested (though the post seems to have been deleted...), so...
This is my current build for Snake Eyes Mike.
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Name: Snake Eyes Mike
Level: 21
Archetype: Mastermind
Primary: Thugs
Secondary: Dark Miasma
01) --> Call Thugs==> Acc(1)Acc(3)Dmg(3)Dmg(17)Dmg(21)
01) --> Twilight Grasp==> Acc(1)Acc(5)Heal(7)
02) --> Dual Wield==> Acc(2)Acc(5)EndRdx(9)
04) --> Pistols==> Acc(4)Acc(7)EndRdx(9)
06) --> Equip Thugs==> EndRdx(6)
08) --> Darkest Night==> EndRdx(8)
10) --> Air Superiority==> Acc(10)Acc(11)EndRdx(11)
12) --> Call Enforcer==> Acc(12)Acc(13)Dmg(13)Dmg(17)Dmg(21)
14) --> Provoke==> Acc(14)Acc(15)Taunt(15)Taunt(19)Taunt(19)
16) --> Hurdle==> Jump(16)
18) --> Gang War==> Acc(18)
20) --> Health==> Heal(20)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Supremacy==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
I don't play him too much at the moment, been working on CityBinder recently. Slotting is as of Level 21, and the only thing set in stone for a Tankermind is the Taunt Slotting.
Future goals are to get Stamina, and fill up with Dark Secondary powers for better control. I will also be working Fly in there somewhere, though at this point I still have my Jump Boots full 2 hours left, and about 30 minutes left on my goldbricker jet pack. The first jetpack from the AP mayhem mission is about burnt out, though I may still have some time left on it. This is why I don't yet have a full travel power. Temp Travel powers make them skippable until later.
Tankerminds work best, I think, if they have an AoE heal, and they should have about three attacks and one taunt power by level 20. I chose Air Superiority for extra control.
I am not the originator of the Tankermind concept (can't remember who is though, do a forum search and extend the time searched to two or three months ago).
The basic tactic of the tankermind is to put your pets on Defensive Follow mode. Park 'em there. Then go crazy and use your attacks and taunt powers. Yup that's right, taunt powers. Why? Because if the attacks damage you, you and your henchmen are much more survivable. Bodyguard mode engages when you put pets in Def/Follow. When in bodyguard mode with four pets, you take one third of incoming damage, and your pets take one sixth.
If you can keep the aggro (with taunts and attacks) and keep your pets healed, you'll have no problems keeping yourself alive. Until you meet AoE enemies. When you encounter an AoE enemy, you must take your pets out of bodyguard (Def/Follow) mode, preferrably by telling them to attack that AoE mob. The reason is simple, AoE's while in Bodyguard mode will overwhelm you. Kill them flamethrowers, Demolitionists, etc. as fast as you can. They should get priority.
This gets a bit difficult when you face an AoE capable boss, but at that point, you should just revert to standard Mastermind tactics. No aggro, no attacks, just support your pets as best you can. Try to split difficult AoE mob spwans that contain Boss AoEers. I haven't run into this just yet.
When you meet up with Mobs Highly resistant to S/L damage (e.g. the stone tankers from the Legacy group come to mind), STAY in bodyguard mode. My first unwilling faceplant was caused by trying to take him down quickly by ordering my pets to attack him.
If you choose to play a Thug Tankermind, Get Gang War at level 18. It'll come in handy with drawing aggro. Your henchmen will attack when in bodyguard mode even if it's just your Posse members getting hit. This allows you to initiate attacks with normally docile Bodyguards, while not taking any damage yourself. And let's face facts, Gang War produces ten expendable Organic Cannon Fodder. I essentially consider gang war to be a very strange sort of pseudo taunt that follows you around, on a fairly long recharge timer.
Now, as far as how to manage your pets with the Tankermind concept in mind... I really suggest you take a look at my CityBinder program. It is capable of creating a full featured bind set, and includes a Henchman control bind creator. This system is based on Sandolphan's MM binds, but has an added feature. You can set up commands to control your bodyguards separately from your non-bodyguards if desired. This lets you take your guards quickly out of BG mode when you see AoE mobs. Since setting this up, I have yet to be hit by an AoE attack while my pets were bodyguarding me. They are already attacking the AoE mob before the flamethrower ignites.
At the least, anybody playing any style of mastermind (except Ironman/petless MM's) needs to use some kind of Henchman control bind. And I definitely suggest you make use of Sandolphan's or my binds. -
You may also want to make sure that the extension .txt isn't duplicated in the filesystem. Windows has an annoying habit of hiding extensions from people. Try renaming all your files so they don't have .txt on the end. If this is your problem it ought to clear up instantly.
[/ QUOTE ]
Another possibility is that you didn't go through each bind file and change the pathnames in them to refer to the new directory. It sounds like the game just isn't finding the bind files that other files are referring to, so this is likely the problem. You'll need all the applicable bind files in the same directory, and any reference in one bind file will have to be changed to match where you've actually put them.
Reread your post more carefully, and it seems like you've done this and are still having problems. Try removing the file extensions as mentioned above, remembering to change all the file names within the bind files as well.
Remember, everything in this system of files refers to other files, so if you change the locations of them, or the names of the files, you have to change all internal references to files/locations to match.
[/ QUOTE ]
Another thing you may want to do is tell Windows to display file extensions.
(Assuming you are using Windows XP...)
Open My Computer,
Open the Tools menu,
Click on Folder Options...,
Click on the View tab,
Find Hide extensions for known file types in the Advanced settings box, and make sure it doesn't have a check next to it. If it does, click that line to remove it,
Finally, click the OK button.
If your files weren't named properly, they will now have .txt.txt on their ends instead of just .txt.
If you're using Windows 98 or Me, you may have to get to Folder Options by going to the edit menu instead of the tools menu. -
Thanks for the reply ...
I've put the robot.txt into a folder - c:\covbinds\robot.txt along with the other .txt files.
Now when I type the /bindloadfile c:\covbinds\robot.txt I get another error message:
" Unable to read in keybind file: c:\covbinds\robot.txt "
I've tried attempts with the robot text file as both the original:
numpad0 bind_load_file c:\covbinds\All.txt
numpad1 bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle.txt
numpad2 bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Protector.txt
numpad3 bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Assault.txt
and changed (hoping that the /bind missing was the problem):
/bind numpad0 bind_load_file c:\covbinds\All.txt
/bind numpad1 bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Battle.txt
/bind numpad2 bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Protector.txt
/bind numpad3 bind_load_file c:\covbinds\Assault.txt
But they both got the same error message as above.
[/ QUOTE ]
You may also want to make sure that the extension .txt isn't duplicated in the filesystem. Windows has an annoying habit of hiding extensions from people. Try renaming all your files so they don't have .txt on the end. If this is your problem it ought to clear up instantly. -
Try .com/vidiotmaps/]this link instead.
[/ QUOTE ] Linky broken. Try www.badge-w h o r e.com/vidiotmaps/ instead. Without the spaces.
[/ QUOTE ]
Dang profanity filter. -
Does CoH have websites along the lines of Thottbot or Allakhzam for WoW?
[/ QUOTE ]
With no loot system like WoW has (salvage is easy to come by, and none of it is nearly as unique as WoW loot can be), lots of the stuff from Thottbot/Allakhazam is unecessary in CoH/V.
However, these are the two sites I use most when I need info about badges/maps/story arcs.
RedTomax's Guide to City of Heroes, which also has a section for City of Villains.
Vidiotmaps, though I think it may be gone. Try this link instead.
Hopefully others will provide even more info for you. -
I've been working on a macro for a quick, witty remark everytime get AS'd by a stalker in PvP for about 3 hours now and having a frustrating time. I'm sure its something simple that i am doing wrong and i would love some feedback.
I started off by making a folder c:\keybinds and within it are as1.txt, as2.txt, and as3.txt (written with Notepad). The 3 separate files read as this:
"local Silly Stalker, Tanks are for Brutes!$$bind_load_file c:\keybinds\as2.txt"
"local OUCH!$$bind_load_file c:\keybinds\as3.txt"
"local Why you gotta be so hateful yo?$$bind_load_file c:\keybinds\as1.txt"
Now ingame i have been using this as my macro (which wont work):
/macro AS, "bind_load_file c:\keybinds\as1.txt"
When i try to use it, the game says "Usage:bind takes 2 args, you gave 1."
I have no idea what that means and i would really appreciate some help with this.
[/ QUOTE ]
Binds need to have a key to bind to. You can't really make a macro out of this. However, you could do the following:
g "local Silly Stalker, Tanks are for Brutes!$$bind_load_file c:\keybinds\as2.txt"
g "local OUCH!$$bind_load_file c:\keybinds\as3.txt"
g "local Why you gotta be so hateful yo?$$bind_load_file c:\keybinds\as1.txt"
Then simply type in game:
/bindloadfile c:\keybinds\as1.txt
This will bind your g key to the first saying. everytime you hit that key it will cycle to the next saying. You can of course decide to use a different key than the G key, just be sure to change it in all the bindfiles. -
I tried installing the program this afternoon and encountered an obstacle I would like to know if anyone else seen. During the installation process the program informs me I have components that are out of date and need to be updated. Giving the program permission to update these files prompts to reboot for the changes to take place. After rebooting I launch the setup program again and I am once again prompted to update component files.
Doing some research on the net I found the problem on the Microsoft support page found here .
I tried resetting the TEMP directories and performing everything in safe mode. I also verified the registry key was set correctly before the system was rebooted. However after every reboot the old files would remain and the new ones would not replace them.
I then tried to do it manually but approximately 5 seconds after coping the new resource file located on the CAB file provided in the 2 Meg zip the old one would over write back into the system32 directory. Has anyone else had this problem and if so were you able to develop a work around?
This is on a Win2000 SP4 machine. If relevant I have both Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 and 2.0 installed. Thank you very much.
[/ QUOTE ]
You may want to try CityBinder. DrLetharga Contributed these teleport binds to CityBinder, and I am constantly updating. My system also does not rely on any external components. -
I have been playing COV for almost a week now and i want to get into some macros or binds.. Heres what i want to do.
I want to create a macro or a bind that will allow me to create a saying and attack at the same time. I saw a guy doing it on one of the teams that i was on and it was great for being in character. Can anyone help?
[/ QUOTE ]
There's quite a few ways to do this really. Here's the simplest in terms of how to set it all up:
/bind key "say Whatever you want to say$$powexecname Power name"
Or, if you want you could also do:
/bind key "say Whatever you want to say$$powexecslot Power Tray Slot, in the bottom tray"
Use that if you simply want to say something whenever you execute whatever power is in a given slot on your power tray.
There are other ways you could do this, such as with a Macro, but IIRC macro's won't tell you when the power is recharging or ready. They will always seem ready, and can thus be very confusing. Not to mention, macros have a very limited choice of icons to choose from.
Hope that helps! -
Or if you're a Villain, just do the atlas park Mayhem mission once. Raptor Pack. Need another one as avillain? Grab the Kings Row Mayhem Mission. Jump Boots. Need yet another one? Do Dr. Percey's missions in Cap au Diable, then do the missions given by the Marshall Bras, who is introduced to you after you complete Dr. Percey's missions. Goldbricker jet pack.
There's a total of 5.5 hours of travel powers, and it should be enough to get you beyond Lvl 22 without a PowerPool Travel power, quite easily. You can do without a real travel power for even longer if you carefully conserve your flight/jump time. -
nomouselook.txt contains[ QUOTE ]
x "++mouselook$$tell $name, -- Looklock OFF --$$bind_load_file c:\coh\mouselook.txt"
A "+left"
D "+right"
E "+turnright"
Q "+turnleft"
NUMPAD1 "tell $name, The nomouselook file is loaded."
[/ QUOTE ]
and the file mouselook.txt contains[ QUOTE ]
x "++mouselook$$tell $name, -- Looklock ON --$$bind_load_file c:\coh\nomouselook.txt"
A "+turnleft"
D "+turnright"
E "+right"
Q "+left"
NUMPAD1 "tell $name, The mouselook file is loaded."
[/ QUOTE ]
It probably wasn't working the way you wanted with the bindload way a t the end like that. For a keydown/keyup bind like this one is supposed to be, you need the first letter in the bind command to be +. Also, eliminate the nop binds. Just overwriting the keys will do the trick.
Hope this works for you. By the way, this is an interesting Idea. I'm thinking I'm going to try to add this option to CityBinder's SoD system. -
Excellent guide, and I'll be adding it to my favorites so I don't forget it.
Actually, I said "Penultimate" because I was planning to enhance it somewhat down the line (to allow for running starts, automatically disable sprint if it's enabled, and the like), thus making the ultimate flight bind. But, heck, I already like it as is, and it seems the Speed-on-Demand thing has already been done to everybody else's satisfaction elsewhere (even if it seems horriffically bloated IMHO), so I'm probably not going to do anything further.
Besides, "penultimate" both sounds cooler, and is less arrogant. And how rare is it that a single word is both of those?
[/ QUOTE ]
Very rare.
SoD is horrifically bloated. But it's amazingly efficient.
I'm sorta sad. I was hoping to see a revolution of sorts in SoD. I tried, but was pretty much limited to the Gnarly style. And in my case, I have enough stuff to worry about fixing on CityBinder that I figured, if it ain't broke don't fix it. Thus I use Gnarly's method in CB.
If you get any further with this, I'd be very interested in seeing it in action. -
I'm trying to setup a series of sayings for my build up key, but I keep running into the "unable to read in keybind file".
My initial bind is:
/bind 5 "powexec_slot 5$$You opened what?!$$bind_load_file buildup1.txt
In the text file buildup1.txt, I have:
5 "powexec_slot 5$$local BSOD time!$$bind_load_file buildup2.txt"
I'd greatly appreciate any help.
[/ QUOTE ]
You'll need to provide a complete path to the keybind file. So if the keybind file is in c:\coh\, you need to write out bindloadfile c:\coh\buildup1.txt, etc. Spaces in the folder names will mess with you, so you may want to either make a coh folder in the root directory of your c: drive, or figure out the DOS format of the folder names. I suggest you use a coh folder for ease of use.
Also note, _ underscores are not necessary in bind commands, so if you run out of room on a bind, you can easily get rid of them. -
The separate loading of a bindfile is what I'd like to avoid.
[/ QUOTE ]
Unfortunately, if you want to execute a power on keydown and a power on keyup, it may be the only way to do it. Though you may tray using:
numpad1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$powexectoggleon speed boost$$powexectoggleon increase density"
That may work. But you may also have to hit it twice. Not quite sure, since neither of those powers are technically toggles, I'm not sure what will happen. It is worth a try. -
Not sure on HOW to search for this, so I'll just add here
Can anyone explain the use of "+" at the start of a command? I'm quite familiar with binding, macros, etc. Am looking for a technical description of what the + is doing differently than just a regular key-press bind.
Example (roughly) of something I have: numpad1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$powexec speed boost"
Hitting numpad1 selects teammate 1, and then gives them speed boost.
I'm interpreting the "+" to mean "when the button is pressed, do this stuff", but also, meaning that if there was a - bind, it would read "when this button is RELEASED, now do this stuff".
If I take out the + from my example, the bind still works the same way (or so I'm pretty sure the last time I tried it out). So what is it really doing?
What I'm hoping to do is "on press" of X key, do teamselect > apply power....but also, "on RELEASE" of the same X key, do this other power (like Increase Density). All in one bind line without having to rebind the X key by use of a separate bind file.
Am I just putting too much weight on the "+" part of it? Maybe just change my thinking to "while" the button is pressed down, do this stuff? I can't seem to get the - aspect to work to my liking.
[/ QUOTE ]
The plus just tells the system to do the bind on keydown or keyup. If you want to change the bind after the key goes down, use bindloadfile commands to remap the bound key to what you want. For instance:
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>numpad1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$powexec speed boost$$bindloadfile c:\coh\file2.txt"</pre><hr />
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>numpad1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$powexec increase density$$bindloadfile c:\coh\file1.txt"</pre><hr />
Note, I'm not sure, but I think that teamselect may be treated as a power, thus if you have selected the first teammate already it will execute speed boost (using your bind not mine). If you don't have them targeted, it will target them on keydown, and speed boost them on keyup. I'm not certain, and testing with my supplied bindsystem may or may not work. Good luck! -
Great guide, Bill!
I was wondering if you recommend any specific programs for running manual virus scans. My experience leads me to agree with your assertion that most virus solutions are bloated, but I am not familiar with what other options are out there.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, this has been bothering me too ever since I foolishly upgraded my Norton AV from the 2002 version to the 2006 version. I'm horrified at how much has changed, and wish to dump it ASAP.
I gather both Microsoft and Avast make solutions that passively scan for the worst offenders, and Avast also make a free active scanner that many of my friends use. However, I'm sure there are others out there, and would love to hear about other solutions, and some pros and cons of them.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm rather hoping someone else pipes in on this as I've used housecall.antivirus.com in the past, but was hoping to move to something else. Something Free and non-intrusive, of course.
[/ QUOTE ]
AntiVir from Avira. Get it here. Not only in my professional opinion as a virus removal expert is AntiVir the best Free for Personal use Antivirus software, it is also extremely efficient, and unlike the better known name brand AV packages, it doesn't slow your PC down much at all. It isn't the only Free option out there, but I don't much care for the others.
Concerning my skill level with virus removal: I have yet to format a PC because I couldn't kill a virus. I have formatted a couple PC's 'cause it was easier to do so, or the PC was brought to me well after the virus had done too much damage. There are viruses out there that, at the moment, no AV software can kill, primarily due to Microsoft allowing certain third party application extensions to run even in safe mode. I can kill all of these viruses. If there were a Certification for Virus Removal on Windows machines, I'd not only have the Cert, I'd probably also be an Instructor.
Note, if you happen to also use your gaming PC for business, there is a legal technicality, I'm sure, that makes doing so illegal. But I'll leave that legal/ethical question to others. I am not a Lawyer, so don't blame me if you do run AntiVir on a commercial PC. -
I take it WeaponX isn't still around? I'm planning on adding in this bind system into CityBinder and wanted to make sure there were no objections.
That's called a Macro. It's created the same way as a bind (using "/macro" instead of "/bind"), but I don't think that you can load or save a 'macro file' like you can a 'bind file'.
[/ QUOTE ]
I can confirm there is no way to load or save macros. -
Here's why I chose to get the Pistols and Dual Wield powers, as well as Air Superiority:
Warning: My thug/Dark is only up to level 19 so far, so take all this with a grain of salt, I don't know how well the tactic will perform in the future. That said, I'm going to find out. I suspect that, at least solo, it will be a great way to play, and I also suspect that, by the time I need/want to team, I will have a ll the versatility expected of a cookie cutter mastermind.
I happen to be playing Thug/Dark, with provoke, dual wield and the pistols power, Air Superiority for it's ability to knockdown. With all the tools available I can tank like a tank against all but AOE capable enemies. The only reason I feel any pain right now is due to the outlevelled enhancements (my fault I outlevelled them really.)
The Tankermind mentality requires that you grab as much aggro away from at least your pets, and maximize resistance while minimizing Defense. Yup, as a tankermind you want to get hit, just not for as much damage. If you can focus the aggro on yourself, with a combination of taunts and attacks, your henchmen will drop your enemies very quickly. The attack command should generally be relegated to taking out AOE enemies faster.
To give you some numbers:
lvl 19 MM HP: 322.8
lvl 19 Enforcer HP: 305
lvl 17 Punk/Arsonist HP: 205
With your two Punks, your Arsonist, and your first Enforcer out, that equates to 920 HP combined. If they are all on Bodyguard mode, they will take two thirds of all damage coming your way. At this level, if you can deal with aoe attacks properly, and maintain the aggro on yourself, this is almost equivalent to having over 1200 HP at level 19. The better you are at those two basic concepts the closer to the ideal HP level you are. To compare, at this point Tankers and Brutes will have approximately 725 HP. All Tankers except Fire, and Inv and Stone Brutes will have access to an HP boost power by that time, which can potentially increase 725 up to 1075 HP. Tankers will have good defenses by then, and brutes will have fairly good defenses.
What this all boils down to is that Masterminds using BG mode, will have approximately the same damage mitigation of brutes and close to the same mitigation as tankers, at least at level 19. Masterminds also have additional versatility, and healing and potentially rezzing powers. Masterminds have good damage output, better than tankers, which is what I am comparing them to. Brutes will almost always outshine a Mastermind's damage output, if the brute can properly build and maintain fury.
AOE coping. AOE mobs are dealt with by sending a defensive attack order against the aoe target. Your henchmen will no longer be in BG mode until that mob is dead. Simple.
Aggro. Maintaining aggro is also simple. Get challenge, provoke, and attack powers. Use them. Do not forget to get all the other cool powers available to you, Your secondary and your Summon/upgrade powers are just as important in a Tankermind build. Realize that you will never be as good at grabbing aggro as a Tanker, but do your best. Grab aggro from your henchmen always. If on a team, grab aggro from Stalkers Corruptors and Dominators when they need it.
Heal powers. If you choose a secondary that has group heal powers, such as dark or traps, you really should get and use the group heal power. Poison's alkaloid is also very useful for Tankerminding. FF and TA characters may want to pick up the medicine pool as well.
Defense or Resistance. Why minimize defense? And minimize to-hit debuffs? Because as a tankermind if you don't get hit and damaged, your henchmen will not attack. Thus to help deal even more with the incoming damage, you will want to Maximize your resistance/damage-debuffs instead of defense/to-hit debuffs.
Goto. While teaming, a tankermind absolutely must control where his henchmen are. Use the goto command, but make sure it isn't taking your pets out of defensive mode. The goto command isn't as important for bodyguards while soloing. Bruisers, I believe, will always need constant application of the goto command.
Again, realize that I am not yet even lvl 20 with this toon. So don't take any of this as gospel truth or anything. -
Sandolphan did a great job on their guide.
Hope that helps.
[/ QUOTE ]
Just curious how a set of binds for MasterMind Pets helps with Inspiration use? No dis to Sando's bindset, its very useful, for Mastermind but the OP was asking about the inspiration bind.
[/ QUOTE ]
He was likely replying to JediMystiq above the question on insps. -
The major issue I'm having with this is that, at times, the game seems to miss its cue to switch to Hover (this seems to happen if I roll from one direction to the other, then let the joystick center), and at others, it starts to Hover when it should be Flying, and vice versa (this happens when I roll to another direction, and back to the original). These issues are easily solved by simply moving in a different direction, but they crop up way too often the way I fly.
Anybody have any ideas of how to solve this? The only thing that comes to mind for me is making a file for each possible combination of directions, but that might get a little complicated. It's entirely possible to do, of course, and I may go that route if there aren't any better ways to do it, but I'd really rather not have that many files devoted to this bind.
Any ideas?
And, you know, I just realized this might be more at home in the Player Questions forum or another forum. Sorry about that, I'm sure that the mods will correct it shortly.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ideas. Tons. If you read through the entire Hover/Fly Bind thread you'll see that tons of solutions were considered for most of the strange stuff that happens in a SoD bind. Most of that thread was written before toggleon and toggleoff made it to CoH. And you would think that those two commands would do what we expect them to do, even in SoD systems. One thing I note is that you are not keeping track of all possible keypresses. At the least keep track of when moving left forward, right forward, left backward and right backward. Since not everyone uses a joystick to play, you may want to also keep track of when a person has both left and right keys down, and when a person has both forward and backward keys down. Oh yeah, you'll also want to keep track of when a person is gaining altitude and losing altitude (up and down movement) at the same time they are moving horizantally. So: Forward Up, forward Down, backward Up, etc.
Unfortunately I've banged my head against the toggelon and toggleoff problem constantly. I've posted about the bug that causes powers to not quite work in SoD systems when using the toggle on and off commands. No response.
The solution. Simple. Don't use Powexectoggleon nor powexectoggleoff in a SoD bind. Ever. Instead use two powexecname commands to replace a toggleon, and one powexecname command followed by powexecunqueue to replace a toggleoff command.
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>powexectoggleoff Superspeed$$powexectoggleoff Sprint$$powexectoggleon Hover</pre><hr />
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>powexecname Superspeed$$powexecname Sprint$$powexecunqueue$$powexecname Hover$$powexecname Hover</pre><hr />
I know how wrong that looks, but trust me, you want to use the second option. In addition the power you want to turn on must follow the powers to turn off. After working on CityBinder since CoV Beta, the second option is by far the most stable method of activating and deactivating powers in a single bind. It almost never breaks. I recently tried to use powexectoggleon commands in CityBinder, but it ended up not always activating the desired power. You should never use powexectoggleoff in a SoD bind system, that way lies madness and despair.
Good luck. -
Ok I'm sure i overlooked it but I want F11 to say something and do /e flex3. How do I get this to work?
[/ QUOTE ]
type ingame:
/bind F11 "say something$$em flex3"
This will send something to whatever chat box is currently the default. If you want to specify a particular chat channel, choose local, broadcast, group, supergroup, or request. -
Is there a bind to rename your mastermind minions instead of right-clicking them? Also, what's the tilde trick again? I read about it a while ago, and can't seem to find it again.
[/ QUOTE ]
/petrename rename your current pet
/petrenamename name rename your pet, identified by name
If by tilde trick, you mean how do you bind to the tilde key, then, it's actually very simple. tilde.
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Oh, no, I'd read something about pressing down on tilde to perform one ability, keeping it held while that power activates, then releasing it to perform another ability.
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Ah. That would be a Toggle Text Bind, described best in this post.
And thanks for the pet thing. Hope i can get it to work with what i have planned =)
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On the offhand chance that you are looking to create a bind to rename pets automatically, here's how:
bind key "petselect 0$$petrename name1petselect 1$$petrename name2petselect 2$$petrename name3"
Add more petselect x$$petrename namex+1 if you have more than three pets. Also realize that if you have two of your first tier pets and the one Second tier pet, your second tier pet will be petselect 2. Once you get your third tier 1 pet, however, that new pet would be petselect 2, and your tier 2's would use petselect 3 and petselect 4, respectively.
Put anther way, the first pet in your pet window is petselect 0. Each next one down in the window is the previous number +1. -
Is there a bind to rename your mastermind minions instead of right-clicking them? Also, what's the tilde trick again? I read about it a while ago, and can't seem to find it again.
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/petrename rename your current pet
/petrenamename name rename your pet, identified by name
If by tilde trick, you mean how do you bind to the tilde key, then, it's actually very simple. tilde.